"It's a bit of a great doctor!" Sitting on the reclining chair, lily also commented and said that she didn't pay attention to Ding Yu's attitude, nor did she care about Ding Ding Ding's eyes. Ding Ding looked at the two people in front of her suspiciously, and she couldn't stop scanning to see something.

From the tone of speaking, you can feel that the relationship between the two people is very unusual, and they don't treat themselves as outsiders at all! You should know that you are a sister. Sometimes you talk like this, but what about Lily? What is the relationship between him and his brother? It is doubtful.

Ding Yu didn't pay any attention to his sister's eyes. After changing clothes, Ding Yu also sat in the middle of the yard, and then held his son and daughter in his arms. The two little guys seemed to be mischievous. They kept playing around Ding Yu's body. Lily was also very hot in the eyes, and soon got up to hold Ding Yu's son.

The little guy waved his fat hands and kept shouting. In any case, there were some people who couldn't hear clearly, but they didn't have any maladjustment. They pedaled their own short legs and crawled back and forth on Lily's body. It was not necessary to have a bite. Children's common diseases were no different.

"People in the family have begun to show signs of this. It seems that someone is going to rebel."

Hearing what Lily said, Ding Yu's face didn't change any more, but Ding Ding's expression was a little surprised. What are these! How can it be said that before a word has been said, it has been brought to the head of the rebellion. What are the two men planning? But it's not surprising to think about it.

My brother? The character of the belly black, and Lily? The queen like people, two people sit together, do not talk about this aspect of things, they feel that there are so some abnormal, so ding ding ding in "too hurt feelings!" Lily also felt that the little guy in her arms was too cute. Then she also held the little guy and chewed on his face for two times. He bit himself, so he also needed to eat back, so that he would not suffer too much.

Ding Ding listen to also have so some frightened feeling, two people seem to be very good friend relationship! Why is it that all of a sudden, this talk is just like taking gun medicine, without saving face at all! However, this also gives ding ding ding a lot of warning. There is no father and son in the business field. I really know what it means.

"At least I will choose my partner, but so far, it seems that there is no other suitable candidate except you, but I have some doubts. Even if you have other ideas and there are so many disagreements within the organization, would you like to turn your face at this time? And still in this way? "

Lily's face showed a very satisfied smile. She held the little guy in her arms in the middle of the air. The little guy was not afraid at all. On the contrary, she was still giggling, which made the little girl in Ding Yu's arms move incessantly, "you said, I'm a little swollen. This is not only my performance, but also the performance of many people!"

"I see!" The underlying meaning of this saying is too clear. What is the nature of the problem? It's not that Lily has been inflated alone, and many people in the organization have already begun to expand. Lily has already felt the signs of it. What about using conventional means? There is no way to persuade these people.

Since the conventional means are not easy to use, it is not difficult to adopt some unconventional means. As for this issue, lily is absolutely an excellent leader, but only means and methods adopted? A little iron and cruel, but it is the best way for the superior.

Release some people's ambition and ambition, and then calm down everything quickly and effectively, so that the whole organization can wake up from the craze at the first time. Although there will be some losses, the loss is still bearable relative to the future development.

Placed on Ding Yu's body, can he make such a decision? It's really hard to say. We should know that those people are all old ministers who follow their own actions. Now they are eliminated because of the reasons of the government and interests. This is really a little sentimental.

However, sentimentality has no effect. If the organization wants to survive and further develop, this is a necessary process, and nothing can not be understood. At this point, Ding Yu needs to admit that she is still far from Lily, because she can't do this for the time being. It's too difficult.

"Now that I understand, I won't say much. I'm here to talk about business, so I can't get back. And you are so ungrateful that I feel a little embarrassed! Do you think it's too much for me to ask for some compensation? I don't think so! "

"Too much!" Ding Yu was not polite at all. "I have been used by you to block the gun. You even want the so-called compensation. It's totally insatiable. I didn't say no, it's already very face saving."

"Don't understand the amorous feelings of the guy!" That is to say, but Lily is still there to tease the child to play, "I am in a bad mood at night, so I won't have dinner together!" After saying goodbye to the two little guys, Lily left from the quadrangle in a huff, and her acting skills were really improved."What do you mean? I feel a little bit confused! " Ding Ding is puzzled to ask after Lily goes out. Ding Yu also smiles, "there are some considerations in the UK. Lily wants to seek support, but I can't show my attitude about this matter, so it's like this!"

"I think the relationship between you two seems to be very good, but the way you talk seems to make people feel that they can't accept it. It's like fighting. Even if it's a fight, it doesn't seem to need such a way! Are you really friends? There is no other relationship! "

Ding Yu also felt a little funny, "friends are friends, interests are interests. I'm afraid this is the best description of the relationship between me and her. It can't be said that because we are friends, we can give up all interests, and we can't forget that we are friends just because of interests. It depends on how to master the scale."

"I feel that some of you can't understand, and I think the relationship between you seems to be so ambiguous!" Ding Ding Ding's speech is quite straightforward, "brother, you may not feel it, but I have the feeling in this respect. She looks at you in a different way. I still have this insight!"

"You! I can't pay attention to other aspects. I don't want to let you see these things. I will pay attention to the things between me and her. Besides, we should not mention this conversation with other people. At least for the time being, it is like this. She needs to come fishing! "

"Understand!" Ding Ding also made an American salute, "but this way is really not suitable for me. I feel so tired. I really doubt what kind of environment created such a person?" Ding Ding is also staring at the direction of the door, it is obviously also in the expression of their feelings.

"Well! I'm casting pearls before swine. I don't want to disturb you. Go and continue to fall in love with your family Cao Zhen. " Ding Yu is also defeated, Ding Ding Ding is pleased to nod. For her, it is the best choice to talk to Cao Zhen. At least at this time, sitting here to talk with her brother and Lily is very tiring!

But Ding Ding just walked to the door, as if to think of something like, "brother, where did your nanny and housekeeping find? I think it's very good. I'd like to introduce two of them to me. My home is quite chaotic, and the nanny I'm looking for is not very suitable. I'll leave it to you! "

Also did not wait for Ding Yu to refuse, Ding Ding Ding left with her small bag on her back. Ding Yu was in a good breath and didn't spray out. Was her sister too careless? Could she find the nanny at will? Earlier, I mentioned this matter with my grandfather Sheng Haisheng, mainly for the sake of adding congestion.

But I didn't think that the old lady didn't take it as a thing at all. In this case, Ding Yu also pushed the boat. Next, Ding Yu was very clear about the relationship. What about these people? If you have money, you may not be able to hire it. The main reason is that it is too popular. In any case, ordinary people can't get it.

Open your mouth to Grandma about this matter, or forget it! You should know that even if your own father's home is not equipped with these domestic workers, if you speak again, you will seem to be too ignorant of the rules, and even have some willful and indulgent, so forget it!

It's OK to let the nanny at home to help, and then slowly look for it in the market! Otherwise, what else? If you refuse your sister, forget about it! For myself, it is absolutely a big trouble, I can imagine what kind of consequences it will be.

Although he offended Xia Yang and Zhong Yun, but from the heart, he really didn't take them as a thing, but the problem is that Ding Ding Ding is different. If he offended Ding Ding, this is not just guilt. Ding Yu knows that his next life will never be as simple as death.

In the evening, Ding Yu is still very busy. Sorting out the hospital information is a small matter, which can be handed over to her assistant Tao Jin. She has handled all the things in the hospital, so sorting them out is not a very troublesome thing. But Ding Yu's main energy is still on Sun Yingnan's side.

What about his assistant, Tao Jin? I don't have any satisfaction or dissatisfaction. In this way, she is a member of the military, and she is beside her? It is mainly used to coordinate the relationship between them. As for her present identity? It's mainly used for convenience. It's so simple. Don't think too much of trouble.

"Something?" Looking at Tao Jin, Ding Yu also used his hand to knock on the keyboard twice. All the information had been sorted out. Tao Jin also asked Ding Yu to sign. Ding Yu really didn't have the time to see these things now. Then he motioned with his hand. However, Tao Jin did not leave, but still stood in the distance.

After waiting for Ding Yu to look over again, she took a heavy breath, and then pressed her nervousness and said, "when Miss Lily goes back, I hope you can send her back by special plane!"Ding Yu was stunned at the news, and then knocked on the table twice with his hand. Looking at Tao Jin's silence, Ding Yu did not ask again. Who knows what the military is up to, but as long as it is not too much, just open one eye and close one eye. It's no big deal.

"I see!" Ding Yu did not express any objection. Since the military has asked Tao Jin to say this to himself, he must have made preparations in this respect. As for how to deal with the next thing, Ding Yu does not need to worry about it.

"But when Lily will go back, I'm not very clear about it. Maybe it's just these two days, maybe it's going to take some time. I won't make a guarantee in this respect!" Some words, Ding Yu feel it is necessary to say, he really will not do this aspect of the guarantee, because he is very uncertain.

"There should be no problem!" After receiving Ding Yu's assurance, Tao Jin also sent the relevant information back. Ding Yu didn't mean to refuse to deal with this issue, and even had some laissez faire situations among them, "if I can, I'd like to go to England too!"

"Want to borrow my name?" Ding Yu also quickly understood what she meant by saying this, but Ding Yu really didn't mean to look up. Now his attention is all on the computer in front of him. "Please give my regards to Professor Wilson. I happen to have some sorted materials that need to be checked by him. You are a more suitable candidate for this aspect. Other people are specialized in this field It's really not very suitable for business problems! "

After saying that, Ding Yu seems to suddenly think of something, "there are some things in my apartment, you can help me get them back, you go to find housekeeper William, he will give the things to you!"

Ding Yu didn't explain what he was going to take. Tao Jin was also puzzled and doubted. He immediately reported the situation to Ding Yu. Ding Yu did not have any opinions about her going to England, and did not put forward any conditions. However, she asked her to bring some things back from her apartment when she came back.

What kind of thing is it? It's a very interesting thing. But if you think about it carefully, it seems to be a very wonderful thing. Why do you want to tell yourself this thing deliberately? Is it because you don't believe in yourself? Or are there other reasons?

In this regard, the military also felt that there were some scratching heads. Ding Yu's mind was so hard to guess! This seems to be a trial or even a small trap. What about the cooperation between the military and Ding Yu? Relatively speaking, it is still delicate, but there has been contact, but what about this contact? It seems that it is not as deep as imagined.

More importantly, the military seems to have found a special situation. Ding Yu seems to be a child of the Wang family. As for how to know the news, what happened in stone city, the military is indifferent. If it can't even investigate this matter, the military might as well sell sweet potatoes.

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