Ding Yu looked at the children who were eating. They were all very gentle, and there was no case of swallowing!

But Ding Yu doesn't really value ceremony! Not too much attention! After a period of time, I put the coffee cup on the side of the coffee table! Ding Yu leaned to Bart's side and pointed to the screen!

"That little fat man is very interesting!"

"Little fat man!" Along the direction of Ding Yu's fingers, he quickly found out the little fat man. Even without looking at the information, Barron knew who the little fat man was!

Balun looks at Ding Yu with a bitter smile! "Mr. Ding, he is my son! He was warned earlier! Hi! It's not very decent. I need a good education after I go back! "

Obviously, Barron didn't mean to ask Ding Yu to let him go because he was his own son!

"Never heard of it." Ding Yu is a playful smile, even up and down a look at balun!

"Charlotte and I are my own sons! But a little greedy! Other conveniences are average! " Can only say so, otherwise how to say? My son is what kind of situation, I still know very clearly, there is no need to put gold on his son's face! If he's not that piece of material, it's not that piece of material!

At least compared with his sister, Alan is really a bit worse! His sister was already outstanding at this age! And what about Aaron? Whether it is intelligence, or other aspects, there is a considerable gap!

Although the cultivation still needs to be cultivated, how to say it? He doesn't occupy as many resources as he thought!

It is not to say that the legitimate son of the family must become the master of the house in the future! This is really something we haven't seen! There are other children in the family, let him keep a good blood! As for other aspects, it depends on his performance in the future, but from his current situation! Barron is not so optimistic about his son!

Why did Ding Yu suddenly raise his son! Barron didn't understand that!

Anyway, looking at his son in the middle of the screen, Barron is really a little embarrassed! And Charlotte next to her bit her back teeth! I remember clearly that I warned my son, but I thought that he was still like this! Now, in addition to sigh, he is really not good to say what!

Ding Yu knocked on the armrest of the sofa with his hand and looked at the little fat man on the screen with a smile, "Barron, did you find that he was very attentive when he ate!"

Originally, Barron wanted to express a little apology. His son was not on the stage, and his father's face was not bright! But when the words came to his mouth, Barron swallowed again! No way! Ding Yu will not joke with himself at this time! What's wrong? Be sure to embarrass yourself! Must satirize oneself two words, only then can find this face?

Ding Yu is not a person with low EQ! What's more, although there is no special reception for lunch, it's totally because of Ding Yu's refusal. It seems that it has nothing to do with others! Ding Yu should not go back!

"Mr. Ding, sometimes Alan is a little bit

Charlotte looked at her husband, and josephart touched her head!

Some things we all quite understand! After all, who is Alan! Others don't know, they know too well! What about this kid? It's really not the material to be the master! However, to be a rich person is also a good choice!

In such a family, if there is really a fight! What kind of situation will appear? It's really hard to say! Sometimes there will be no bones left! In that position, mediocrity is also a sin!

And now Allen's performance is really too mediocre! Therefore, it is true that the family has given him certain training, but there is absolutely no intention of training him to the successor! So when Ding Yu mentioned Alan, everyone's expression was so strange! I don't know whether Ding Yu is real or not! A little confused feeling!

"Barron, what do you think of Aaron?"

"My son! It's good to be a rich and idle person! There are no other requirements! " Barron's speech is very pertinent, in front of Ding Yu, there is no need to boast!

In addition, Teri and Leo in the other room are looking at Ding Yu and Alan on the screen!

They still know something about this child. After all, it's Baron's own son. He doesn't inherit too many genes from him! A little bit mediocre! What's more, it seems that Barron doesn't mean to let him be the successor! So although we know this child, we really don't pay much attention to it!

But today Ding Yu mentioned it all of a sudden! What a surprise! Is it Ding Yu's mystery? It doesn't feel like it! After all, we still know something about Ding Yu! He would never fool Barron about such a thing! If such a situation really happened, it would make everyone laugh at it!After all, today's events have given Barron great face! Under such circumstances, on the contrary, it is such a joke! Everyone's face will not be particularly good-looking! So there must be some problems in it!

"You don't have the idea of cultivating him as heir?" Ding Yu asked back!

Balun was stunned for a moment, and his face was full of doubts, without any joy. "Mr. Ding, I'm not afraid of your jokes! Barron is a child who can see to the end! Whether it is at home, or other aspects, have had this aspect of consideration! I think it's good for this child to be a rich and idle man! "

Although not clearly stated, but the meaning of the words is very clear and clear!

Alan's situation is really not suitable to be a householder. If he chooses like this, it will harm both him and his family!

Ding Yu nodded, "if you don't say that, I'm really not good to go on. Of course, this is just my personal opinion! What kind of effect can't be seen from the words of one family! "

"Mr. Ding, please!" Barron's attitude is very respectful! Obviously, Ding Yu is to comment on his son. Such a good thing happens once in a blue moon. Not everyone has such a chance! Balun certainly won't have the chance to be taught by Ding Yu, but after Ding Yu's comments, he can cultivate himself!

Can't be the head of the family, but can't you make some contribution to the family?

"Look at the other people next to him. They are all carrying themselves when they eat! It's obvious that before they came, they were given quite a warning. Anything they did seemed too deliberate It's not that Ding Yu is deliberately criticizing something, there is no such need, "but look at Alan, there are not many children like him! Well done

Hmm?! Barron looked at Aaron carefully, but he didn't see how strange it was, that is, he ate very delicious! This is also in line with his son's consistent habits! It's a bit greedy. Isn't it a good thing?

Seeing balun's doubts, Ding Yu answered with a smile! "I believe he should have been warned quite well! If he didn't put this warning on his mind, it was a bit impractical. You can see his action, he was very careful, but when he ate, he didn't hesitate, he didn't worry, he didn't have any other flusters! "

"Mr. Ding, he! Sometimes it's kind of

"This is also an advantage. We should cultivate it well, instead of fighting for the front! This kind of work is not suitable for a general who attacks cities and places! He can't do it, but think about it from another angle! It's not a mistake to be stable! Even a certain position above really need such a person! I will do everything I can! Will not give you any surprise, but will never make other mistakes! It's a wonder


It's not just Baron and Charlotte! Including josephart, along with Terry and Leo in the other room! It's also a sudden wake-up call! Yeah! Previously, it seems that everyone ignored it!

It's important to be the master of the house, but the people around him are also important! Because these people are more important than the owner to some extent! They are the important pillars of the whole family, and they can not be replaced! As long as they exist, then the family is indestructible!

Such people don't need to be so radical! They don't even need to have too much intelligence, what they need is calmness! The owner? Better training! But it is not a simple thing to cultivate such a pillar! Sometimes it's even harder to find than the owner!

Why? There are many reasons for this!

How many people are reluctant to be selected from within the family! Can they honestly serve as a pillar? Nobody wants to be able to stand in front of the stage? You can shine! Even to decide life and death? The temptation of power! Absolutely beyond the phenomenon!

Whether it appears in the room or not! Can see the scene in front of us, basically is all the way to fight to come over!

Let them stand in the back in the dark? Can members of the family accept it? All of them are members of the same family. Why can you be dignified? So this is easy to cause considerable disadvantages!

And looking for someone from outside the family? There are quite a few problems here! The first is the problem of trust! And this is also the most critical problem! To know that the people who come back need to be pillars and pillars! If there is any problem, it will easily cause the collapse of the whole house!

So people like this? It is really possible to meet but not to seek!

"Mr. Ding?" Barron's words are quite excited! It's the same with Charlotte! And josephart is looking at the child, suddenly found that the child seems to be really very calm!

From the point of view of the owner of the house, his calmness is definitely the biggest failure and his ability is insufficient! But if you look at it from another angle, he is indeed the best pillar! Neither earn nor rob! But when you need it, you can stand up! May not be able to turn the tide back! But never let people too disappointed!"You see him eat! Is to concentrate on eating! Maybe he himself? No such feeling! In other words, he did not have such a heart, other children are fighting for something, but he did not! He knows what he should do! Not to earn something! A good training, the future will be a good material! "

Ding Yu nods. Alan is not suitable for himself! But I will not deny that he has a lot of charm! Perhaps the ability above will have quite mediocre performance! But what about that? It's impossible that everyone is smart!

"Mr. Ding, I nearly wronged Barron! It used to be a little too paranoid

This is also a face-to-face admission of their own mistakes! The original time everyone a mind? It is to train the children in the family and the elite! What about other aspects? Really did not cause too much attention! Today, Ding Yu mentioned it by accident, which really made people suddenly realize!

"It's not as exaggerated as you said. It's just that this little fat man is really interesting! Barron, do you want to make a bet

Barron nodded his head obviously. It didn't matter what was blocked! I don't care so much about it. Even if Ding Yu mentioned some conditions, it doesn't matter to me!

"They have begun to eat! Let's have a look! You will find that not too many people will go back to pick up food! Eat more and eat less! Full or not, they will not return again! Most of them know what they are here for today! But it is also because of this aspect that they are bound! No matter the restraint is intentional or unintentional! There won't be too many children who can break the shackles! It takes more than courage! "

Barron laughed bitterly. "Mr. Ding, we seem to have killed the child! Or we put too much unnecessary stuff on their heads! They would have performed quite well, but the pressure from all aspects made these children lose their self a little bit! This is our own problem

It's not a good job! Let the child take on the considerable responsibility!

"Too biased, can only say that a considerable number of children are too bound! However, we can see how many children can break the shackles! No one has such courage and determination! And so many children are there! This pressure is no small matter! "

Yeah! So many children are watching! How many people can stand up in full view of the public! And even if it is to stand up, how many people can take food again, and then go back to eat! These are children! Their psychological endurance is not as high as imagined!

It's true that they are all educated by elites! But what about that? Want to break some boundaries! Don't say it's the children! Even if it's yourself! Can it be done?

Alan didn't eat fast! At this time, some children have already eaten and are ready to leave! Barron is good! Carrying their own plate to go to the food area again, and selected some things for themselves! There is not too much tension, also can't see what other abnormal!

Of course, there are quite a number of children watching Alan! Nobody thought that Alan would do this! There are not many expressions on the face! But I was shocked! How bold!

We have taken things before, no matter how much or how little! Now Allen's performance is so some too abrupt!

Is it so different at this time? Is it to gain eyeballs, or what other reasons? But Alan did it for some reason, whatever it looked like!

Ding Yu looked at Alan sitting down to eat again. He even laughed, "this little fat man! It's really quite extraordinary! Thick skinned! I don't care at all! But I think he should have no other thoughts at all, or he has already known that he will not be selected at all! "

"So? Mr. Ding, is this self abandonment

Josephart couldn't help it! Because of such a question, Barron and Charlotte would like to ask again. I'm afraid the face will not hang up! So you'd better stand up by yourself! It might be better!

"There are children who give up themselves over there!" Ding Yu raised his chin, "look at the children over there! They look very depressed and absent-minded! No matter before, or now, it's like losing your soul! They know very well that they are not even cannon fodder

Our eyes did not stop at all on these children's bodies! There's no need! Because their children's best result in the future is nothing but rich and idle people! As for the bad results? When a fertility machine, it may be rejected by the family! This is the difference!

Failed? What can we do? You know, Baron, these people? Have you been successful all the way? How could it be! There may be people who will succeed all their lives! But how many of them are there in the history of the whole earth?A little difficulty will sink the sand and break the halberd? Such a person can't support any climate in the end!

In the time of failure, be able to face it bravely! Not to escape, not to prevaricate!

So when they looked at the children, there was a little disdain in their eyes!

This has a certain relationship with the family education, but this relationship will not be too big! We still know this!

"Mr. Ding, I just counted them. There are only seven children in all! Not much like Alan! But some of them are stupid and bold, and some are? It seems that pure is indifferent! Everyone's performance is different! I really can't say that! "

Josephart was very careful about it! Compared to the whole, there are only seven children in total, which is not too much! Even a few are so poor! Everyone is too cautious and careful!

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