It's not that children who don't stand up are not good children! The problem can not be treated like this!

Everything has two sides! Just like the seven children standing up, do they really have the so-called sense of resistance? Some of them follow their own heart, but some of them? ha-ha!

"But Alan can't cultivate him too quickly, which is easy to cause considerable imbalance. He is a slow-moving temperament, and it's good to give him a proper environment! Even give him a little pressure! After all, he is still a child now. He suddenly gives him too much pressure, and he can't bear it! "

"Mr. Ding, it seems that everyone was wrong about Alan

"Let it be! What a disposition he has! There is no desire to be competitive at all. Even if you don't need to look at his files, you will know that he never competes. To some extent, his ambition is not here! Speaking of, there are really not many people with such a mind! Especially in such a family! Very rare! "

It seems that there is no wolf nature, but in fact? But can be honest and honest to guard their own stall! This is an ability in itself!

Although it's important to fight down, it's even more important to be stable! In the end, it is still impossible to govern the country immediately, so the importance of Allen will be highlighted at this time! And I will be very relieved if I give a lot of things to Allan!

Because he won't have any other thoughts! What's more, his identity? Will always be the guardian of the family! And the most loyal Guardian! There is nothing more important than this!

Even if balun's family has a new owner, he will not only not discriminate against him, but also entrust him with a heavy responsibility! There's nothing more appropriate than to woo Allen!

Terry and Leo both look so embarrassed at this time! They didn't really think of this before! To be sure, their eyes are on the owner. Others need to keep in common with the owner to a certain extent. As for the guardian of the family, they have some consideration, but the consideration is not particularly comprehensive!

But today Ding Yu suddenly mentioned Allen! From the perspective of Barron's whole family, in the future, Allen will certainly act as the supporter without any regrets!

It's not so important to have a more powerful master! For everyone, it doesn't matter! Who doesn't eat dumplings during the Spring Festival? Right?

But it is more difficult to find such a supporter without any worries than to choose the owner! After all, the owner can still cultivate with his heart. If he can't cultivate a good one, he can still cultivate a poor one, but like Allen! Really can be with but not ask for!

So this gift from Ding Yu is really a little big! The big one makes Terry and Leo both feel a little jealous! Why did such a person appear in Barron's family? Why didn't they show up in their families?

Of course, there is another problem? That's the selection this time? To a certain extent, the Baron, Charlotte and josephart families are still the main ones! As for other families? That's what they're here for!

So the number of people sent over there are so many mixed! Now I think it's really too much regret, even have some chagrin! But what can be done? Ding Yu had already set the tone before! This thing is really not what we want to do!

That man is Ding Yu! Other people make fun of nothing, but tease Ding Yu, we really don't have much confidence! Or we can't afford the price behind this!

"Terry, I'm so sure now! Ding Yu is definitely intentional! He has his own unique way and method! What does he show without any cover up? It shows that he has no worries and has no fear! Even if I, Ding Yu, put these things in front of you, you can't learn them! "

Thinking of this, Leo felt that his heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney all had so much pain!

At the same time, the heart is also in the cry? Why? Why do you dare to do so in front of us! But what about everybody? Just let it go! Although the heart hate to death, but on the surface? Still need to act like grandson! Because there is no other way!

They told you so! This thing is unique to me! You just can't! If you say no, you can't!

"So?" Teri snorted coldly and sighed heavily, "how can you give Ding Yu? There is no need to take out those messy and non mainstream means! Not enough for him to laugh at! Even now, he is waiting for you to give him some so-called means. Do you dare? "

"My NIMA!" Leo can't help but start swearing! It's like Terry said it! What can be done? You can't kill me, you can't fight! What's more, you need to ask for something from Ding Yu! There is nothing more oppressive than this!It's a real feeling of suffocation! And there is no place for the fire to spread!

"Swearing can't solve any problem! I can understand some of them now! Why did Pete become that way! If I were you, I would never be better than Pete! I can imagine what kind of oppression and depression Pete was at that time

Stand on what hill and sing what song! And it's all said here! So whether it's Terry or Leo, it's especially sad to have so many exclamations! It's not that Pete doesn't work hard! It's not that he's not competent enough! Encounter Ding Yu! Still be able to maintain a considerable level, this is already very difficult!

Under the circumstances at that time, if no one was dragging him down, maybe Peter would have performed better! How? Now think of it, really look up to the sky and sigh! Good opportunities are so wasted! Oh!

Regret medicine this kind of thing, why not early research out, if really can research out, then no matter how much cost, you need to buy yourself a bottle in your pocket! In case of emergency!

"Aaron's business is coming to an end! What's next? "

"I don't know? I thought I had followed his train of thought, but now I suddenly found that this guy's thinking is not something ordinary people can think about. It's really hard for people to think about it! But it's OK, at least it's something to gain! "

After commenting on Allan, Ding Yu looked at the screen again, while Barron was looking at his "silly son". He wanted to laugh a little, but he had to stop laughing when he thought about the situation here! But the heart is really happy! I didn't expect my stupid son to be so excellent!

Excellent let themselves have so many unexpected, usually some of their own too neglected their son! Some of the flash points on his body still can't be found out by himself, and he still needs to rely on Ding Yu's guidance! It is really hoped that Ding Yu can comment on a few more children, but such requirements and ideas, there are really so some do not dare to say!

Now this time Ding Yu has been quite to face! Even the one beyond imagination! Under such circumstances, if it is still shameless, how will Ding Yu treat it?

If Ding Yu is allowed to kick his feet directly, who will bear the responsibility? Anyway, Barron would never take the responsibility! As for how the outside world will look at this time, Barron is really not so concerned about this. Anyway, there are people behind him!

I don't believe Mr. Terry and Leo will sit there and watch themselves suffer!

It is also possible that there will be such a situation, but once such a situation occurs, how much suffering have you suffered now, and then you will make up for yourself. As for who is making up for yourself, is this problem? ha-ha!

"Mr. Ding, it seems that the children in the family have not formed such a good habit!"

Looking at the children in the screen, quite a lot of people are after eating, pat their buttocks and walk away! As for the end of such things, for them, there is no such consideration! What's to do with me?

The corner of Ding Yu's mouth is to pull down for a while, looking at the screen attentively, "can eat! It's not a skill to eat this, of course, it's just my family's words! My sister Ding Ding likes to eat duck's feet and crispy chicken

"Eh?" Barron is a bit of a slur. "It seems that there are quite different cultures."

There's basically no one to eat that thing! It sounds a little scary!

"Yes, it's like we don't eat steak when we eat beef! At that time, there was a big difference between Ding duck's and Ding duck's, especially when they were eating chicken's meat, especially when they were eating chicken's

"It's no big deal to be able to eat and to be able to eat, but to find something to eat for yourself! It's quite different if you have enough and still eat well! As for the closing up? In my personal opinion, things are not rigorous enough! "

When he said this, Ding Yu's criticism was very strong!

Balun can understand the meaning of Ding Yu's words! Ding Yu came down from the battlefield after all! Any carelessness may lead to your own death! So he pays attention to the details!

The train of thought is very reasonable, people can not pick out any problems and problems!

But Teri and Leo two old foxes don't look like this. They always feel what is hidden behind Ding Yu's saying this? However, it is not clear what is hidden, at least they can not observe it now!

It's not that they can see everything clearly and clearly! How could it be! They are just people, not gods! If they can see everything clearly, how can they let Ding Yu sit there now? It's impossible!

"The girl's name is Lynn! Right?! We still have a good view of the overall situation! "Ding Yu doesn't seem to care! And everyone is looking at the children left in the screen! Admit it or deny it! They've started to clean up! Although it's just a simple job! But doing so gives them a lot of impression points! At least in Ding Yu's understanding! Performance is excellent and outstanding!

"Mr. Ding! There are not so many children who care about details like this! "

"If I were my age, I couldn't do it!" Ding Yu did not avoid his own problems! "If someone takes the lead, no problem, but if no one takes the lead, I dare not!"

"Don't talk about you, Mr. Ding! Even for us, it's a bit unexpected! "

The fact is that this is not a case of deliberate flattery!

"Mr. Ding, if I don't take the liberty, can I ask one more question?" Charlotte squats down and pours coffee to Ding Yu personally! Is it necessary to do so in person? Or pretending to be a gesture. Anyway, this attitude has been highlighted!

Earlier, Barron had poured tea for Ding Yu himself! Now Charlotte personally pour coffee to Ding Yu! Put their position very low, is not a bit too shameless? It doesn't matter! Relative to the results obtained, any price paid now is acceptable!

Is it difficult to be superior? That would only make things worse!

"Do you think there is something worth cultivating among these children?"

Ding Yu said without salt or salt! Looked at the screen for a period of time, slightly nodded his head, but still slowed down for a period of time, this just slowly leisurely said! "Every child is different! From my personal point of view, don't be too eager for success, or even too deliberately! Otherwise, it will be counterproductive! "

Since he opened his mouth, Ding Yu didn't want to hang everyone's meaning. He ordered on the screen, "how many children are they! The spirit is too high, but to a certain extent, it has not been able to withstand too much frustration and pressure, give some watering properly! But you can't use too much force

"Mr. Ding, I don't see any difference between them!"

"See what they choose to eat! What do they care about? glut oneself with delicacies! But what about things you don't like? There are so many who despise it! There are quite a few problems here! For the road of life, they still have a long way to go! To some extent, they can't decide whether they like it or not! "

Thanks to Charlotte, Ding Yu took a sip of coffee!

"I don't like the equivalent! Sometimes I like reading or writing alone in my room, including surgery in the hospital, which I like! As for the so-called do not like! Of course, more, but not everything, I can choose! How can it be so simple! "

Barron and they nodded their heads. Just now, they only noticed the performance of these children. Most of their attention was attracted by the children. They didn't really observe other situations!

Now after Ding Yu mentioned it, everyone has a refreshing feeling! It seems that it is really like this!

A few children just choose what they like to eat, from their point of view, there is no waste, and even take the initiative to clean up things! But what they eat is not healthy at all, even quite unbalanced, which is a problem!

Just look at Alan, the child! He didn't like to eat much of it! But he didn't refuse! Keep a good balance! There are quite a few problems revealed in this!

After all, the children choose everything by themselves! No one matches them!

The so-called people die more than people, goods than goods still, not that there is no reason!

What about everything? I'm afraid of comparing each other. If we compare with each other, we can see a considerable gap!

However, for nearly an hour, Ding Yu didn't have any words except asking for pen and paper from Barron. As for the children, they felt like they were doing nothing! No one told them what to do? What about them? I don't know what to do!

For this point, we are really in the eye, anxious in the heart!

You bastards, even if you don't tell you something, can't you find something for yourself to do? One by one, I don't know what it looks like there! It's really touching!

Of course, there are also people who perform very well! Look at the scenery! Take a stroll at will! Fortunately, this is their own garden!

And Ding Yu put his eyes on a sleeping child! Casually drew a mark on the paper! Barron took a look! But I feel that what Ding Yu wrote is a ghost symbol. Anyway, he didn't understand it! What a mess! Anyway, I have never seen such words in my impression!

And Terry took a look! The meaning is very clear, although we have some understanding of Ding Yu, but the understanding is not so profound, and you are not the same! Now I need you to stand up and answer it! What is Ding Yu's writing?Anyway, it gives Terry a personal feeling, just like a letter from heaven! I really didn't understand a word!

Leo pursed his mouth, "Ding Yu is a doctor anyway! Although I can't understand, but give me a personal feeling! What Ding Yu really wants to express in writing these things should be a mark! Write down the specific person! We should be able to read it down, but it's not very useful! "

"Leo, what's wrong with my head?! Or is your explanation quite problematic! Why can't I understand? " Terry has a little scratching about this!

Although Leo said that he had made quite an explanation, it's better not to explain than to give his own feeling? Anyway, I didn't understand a sentence! I wonder if he is deliberately inducing himself! A little unclear! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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