Yuan Mei's first impression of Ding Ding Ding was very good. She was generous and decent, and didn't have any twists and turns. Although she said that she had just contacted her, how about through this contact? I feel better than my son. My son knows very well. Sometimes he is too shy and bookish. In other words, he is too honest.

The first impression was good, and then Yuan Mei also looked at the face and figure carefully. She could not be said to be as beautiful as a fairy, but she was very attractive and round, but she was not fat. What about some Wang Fu Xiang? When I came, my mother-in-law specially told me that although there were some superstitions, I carefully observed them and there was no such problem.

If you don't think about other aspects of the problem, then you can meet with him in addition to this, and feel very satisfied with the child. "Ding Ding, I heard your parents just came here!"

"Yes, auntie, my brother invited them to come to see the Olympic Games. It's the golden age of our country. It's rare to see them. My father is a doctor, and his work is quite busy, so he didn't stay too long. In addition, my mother had some work to deal with in the school because the students were going to start school, so I went back first! They have a very good impression of Cao Zhen, so that when he has time, he can be a guest. "

Yuan Mei listened to Ding Ding Ding's words very clearly and expressed fluently. What's behind this? It also reveals some meaning. You understand or don't understand. Anyway, we have already said this. Anyway, our family is very hot for Cao Zhen. At least two people can talk further.

Now we are also asking for the meaning of your family. Although it is not time for each other's parents to meet each other, Ding Ding and Cao Zhen have met each other's parents. The meaning of our family is clear. What is your family's meaning?

Yuan Mei looked at Ding Ding, but also laughed. Instead of continuing to talk about this topic, she shifted another topic. Now there is no need to show this matter, but in this heart, there is also a slight entanglement. Why do you say so? This little girl shows some strength, her son must be unable to hold.

Although it is only a few words, but this problem has been revealed clearly, at least in terms of my own observation. Although I said that I was engaged in civilian work, there were not too many obstacles!

However, if you think about her son's character, Yuan Mei also has some feelings of crying and laughing. When she was a child, everyone said that his ears were too soft. In the future, he would definitely be a rake ear. What about the current situation? It seems to be true.

This is not married yet! To a certain extent, it's the one who has been cured. Is it good or bad? This problem is really not very good to judge, after all, they have lived a lifetime, their own parents? It's not as if they are not open as expected, as long as they feel good.

After seeing ding ding ding on the subway, Cao Zhen also came back to drive back with his mother. He drove out of the car, but Yuan Mei took a look at her son. To know the children of other families, if they had a car, they would like everyone in the world to know. But what about her own son? It's all covered with dust.

"Son! I have a good feeling for Ding Ding Ding's first meeting, but I hope you two can understand better. I don't know what to say now because of the performance of you two. Are you so rational? " Yuan Mei also expressed her views.

"Mom, do you mean to talk about family issues? I don't think it's necessary?

Yuan Mei took a look at her son and said, "Oh, I have a headache. What's good about you? It can't be said that it's time for family members to come and directly attend the wedding ceremony! I said, can you be a little more realistic, at least not too naive, OK? "

When he brought his son and daughter to the aquarium, he didn't have much to do. The two little guys sat in the cart, and the nanny next to him recorded everything that happened in front of him with a camera. All these will be shown to Tai Xi. When he was in the United States, he would do the same thing, which is quite normal.

The two little guys were very excited to see so many fish. The little hands kept beating. Ding Yu also felt that he was so funny. He really had some doubts. If he really put a fish in front of them, they would go up and beat them at the first time? Or into their own mouth.

There are some doubts about this problem, but Ding Yu really doesn't plan to have a try. Just as a joke, it's his own. Don't say you have a try. Even if you have this idea, you can't say that if you let your mother know, you can't say that the sole will be on.

Just as Ding Yu got up, the child next to him accidentally bumped into Ding Yu's body, running a little too fast. Then the yoghurt on his body also spilled on Ding Yu's body. Ding Yu didn't have anything. Looking at the child's staggering appearance, Ding Yu also helped him, saving the child from falling to the ground.However, the child may have been hurt by the collision, or it may be due to the spilling of yogurt, and then they also hold their own small mouth and cry, which makes Ding Yu embarrassed. The matter has nothing to do with himself. The child took the initiative to bump into himself, and then two people came in a hurry.

"Ball, how are you doing?" The two of them seemed to be older than before, and then they were half kneeling in front of the children. They checked up and down. They were very nervous. Looking at the little boy, he pointed to Ding Yu, and then he looked at Ding Yu with a bad complexion. Ding Yu was unable to laugh or cry, and immediately stood up his shoulder.

Absolute disaster free! When he arranged things for the two little guys, he took the initiative to bump into it. Looking at the situation of the little boy's family members, Ding Yu also took the initiative to step back. He was also the father of the child, so he could understand the feelings of the family members and explain the matter clearly. It's no big deal.

Then Ding Yu also stretched out his hand, "it's not my fault. The child bumped into it on his own initiative. There are children behind me, so I can't dodge. If there is any problem, I think we can solve it through negotiation! "

hearing what Ding Yu said, the two old people's faces were also good-looking, but they still looked at Ding Yu with complaint. The children were crying beside them, as if they had been wronged. Ding Yu also felt a little helpless, and then indicated to the nanny beside them. Anyway, the mirror image just now has been photographed for them It's good to have a look.

And Ding Yu? They continued to squat down and play with the two children. When the two old people saw the situation in the camera, their faces changed slightly, and then they also laughed. Ding Yu nodded and laughed. If you encounter such a problem, just explain it clearly. It's not a big problem.

If it was his own child, his performance would not be better than them. Looking at the crying boy, Ding Yu also laughed. He took out a small toy from the bottom of the cart, and then handed it to the crying boy. The toy was more advanced. The little boy looked at the toy, looked at Ding Yu, and then reached out his hands to pick up the toy Come here.

With tears on his face, but he laughed again, which really made people feel unable to laugh or cry. Ding Yu was also a little funny. He specially asked the nanny to record this picture. It was very interesting. He didn't lose anything. Just explain things clearly and understand them. They are all reasonable people!

I played with two little guys very late. On the way back, they had already fallen asleep. It seemed that they were a little tired. There was no other situation except that. When Ding Yu came back, Ding Ding Ding was already at home. Why didn't he go back to his residence, but ran to his side? Ding Yu felt a little bit.

"How about meeting?" Ding Yu took the lead in asking. After all, it was his sister. If she asked her to speak first, how much would it seem that she was so embarrassed. "Look at your appearance, it seems that there are some worries. Cao Zhen is really so good, which makes you feel that you are so out of your mind?"

"Brother Ding Ding also complained, "the feeling of meeting is still very good. Cao Zhen's mother is much better than I imagined. She speaks intellectually. I can see that she has a good quality, which is not what ordinary families can come out of. However, how many of them are so picky, are they still in the process of auditing?"

"Listen to a normal thing. If I remember correctly, his mother seems to be from the public security system! Although it's a civilian job, I have some experience and feelings in this aspect. So you use the word "audit" to be quite appropriate. It seems that the sixth feeling of a woman is really quite terrible, but after all, it's the business of the two of you, given by others? It's just a suggestion! "

Obviously, Ding Yu is in support of his sister. If you feel good, then no matter what kind of difficulties and obstacles there will not be any problems. The home will always be your strong support. If you don't feel very good, that's nothing. It's not easy to find three legged toads, but there are two legged men.

Although it is a simple two words, but for Ding Ding Ding, it is really a great psychological comfort. At least his brother is firmly on his side. Having such a brother is really quite good. Then Ding Ding Ding also found that his brother seems to be a little busy!

In the past, my brother read books at most, but today? It's a computer, it's a phone, and then Ding Ding also blinked her eyes, and even deliberately approached her brother's side in the past, "why?" Ding Yu didn't mean to stop him.

"Recently, I have acquired some stocks and industries, and now there is great potential for technology stocks. There are also acquisitions of some enterprises!" Ding Ding looked at it twice and then shook her head. She didn't have much interest in it. It wasn't her direction. What's more, she didn't have much spare money.

Their money is basically invested in real estate, but relatively speaking, they are fixed assets, and quite a hedge. What's more, even if they are short of money, they can reach out with my brother. As for elder brother, do you dare not give it? This question? Hehe, when I think of this place, Ding Ding also smiles.Seeing that Ding Ding Ding is not interested, Ding Yu is not forced to do so. Everyone has his own good. When he woke up from his dream and left the army, he had a general attitude towards money. Now? Their money is another attitude, there is a word how to say, bitches are hypocritical, said really right.

Ding Ding doesn't have much interest in this, but it doesn't mean that other people are not interested in it. The British side is very interested in this, but if they are interested in it, it will be another thing if we investigate deeply. In the end, the relationship between each other is still slightly subtle.

"I heard that the Olympic Games are coming to an end. Since you don't take the initiative to invite me, I have to come uninvited!" When hearing Lily's phone call, Ding Yu was surprised. Didn't he invite him? This seems to be a bit of a joke! It seems that all their friends have been invited, but the problem is that not many people come.

It's not that Ding Yu won't be honored, but that the next Olympic Games will be held in Britain, that is, four years. Moreover, it seems that he suffered a little when he came to the capital in midsummer, so many people declined the invitation, not to mention it is not a kind invitation.

Lily even used such reasons to prevaricate herself. Ding Yu also felt that she had some toothache. However, since she said this, it was not easy for her to refuse, let alone in this? It must be related to other problems and situations. Let's talk about it later! Who knows what kind of problems and conditions are.

However, this problem also highlights that Ding Yu has no housekeeper and helper. All the things need to be taken care of by himself, which is very troublesome. But what about finding a good housekeeper? It seems that it is not an easy thing, at least not as simple as imagined, but also need to be carefully considered.

Looking at Ding Yu's personal pick-up, Lily seems to be a little happy, but after getting on the bus, she also said sarcastically, "I said, how did I say there is an idiom? I feel that my mood is like this now

Ding Yu also patted his head, "I said, are you so? I've just come back. Everything is not settled down, so the housekeeper and other problems have not been solved. However, it will be put on the agenda as soon as possible, mainly because there is not so much free time! "

"Explanation is cover up!" Lily is not polite at all, mainly because of her relationship with Ding Yu. She is already familiar with her relationship to a certain extent. "I came in a hurry and didn't bring any gifts. I just prepared some small things for the two children. I hope they won't be too disappointed!"

"No! You just want to see the two of them. I feel that your words reveal too many problems and situations! " Ding Yu is not polite at all. After all, they share weal and woe, so their relationship is very familiar. "I've just returned home for a short time. I want to stop for a while."

"Private affairs have a certain relationship with the British side, but the relationship is not very big!" Looking at the indicator light in front of him, Ding Yu also leaned back at his neck, "not up to it! I've already gone home, and I'm still here? Isn't it a little too much? I think some of them can't stand it! "

"It's not as bad as you think. The main reason is that the action of the United States seems to be a little big, so it has attracted the attention of the British side. Some people have put forward opinions and ideas on this aspect. I wonder if you have the leisure to take care of some funds?" After saying this, lily also looks at Ding Yu.

Ding Yu is also slightly a Leng, "who put forward such fantastic attention and ideas?" From the tone of Ding Yu's speech, we can feel that he is totally against this matter. This is not a joke. If he said that he should do this, he would offend so many people. This is absolutely certain.

We should know that managing funds is not something that anyone can do. To a certain extent, it is a rather closed circle, and what about this circle? Compared with the thick black, Ding Yu can be said to be quite helpless. It seems that the British side seems to be worried about themselves! To be more precise, it's some people who are so worried about themselves.

"Some people seem to have some worries about this, so let me ask you what you mean. If you want to, I think many people will be very happy. If you don't want to, I think many people will be disappointed! I just want to express the meaning of this aspect. I don't represent the opinions and ideas of anyone else. "

"Forget it! I don't have that much in mind Ding Yu once again expressed his opinions and attitude, "what's more, I don't have so much experience. Sun Yingnan is already very busy there, and I'm afraid he doesn't have this free time. So this matter doesn't need to be considered in this aspect! Just say no

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