"And you, Rogers? Have you ever released the beast in your heart? "

Although Rogers fought fiercely in the past, in Ding Yu's opinion, he did not dare to do such a thing, at least now! But I need to ask!

"Sir, I don't know how to define it!"

Rogers touched his head, as if confused!

"You! It's different from Hart's living environment! So the way two people deal with things is quite different! That's understandable! " Turning around his body, he put one hand on the sofa. Ding Yu asked curiously, "I don't know if Hart has heard something about it. Jin indulged in it when he went ahead."

"I don't know!" Hart's answer was very happy!

Not only Hart, but also Rogers! However, Hart's eyes were obviously bright, because he had heard from the words that Mr. Ding had released the beast in his heart!

As for Rogers, he didn't understand at all. He was a bit silly. Even in Hart's opinion, his IQ was not enough! I don't know why my husband values him. I don't dislike him, but I feel a little helpless!

"It's not a simple thing to control the beast in your heart, and the beast in your heart is not a trained wild horse. If you say to let it out, let it out! Impossible things, how if unscrupulous, I believe it won't take too long! You can't control yourself! "

"It's very painful! But after it's released, it's very comfortable! " Hart's face suddenly turned white, and Rogers thought something was wrong with him? "But it's very frightening, very frightening!"

Ding Yu nodded deeply, and even now he looked at Hart with different eyes!

"It's so comfortable! I'm addicted to it, and I don't want to go back at all! " Ding Yu sighed, "now I have some doubts! How did you turn back? After all, you are young! And now you are so calm, I think this kind of thing should not be a year or two! At your age! In retrospect, what you did at that time! I doubt it

Rogers couldn't help but move his ass! Previously I felt that Hart's spirit had quite a problem! But now, it seems more than that! I'd better stay away from him a little bit! Originally, I thought he was a rabbit! But now, it's a monster that eats people!

It's really like that. I didn't feel it at all!

Of course, there are some intentional ingredients in it. If you don't even have this wink at ordinary times, I'm afraid you've already been eaten dry and wiped clean! This is also a way to deal with people! Living in such a family and environment, if there is no skill, ha ha!

Looking at Hart did not mean to say, Ding Yu did not have any reluctance! "Such a thing! It's easy to say simple, but it's difficult to say difficult! But the earlier you experience it, the more harm it will do to you. I believe it's also because of such things, so you have been in such a situation for a long time! Each life has its own misfortune! Hi

"Sir! How did you find yourself when you came back? "

Since Hart didn't mean to say anything, rogers took over the subject!

"This brings up some sad things about me! Before my adulthood? There are not so many good things! I was abducted when I was a child! I was betrayed when I went to school, and then I was tested in love! As for the subsequent betrayal and so on! It didn't break me up! But it is also unbearable! Of course, it's not without luck to be adopted! Be loved! Being taken care of and so on! But after suffering from the horror between life and death, I wake up! "

"Between life and death?"

"Yes! Between life and death! It's like throwing a coin! One side is life! One side is death! When the coin was thrown up, it fell to the ground vertically, and then after a considerable amount of time, I chose to live! A general explanation? It should be like this! Between life and death there is a big terror! When I think about it now, I still have a lingering fear! "

"I don't understand, sir!"

"There is a great terror between life and death. If you live, the worst is to go begging and die? Hold the earth with both hands! Only in between, there will be a helpless feeling! Is it life or death? The choice of life

Hart took a slight breath, but it was a little longer!

"I think it's time to have a rest, sir!"

"That's fine! I will get up at more than four o'clock in the morning. I don't have too many requirements for you to see now! Sleep for you, is the best way to grow up, but also the most relaxed way! But with the change of time, I will ask you more and more, so cherish it

Ding Yu's smile is a little bad, even a little intentional! Hart's face was expressionless. He didn't seem to care about such a thing at all, while Rogers didn't think much of it! Even eager to try!The next morning, Kim didn't have much difference from the usual time. After a night's rest, he soon recovered! And the morning exercise, is with Ding Yu two people push each other! Quite a security guard is quite envious of this!

They don't say they can't start, but they will be pushed out with two strokes! Director Jin is really gifted in this aspect! This is the difference in qualifications. It's not that the teacher doesn't teach, nor does it mean that he is self-conscious. This is not the reason at all. We just can't learn! What can we do?

So, to a certain extent, we can't learn from the inside, and can't we learn some minor things? What's more, even if you learn the side effects, it's enough to eat for a lifetime!

"I still don't feel completely recovered!" Wipe the sweat stains, Ding Yu said aloud!

"All right! I've already had quite a feeling! " Jin explained softly, "even this time, I have gained a lot! But now, we are still in other people's territory! After all, there are still some problems! "

"Give a call to Taixi! She's been hot and cold these two days, one cold, one hot! Back and forth alternation, not too many people can bear, go back, I'm afraid it will take quite a long time to recuperate! I'm even thinking about whether the children in my family will have other opinions on this? "

"I can't do anything about it, sir!" Other things are easy to say, there is no problem, but such things or forget it! "What's more, I have a lot of things to deal with, sir, you know!"

Ding Yu has some helplessness about it! Some words can only be said to Jin, it's really not good to say to others!

It's Ding Yu, Hart and Rogers at dinner time!

Looking at the food on the table, the two children didn't understand why there were so many things, but they didn't feel much! It's a bit wasteful at most! But with the change of time, both children are dull! It's totally stupid!

Is the man in front of them really human? So many things on the table, all into the stomach? But Mr. Ding's stomach has not any change, the whole person does not seem to see any difference!

They have tried the meat just now! Pure meat, without any inclusion! So much to eat! There is no change! I haven't seen such a performance on TV! This is not so simple as surprise!

It's scary! At the same time, it's too shocking! How can it be like this?

"What? Haven't you seen it? " Ding Yu is not angry or embarrassed! "If you can get started in the future, you will feel used to it! Digestion! How much you can eat does not mean how much you can digest, nor does it mean that you can absorb all the nutrients. I said that yesterday! "

"That's too much, Mr. Ding!" After swallowing a mouthful of fresh orange juice, Hart said with a little surprise!

If you don't see it, you won't believe what you say! Now I see it! I feel that my mind is completely destroyed! Even now want to re cast up, there are quite impossible!

"I'm still saying that Hart is quite likely in the future, but Rogers, whether you can do it or not depends on God's will! Although your luck is very good, but luck this thing is illusory, no one can say clearly

"Mr. Ding, I want to learn! I want to learn

Rogers almost jumped up, and Hart's eyes were shining a bit!

Ding Yu nodded! "Since I'm with you, I have considerable expectations for you! But can you learn! I will not make any guarantee for this! Ways and means to teach you! It's your own way to get out! "

After thinking about it, Ding Yu continued to say, "I don't know how many children will come today! I'm going to be impatient now! "

Hart and Rogers had nothing to say about it!

After dinner, Ding Yu makes a phone call to Taixi while he still has a lot of spare time, so that she can simply clean up there! I'll pick her up at that time and go back together by the way! Leave today! There won't be too much stay!

What should be done has been done! What are you doing staying here at this time? Is it not good enough to despise yourself?

For Ding Yu, it's better to forget this way of death! Ding Yu's courage is big, but this time it's not for this! Quite a lot of things have been done! Also need to leave some so-called face for their opponents!

"Good morning, Mr. Ding!"

Just as Ding Yu put down the phone, Josephat called! Josephat didn't want to, but it's inconvenient for baron. He's still lying on the bed! Although there is quite a sober time, but now this time is absolutely not good, there is too much work, otherwise it will affect the health and function of the body!Josephat himself also knows that this is a bit too deliberate! But so what? Quite a lot of things have been dealt with properly! Not everything needs to be perfect? Impossible! Leave a little room! For everyone has considerable benefits!

And this time, it's a bargain! The benefits are a little too much! Even for the family, it is about to support! In this case, in order not to spit out, or convergence, take the initiative to leave, will let everyone is very comfortable! Even get a lot of gratitude!

After all, I didn't wipe myself dry! There are a lot of things on the table, filling everyone's stomach without any problem! Leaving now means that we will never participate in it again!

Ding Yu is smart! Isn't Baron smart? Those who can sit on the same table with Ding Yu would have been ground to powder by now if they were not smart people?!

And, of course, Pete? That old guy is also an old fox! Josephat had a great feeling in his heart! But this thing is just thinking about it in my heart! No matter who it is, Joseph fat has no meaning to mention!

Quite a thing to hide in their own heart! Really say it! I'm afraid it will spread! And will pass the change, when it becomes what, even don't know! But Josephat is very clear, no matter what it turns out to be, it will definitely find its own head!

Their family power and influence are very good, but it does not mean that they can be unscrupulous, family inheritance is the most important! You can't make trouble for your family just because you are happy for a moment!

"What's the result?" Ding Yu is very concise! He didn't even take the initiative to inquire about baron. Pete is an old fox, but after dealing with Pete and himself for such a long time, is Baron really a wine bag? Are you kidding? Pete did it on purpose! Isn't Baron?

So in my expectation! Barron, this guy! It must be playing dead now!

Now even if it's knocking on his head with a stick, he won't move! His forbearance will definitely exceed everyone's imagination. It's all from the big family! It's not ordinary!

How could it be too simple for him to take in the patriarch and Joseph fat!

Ding Yu and he put a single time, need to be careful to deal with! There's nothing to belittle him!

Yesterday, Baron and Charlotte were really small! Is it really because of the situation? How is that possible? It's not to say that they deliberately act! There are too many reasons for this, but the couple really did it! And no complaints!

To know their identity out are able to frighten the existence of people, but they still do so!

Why? Because they are very clear that what they are carrying is definitely not a family, but a number of families! There are even covetous wolf generation, so they must be careful, must be careful! There can't be any mistakes!

The rest of the family can play! Can make trouble, but lose one's mind, but they absolutely can't! Do the right thing at the right time! It's not necessarily the right thing, but it's definitely good for the family!

"The result! It's said that there are three children, one named piler, the other two named West and Molly

"There's another girl!" Ding Yu ha ha, but there is no objection! "Pieler, bring it to me! Yesterday was a good time for children! I don't know much about West and Molly! It's not enough! Then have a try! "

Josephat's words mentioned a considerable meaning, what he needs to hear! The implied meaning of the words is too clear! But Ding Yu is a little intentional!

"Mr. Ding, I don't know what kind of arrangement to make?"

"Pilar, I'll take it directly! They will come back together in two days! As for the two children you said Ding Yu deliberately pause for a little time, "although a sheep is to drive, a group of sheep is also to put, but it is still better to be a little better!"

You can see the difference between intimacy and estrangement! "I need to go back. I didn't stay at home during the new year. My parents must have some opinions. It's the first month! Let Rowling bring them here

"Mr. Ding, we will always remember your kindness."

"It's over!" Ding Yu said calmly, then put down the phone!

Quite a lot of things do not need to be said, we are just a kind of mutual exchange of interests! Of course, Ding Yu thought Josephat was very good, so he gave him a good chance! What will happen in the future? Who knows?

Things can not be said too early, also can not be too arrogant!

It's quite a gift to follow piler! Josephat sent it in person! At this time, Josephat did not mention the things mentioned in the morning! Not at all!"Mr. Ding, I have prepared a little gift! I don't know if you like it or not! "

"What's the matter? If I don't take it down, you're in front of me? Or under the wheels? "

Ding Yu is a little intentional! Joseph fat is a sudden smile, "I must be in front of you, I'm not stupid! It's no use hiding in front of the wheel. It's dangerous! You can back up! Why should I come? "

"I know that you are a good man after all!" Nod to Kim!

It means you can take it! Next to the security did not move things to the plane at the first time, how can things, the first time to do is a detailed inspection! But also all aspects of the inspection! Who knows if there will be other problems? Hard to say!

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