Ding Yu doesn't care what happened to Terry and Leo! And no matter what happened, it has nothing to do with yourself! I don't care about it!

Even if they make a little noise, what can they do? Do you have any so-called influence on yourself? You're not going to make it? This time, the situation is so special!

After all, it's such a thing! Come by yourself! Do you really have no fear? How is that possible? The contest behind can really scare people to death! Ding Yu can keep quite calm, absolutely not because of courage!

Because he is very clear, when should hand, when should win over, since win over, then need to pay enough capital, absolutely can't have any miserly! Because only under the full capital, it is possible to make their own flash around! Do you really think Terry and Leo are going to be soft hearted?

How can it be! They have done a lot of sinister things. Don't be cheated by them!

And now? Finally, there are a few eyebrows, at least they will not have too many means on the surface! To a certain extent, we are restricting each other! Maintain a fragile balance!

More frankly, there are too few people who can believe. Even if they believe, they just float on the surface!

The relationship is too fragile! A little wind and grass, may break the balance between each other!

Terry and Leo are two old people who won't talk! Can even Baron and Josephat believe it? Can even Pete believe it? If I believe them, I'm afraid I won't have any residue now!

After getting out of the car, Ding Yu nodded to sun Yingnan. She was about to collapse at this time! Jin can be better. After all, he is a martial arts practitioner, but mental fatigue is inevitable!

You know, he not only needs to pay attention to Ding Yu's safety, but also needs to pay attention to the outside situation! But outside all is sun Yingnan manages! Ding Yu spent almost a whole day in the room without much movement!

Is it really impossible to move? This is not the reason!

In addition to meeting Hart and Rogers, Ding Yu almost never went out! After all, it's someone else's land. Who can guarantee that other things will happen in the process of going out? Who dares to make such a promise? no one!

All things need to be supported by Ding Yu, Ding Yu! So Jin and sun Yingnan have considerable dependence!

On the other hand, what is Ding Yu's dependence? So although Ding Yu does not have too many problems now, the actual situation is only in Ding Yu's own heart! Today's danger is more fierce than any time after coming!

It's not too much to say that it's dancing on eggs!

If you're not careful, you'll beat the chickens with flying eggs!

Looking at Hart and Rogers standing behind him, Ding Yu watched them for a while. "Do you want to have a rest now? Or do you want to talk to me? It doesn't matter to me

The two children looked at each other, but Hart was the first to speak! Rogers didn't take the lead!

"Sir, I think it might be better to say it now! The impression may be more profound! "

Ding Yu laughed and touched Rogers's head. "How about you? How suddenly disappeared! This is not your style, is it? At least not as much as I know you

"Sir! I had no choice before! " Rogers is smart!

Ding Yu smiles, but the smile is fleeting, "OK! It's already this time! And pretending to be smart! Go wash up! There is no bath here. Our habits there are quite different from yours! I won't prepare medicine bath for you first! There are not so many materials! "

In about half an hour, Ding Yu changed his clothes again. Ding Yu was alone. As for Jin and sun Yingnan, they both had gone to have a rest! Now this time two people simply can't hold!

"Do you know why I brought you back?" Ding Yu, who is wearing a double breasted coat, is elegant!

Hart and Rogers were also a little relaxed and happy! Because today's Ding Yu and the previous Ding Yu are totally different people. In the past, they were not polite, and there was a kind of indifference and indifference in their bones. But now? Very peaceful and natural! Give people a very close feeling!

And Ding Yu is very casual, not sitting on the sofa, but sitting on the carpet. The room is not without chairs or sofas. Ding Yu doesn't care so much. Hart and Rogers also sit down with them, and they even find some support!

Because they don't have a lot of constraints! They also let go of their own mind! There was a little bit of uneasiness and uneasiness before, and now it has been able to settle down!

"Is it because of danger, sir?""Sitting on the ground makes it easier to think! There is a basis for this! " Ding Yu even made a small explanation, "but due to other reasons, it is not recommended to do so!" Then Ding Yu turned the string on his hand, "but Rogers, what you said is no problem. It's really because it's quite dangerous! But is this dangerous? It's not just you, but I'm in danger too! "

Both of them are smart! Even a little silly looking at Ding Yu!

"Why, sir? How dare you do it at home? "

Ding Yu smile, as if a little disapproval of the appearance! "I brought you back, but I didn't leave you there, because you two were good! I didn't mean to take you two as hostages! You are good! But a genius who doesn't grow up is not a genius after all. It doesn't have much value! "

Then Ding Yu pointed to his head, "but I'm not the same! I mean a lot. If you can kill me, don't say it's you! Even Pete! It doesn't matter if Baron and Josephat are sacrificed! "

They were a little scared! They didn't expect so much!

"What? That's the fear? " Although Ding Yu's smile brought them considerable warmth, but the body still has some chills, now at this time, they are really so afraid!

"Sir, you want to tell us that we were better at first, but now we are in danger all the time! Is that so? " Hart's reaction is very fast, and has not been brought rhythm by Ding Yu!

Rogers' eyes are bright, too!

"I'll take you now! On the one hand, it's because your parents haven't spoken yet! No one knows what kind of attitude it is! It's hard to say if I'll see you tomorrow if I leave you there

Ding Yu shook his head slightly, "you are growing up in such a big family. You must have quite a feeling. What about me? It's family power! But I've seen a lot of them these years! Quite a thing! Hi A heavy sigh!

"Do you dare, sir?" Rogers said, almost biting his teeth!

"Why not?" Ding Yu can't deny looking at Rogers, "and I need to say, nothing dares or dares, only worth it or not? If it's worth it, don't say it's you! What if it's Barron? If it's not worth it, don't say it's you! Even if your dog bites them, they won't care! "

"Do you think I'm trying to scare you?"

Ding Yu squints his eyes at the two children! Rogers did not look at Hart, but watched Ding Yu attentively!

"Sir! Why is that so? "

Still can't accept in the heart, the family aspect so takes seriously! Their hearts are also proud, but now the bubble suddenly broke up! This blow is a little bit big!

"You two! I'm still a little too young! For one of the fierce relationship is not so clear! It's not good enough! Although there are quite a number of infections, there is not much pollution, which is a good thing! "

Ding Yu this time to explain carefully said! "You two are still a little too young! In our level, all the so-called conflicts! Contradiction! Or a more fierce fight! There is basically only one reason! "


Ding Yu nodded at Rogers. Hart didn't have much reaction. Rogers could think of such a thing! Naturally, he can think of it! After all, it's too simple! To a certain extent, it is not worth mentioning at all!

"Isn't it right, sir?"

"The so-called right? It's just for the distribution of benefits! From a deep point of view, it is for more benefits! This is the most fundamental thing! And for the benefit? You may use violence! It's possible to outwit! There are so many things you can't think of, almost nothing you can't do! "

"Sir, is there no other reason?"

"Yes! But in the end, more than 95% are due to interests! There are also very few conflicts that are not caused by interests! But what about such a thing? But anyone who is a little rational! Basically will not do so! Just like I said before! It's not worth it

"Sir, is the so-called reason reasonable analysis?"

"The scope is too big!" Ding Yu slightly frowned, "I believe you've all read books! What about rationality? It is based on the existing theory, through reasonable logic and thinking to judge! Is under the normal thought, calmly faces and the detailed analysis! Need to pay attention to a point, rationality does not mean cowardice, two things

Hart blinked his eyes! "Sir, why can't you control yourself sometimes?""Good question!" Ding Yu appreciated Hart's question very much! Even gave him a thumb! "A very interesting topic! It's also an interesting extension! "

"In ancient China, there was a kind of thought called human based evil! Of course, there is also the idea of refutation, which is called "human nature is good!"

"What about me? More agree with the people of evil! Due to education and other reasons! We can control ourselves

"Sir, there is a beast in everyone's heart!"

When talking, Rogers stares at Ding Yu! The eyes are very sharp! Even with a little bit of ferocity!

"What? Are you ready to release the beast in your heart? " Ding Yu didn't criticize Rogers because of this, "I can see that you agree with the idea of human based evil! Right or wrong? I will not teach you this question! I teach you a lot of knowledge. I hope you can find this way by yourself! I'm not you! You are not me! Hart, you too! Whether you agree with the good or evil of human nature! Such problems need to be dealt with by yourself! "

There was a little confusion in Hart's eyes!

"Sir, didn't you tell us that? You are our teacher

"Correct a problem! I'm not your teacher now. I'm optimistic about your qualifications, but you haven't completely passed my test! What's more, what I say is the truth? Who told you that? "

Both children have such silly eyes! Because of this, they really didn't think of it!

They listened to such a great truth with great interest, but your refutation made the two children really have no way to accept it! Too abrupt!

"What is right and what is wrong! How should I know? How do you know? "

The two children have some frowns at the same time! Because it's too much of a test for them! And what Ding Yu said is fundamentally different from what is transmitted from books or even from his own teachers!

To a certain extent, completely subverted their traditional ideas and ideas! So this time seems very confused!

"I say the simplest example! It's like me and Barron! From my personal point of view, I think what I do is right and truth, but from Barron's point of view, what I do is wrong! It's a fallacy! Under such circumstances, how can we judge who is right and who is wrong? "

Hart's eyes were brighter, but still foggy! And Rogers? Feel confused! I don't even understand! Because in my opinion, I have fallen into a strange circle!

I remember when you said that, sir! It doesn't matter what's right or wrong! "

Hart was stunned and looked at Rogers, but then shook his head! He has his own independent thinking in his heart! Rogers's way is a little too clever! At least not in my mind!

"Ha ha! You! A little smart! Even quite smart, the reaction ability is very fast! But you're not as good as Hart! But what? You're lucky! So you two have your own advantages and disadvantages! In the future, it may even be the same! That's really interesting! "

Ding Yu is very happy now! It's not even the time for Hart and Rogers to be upset!

"Rogers, what was your answer? It's a bit opportunistic! Not your own answer! What do I want? You have your own thinking in the future! This should be what Hart thought just now, thinking independently! This is a simple and complex thing! Even sometimes I don't know how to judge! "

Hart is looking at Ding Yu! I'm so sorry to see Rogers! Hart is so weird! Even strange people have so some do not understand! I am now seriously suspicious! Is there something wrong with his head? Otherwise, why do you make such a move now?

"Sir, have you ever released the beast in your heart?"

Rogers wanted to laugh at Hart, but when he heard this question, he suddenly looked back at Ding Yu! May feel a little too much care! But because of too much force! Almost twisted his neck! It's Hart's problem, too bold, even a little reckless!

"Hart, so to speak, you have released the beast in your heart!"

This time, Rogers really had some problems! I just felt that there was something wrong with Hart's head! The brain is so simple, but now there is a problem! I need to think about it now. Is it a little bit far away from him?

The spirit is not good, if you really put the goal on yourself, can you stand it?This is a big problem, OK? And Mr. Ding here?! It seems that I don't attach importance to Hart in general, which is obvious to me! Although my heart is a little angry about this, but now I hear Hart say so, this heart is really not general uneasy!

Although they seem to be a bit wanton! But that's just a disguise! But this one in front of you? It seems very quiet! But this heart seems a little too fierce! It's not easy to deal with!

Maybe alone, no problem! I will let him know how powerful he is! But the other way round? I really need to relax in other aspects! Because he is very uncertain, the spirit seems not very good Hart, when suddenly give yourself so suddenly! How about being a chicken?

If you really give yourself such a rush! Both wings are broken for you! You're flying!

Maybe even, he will hand himself a roast chicken wing. When you say it, do you eat it or not?

If you don't eat, this is not to give face, but if you eat, that is your own wings!

When he thought about it, Rogers thought he could cry now!

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