Lily's visit makes the Chinese side feel a little nervous, but it has nothing to do with Ding Yu, because lily is from the British side, and now she has a clear brand of political factions. If there is any problem or situation, it will cause some diplomatic troubles, at least on the surface.

What's more, is this problem? There is no relationship with China. It seems to be an internal problem and situation in Britain. If China is really involved in it, it will be interference. If someone catches hold of this aspect, it will be quite troublesome. So forget it!

When the British side got the news, it was also a small feeling that there were some thorny problems. The reason for the thorny problems was simple. Things did not go well. There were still deviations in the process. Originally, they wanted to involve China.

There is a saying, mud fell into the crotch, not the same, but the problem is that China has not fallen into it, and seems to have offended Ding Ding Yu. At least to a certain extent, it has touched Ding Yu's nerves. This is not a very good situation, at least it is a worrying existence.

However, it's not a coincidence to say that his plan is not good. Who could have thought that the people who came out at that time would be thunder? What's more, there seems to be a lot of entanglement between Lei Ming and Ding Yu. The person lying on the operating table never knew that such a situation would happen on the scene.

If you know about this problem, you will not let Lei Ming out of the scene if you kill him. Now it's OK. If you don't say that the plan has not been implemented perfectly, you are still trapped in the accident. This is the best explanation for why you have a car accident before the end of the matter. It's not that there is no reason at all.

After Ding Yu returned to his residence, he didn't have much free time at all. Sun Yingnan had a lot of things to communicate with Ding Yu. When he looked at the visitors, Ding Yu frowned, but that's all. There was no other expression. Instead, Sheng Hai looked at Ding Yu and said with concern, "what happened in the daytime, elder sister has that Some worries

This words also let Ding Yu slightly frown, and then also took out his mobile phone, "if there is no emergency, give me ten minutes, I have some things to deal with!" After making a phone call, Ding Yu also put the mobile phone upside down on the table. After waiting for more than ten minutes, Ding Yu finished the task at hand, and then said faintly, "is it an important thing?"

Obviously, Ding Yu doesn't want other people to care about their own affairs. After all, the problems involved in this are very mysterious. After a bit of tedious time, Ding Yu slowly opened his mouth and said, "I will handle my own affairs, and the problems involved are also very complicated! I'm sure I'll take care of it! "

After hearing this, Sheng Hai is also surprised to see Ding Yu. The hidden meaning in this discourse is really too obvious. My affairs don't need the concern of the Wang family. I understand your kindness. It's almost like this! It may not be very obvious, but it is almost the same.

From Shenghai's point of view, everyone has a very close relationship with the child's problem, but what about the expression of the majority? He seems to be ungrateful, and not only ungrateful, but also shows some dissatisfaction. This is a very important situation.

"Eldest young master, elder sister is very concerned about your affairs. We don't want to get involved in anything, or there are some people who are not at ease. After all, the people who come to see you today involve the information management department. There is not too much influence and influence in this aspect in the family, so we are particularly worried about your experience!"

"I know. I said that I will deal with things well. If there is any problem or situation, I will tell my grandfather and grandmother, but I hope that this kind of thing will not happen again for once." Speaking of this, Ding Yu also pauses for a moment, "my tone is not very good. I apologize, mainly because the matter involves the British side. If the Wangs get involved, they will give the British side this excuse. The Chinese side has already joined in!"

Shenghai also took a breath of air-conditioning. Although the eldest young master didn't explain it clearly, he had already heard it clearly. There were other aspects of the game involved. No wonder the investigators evacuated at the first time. There were reasons and conditions that he and his family were not clear about. Even the eldest young master felt that there were some difficulties.

"There's no other meaning at home!" Sheng Hai also explained, saying, "I know!" Then he heard Ding Yu's phone ring. Looking at the above prompt, Ding Yu also looked at his own computer. At least from the current situation, Ding Yu is more or less busy.

Looking at the meaning of grandfather Sheng Haisheng leaving, Ding Yu seems to suddenly think of something, "by the way, granddad Sheng, I need an assistant, a driver, and two nannies. It's better to have someone who can rest assured. I'm busy here, and I haven't had this free time, so I'm sorry for you!""Well, I'll go back and have a look."

When he left, Sheng Hai also covered his chin slightly. The way he used to do so was to make him feel that he couldn't accept it. In some aspects, his expression was very implicit, but in some aspects, it was slightly direct. However, whether it was good or bad, it really didn't know how to make a judgment.

After returning home, Sheng Hai also talked to the old lady about the relevant aspects of the matter, "the eldest young master is more busy. What is he busy about? I have a rough look at it. It seems that the relationship between him and the British side is very delicate, and it seems that this matter involves the game of the upper class!"

"Military?" Looking at Sheng Hai shaking his head, the old lady also knew that his meaning was not clear, but then the old lady's voice also suddenly changed, "want to understand what this little conscience said?" Sheng Hai also laughed, "I didn't think about it before, but now I've got it! This curve is a little big

"This little heartless man, since he dislikes our meddling, he doesn't know because we are free." The old lady also said with a smile, "but since he has mentioned this matter, then I, as a grandmother, also need to pay attention to it. Go and find him some useful people. I think he will need something!"

The next morning, the staff had been in place, but how to do it? It's also because Ding Yu sent out a recruitment advertisement, which made it superfluous. However, the staff had already arrived, and Ding Yu really didn't pay much attention to other things. It would be good to simply inform everyone about their work.

The quadrangle is still very large. Even if there are four more people, it seems that there is not much crowding or even a little leisure. However, the nanny who was responsible for taking care of the children is much more free now. She only needs to take care of the children. There is no need to help in other aspects.

There are these service personnel, but the question is who is the housekeeper? Ding Yu really doesn't have many candidates. It doesn't mean that William is really not good. The British side needs him to maintain it. Besides, he is British after all. If he really comes to China, he will definitely be acclimatized. In that case, he will be in trouble.

Every country has its own unique situation. There is absolutely no problem for William to deal with the local affairs of Britain. But if he is allowed to deal with some affairs in China, I'm afraid he will be blinded. Therefore, he is not the most suitable candidate. He needs to find his own people to take over this position.

"Speaking of you, this place is really quite good, quiet in the noise!" Lily also appreciated it, and then gave Ding Yu a thumbs up, "it's really very good. I heard that the price is not cheap now?"

"What? Do you want to invest? It's a good choice, at least better than the castle in England After listening to this, lily also looks at Ding Yu with complaint. As for such a grudge? At the beginning, I didn't mean to hang Dingyu. It was so special.

"What I want to express is that because of your suggestion, the organization has invested a lot of real estate. Although there may be a little delay in time, it has achieved good results. The appreciation of these real estate assets is really beyond imagination. It seems that the perspective is not the same, and the way to look at the problem is also different!"

Ding Yu looked at Lily suspiciously, "what do you want to say to me? I feel that there are some things that I don't understand clearly! "

"What I mean is that reading more books is not the same as expected. There are so many flowery minds among scholars! You should know that there are a lot of people in the organization, including all kinds of people, intelligent and confused. But people with such a vision as you are really not as many as you think. Although we all rely on our vision to eat, it is obvious that our level is somewhat low! "

"Yes, but I smell something else!"

"You know what? Sometimes it's not a bad thing to be confused. This sentence was given to me by my Chinese teacher. I feel that the implication is very profound! It's a great fit here. " Lily is also not at all losing momentum, Ding Yu also hum and smile, did not continue to take Lily's words to talk.

"Well! I admit that I don't have anything to do. If I don't have friends, it seems to be a more irritable thing! "

"I'll go to the hospital later. There are several surgeries that need help. But if you really have this idea, I can find someone to go shopping with you. My sister has a special interest in this aspect. In my opinion, you two should be able to reach a consensus on this aspect, right?"

For betraying her sister, Ding Ding Ding can say that she is not soft hearted at all. Like a joke, she has a lot of things to deal with. It's better to keep a little physical strength. She doesn't want to be squeezed dry in the daytime. If I think about it, I feel chilly.

For Lily, it's good to have someone to accompany her. As for whether she is Ding Yu, the question is not so important as imagined. Moreover, let him accompany herself. At this time, it seems that there is no sentiment or style.Another point is that Ding Yu's two children are very pleasing. They like it very much. They are not hot. However, Ding Yu looks at the part of his son's grasp and unconsciously bites his own teeth. How big is this little guy! It's not good to have such a hobby.

Lily didn't worry about this aspect at all. Looking at the little guy's appearance, she was also laughing up and down. She was very happy. The little guy was very young, but she was very clever. It was really fun. At this point, she envied Kim Tae hee. At least she could face all this bravely. What about herself? In this issue, the need is not only reserved so simple, after all, their own identity has a little trouble and inappropriate.

When Ding Yu came to the hospital, she also said hello to her assistant. Relatively speaking, she was more familiar with the situation of the hospital than herself, because Ding Yu had already said hello to the hospital. For the hospital, let alone such a girl, even if there are more people, there is no problem.

A team can't rely on only two people. It's really a joke. In terms of the hospital, if half of Ding Yu's team can be from the hospital, it will definitely make a lot of money. But what about this problem? I'm afraid I can only think about it.

Why is it that Ding Yu's master is a famous surgeon in the world, and he is also a member of the Hopkins Medical Team. This starting point can be said to be quite high, and it is hard for ordinary personnel to look up to him. What's more, Ding Yu's age is a little younger, which is also a constraint.

What is the other problem that Ding Yu can not tolerate? I'm afraid this also needs to communicate with each other, which can't be solved overnight, but from the situation that Ding Yu can come back, he is still very good.

In the afternoon, Ding Yu participated in three operations. The operation was not very large. The hospital hoped to see what Ding Yu's actual control ability was. This was a small assessment. It was a mule and a horse to take a look at it, so that we could have a better understanding and judgment.

Ding Yu really lived up to everyone's expectations. To a certain extent, everyone opened their eyes. Ding Yu stood on the operating table and followed the robot. His hand did not shake at all. There was a steady force. The connection of the whole movement was also very good. Only the cooperation of other people? It's a little bit slow.

It's mainly because he didn't cooperate with Ding Yu in the past. Moreover, Ding Yu is not taught by the domestic side, so it is inevitable that there will be other problems and situations in tacit understanding. When you come out from the operating room, people's eyes are quite different.

Generally speaking, the outstanding young experts in general hospitals are in their early 40s. Their experience is quite rich, and they can not be disturbed by foreign objects. They are relatively stable. However, the problem is how old Ding Yu is now. This is really a bit exaggerated.

If we exercise for another two years, will this still work? The assistants below, as well as the leaders observed outside, have a good understanding of each other. To a certain extent, can our river support this big dragon? I'm afraid it's really difficult.

You can even be sure that you can't raise such a huge thing as Ding Yu in this pond, but now what about providing certain nutrients for Ding Yu? It can still be done, that is to say, there is no problem in building a good relationship.

The hospital is no match for Ding Yu, but how to say it? The age is a little bit older, and the direction is so fixed. At this point, Ding Yu has an unparalleled advantage.

It seems that Ding Yu hasn't graduated yet, but his standard has reached such a high level. If he graduates, what kind of height can he reach? It's really amazing. From a certain point of view, it's even a kind of creepy feeling. This guy is not a human, but an animal.

Let's not talk about this issue. Ding Yu now has his own name in the hospital. At least in the process of showing himself, he didn't lose his chain and performed very well. What's more? Ding Yu also revealed his attitude. He belongs to a research discipline and has no interest in other aspects.

This actually makes some people feel at ease, especially when they see that Ding Yu transfers to and from work. We all understand it. What about this one? He didn't pay attention to some aspects at all. If he really meant this aspect, he would not have chosen here at the beginning.

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