"What else can't be learned?" Rogers said with a stiff neck!

"Hart, there are some possibilities, but you? Is that enough? " Ding Yu shook his head. "I don't mean to despise you. Similarly, I won't be too stingy, but what about this thing? You learn, you learn! If you can't learn, you can't learn! "

Facing Ding Yu's impossibility, Rogers is a little dissatisfied!

"Mr. Ding, I can't understand what you mean!" Rogers shook his head!

"So say it?! You should still be a student now! In the school each homework you can very good completes, does not have any question! But if you want to be a writer, historian or physicist in the future, you can do it? "

What? Rogers shook his head almost without hesitation!

"Sir, this is a real embarrassment to me! If let me be an athlete, no problem, let me pass any Ivy League, also no problem! But let me be a scientist or a physicist, let's not say whether I like it or not! I can't do that at all! "

"That's why. What you will be taught in the future can be regarded as a kind of science to some extent! It's just that this science seems like theology to many people. It's too ethereal. It lays a little foundation, and there are not too many problems! But want to go further! It's almost impossible! "

"Sir, why are you so sure?" Harry turned his eyes again and spoke slowly!

However, Rogers next to him felt that he had some toothache. If Harry became his partner, he would not feel uncomfortable, but he always had a rather uncomfortable feeling!

"If you haven't even entered the school, you're just like no children who can go to school! And me? At the university level? Or higher, is really a matter to be discussed! This is the difference between learning and not learning! If Harry can pass the entrance test, there should be no problem graduating from high school. I don't know if he can go to college! As for you? If you can barely graduate from junior high school, can you go to high school? Hard to say! I dare not make any guarantee

Rogers has some air blockage? It's not discouraged!

"Can you show me, sir? I want to see it? "

"Not now! Some things are invisible! " Ding Yu pointed around with the bracelet, "the environment here is not so suitable! What's more, in your opinion, sometimes it will give you an illusion! It's like magic! "

Rogers nodded! Looking at Ding Yu again! Then bow and salute!

"Mr. Ding, I know my behavior has offended you! But you still keep a considerable restraint, I have some intentional! It's my fault, I admit it to you! " Rogers' apology, very sincere! No hypocrisy!

"I accept the apology! You! Better than Hart at this point! But in the end! Each has its own, a little bit! To a certain extent, it is also because of your excellent blood. I really envy you! "

"Envy?" Both Harry and Rogers were surprised! I didn't expect that Ding Yu could say such a thing!

"Envy, of course! Whether you want to admit it or not, your blood has been optimized for generations or even longer! Is already very excellent! Although there are quite some problems, the direction should be said to be right! "

"Sir, do you agree with this way?"

"There is no approval or disapproval, to be exact, even a little disgusted!" Ding Yu said truthfully, not because they are two children, it seems how convergence! No, because of the special environment here, Ding Yu deliberately went to hide. For Ding Yu, this is an impossible thing, which does not conform to Ding Yu's character!

"The direction is right, but the way is hard to get approval!" Harry's performance is very intelligent, quite a problem can be said to the point, that is, personal performance, too quiet!

"Good! There is no problem with the direction, but the way is a little cruel and even ruthless. However, this is also a big family problem, even a common problem of big families! For the big family, there will never be too much warmth, some just cold interests! At least in the vast majority of the time, it is to the interests of the main! For the sake of family and interests, let alone feelings! Even if it is necessary to sacrifice themselves, it is acceptable! "

Hearing Ding Yu say so, Harry and Rogers looked at each other, as if they could see something from each other's eyes! But obviously, there is no meaning to mention it again!

Because they are very smart, for the way the family is also have their own understanding!

Looking at the expressions of the two children, Ding Yu continued to say!

"In your opinion, this is not the way you agree! It's even disgusting in your heart, but you can't deny that your family has been able to exist for such a long time, or even centuries, on what basis? Maybe you can say a lot of reasons, I will not ask you to study all aspects, not so much energy! Is it impossible for your family to cultivate talents? How can it be possible to have so-called all-round talents? ""Sir, is the so-called all-round talent and comprehensive talent the same reason?"

"Not in my opinion! Do you have all-round talents? yes! It does exist! Everything can be pinched up! There is an old saying in China that goes like this! You can be a general! charge into the enemy ranks! Get off the horse! A stable state is the best description and metaphor! As for comprehensive talents? In my understanding! It's like business, no matter it's business! Or accountant and so on! They can all be pinched

Ding Yu doesn't have any reluctance! Even said without reservation!

"Comparatively speaking, the all-round one has a larger scope than the comprehensive one! Comprehensive talents are easier to find! Even can go to separate training! It takes a lot of time and energy! But comprehensive talent? This really needs a lot of talent! It's not that you can cultivate if you want, but your family? There should be considerable experience in this regard! "

"I see!" Because Ding Yu has explained it very clearly!

Looking at the two children, Ding Yu pointed to the screen! "Nothing else! So take a look at these guys on the screen? Don't look at things from your point of view! I'll give you some requests! You have to look at it from a spectator's point of view! See what the difference will be! "

The corners of Hart's mouth and Rogers's mouth twitched almost at the same time! This little game? It's so difficult there! It's like hell!

Let them look at the problem from the perspective of a bystander! You're not kidding, are you?

What about their experience and experience? How can you look at the problem from the perspective of a bystander! This is almost impossible! When they look at the problem, subconsciously will stand in their own angle! Even if they force themselves to stand in the perspective of a bystander!

But in less than a minute, they will be turned around by the fixed thinking in their own head!

It's not that you want to go left or right! As long as this idea and concept are established, we can do it! So when two people look at Ding Yu, their eyes are slightly different!

"Stupid enough!" Ding Yu didn't feel disappointed, and listened to Ding Yu's words, including his movements and expressions! Can feel it out, Ding Yu is simply deliberately molesting two children!

It's hard for him to be such a big man! There is such a bad idea! I don't know what Ding Yu thinks!

"If one road is blocked, can't we go another way?" Ding Yu's face was full of hatred. "You can't always stand in the perspective of an onlooker, because you will always stand in your own angle, but don't tell me that you can't do such things with each other's angle! Don't always think about how you will do it, but also think about it. The other party is standing in his angle, why should he really do it? "

After sighing, Ding Yu also stood up immediately!

"I went to the bathroom and I was so upset by you two!"

Jin followed Ding Yu's position behind him and didn't mean to stay! For him, sir's safety is the most important! As for other things, we need to give in to this! Even if the two little guys in front of you are favored by your husband, what about that? I will not care about this!

And Terry and Leo in the room look at each other! The expressions on the two faces are a little embarrassed! They have no way to say something!

Of course, it's not about losing face or not! It has nothing to do with this!

Life in such a long period of time! They have done too many ridiculous and embarrassing things! beyond count! And they can't remember it! Under such circumstances, how can you care?

What they feel embarrassed is that some of the things mentioned by Ding Yu, quite some of them even ignored in the past, although they have been doing this all the time! But now, it seems a bit too blind! To be more exaggerated, the possible way is right, but what about the method adopted?

There is no way to say, because there is no way! They are totally headless flies!

"Leo, how do you judge?"

"It's true! But it's also fake. To a certain extent, it's said to both of them, but to a large extent, I'm afraid it's also said to us. Ding Yu has never been a careless person! Very careful and careful! Otherwise, it won't take him for so many years. There is no way to do it! "

When he said that, Leo had some anger and anger!

Take a look at Ding Yu, and then look at his family! Although the family has trained a lot of successors, but how many can be compared with Ding Yu? After they all go down, how many people can compete with Ding Yu?What worries them even more is the way in which Ding Yu is trained. Now every child in Dingyu's family is counted as one! They are very outstanding. I don't know if it's because of the new family. There are no other rumors in the family! At this point, it is really enviable to die!

Because in their families, on the surface, they are friendly, but in private? There is no way to get to the top of the table, together with some of the cover up, there is no way to uncover the whole life! Because if it is really revealed, the whole family will really have no face to speak of!

Too cold and heartless, too bloody! This is really not want to change can change! It is true that they have the highest prestige in the family, but if they mention such things, how many people will be on their side? Basically not!

Although from a long-term point of view, for the development of the family is certainly quite good! But what about that?

Almost all the senior members of the family are the beneficiaries of their interests! Want to cut off everyone's interests! It's going to be a hell of a day! Even if they have no more prestige!

At this point, Ding Yu does not have any constraints! Because he was independent from the beginning!

So even if Ding Yu has considerable power behind his family, he can't give him any help? Let alone give Ding Yu any constraints!

"Do you think these are the only two children?" Some problems do not mean that we don't want to discuss them, but there is no significance in discussing them. In this case, let's change to other topics? "I wish I could have more!"

This is a deep expectation! It's not a deliberate evasion!

Leo looked at Teri, and he had a toothache. "Terri, are you really not going to look bad?" After expressing his dissatisfaction, Leo went on to say, "Rogers has been beyond my expectation. Whether Ding Yu has known Rogers' identity is not important, but Ding Yu is a believer, which is very important."

In this regard, Terry also took a deep look at Ao! "What do you think of his judgment? Is it really hard for Rogers to break through this line? I know you have people like that around you

"What about him? Dead? " Leo asked! "As far as I know, it's hard for such a person to die!"

Both of them understood what kind of person they were talking about! No mistake! Just like Kim!

"I'm not dead yet, but I don't have much ability to toss about now! Really, if you mess up! Become a disposable tool! Too much is not worth the loss After a look at Ao, "from Ding Yu's words, their words, and our experience for so many years, we can't learn some things. We can't really learn them!"

It's a pity that Terry felt so bad about it! Even some helpless! This is determined by the individual's body! It's really not the external reason! It's like the level that Ding Yu used to divide! The family has invested a lot of manpower and material resources in this respect, but few can rise to the level of middle school!

As for those who graduated from high school and rose to high school! It's rare, not to say no training! It's not that they are reluctant to give up money, let alone professors who have left a hand! It's not because of this, it's just that such people are too rare! Most of the people are high not low situation!

"What do you think of gold's standard?" Leo suddenly asked!

"People in the family have made considerable judgments! They will be able to reach this level when they are young! But it's a little too boastful. To be sure, even when they reach the peak, whether they can reach the level of gold now is immeasurable. Moreover, whether the gold has reached the peak, no one knows

Obviously, it means something!

Kim is already like this! What about the people who teach Kim? Although we didn't say the name, we all had a lot of feelings in our hearts. At the beginning, we all thought that Ding Yu might be a self-made broom, but from a comprehensive perspective, it seems that this is not the case!

People can't do anything else is bullshit! But how can people walk? Or are those people OK? This problem is really a few do not understand!

Since people have historical records, we have begun to study and explore this aspect. But even today, we have excluded quite a few ways and methods. Which one is more feasible? Now it's hard to say, and it's not good to say!

It is said that modern people are smart! However, from the perspective of Terry and Leo, who have been through the wind and rain, the ancient Chinese and foreign sages can see through the maze and even live at their time! Around! Environment and so on are subject to abnormal limitations, can also come out, see through history! That's the real thing!

It is possible for them to keep their innocence!

And modern people? The temptation and the shock they suffered were too great! Even if it is to break through the so-called small hole, then the whole mind may suffer from considerable pollution, such a thing is really not a word two words can explain clearly!But modern and ancient times have quite different! In modern society, even if you are separated from two years! May be with the social fault and dating situation! So you can't do without contact! But after contact, can not maintain the so-called pure heart! Think about this problem, is not the general head big!

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