When Ding Yu came back to the capital, he also explained to his parents and others why he went out. In fact, he had already called before, and he came back to explain it again. The main purpose was to give them a psychological comfort. At least from the emotional point of view, he was really in trouble, not deliberately avoiding anything.

Of course, this explanation is applied to Jin Taixi's family. This is the most important one. What about Ding Yu's explanation? It also makes everyone feel good about it. After all, no one wants to meet such a thing. From another perspective, Ding Yu attaches great importance to the friendship of his friends and is very attentive to the feelings of his family.

Although the time of the Olympic Games is not long, but serious, from the beginning to the end? Basically, it can be said that there is no, even Ding Yu, who is the most idle person in the family, does not have so much free time, so it is not necessary for other people to say that there are some competitions in which everyone is sincere and does not have much interest.

When lying on the bed at night, Taixi also scratched Ding Yu's chest with his hand, which was a small provocation. "When I went back, the company talked to me, and I still had some feelings about this problem." Having said that, he also took a cautious look at Ding Yu.

After all, in South Korea, it is represented by the patriarchal society, which is the mainstream of society. If you want to come back, you must get the consent of Ding Yu. Although the relationship between each other is not husband and wife, all of his own is involved in him. If he opposes, he needs to leave the profession, which is certain.

Ding Yu is really prepared for this, because Taixi has already revealed the meaning of this aspect earlier, and he is really not very surprised, "I don't have any opinions about you choosing your career, but there are three rules for it! And I may have prepared some gifts for you, but this is not the time. There may be some unexpected surprises. Don't be too surprised. " Then Ding Yu also seized the most sensitive place of Taixi.

Europa! On the one hand, it's because of stimulation, on the other hand, it's also because of moving. The so-called three rules have already been mentioned for a long time. It's nothing more than the shooting problems of the double, and oba is not at ease about his own situation, so he has more other care in life.

What about the results? It's also that Taixi was overwhelmed. Fortunately, when he got up in the morning, he also showed a little bit of radiant meaning. Ding Yu was naturally refreshed. However, for Taixi, he was still a little awkward when walking. The main reason is that Ding Yu's performance made him feel unbearable.

On this issue, I have also asked private doctors, what is the cause, is it their own reason? If yes, then how to adjust? Although I didn't live with Ding Yu every day, but once a week, it also made me feel so unbearable.

But what about the results? If he doesn't have any problems, it's Ding Yu's problem. But even if it's a frequent couple's life, Ding Yu doesn't have any performance in other aspects. His spirit is not depressed, even normal, and can't be normal any more. Is it really a natural gift? I can't bear it on my own.

Although the Olympic Games are not over, the gold family is ready to go back, and the time is a little longer. Although the reception is very good, there are still a lot of things to deal with at home. Therefore, we also deliberately went to the door to thank Mr. and Mrs. Ding Lin, thank them for their care during this period of time, and invite them to visit Korea when they have time 。

It's necessary to exchange courtesy with each other. It's your business whether you want to go or not. But I have to make a sincere invitation, and the gold family is also very sincere. Ding Yu also personally sent all the gold family to the airport, but the plane he made was of course a private plane. There is a saying that he has money and willfulness.

However, the Jin family left, but the two children were left. The parents of the Jin family were not very satisfied with this. Although they said that their daughter had communicated with them in this respect, they still caused serious dissatisfaction from the parents of the Jin family. The daughter's choice of this issue was somewhat too willful.

The Dinglin couple are very happy about this, but at the same time? There are also some worries. Can the son take good care of the child? I'm afraid he has a problem taking care of himself, right? So when they returned home, they had a certain discussion and conversation with Ding Yu on this issue. They were very serious.

"Son! I think you even have a problem taking care of yourself. If you can't, give the child to us! Your father and I have children. We have experience in this field, and we don't have too many things! "

Ding Yu also laughed and comforted him and said, "Mom, how old are you? Are you still working for such a thing? Two little guys on my side, people are slowly learning and growing up, I am also a father, what is it to throw two children to you! And they won't have anything on this side of the capital. You can rest assured. "

"That's strange!" Zhao Shuying is also very dissatisfied. Although she said that during this period of time, the two children have been taken good care of, but she is still not so reassured. On this issue, Ding Lin is more open, children's family, do not need to be raised in the honey pot, eating a little bitter is nothing.Looking at her husband's appearance, Zhao Shuying is also very dissatisfied with the kick, can be regarded as venting their dissatisfaction, as for Ding Ding Ding? I don't want to be involved in this aspect. I'm afraid that the spearhead will be directed at myself, but I haven't done anything!

Zhao Shuying really didn't find Ding Ding, otherwise she would definitely be the first to scold her. She and her husband came to the capital for some time, and didn't see her bringing her boyfriend to the door. This is just a little bit too much. She always hides her head and tail. What's the meaning of this?

Ding Ding is not clear now. She has been watched by her mother. She is very carefree at this time. She has nothing to do with her boyfriend. What about her studies? It's not a lot of trouble, but a boyfriend? In some aspects, it is a bit dull, good or bad, it varies from person to person!

But I can't hide from the first day of junior high school, but I can't hide fifteen. When Ding Ding comes back in the evening, she is caught. Ding Ding didn't care much about it before. After playing with two little guys for a while, the two little guys are now fully adapted to it. At least this point won't sleep. It seems that she is still very happy to play.

"Your mother and I are ready to go back. The hospital has a long time to ask for leave, and your mother's school is about to start. If you haven't been back for such a long time, I don't know what's going on?" Ding Lin is also the first to pick up this topic, Ding Ding? I don't know the sky drums behind my ears, which is just a sound.

Ding Ding Ding wants to come. Anyway, her elder brother has a private plane, so it's very convenient to go back. When she wants to come, she can come here. Ding Lin looks at her daughter and shakes her head slightly. Why is this reaction so slow? He has given enough tips, can not say that his father did not give you cover, but you have a problem, Ding Yu coughed slightly.

When she saw Ding Ding looking at herself, she also used the corner of her eye to aim at her mother. Ding Ding then also looked at her mother and immediately woke up. But at this time, it was too late to run again. Zhao Shuying would not give her any chance to react. She hit the ground with a stick.

"Ding Ding! Your father and I have been in the capital for some time. How about this matter that you appear and disappear? We don't really care. We all know that you've been talking to your boyfriend for many years, but the problem is that we've all come, but what about your boyfriend? Up to now, I haven't shown my face. Is this a bit inappropriate! You said there was something wrong with your boyfriend's home. We understand that. Is he back now? "

Ding Ding's head suddenly exploded, how could he be so stupid? Earlier, my father had already pointed out himself, and even my brother deliberately hinted, but the problem is that he is too complacent and forgetful. What is the result of forgetting himself? Now it has been placed in front of him. Ding Ding Ding is also covering his mouth like a toothache!

"Mom, I have a pain in my stomach!"

"Put on, put on your best!" Zhao Shuying gave the baby to the nanny, and then she looked at her daughter seriously and said, "I don't care what you think, and no matter what reason you think, I think it's time to give me a reply. I can't say that you have been in love for several years. I haven't even seen what people look like, right

Ding Ding took the lead to look at his father, looking at the helplessness in the eyes of his father, and then did not do any stay at home? The father basically does not intervene, unless it is a major event, and such things are basically handled by the mother, so the father directly gave up.

Ding Yu looks at her sister, but she hasn't waited for Ding Yu to speak. Zhao Shuying, next to her, said directly, "don't ambush her. Earlier, you said that this child is not bad. OK, since you have said it, we don't have too many opinions, but we have been here for such a long time, and I haven't seen any personal shadow. What does that mean?"

"Mom Ding Yu also said with a smile beside her. She knew very well why my mother lost her temper, and Ding Ding Ding had a certain relationship. The main reason was still in her own body. She was quite worried about her children. Therefore, she made such a scene, and she could understand it.

"I haven't seen Ding Ding Ding's boyfriend, but I have inquired about this man. Judging from the situation I know, it's pretty good!" Ding Yu also knows that it's better to let his mother dissipate this anger now, and can't let the fire continue to ferment. Otherwise, it's really a rather troublesome thing.

"Did you ask?" Zhao Shuying's anger also came up. Ding Yu had to stand up on her shoulder to her sister. She had tried her best. Her mother didn't have the interest to listen. Ding Ding Ding also turned her eyes. This problem is really worth considering.

"Mom, I'd like to call him over, but I haven't specifically mentioned the problems and conditions at home with him, and he is not from our school, so it's a little troublesome to connect with him. There should be no problem when I call here, or try it first?" Ding Ding Ding also said in a deliberative tone.Ding Ding is also quite smart, since things are irreversible, so change another way, don't you want to see it? I won't refuse. I'll even arrange for you to follow your wishes. Anyway, you can't stay here for long. I'll fool you home.

Ding Yu's eyebrows also beat two times, sister is really very interesting, unexpectedly used this way to solve the problem in front of him, what about the boy? I don't have too many opinions and ideas. Although I haven't seen it, I really understand the background.

From their own point of view, it's still very good. There are no bad problems. What's more, Ding Ding likes it and makes them happy. This is the most important thing. However, Zhao Shuying was stunned when she heard her daughter say so, and immediately nodded. It was the rhythm of the trend.

"Just right! Your father and I will be free this evening. We haven't had enough. Let's go out and have a meal! We are not unreasonable. You just went out with him today. I think he will not go home now! " After saying that, Zhao Shuying is also going to clean up, "I'll change clothes, you go to call!"

Looking at his wife's fashionable appearance, Ding Lin also stands up his shoulder, smiles at his daughter, and then goes to change clothes with his wife. Ding Yu looks up at the sky, and today's night is still very good. At least he can see the scenery now, which is the best.

Ding Ding Ding snorted. It was obvious that she was aiming at her elder brother. Just like a joke, how could this matter be found on her own head? At the beginning, everything was fine. It must be because of my elder brother, but I haven't figured out why it was caused.

Ding Ding also took out her phone, and the expression on her face was very interesting, almost all of them would be twisted together. That finger was also placed on the phone button, which was to press down, but there were some contradictions. Ding Yu went back to the room to see the children. At this time, don't mix in these things.

"Ding Ding, I think it's better for you to take it easy! Mom seems to be angry now. Who knows what kind of things she will do? Some things? It's better to solve the problem as soon as possible! What's more, it's just to meet each other, and we need to see it in the end! "

Ding Ding tilted her head and looked at it, and then she finally dialed the phone, "clean up, my mother is ready to see you, you give me some face!" After explaining the location, Ding Ding Ding also hung up. Then he looked at his brother again, "what? You're not going! "

"You're kidding. There are two kids in my house! I won't be involved in it. What's more, dad and mom will see each other. I don't have to follow me to be a light bulb! " Ding Yu also euphemistically refused, this thing must not find their own head to come, they live well, do not want to have other waves.

"I always think this matter has something to do with you, and it's quite a relationship! Although I haven't figured it out yet, if I want to understand it, brother, you know what the consequences are. "

"Come on, you're paranoid now. It doesn't seem to have any effect. Mom has come out!" Ding Yu makes a color, and then Ding Ding also stands up and looks at her parents' dress up, which is very normal. Ding Ding also sighs. Seeing that Ding Ding doesn't mean to drive, Ding Yu also laughs.

Ding Yu originally wanted to drive to see him off, but looking at his mother staring at himself, he also stood up his shoulder for a while. He had better go back and look at the two little guys! In fact, the two little guys don't have to look at them by themselves. They are very quiet. Basically, they are the one who can feel the dawn, which makes people feel at ease.

However, Ding Yu is also amused by the fact that his father and mother went to see his future son-in-law. Although he said that the matter was caused by himself, what were the specific reasons? Or because the parents care about Ding Ding Ding, this love has been in love for such a long time. I don't know any news about this aspect at home.

In Ding Yu's body, the two old people already felt that there was something wrong with them. However, it was an irreparable thing. It was their turn to have their own daughter. After all, there was a precedent. Therefore, the two old people also felt that they were worried.

After several years of love, there is no movement at all now. What is the matter? Should we give some information about this? If you have a good talk, we will not be reluctant to talk about it? We are not going to force anything, you like it! But we still need to meet.

When you see it, you can rest assured. You always need to have a first impression. As for why you didn't choose to stay in the courtyard, the main reason is that Ding Ding Ding didn't completely tell her boyfriend about the situation at home. Some things? Now it's still an evasive attitude, so I choose to meet outside.

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