"The young master went to the airport to pick up a friend from England! It seems that it's not easy to come from! " When talking, Sheng Hai also put the investigation data in front of the elder sister. "There are some problems with identity. The relevant information can't be investigated at all, but the relationship with big and small seems to be very good."

The old lady took a look at the materials and found that she was not very fond of foreign girls. Although she looked good from her appearance, she would be different from her own. The old lady seemed to be a bit conservative on this issue. After reading the information for a while, I also shook my head. Obviously, I am not very satisfied with the information I have collected.

"I'm not here to see my friends, are you?" The old lady took a look and sipped her mouth. What about the other children in the family? I'm not really interested in it, but this grandson is not the same, but the problem is that even after investigating for such a long time, I still know very little.

His grandson is still a little bit mysterious, and there are some aspects of understanding? It's not as convenient as you can imagine. It's like a British thing. If it involves too much, it will certainly touch the British intelligence department. This is not what the Wangs want to see.

What's more, the Wangs really don't have the ability in this respect. Even ordinary things, they need to ask for some human relationships. But when it comes to some special things, the human relationship is too large, which is not a good thing for the Wang family.

What about the relationship between grandson and Britain? It's really hard to get involved. There should be a series of interest issues involved. Otherwise, why would the British side give you a special immunity? They are not idle and idle. After all, they are such a big country!

A country grants special immunity to a person alone. The problem is really worth talking about. Anyone who has some sense will feel that there is a problem, and it is a big problem.

"They went to the courtyard?" The old lady also casually asked, "well, but the little boy has made a seat in the Yangfang Hutong. It seems that he is going to give this man a chance to get rid of the dust! For the eldest young master, it's a show of great respect. " Shenghai also has what to say, after all, the information he investigated is like this.

"How does it feel like things are a little weird?" The eldest grandson came to a friend, but there was a girl and she went to the courtyard. This situation made me feel a little awkward. What's more, what is the identity of the girl? From the British side?

Now the old lady really means to care about her, but she is her grandson after all! Where's the old man at home? It seems that he is indifferent to the world, but out of his own understanding of him, he is afraid to be more attentive than anyone else, but the way of expression is slightly different.

When Ding Yu and Lily came out to eat together, they saw a car parked in front of their car. Ding Yu frowned slightly and then looked at lily. "This trouble should not be aimed at me, and even if it is aimed at me, it will not adopt such methods and means!"

Lily was very indifferent to stand on her shoulder, "since it is not for you, then it is for me, which is a bit interesting! It seems that some people don't want my trip to be too smooth this time! " When talking about it, Lily snorted.

Looking at the people who came down from the car, Ding Yu also knocked the steering wheel twice with his hand. What about the people who came down from the car? I'm really familiar with myself. I'm an old friend! But I haven't seen her for some years. I didn't expect her to be a good one now!

"Officer ray, I'm promoted! Long time no see, Hello Lei Ming looks at Ding Yu, and the expression on his face is also a little surprised. He knows that the suspect is meeting with the relevant people here today, but he did not expect that the relevant person would be Ding Yu. It seems that he has not seen him for many years.

Compared with the past time, the green and astringent face is basically invisible, but the appearance is not too much change, or as in the past, handsome and upright, very extraordinary. But then thunder's head turned. When did this guy come back? And connected to his own suspect?

Looking at Lily who was about to get out of the car, Ding Yu waved her hand slightly, and then leaned against her car, "officer Lei, what about being a friend? I may say too much, some things you can manage, but some things? Don't be too curious. It won't do you much good! "

"Ding Yu, you seem to be so presumptuous Lei Ming also narrowed his eyes. Ding Yu shook his head and laughed as he looked at Lei Ming. "Who is in the car? I know better than you. Who are you? Although I don't know much about it now, I want to inquire. There is no problem, do you think?

Lei Ming's face is not very optimistic. When he was in Yangcheng, he used to eat in Ding Yu's place. Now, Ding Yu stands in front of him, and his attitude is still not correct. This makes Lei Ming feel a little annoyed. However, thinking about what happened in England at the beginning, Lei Ming also suppressed his anger."I'm here to investigate! Ding Yu, I know you have certain power and identity, but what about this matter? I think you'd better not mix in, save yourself! I'm afraid it will be very difficult for the fire to be extinguished

"I think it's time to turn to yourself." Speaking of this, Ding Yu also sighed, "the person who let you come can't say that his mind is sinister, but it's absolutely malicious. Help me with a word and say that I'll ask about this matter. If he doesn't die, of course, if he's stabbed by someone behind the scenes, then this matter will be ignored."

Hearing Ding Yu say so, Lei Ming subconsciously felt a chill in his heart. He seemed to suddenly realize something, and then he looked at Ding Yu with a complex look. "Ding Yu, I can't let you leave so easily. If I let you leave so easily, then this thing..."

"I think you'd better think about who gave you the order before than to tell me that! Maybe I can say two last words when I make a phone call now. Of course, my words are not correct, but there are some possibilities in the end! " After saying that, Ding Yu also shook his head, "I still have something to do, go first, if you don't stop me!"

Lei Ming looks at Ding Yu. Ding Yu's words put a little bit of pressure on himself. Then Lei Ming also takes out his mobile phone, but the phone is not connected at all. This makes Lei Ming feel a little bad, and Ding Yu doesn't care at all, but he doesn't mean to be too provocative.

I didn't get through to the phone, but my direct supervisor! Then thunder Ming made another call. After the call was connected, Lei Ming's face was a little ugly, because the above order was withdrawn immediately without any reason. Obviously, there were problems and conditions in it.

"He had a car accident, just now!"

Ding Yu also nodded, "well, not bad, the way to start is not the most cruel, but now the problem is that even if he can keep his own life When talking about this, Ding Yu suddenly stopped and said, "forget it, there's no meaning to tell you about this. Go ahead and say goodbye!"

After that, Ding Yu got on the bus and left. When starting the car, Ding Yu also looked at lily, who was sitting in the co driver's seat. "Should I say that you're too attracted to the crowd, or should I say that this time something else seems to have happened? Judging from the current problems, it seems that there are some signs of exposure! "

Lily has been thinking. Hearing Ding Yu's words, she also frowned. "It seems that the domestic side is still in an uncertain situation for this matter, at least for you. If you really want to take over this matter, the blow to some aspects will be slightly greater."

Ding Yu is staring at the front, "I have no intention of this aspect at all. Even if you didn't tell me about this, I still don't know that the British side has already made this plan. Do you think I'm a lying gun? Or should I ask someone for interest? "

"That's a good choice!" Lily also slightly nodded her head, "I have no preparation for this matter, but came to you? It's a good way to get rid of it, but to say something else, you've always been in charge of money, and now the organization is more interested in this! "

"What exactly does this interest mean?" Ding Yu's words are also very straightforward, "there is no end to human greed. On this issue, what is the so-called bottom line? I mean, what is the bottom line under the current conditions? I don't think it's too much of a question to ask? "

"Someone wants to make trouble!" Lily also said with a smile, "I have begun to transform. From the perspective of identity, this time I came to China, there should not be such a problem. Someone even directly found me. It seems that I need to clean up, and I need your help when necessary."

"Not likely!" Ding Yu was very direct and refused, "this is definitely a pit. I have no interest in this aspect, but I can introduce a channel for you. I believe it will be helpful to you!" This word has a little warning meaning, lily is also very discontented to stare at Ding Yu.

"You're a tough guy!" Lily was also very dissatisfied and said, "fortunately, I am not unprepared for this aspect. In fact, there is no bad thing in making a scene. If the internal problems can not be sorted out clearly, it will be quite unfavorable to the whole organization."

"I see. Kill two birds with one stone, don't you? It's a good idea to count birds with one arrow. But there is one thing I don't quite understand. Is your internal struggle so serious? From my understanding, it seems not like this! Is there any change? "

"Money and silk are very popular. At the beginning, I relied on your support, so I survived. But is there any internal fund? There seems to be other ideas, so there are some differences! " Lily's words stop here. If you think about it, you will understand her meaning, because it is very easy to understand.If we can unify our opinions, then Hello, Hello, everyone. If we can't, we should try our best to unify our opinions. As for what kind of things and conditions will happen in the process behind this, this issue needs to be discussed separately.

Although Lily didn't say that, Ding Yu seems to have smelled the smell of bloody rain. From a certain point of view, who are the people in the organization step by step from the struggle, it is impossible or even impossible to persuade them. Since they can not be convinced, it is all right.

"It seems that you are very confident in yourself. If you leave your position and come here at this time, you will not be afraid of a fire in the backyard, or you have prepared for this aspect. I really have some small expectations!"

"You still have a little expectation! You know, I have never expected such a thing. When it comes to interests, it's also when it comes to distinguishing a person. In fact, what I haven't seen is right or wrong. I can only say that I struggle for each other's interests! Greed is really sin

"Greed is the original sin, but it is undeniable that, to a certain extent, greed is the driving capital!" After a little exchange between each other, Lily was also sent to the hotel not far from Ding Yu's residence, mainly for convenience, and the conditions here are quite good, at least much better than those in Britain.

Lei Ming stood outside the operating room at this time. There were some other leaders at the same door, "Lei Ming, is that what you received at that time?" Lei Ming nodded, "I started to act after I received the order. It has been reported!"

"There is a report, and there is your signature on it, but the problem is that this action is different. I'm afraid the one who can make it clear is that Zhu has been in it for a long time." After saying that, the middle-aged man with both hands holding his chest also turned two times in the same place, "do you know the two people who investigated?"

"One of his acquaintances was not a friend when he was in Yangcheng. At that time, he seemed to be involved in the investigation, but the problem was not big, and there was no actual evidence. Later, he left Yangcheng and did not continue. Later, he met again in Britain, but there were other situations. We were warned!

The other is the information given to me by director Zhu, which I learned about! "

Yeah? Got a warning? The middle-aged man looked up, which is a little interesting! Thunder is also nodding, indicating that he does not need to have any concealment, what should be like is what, but this situation? Class belongs to confidential, but the level of this secret will not be particularly high. If the leader wants to investigate, he should be able to investigate.

Comprehensive understanding of the problems and the situation, there are problems! And it's still a big problem. When he was thinking about it, he saw that several people had come to his side. Looking at the visitors, the middle-aged people also welcomed them, "director, how did you come?"

Wu Xuan looked at all the people and nodded, "what's going on inside?"

"Rescue is in progress. According to the on-site report, the problem should not be particularly serious. However, this accident is quite strange. I have investigated the scene monitoring and video recording. For human reasons, and the perpetrator has run away. I have informed the people below to check, but there is no feedback. I will continue to follow up!"

Wu Zhen nodded her head slightly, and then she also called middle-aged to one side. She looked at the thunder not far away and waved to her, "the previous investigation will be sealed up. This time, the matter is not what you should care about. The relevant confidentiality agreement will let you sign, forget all this!"

Lei Ming looked at it, and then asked, "is it because of Ding Yu?"

Wu Min slightly a Leng, then seems to also think of what, "I've forgotten, you and he seems to have a little bit of conflict! Don't bring your personal feelings to work. Who is Ding Yu? I think you should have a certain judgment in your heart. The conversation is over. And I need the bastard inside to live! "

"Yes After Wu Xuan left, the middle-aged man looked at Lei Ming and shook his head. "I can see that this time, things seem to be a little big. There must be other problems and problems. Be careful. I'll go back to the Bureau and see how the investigation is going."

Lei Ming knows very well that he is a gunner. Because he is a new transfer in, he has no foundation, and his identity is a little bit special, so he is the best swordsman. But he never thought Ding Yu could be so calm. Did he conflict with each other? It didn't extend. Fortunately!

But his head is more unfortunate, he exposed himself, dare this line, sometimes see light die!

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