When Ding Yu comes back, Harry and Rogers clean themselves up again! Previously, there were still some strange things! Harry can be better, and Rogers seems to be a little bit worse!

Of course, the most important reason is that they need to calm down and accept so many things at once! These are all need to digest, not to say eat into the stomach, is really their own!

How can things, even if it is a meal, not so fast!

"Mr. Ding!" When they saw Ding Yu, they cried out in one voice!

When they came back, Ding Yu didn't mean to have dinner!

"Can I have a cup of coffee?"

"Mr. Ding?" Balun has some difficulties. Look at Ding Yu! Although he knows Ding Yu's habits, knowing is one thing, and how to do it is another! Now Ding Yu is not going to eat! Is it because you didn't do it in place! Of course, Barron can understand! Ding Yu is not disgusted!

All along, Ding Yu is adhering to this aspect of the habit! Eat very little at noon! This is the habit that Ding Yu developed when he was a doctor, and there was hardly any change! Whether it is at home or abroad, whether it is outside or at home, it is basically the same!

"You are welcome! I'll just sit here! Kim! By the way, just bring me two cakes! " Then Ding Yu looked at Barron and said, "Mr. Baron, it will be very interesting to watch these children eat! It looks like it won't take more than ten minutes, and their lunch will be ready

"I'll be right back!" Since Ding Yu is not polite, then don't deliberately prevaricate!

And he can hear that Ding Yu invited himself together on purpose! Just a simple belly pad! After all, such opportunities for mutual communication will never be as many as you can imagine!

It doesn't matter whether you eat or not. It's just a meal! You can't die of hunger!

What's more, compared with eating, the present thing is the most important!

In the morning, there was almost no communication between each other. It was not that he didn't want to communicate, but Ding Yu had been observing all the time. After finding Hart and Rogers, he also communicated with them! Now that Ding Yu has the intention of this aspect, it is absolutely impossible to waste such an opportunity!

Not more than ten minutes, not even five minutes!

Barron's side is back! By the way, coffee and snacks are also placed on the cart beside Ding Yu!

Although the preparation is a little hasty, but it is absolutely elaborate! Style and pattern! The workmanship and taste are absolutely beyond imagination! Put it on the cart! You can not let Ding Yu praise, but absolutely not allow Ding Yu to jump out of any problems!

If Ding Yu really felt dissatisfied, it was absolutely that there was something wrong with the reception at home! It can't be disgraced! We really can't afford to lose this man!

"Mr. Ding, I'm in a hurry! I don't know if it suits your taste? "

"To embarrass me on purpose, don't you?" Ding Yu will not be too picky on this point. If you really pick a bone in an egg, it's a deliberate search for trouble! There is no such need! I came here today, not for this!

If you really want to find trouble, it is not better to use other ways! It's not that I can't!

"After all, it's not a good reception." Barron is very sincere apology! Ding Yu picked up the coffee cup in front of him and nodded at Barron, "the aroma is very good."

Barron, sitting next to Ding Yu, apologized and looked at Ding Yu with a bitter smile! "Mr. Ding! I don't know how the outside world will judge me? "

Ding Yu's attitude towards this is simply not satisfied! I just looked at the screen with my eyes, and when I came back with Jin, I didn't mean to ask more! As for Hart and Rogers, they are not coming at this time!

Along with the screen, they did not appear on the screen! To a certain extent, they have been recognized by Ding Yu, so there is no need to waste resources! To a certain extent, it is also worried that Ding Yu will continue to focus on their two bodies, which is too wasteful! It is quite inappropriate!

The children's performance is very different! Lunch is self-help, everyone choose what they like! No one to serve them! But fortunately, everyone's performance is relatively good, it is obvious that they have received considerable education! Of course, some people are very general!

It has nothing to do with age. Very few of them are served when they are at home. No one is waiting on them now! So I don't know what to do! Ding Yu just took the coffee in his hand, and didn't mean to put it down!

These children! Dragon and snake are mixed. If you want to choose the right one for them! Is not too many problems, but too much time and energy, for Ding Yu, is not so much necessary!As for those who stare at them, Ding Yu doesn't have much to pay attention to! Say a bad word, can they still bite themselves? It's not about daring and being able to do it! So Ding Yu is very leisurely looking at the screen!

"Ding Yu is such an asshole!"

Because Ding Yu didn't mean to go to dinner, Teri and Leo didn't want to go to dinner either. They simply used something! Because they don't want to miss something! No one knows what kind of serious consequences will be caused after missing. No one is willing to bear such losses!

After all, this kind of opportunity basically won't have next time! This time josephart was able to meet Ding Yu, but what about the next time? Even if it is to ask for Ding Yu's door and kneel in front of Ding Yu, he doesn't even have to lift his eyelids!

It's not really a bully. Other people have this capital, others don't have such capital! It is so simple and clear!

What's more, it's too few to select two children now!

Both Terry and Leo hope Ding Yu can pick out more children and release them, whether they are knives or grindstones! It doesn't matter, but it will definitely stimulate quite a number of children and help them grow up. This is a certain thing!

As we all know, having a lot of contact with the children of Ding Yu's family will certainly help the children's growth in the future. However, Ding Yu is very strict about guarding against death, and other people can't get such opportunities at all!

Occasionally a stimulation, may wake up, but more likely is three minutes of blood! After this momentum disappears, quite a thing will be left behind! Even if there is a considerable urge, but also did not see what kind of role!

That's why Terry and Leo are afraid to leave, even if they can't sit still! They can also get up and walk in the room for two steps, or light a cigar for themselves, savor the cigar while watching Ding Yu's performance, which is also a beautiful thing! Right?

As for cigars? It's really not made by Ding Yu! Although they also have considerable means to get some! But how? Too much shame! Although they also know that the cigars produced by Dingyu farm taste extremely special! But something? Everyone's heart makes no announcement! It's not good to get directly on the surface!

If you really put things in front of you, it's too humiliating!

After all, cigars are quite different from farm produce! Can't be compared!

It's not that there is no filial piety, but if you take it out at this time, it's really not to show your identity, but there are so many disgraces! So even if you kill them two, they won't do it!

"Whether he is a fool or not, it has already been decided for a long time, and it is not so strange any more."

Such a thing does not need too many words, Ding Yu will certainly not admit it! This is a certain thing! But this aspect of the matter, we are all made in mind not to declare! Even the equivalent thing, we have already recognized!

"But Terri, to be honest, it's like some of the kids are behaving badly!" It's definitely not a child of his own family, so Leo's words are so wanton! Look at those children, even self-service catering, do not know how to match! It seems too ridiculous! Did he not know what he wanted to eat?

There's a little twitch in Terry's mouth! Look bad to see an eye Oh!

Too much deliberate! Is that really good? Can't you do other exams? Leo has a little bit of a disapproval about it! Why? Because of today's kids? Most of them are not of their own family! There are quite a few people in my family! But relatively speaking, it is still too few!

And really good characters, not as many as you imagine! Even in this process, it was Yin!

Under such circumstances, and Rogers can stand up, he has been satisfied! If there are other children can stand up, better, even if there are no other children to stand up, to a certain extent, they are also satisfied!

In the past, whether it was sincere hope or in order to deal with Terry, he was a little bit overboard, so now I don't mind pouring some oil on it! Pretty much has happened, hasn't it?

"Is it bad? should be regarded as a different matter! But what do you think Ding Yu means? What does he want to explore? " Terry's consideration, to a certain extent, is also Leo's consideration! He really hesitated for quite a while!

"I don't understand some of them! What does Ding Yu want to do at this time? "

"Who knows what Ding Yu is watching at this time? Sometimes it's hard to keep up with his train of thought. It's a bit too ambitious! " But in the middle of this, Leo suddenly blinked his eyes, as if suddenly remembered something! "Terri, don't tell me. I really remember something!""What do you mean?" Terri is stunned!

"If I remember correctly, I know something about Ding Yu's family, the children in his family!"

"Children at home?" Terry's dim eyes lit up. "If you don't say it, I'll really forget it!" This kind of thing, still really need quite data, although these data are in one's mind! But it's a bit of a hassle to read it out!

Why? The reason is very simple! Because too indifferent!

To a certain extent, this is Ding Yu's tutor, which has not attracted too much attention! Even when analyzing Ding Yu's character, we will not pay too much attention to it! So I can't remember for a moment, but now that Leo, who has a deep understanding of Ding Yu, mentioned it, Teri finally remembered it!

"If not, Ding Yu has certain requirements for the children at home in this respect."

"Yes Leo took a sip of his coffee at the right temperature! And it's delicious! Of course, the heart of the proud nature does not need to say! "Ding Yu has other requirements for the children in the family. This is another matter, but I remember one thing very clearly! Waste is not allowed! What's more, it's after the fact! It's basically the children at home who clean the table! "

"Yes? Or bad? We don't need to discuss this problem! But I feel that Ding Yu will definitely start from this aspect! " After saying that, Leo is very interested in looking at the screen, "a good starting point! Terry, do you want to have a try, old man? "

Terry took a look at Ao. "What about you? There are also children of your family in this! I don't believe you're not moved at all? " Obviously, Terry has other considerations about this! Because in my opinion! Leo must have other ideas!

It's just that he's a little unpredictable now. What's Leo thinking?

At this time, Leo really has no other interests! Because I have a more exciting thing! To a certain extent, he seems to have followed Ding Yu's ideas. Even if he didn't follow Ding Yu's ideas, he also captured Ding Yu's ideas! This is the biggest harvest today!

The only thing I'm not sure about now is that Ding Yu accidentally revealed it! Or is Ding Yu setting a suit for himself? Because I have no way to verify this!

All along, it's hard for us to keep up with Ding Yu's ideas. It's too vague!

It seems that everything is in front of you, but in fact? If you follow the thought above the surface, you don't even need Ding Yu to do it in the end, you will be trapped in it!

Why is this? Because we can't keep up with Ding Yu's ideas! Can he walk one step and see three steps? Even take a step to see ten steps, but what about yourself? Maybe we can do this in the early stage, but with the change of time and the change of things, the thinking is very easy to be confused! At the end of the day, you will not be able to do it yourself!

"Not so excited! Even a little bit unmoved! " Leo suddenly gave a smile, but there were some wrinkles on his face! It's a little scary to laugh! If the children see this, they will cry! I'm afraid it's all light! If it's more serious, I'm afraid there will be some mental problems!

"It's not like your style! Leo Terry took a deep look at Ao. "At least as far as I know, you've never been such a person! Unless you find something more interesting, what attracts you so much? "

"Do you want to guess one or two?" Leo snorted, and the smile on his face had subsided! Now this time seems to be very normal, at least let ordinary people see after he will feel that he is still a normal person! When I laughed earlier, it was so terrible!

But such a thing! I'm afraid no one dares to say, even in the heart! I'm afraid we need to stick with it!

After all, it is quite unnecessary to offend Leo because of such a thing!

There's one thing to say! Leo or to keep a serious expression a little better, although it will make people have some fear, but never too much fear! But what did Leo think in his heart! I'm afraid only he knows!

"What do you pay attention to, old fox?" Terry seems to be talking to himself, but his heart is moving! The selection of Rogers has already satisfied Leo! Don't look like it will "shout", but this kind of clamor is just to set up gas with yourself, and it has no other use!

So I suspect that Leo must have found something interesting!

What else could make Leo so interested! In addition to Ding Yu, Teri can not think of any other reasons and reasons!

But Ding Yu just sat there, quietly watching the children eat! That is to say, Ding Yu's action does not pay attention to let the reason have the quite nature, through the phenomenon to see the essence, Leo is interested in Ding Yu's idea!Following this line of thinking, Terry suddenly frowned and hesitated!

"Leo! That's what you think? Is it possible? " Obviously, Terry had already guessed, otherwise he would never have said something like this: "you are an old fox, this is true, but he is! Absolutely a little fox, even the so-called little fox or he deliberately pretended! To a certain extent, this guy is a monster who has practiced for thousands of years! "

"You can see that, too! Ha ha There was no expression on Leo's face. "I'm just guessing! Is it true? It's hard to say! No one knows whether this is a trap set by Ding Yu, no one can say too clearly! But it's worth seeing, isn't it? "

"Is it worth seeing! I don't know! But I just know a little now! This time things can not appear any bad! I will never allow it! "

"Terri, is this warning me?" Leo also looked at Teri, both eyes are a flash of light!

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