It was unexpected that Ding Yu had such a relationship with him. For the military, it was really a "surprise". Relatively speaking, it was a complex issue. What was Ding Yu's attitude towards the Wang family? It seems that there is a little bit of subtlety, which also makes the military feel a little tricky.

What about Ding Yu to the Wang family? There is no sense of dependence. It seems that the Wangs have a lot of needs for Ding Yu. Previously, the Wangs had a hard time. Other aspects may also be investigated! But the military seems to have known the news. This man is Ding Yu, and will never be anyone else's.

So the relationship with Ding Yu? There are so many meanings of mutual restriction. What's more, even if there is no Wang family, Ding Yu is not so easy to make. His main industry is not in China. What about domestic things? They are all children's family members, so it's not so simple to restrain them.

But in any case, Ding Yu's performance is obvious to all, this mutual trust? Need to contact each other step by step, and after the relationship of the Wang family, you can also slightly bind Ding Yu. There is no way to erase your blood relationship! You still need to admit that.

At present, both of them are suddenly not doing something about this relationship. Everyone's heart is very clear, but it's just clear in the heart. No one will tell this matter out. I'm afraid Ding Yu, a little fox, is also very clear in his heart. He didn't expect that he was young and had a lot of thoughts.

What is the military's attitude towards Ding Yu? Ding Yu's head is very flexible, at least not rigid. The military needs people like Ding Yu. The only pity is that they can't be used by the military. We can only say that we cooperate with each other. But what will happen in the future? Who knows?

But Ding Yu looked at the courtyard, the expression on his face was very strange, "I said Lily came, I can accept it, you come, how can this be regarded as a thing? Are you going to the closing ceremony? "

make complaints about Ding Yu and Tucao, Charlie never did a thing at once, picked up fruit in front of the fruit plate, and ate it very awfully. "I have other things, and I also learned from the experience that I can not be boring. Actually, I wanted to come over very early, and not be delayed."

"How can I feel something else when I listen to this

"It's just different from person to person, but it seems that you really have a problem with people's eyes!" When talking, Charlie also put his eyes on Ding Yu's two children. For Ding Yu's two children, he knew the news in this respect, but since Ding Yu did not choose to expose himself, he would not deliberately publicize anything.

"Is it? I don't have the feeling of this aspect, but I really think you come here at this time, it seems that you have other plans. However, since you don't mean to say it, then I'm not forced. However, I may be busy recently, and the surgery has been arranged, I'm afraid there is not so much time! "

Charlie is also slightly discontented to look at Ding Yu, "I said friends, this is not a bit too realistic?" Looking at the expression on Ding Yu's face, Charlie also raised his hand, "OK! I've been defeated by you. What about my coming this time? The main thing is to investigate some specific matters. After all, the next Olympic Games will be held in London! "

"Take it?"

Listening to Ding Yu's light tone, Charlie really felt that his teeth were itchy. He really wanted to compete with Ding Yu and see how his boxing training had been during this period of time? But think about it or forget it! On this issue, I am afraid it is difficult to find the so-called balance from Ding Yu's body.

"There may be a lot of problems. After all, the next Olympic Games will be held in London, so we will hold a series of discussions. In addition, the style of this Olympic Games is slightly higher, and the pressure on the British side is slightly higher. The government has already worried and worried about this aspect."

Ding Yu took a look at Charlie. "This excuse is good. From your identity, it's enough to get involved in this matter. However, since you don't want to say it, then I won't try my best. If there's anything and the situation, I can tell you that there's no problem solving a little trouble."

"Do I need to say thank you?" After listening to Ding Yu's words, Charlie also had some meaning of smiling all over his face. Obviously, he was expecting such an answer from Ding Yu, but Ding Yu didn't care. Since Zha ideal wanted a guarantee, he would give him a guarantee. It's not difficult for him to talk about himself.

"No need to thank you, but first the villain, then the gentleman, don't let me too embarrassed, in that case, I will thank God!" After that, Ding Yu seemed to remember something, "is it urgent? If you're not in a hurry, you'll go back together. If you're in a hurry, I'll send you a special plane! "

"Forget it! Although I really want to have such treatment, the problem is that I am not the only one who has come. It is too special. On the contrary, many people have already expressed their dissatisfaction. If such problems and situations happen again, things may be a little noisy, which may be a little unfavorable for my future! ""Yes, it seems that you already know it well!" This is quite different from Ding Yu. Ding Yu now seems to have some high-profile in the hospital. The reason for the high-profile is very simple, because many people have already regarded themselves as a thorn in the flesh. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he needs to point out some conditions.

Come by yourself? It's not to say that they want to rob their jobs. The things in their mouths are really despised by themselves, so everyone's well water doesn't offend the river. Hello, Hello, everyone. I'm a villain first and then a gentleman. If anyone who has maggots behind his back is really caught, then don't blame me for not being affectionate.

Ding Yu's attitude can be said to be quite clear, but what did Ding Yu do? It is also a relief for some people in the hospital. As long as Ding Yu is sensible, if Ding Yu is not sensible, it is really a very troublesome thing, but what about some things? It still takes time to balance.

However, Charlie's performance on this issue is different. His starting point is very high. In addition, his family has an abnormal background. If he is more independent, he is likely to be ostracized by other personnel. After all, the two people are in different positions and situations.

In the evening, Ding Yu deliberately entertained Charlie. He was in the courtyard. The things were bought by the nanny. They were all snacks from the capital. Charlie was really enjoying himself. The taste of the food was not ordinary. Ding Yu's time in England was not short. It seems that in this respect, he was deeply poisoned. Here, it means food.

The so-called "looking up to the stars" sect is absolutely not bragging. Ordinary people are really hard to accept. Looking at Ding Yu, he didn't mean to raise his glass, and Charlie didn't force him. It's a very good habit. It's not the same as myself. I also want to look like this, but I have no other choice but my own position.

After he was full of food and drink, Charlie left. The driver personally sent him back to the hotel. Ding Yu went back to his study. He continued to keep in touch with sun Yingnan. Recently, the market has been more active, which seems to have attracted some people's attention. This is not a very good news.

Fortunately, the layout has almost been completed, and the rest of the work is not very troublesome. It is normal that we prefer some technology stocks and then acquire some of them. The situation is so simple. There is nothing unusual, but some people feel a little nervous.

The main reason for the tension is that the development may have been faster in the past two years, so it has attracted everyone's attention. There is no way for Ding Yu to keep a low profile as far as possible, but it still attracts the attention of relevant parties, which is enough to show the extent of the financial expansion!

Although both Charlie and Lily are in the capital city, they really don't mean to meet each other. It's OK for them to make up their minds. As for Lily's internal affairs, Charlie knows about it and agrees with it. It's too inflated to see what's going on. It's better to keep a low profile.

As for who will win this victory in the end, the question is for myself? It's not as important as I think. Of course, I'm more optimistic about lily. So I don't have to worry about it. Lily has a good relationship with her mother and has Ding Yu's strong backing, so there won't be too many problems.

In fact, some things are doomed. It doesn't have much to do with your efforts or not. Lily just wants to take this opportunity to straighten out the internal affairs. People with a clear eye all know how to deal with this and the only loophole in it? It was she who left England, which didn't seem to be the right way.

It is not only rash but also simple. If there is any carelessness, the good situation may be lost. At that time, even if there is a lot of support, I'm afraid that Lily will be too adventurous.

But what about this problem? Lily has her own plan. Other people really can't go deep into what to say. This is also the main reason why Charlie avoids meeting lily. Don't talk about it when meeting! It seems that some do not care enough, but said this matter, it seems to be meddling, so forget it!

Lily is now staying in the capital, but it doesn't mean that she doesn't care about British affairs at all. She cares more about British affairs than anyone else. But it's because she cares so much that she needs to show more composure and not show any weakness.

"Hello, Dr. Ding!" When Ding Yu is off work, he stops his steps when he looks at Lei Ming waiting outside the courtyard. He then makes an invitation gesture, and then walks to the courtyard. Lei Ming and his subordinates also walk into the courtyard together.

The people behind Lei Ming don't feel too much. The courtyard is green and luxuriant, and the layout is very exquisite. After coming in, the feeling is really refreshing, and there is no difference. But it is physical and mental pleasure. You can't tell why.But thunder Ming looked at the service personnel, the corners of his mouth slightly twitch up, how much in the heart there are so many want to scold the meaning, why should this matter be pushed to his head? Ding Yu is definitely not as simple as he imagined. Previously, director Wu warned him, but who ever thought that things had changed.

But after arriving at Ding Yu's residence, he suddenly found some other things. The family servants around Ding Yu seem to be very unusual, even more senior than those around his father. His father has such a family servant, because of his position, but what is the reason for Ding Yu?

What kind of identity Ding Yu is equipped with such personnel is a question worthy of Lei Ming's doubt. Moreover, as far as Lei Ming knows, even if you are no longer of a certain rank, you can not be equipped with such family service personnel. When thinking about this, Lei Ming also has a cold breath.

Secretary Wu's warning was not unreasonable, but the problem is that now things have changed, I have to go to Ding Yu with my own strength. After all, I still know him. Here I can only describe myself as knowing two people. I thought I knew Ding Yu, but from now on, it's not like this at all.

What I see is only superficial things, which is far from the so-called essence. The more I know, the more I feel that Ding Yu is not only mysterious and simple, but also a little bit frightening. I can't tell you where this research came from, but I have such feelings.

"The result of the previous problem has been solved. The bureau thinks it is necessary to inform Dr. Ding, so let me explain it to you." Lei Ming also lowered his attitude, "the party concerned has been sober up and has explained some problems and conditions, but there are some foreign problems involved in it!"

"On the British side?" Ding Yu did not care very much and asked, "is there any problem in this?"

"The investigation of the case has fallen into a fog, without any clues, the clues provided by the parties are not enough to let us understand all the problems and conditions in this." Thunder thought for a while, but also quickly showed the attitude problem.

"What force? He's not with you? Or are you a traitor

Thunder is also a expression of a Zheng, this is what with what! However, since Ding Yu asked, Lei Ming also said casually, "he was not good at this major at the beginning, so he was transferred to other departments. However, after the Olympic Games, we may go back, which can be regarded as a complete explanation."

Ding Yu slightly nodded his head, with some pretentious meaning, "let them solve the British affairs on their own! It doesn't have much to do with us. Lily can't explain any problems here! "

But obviously, Lei Ming is quite dissatisfied with Ding Yu's answer. His eyes also turn two times, "is brother Kun the same as when he was at the beginning?" Ding Yu is also very obvious that some of the meaning of being shaken, the expression is also slightly dull for a while, and then take a deep look at the thunder.

"The identities of Lily and brother Kun are quite different. After all, it involves the political formation of the two countries, and the nature of the two people is also so different. Lily's organization has existed for hundreds of years. What about brother Kun? I'm afraid it's not even a fraction. It's more likely that brother Kun and Lily have different directions! "

"Hundreds of years?" Lei Ming is also a little incredulous. This is totally impossible, but then it seems to think of something. After all, it is an organization of the British side. If it is really said, it seems that there is a possibility in this respect, "OK! Some people say that you have a close relationship with this organization! "

At this time, Ding Yu was also a little unable to stop his smile. "This must have been deliberately told you, I think it is also involved in the funding issues?" When talking about this, Ding Yu also shook his head, "really, this question is not what you should ask, and I won't answer it if you ask it!"

For Ding Yu's reaction, Lei Ming also made a clear expression, "so to speak, that is, Dr. Ding, you should know that if you fund an organization like this, what you have done has seriously violated the law!"

Looking at the reaction of thunder, Ding Yu also felt that some of them were not living in the same world. They were not joking with themselves! Why do you feel so uncomfortable? "Well! I'm going to be defeated by you. I really don't know what's in your head! "

Lei Ming suddenly woke up, and then looked at Ding Yu with a little shame. He even spat out his tongue. What he had just done was too much, which was seen by others. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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