Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying meet Ding Ding Ding's boyfriend at the exit of the subway. With big black eyes, on the first hand, what impression does the child give himself? A little bit silly, but it can be seen that he is still a little nervous, but the attitude of the whole person is good.

What about the first impression? It's not bad, at least that kind of the past, "Auntie, uncle, Hello, we Cao Zhen, welcome to Beijing!" Well, when hearing this, Zhao Shuying was stunned slightly. How do you mean it? Why do you feel like you've come to the capital? It seems that the child doesn't know it at all!

Then Zhao Shuying also left her daughter with the rest of the corner of her eye. Ding Ding Ding is still the same, heartless, as if she did not realize the problem. Zhao Shuying also bit her teeth slightly, the son of a bitch, to see how to deal with her when she went back, and she never mentioned her husband to her boyfriend Ah!

Of course, Ding Lin also noticed the situation, but he thought he should have a look again. "Hello, Xiao Cao, your aunt and I have just come to Beijing, but we will go back in two days. We don't know if there is any other time, so what about tonight? I'd like to invite you to come and have a seat. Have you not been disturbed? "

"No, I have nothing else to do except the condition of the laboratory." After that, she also gave a shy smile, "Auntie, uncle, have you arranged your accommodation? If it's not convenient, go to my side! My side is quite spacious! "

"Oh, no! I already have a place to live! " Ding Lin also smiles, but when she turns her head, she stares at her daughter. Ding Ding Ding also puffs her mouth. Her boyfriend is really a big wood. She reveals her details so quickly. It seems that she needs a good education when she goes back.

This time, the meeting time is a little longer, about two hours! From the overall situation, it's not bad. Although the children are a little boring, they are very cultured from the details and speech. There are not many of them. On this issue, it is much better than the living treasure in the family.

As for the so-called family conditions, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying really don't worry too much. The reason is very simple. The capital in the daughter's hand seems to be quite rich. As for whether the boy's home is good or bad, this question is not so important, as long as the person is good.

When Ding Lin's parents left, Cao Zhen also scratched his hair. When his mother-in-law came, she seemed to be so aggressive that she wanted to eat herself alive. But after talking with her parents, he immediately changed her attitude. This made him feel a little puzzled. What was the cause?

But looking at his girlfriend staring at his eyes, it seems that he is not so friendly, what is the matter? Cao Zhen is really a few do not understand, is completely two kinds of attitude! Women are really not in general difficult to understand, with the TV and books inside the mother-in-law have so many different, their future mother-in-law is very good.

Comparatively speaking, his girlfriend sometimes seems to have some small temperament, in addition, it seems that there are not too many shortcomings, at least from his own point of view or quite good, Cao Zhen also slightly nodded, and then went to his own residence.

My residence is not a bedroom, but a three bedroom house. I bought it for myself and a car. However, the car has been covered with dust. I really don't have much interest in it. What was the original time? I also plan to use a car to attract Ding Ding Ding, but after eating a big one, people have no interest at all.

I have met Ding Ding's parents, but what about the parents here? Cao Zhen also felt that he had some headaches. The situation at home was really a little special. However, there were elder brothers and sisters in front of him. He should not be able to solve some problems and situations by himself?

Cao Zhen really felt a little headache in this regard. He had passed the scene of his mother-in-law. But could Ding Ding Ding pass the level of mother-in-law, that is, her mother-in-law? It's really hard to say that I don't want to inherit my father's mantle. I have to develop in the official career. I don't like it very much.

I still like to do some research, teaching, this may be my biggest hobby, this is also the main purpose of my postgraduate entrance examination, not like my brother and sister, the examination is on-the-job graduate students, that is a diploma, to put it a little hard to hear, it is just mixed up with a Diploma, there is no real talent to learn.

On the way back, Zhao Shuying also looked at her daughter coldly. At the beginning, Ding Ding could be regarded as indifferent. However, her mother was always staring at herself, which made her feel goose bumps all over her body. This situation was so uncomfortable that Ding Ding Ding also gave her mother a smile.

"Mom, do you think Cao Zhen is OK?""Ha ha, you don't have to laugh at me. Talk about it! We've been here for such a long time. Since you haven't even said hello, what do you mean? Yes! It's not time for you to talk about marriage, so you need to be reserved. You can understand all these motherfuckers, but you are too... "

Zhao Shuying doesn't know what to say now, but what about Ding Lin? I've been foresight for a long time. When I got on the bus, I was a step behind on purpose, so I was a little bit far away from their mother's position. I was so carefree, but this is also a pitfall for Ding Ding Ding.

After coming back, this small face is pumping, Ding Yu is not so much feeling, he is reading here in the study! After I came back, I didn't mean to inquire. When I had dinner the next morning, I pretended to ask casually. I handed the bowl inside to my father, "Dad, the porridge is a little hot!"

"By the way, I saw Ding Ding Ding's boyfriend yesterday! Dad, what's your opinion? "

"Not bad!" Ding Lin took his son Sheng's porridge and placed it in front of him. He said something casually, but Zhao Shuying snorted coldly beside him. Ding Yu had already anticipated this situation, and then looked at his mother with a smile, "Mom, there is nothing wrong with it! You seem a little angry? "

"Ask her!" Zhao Shuying looked at Ding Ding Ding, who was sitting on the chair. She also spit out her tongue. Zhao Shuying snorted coldly, "we have been here for such a long time. The girl didn't want to mention this to Cao Zhen. What do you think she has in her head?"

Ding Yu also had a smile that he couldn't stop, but he didn't mean to go deep into the problem, "Mom, what do you think of the man? Does it match Ding Ding Ding! What's important is that both of them have the feeling of this aspect, which is the best. As for the others? You can put it on

Hearing her son say this, Zhao Shuying pondered, "judging from his speech and speech, he should have a good family background. From the point of view of me and your father, I'm still satisfied with the child, but whether people are satisfied with our girls, I can't say this question. Although I'm a mother! What's more, it's the first time we met. The impression is good, but is the actual problem? Further understanding is needed. "

Well, it's better not to say that. Just look at Ding Ding Ding's pouting mouth. She is very unhappy now. Ding Yu looks at her sister and feels a little funny. But is this funny? Or is it better to put it in the heart, otherwise the fire is really aimed at itself, how much injustice do you feel?

One day later, his father and mother left. It was still a few days before the end of the Olympic Games. However, Ding Lin and his wife felt that they could do it. Anyway, there was plenty of time in the future. When leaving, Zhao Shuying also urged Ding Yu to take good care of the children. He would rather have some problems on his own than let the children have any problems.

"Brother, I feel like my family status has been seriously threatened and challenged!" After seeing her parents on the plane, Ding Ding Ding is also aiming at her brother and gnashing her teeth. Ding Yu is curious and looks at Ding Ding Ding, "can't you? Or what's the matter with you? "

"Is that obvious?"

"It's quite obvious that this little trick of yours really makes people feel that they are not in the eye!" Ding Yu also said in a funny way, "go ahead! What is it that makes you even use such means? "

"Cao Zhen's mother is coming to Beijing. He has met his father and mother before, so he also told his family about this problem. In addition, his mother happened to come to Beijing to deal with some problems. Naturally, I have to take a look. I am a little dizzy now. I don't know how to deal with this problem!"

"There's nothing to be afraid of. You have to go ahead alone. What's more, what's more, what's more, it's not like a tiger's den in front of you. What's your mother's word? That is to say, are you serious about that? " Speaking of this, Ding Yu also shook his head, "by the way, his family's situation is a little special, compared with our family is like this!"

Ding Ding also rolled her white eyes, "OK! Tell me about their family! I would like to do some preparation in advance in this respect, so as not to be in a hurry at that time. What do you think of his family? I don't believe in other people's eyes, but you have good vision, I believe! "

"Don't talk about me, OK? I've been busy in the hospital these two days. I'm afraid I don't have so much free time. What's more, people won't sell you. In the end, you need to solve this problem yourself." Ding Yu also had some consolation and said, "well, it's useless to think too much. Just look ahead!"

Ding Ding is very dissatisfied with a look at her brother, and then also raised his arm, there are such a brother, other people's brother encountered such a thing, are in front of, but met his own home brother, even so pushed himself away, let himself go wandering alone, how do you think?Don't look at yourself can Cao Zhenzhi's death, but for the future mother-in-law's situation? I really don't know that much. In the days with Cao Zhen, he seems to have seldom mentioned the problems and conditions in this respect. Although Ding Ding Ding usually has some careless, but now? It's true that there are so many cowards.

When Cao Zhen's mother came to her son's residence, she frowned. The reason for her frown is very simple. She visited suddenly, and even her son was so surprised. She really knew not much about her son's problems. Her son suddenly told him to find a girlfriend and get along with each other It's been years.

For a mother, this problem is a little bit of a small life, so I was prepared to take a surprise, but when I came to the place, I found that the situation was completely different from what I expected. My son and his girlfriend didn't mean to live together at all, because I didn't find anything here.

"Haven't you been together for a long time

Cao Zhen looked at his mother and nodded, "yes! It's been a while? " Then Cao Zhen seemed to know something, but also laughed, "Ding Ding Ding is more conservative about this issue, and I didn't mention the situation at home with her. Moreover, we just talked about friends, and we didn't touch on other issues."

Yuan Mei looked at her son. At this time, she didn't know what to say. Why didn't her son be like her husband? They are all children born in the womb. Why is the difference between the eldest and the second and the third so big? I don't know what to say.

What about the situation? I don't know! It seems very good, two people just talk about friends with each other, respect each other like guests, say OK! Look up at the present society, then talk about friends. I'm afraid that no one will believe it. I'm not a trendy person, but I still feel that my son is too conservative.

"I'll see you! By the way, did you tell me about the situation at home earlier

After listening to his mother's voice, Cao Zhen also felt that he couldn't stand it. This is not the most troublesome interrogation. Don't bring your work back home, OK? What's more, you are not working in the front line, it's just a civilian job. If you say so in front of Ding Ding Ding, it's strange that it doesn't explode!

When Ding Ding went to see Cao Zhen's mother, she deliberately took a look at her brother. To be exact, she let her brother see how she dressed up? Will it seem too abrupt, or what is not so appropriate, I do not want to have any situation and problems.

Ding Yu gave his thumbs up, and then he arranged the seats for the two little guys. He was going to take them to the aquarium for a stroll, just to let them have a look. As for whether they are interested in it or not, is this the question? It's really not easy to say, but to see!

Ding Ding looked at her brother, and then ran to the two little guys, whispering something there. The two little guys were also holding out their small fists and babbling over there. They didn't know what they were talking about. Anyway, they had a lot of fun and seemed to be quite happy.

It can be seen that Ding Ding Ding still attaches great importance to this matter. Although she is careless on the surface and even doesn't care much about it, because of her understanding of her sister, Ding Yu can still feel that Ding Ding Ding is a little nervous.

However, she is not nervous. She needs to face it. From Ding Yu's point of view, although she is plain faced, Ding Ding's foundation is very good. In addition, she has been particularly interested in this aspect in recent years. Although she has no intention of developing in this area, she has her own small circle.

In the small circle, everyone attaches great importance to Ding Ding's opinions. Generally, if there is any situation, they will deliberately look for Ding Ding Ding's help and help dress up. The unique contact information of the small circle does not mean that as long as you have this wealth and identity, you can be integrated into the small circle, which is really not the case.

However, Ding Yu only knows about this aspect. He doesn't mean to inquire about the details. After all, it's all girls' homes. Ding Yu takes his children out for a ride. However, for Ding Yu, some things should also be put on the agenda, such as the allocation of drivers, housekeepers and other personnel.

The system in the United Kingdom still does not need to be brought over, because the operation of the British side is still very good, at least it can not be abandoned, so we need to find another person. Otherwise, Ding Yu will have to deal with everything by himself, and Ding Yu will be afraid that he will have no skills.

But now sun Yingnan is also very busy. The recent acquisition has left her no time to take care of this aspect. Therefore, Ding Yu has to deal with everything on her own. Fortunately, there is still time for her now. So Ding Yu has leisure time to go out with her son and daughter.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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