Leo is thinking about Terry's intentions! Obviously, Terry's not talking about children! It's impossible!

After all, what about these kids? They may have considerable thoughts and feel considerable pressure, but under the premise of knowing the equivalent things, they will never be too impulsive! It's like it is now!

But such a thing happened, there are too many ways to speak!

Hold on to the baby, but? Too small? What about the parents behind these children? Thinking of this, Leo seems to understand something, "you want to give Ding Yu some special surprise?" Looking at Terry's appearance, Leo couldn't help sneering, "I advise you! Don't be silly! Don't steal chicken, you can't eat rice

"What do you mean?"

Relatively speaking, his understanding of Ding Yu is not as profound as that of Leo. This is a certain thing! Why? Because the contradiction between Leo and Ding Yu is too deep! It's just a hostile existence!

The entanglement between each other is too deep! The person who knows you most is not yourself. Your parents may know some of your habits and habits, but if you have a thorough understanding, it is still a little poor! And in this point, your opponent will absolutely regardless of all aspects to understand you!

Know your every action, every habit! Even to speculate on your ideas, it can be said that there is no need to use its extreme!

It is because of this, so in Leo expressed the negation of this aspect, Terry also asked casually!

"Ding Yu will never show any interest in such things, because these things have nothing to do with him at all! On the contrary, it has quite a relationship with us, such a drama! It doesn't have any attraction to him. He even feels that watching such a scene is a waste of his time and energy! "

"He doesn't seem to care so much about fame, but he is quite interested in some antiques, but how to say that? Although there are quite a collection of these things in the courtyard! But more often, it is because the housekeeper is accumulating the details of the courtyard, and the relationship with Ding Yu is not so big! Along with Ding Ding Ding, she also took a lot of good things from it! But Ding Yu has never expressed any dissatisfaction! It doesn't mean to put it in my heart at all

These things are foreign things, nothing to do, how much will not hurt!

As for the so-called power? This is absolutely not possible! What's more, in the previous card game, Ding Yu has made enough profits! He means very carefully! If you give him this at this time, it will arouse his disgust!

It's like eating! But eat a little light, you can also eat a little more oil and salt!

But eat too little or eat too much, there are so some not suitable! Even it is quite inappropriate!

"I'm going to give him some playthings and treasures. There are a lot of things about this at home. As for what do you give him?"

Terry's mouth twitches a little. Leo is really a bit shameless. He just mentioned this. He's good! Kick your nose on your face! I really forget it! He is a shameless man!

"I have two bottles of good wine from the 19th century!"

There is no way! Because he knew that Leo would never let go if he didn't bring out some good things!

"If you can! From DuPont! Syngenta and other aspects of the attack, I believe it will have a considerable effect! "

"Farm?" Terry immediately woke up and took a deep look at him! "I say you're such a bad old man! To be able to come up with such a bad idea! Even if Ding Yu is not interested, I believe the Chinese side will be very interested! And the farm should have some ideas about it! "

"It has nothing to do with me! If you mention it to other people, I'll turn over my face! "

Teri snorted and had to say that Leo knew Ding Yu very well! Farm development? Quite outstanding and outstanding! Maybe the output is not so high, but absolutely excellent! Can be said to be the industry standard!

For vegetables and food standards, the requirements are very high, even quite harsh!

Along with their own family also has a considerable demand for this! The price aspect is indifferent matter, as long as the thing is good enough! Even as far as I know, a lot of things that have been transported have been covered by the big family!

As for the things that are sent to restaurants and supermarkets, we basically pick the rest!

The best things will never appear in the world. Don't even think about it! Such things are not for ordinary people to enjoy at all! It has nothing to do with whether you can enjoy it or not!

When Ding Yu talked to them, they indicated to each other!

"What about his bones? Give it a try

King took a look at Rogers and gave him a look. Rogers was very clever at this time. He saluted Ding Yu and then balun. Being unruly does not mean that there can be no etiquette. This is two times!Baron and their first impression of Rogers can only be said to be average, but in the end, Rogers' performance has saved a lot of impression points, so that they still have a trace of good feelings for Rogers! Of course, it is not so realistic to say that it has nothing to do with Ding Yu!

After all, Ding Yu's attitude has already explained quite a problem!

Because Rogers left! Ding Yu looked at the screen again, but before that, he had someone bring a chair for Hart. It was just sitting at the back and side of Ding Yu! It doesn't need to be so particular!

One of Ding Yu's fingers is pointing at the armrest of the sofa, holding his fist and supporting his chin!

"Whose children are that pair of children? They look very grand!" Ding Yu said the location, and soon the screen was enlarged!

Barron and they are looking at the screen again! "The boy belongs to our family. As for the girl? There are not too many impressions. If I remember correctly, it should have something to do with josephart's family! "

Josephart shook his head, and obviously he didn't have much of an impression! It was Charlotte who got rid of the Siege!

"The child of the josephart family, the little girl, is a very famous genius! When I was young, I showed my unique talent! But there seems to be no movement in the past two years! "

Josephart scratched his head. "Is that Lynn?" Blinked his eyes, exclaimed! "How has it changed so much? It didn't seem like this when I saw her! At the beginning, I was very fat

Staring at the screen for a period of time, there are still so some can't believe it! "Is she really Lynn? How does it feel like a person suddenly changed? I can't even recognize some of them! "

Was josephart unintentional or intentional! It doesn't matter!

Two children unite a lot of people! However, they didn't give orders, and even did something slightly immature! But it's got a lot of style! "Baron, they should have been cultivated by your family?"

Although Ding Yu is an ordinary chat, it can be clearly heard from the chat that Ding Yu is not really interested in the two children, but to a certain extent, he is more optimistic about the future of the two children!

That is to say, you can start to cultivate yourself here!

These children come, uneven! Quite a lot of children are excellent! But in the end, there are certain levels and differences! This is a fact that can't be denied!

"There is considerable training in the family, and the way adopted is not closed! But it's different from person to person! Everyone has their own different development direction, relatively speaking, they are able to restrain themselves! Sometimes, I feel that their children are too hard! But there is no way

Who doesn't think their own children can be relaxed! But I can't! If they let themselves go! Then it will be eliminated! And after being eliminated, still want to continue to come out, it is not so easy to have difficulty!

"They grew up in quite different environments. Hart can be a little better. He is very quiet! So I gave him three years! But before that, I need to give him some guidance! It's the same with Rogers! But there will be quite different ways for each other! "

Ding Yu seems to be deliberating, but in fact, he tells the people behind him through Barron's mouth! Rogers himself has taken a fancy to it! Other people don't have any opinions and ideas! If someone comes forward at this time, it is a kind of provocation to oneself. What will be the result? It is really unknown!

Barron opened his hand. "I don't have any opinion. I'll be more happy if you take more people away." Harry's eyes were quite envious as he sat there! "Mr. Ding, I don't know if you can hold your hand high. The way we look at the problem is too single! It's not as deep as you are! "

"I don't think it has anything to do with it. People have their own strengths and weaknesses. It's a normal thing! You have your own strengths and strengths, and I have my weaknesses and weaknesses! "

Although Ding Yu is indifferent and heartless sometimes, it does not mean that Ding Yu's EQ is really low!

"By the way, if it's convenient for me to ask, what do you have for lunch?"

Yeah? Barron looked at his wife, Charlotte immediately made arrangements!

Then Ding Yu pointed to the children on the screen, "what do they eat at noon? Is it their own arrangement? Or you Barron did everything! I have a little interest in it

Looking at Barron to rely on the meaning, Ding Yu is disgusted to move his body, it is obviously intentional! Then he motioned to Hart next to him, "Hart, what do you want for lunch?"

"Mr. Ding! I can eat anything

"Too much scene talk!" And then king came back with Rogers! Nod to Ding Yu, the root bone is OK! As for words, there is not much need! Looking at Rogers, Ding Yu pointed to the chair next to him!"Sit down and say, what are you going to eat at noon?"

"Fish! Meat! There's also quite a vegetable supplement! "

Ding Yu is laughing at Hart, "there is no research in this area? Is it good to feel full! Relatively speaking, Rogers is more realistic. Although he only knows that eating enough can make him grow better, he can't explain the reason, but this is luck! At this point, you are inferior to him

There was not much light in Hart's eyes! I heard Ding Yu continue to explain!

"The potential of the body is infinite, but it rarely achieves the so-called balance! It's like boxing! You can make your own muscles and bones very strong, but you can't exercise your internal organs equally well. At this point, exaggerate? It's theology, it's simple, it's science! "

Balun and they have left the room at this time, because Ding Yu obviously has to carry out the next assessment, so it is not necessary to stay here at this time! The look that Ding Yu disliked just now is really beyond the words!

"Mr. Ding, I seem to have heard of some, but I have never seen it!"

Ding Yu snorted, "you haven't seen it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist! We believe that there are also such people in your family! Although the number may not be so much, but absolutely there is! I don't know if you will have such a chance in the future. It's hard to say whether you can learn these things or not

Roger's big eyes! "Mr. Ding, is it because of my self-respect? Or... "

"Some things are not explained clearly! But is there a reason for that? Because there is no right person! From an evolutionary point of view, Asia and America are quite different! And yellow people! White or even black! They are all quite different! It's like you don't like to eat too many fish with thorns sometimes! It's because the evolution of tongues is quite different from each other! And there are many differences among them! I will not list them all! "

"Evolution is different, so it leads to quite a problem!"

"It's a very important reason to understand it like this! Evolution is not something that can be accomplished in an instant, it is impossible at all! Not even in a few generations! What about some of them? It's natural selection. There are still quite a few of them? It's caused by human beings! In our words, it is innate and postnatal! "

"I don't understand!" Hart thought about it for a while, and finally said it. It was obvious that he also showed considerable interest in it! Otherwise, he would never have said such a thing!

Why should we emphasize the importance of each family! From my personal point of view, the fusion of blood has an effect, which can make the next generation become more excellent and intelligent. Other people are not so suitable, so take your Rogers as an example! Let's talk about the specific context and understanding! "

"Yes, sir!" Rogers didn't care about it!

"If you start to cultivate and exercise from now on, some things can be integrated into your blood and genes, then these may be passed on to your children, and the result is that your children may be better than other children at birth! It's not to say that all aspects will be excellent, but some aspects will show certain characteristics! "

Rogers froze for a moment. "It's like running faster! Jump higher! More intelligent! For cooking! Piano and so on, have different understanding, Mr. Ding, am I right? "

"Yes! In this respect, the probability of inheritance is very large. It may be due to long-term infection. However, in my opinion, it is because of genetic inheritance. However, if you want to present the so-called research results now, there is basically not much possibility! To a certain extent, they are closer to theology. "

"Because science can't be solved temporarily, at least it can't be popularized!" There's a lot more in Hart's eyes!

"Very clever!" Ding Yu said with a smile, "back to the question of eating just now, maybe you can't feel it. Relatively speaking, although the resources you bear will not be as much as you imagined! But in the diet above should be able to obtain the quite guarantee, even at home also has quite the nutritionist

"I know something about it! I don't deny that what they said is quite reasonable, but I always feel that there are some problems! "

"It's true that what you eat is reasonable, but there is another question to consider, that is, your physical problems. How much can you absorb? It's not about eating! It will certainly play an important role. It is impossible at all! "

Ding Yu shakes his head, which is slightly disdainful!

"And this aspect? To a certain extent, it can be acquired through the training after tomorrow! "

"It's impossible!" Rogers almost widened his eyes! It's the same with Harry. I've never heard of anything like this! Although they are young, this should not be an excuse to deceive them!"China has been exploring this aspect since it has recorded history! It's no exaggeration to say that you are the same. From the beginning of history, you also start to exercise in this aspect! Because when people are exploring unknown areas, they always have considerable curiosity, and curiosity is an important catalyst to promote progress

"Can I know, sir, to what extent?"

"No use!" Ding Yu shook his head at Rogers. "I've already checked your body with Kim! Not a genius! Even if it's hard work, there's no problem with mentality! That is to say, the standard of an elite soldier. Of course, if the interest rate is properly adjusted, it is quite possible to live a hundred or eighty years old without illness or disaster in the future! "

"But it's not that there are no premises! If you can learn it! "

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