Ding Xiyu's face is a little bit better! It's a little haggard, but there's no problem with energy and spirit!

"Master?" Taixi is a little wronged!

Ding Yu hugs him. Taixi takes a look at it. It's really sweet, but at the same time, it's a little shy. After all, there are many people around! I'm already married! It's a little embarrassing to return this!

"They're Hart! Rogers and pyler, still three good kids, go back with them

Ding Yu came here to meet Taixi! Then he looked at the mountain behind him!

Dashan looked at Ding Yu and bowed immediately! Ding Yu helped him up and patted him on the arm!

To help Dashan in person represents the recognition of what he does!

"How was the harvest?" Facing Taixi is an attitude, facing Dashan is another attitude!

"Great harvest, sir!" Dashan is very respectful to Ding Yu. He has already understood quite a few things! This time, for myself, is definitely an opportunity! Whether it is perfect or not is another matter! But I at least resisted!

"There's something wrong with the time! So I won't say more! After going back, don't rest for the time being, consolidate well! It's not easy to have such a chance this time! Good calm yourself! Lay a good foundation! "

"Yes! I'll live up to your expectations, sir

Dashan is very grateful! At the same time is also very careful to answer Ding Yu's words!

After getting on the plane, Taixi met with the three children, but he didn't talk much about it. After all, they are not so familiar with each other. Under such circumstances, it seems that everything they say is deliberate!

Moreover, Taixi is really in a bad mood now! Even as soon as the plane took off, it had already gone to sleep!

"Have you ever practiced martial arts?" Looking at piler, Ding Yu is more or less curious! "I think your posture of meditation is very standard! Not everyone can do that! "

Rogers next to me tried! No eggs! Two legs are broken! I can't make it!

Hart closed his eyes for a moment, then looked at him! I can't do it myself! So there's no need to try! As for Rogers' stupid behavior! I don't have to repeat myself!

"Sir!" Piler slightly cautious looking at Ding Yu, before coming, he got a little hint! Useful or useless! There are some things you must follow, which can't be avoided!

As for Hart and Rogers, they had contact with each other. Their performances were different! Rogers is quite alert to himself, even a little hostile! The light in his eyes says something, but Hart? I really have some feeling that I don't understand!

Because no matter you look at yourself or Rogers, there is no reaction!

To be exact, he didn't mean to look at anyone at all! At most, when looking at Mr. Ding Yuding, there will be a little reaction! There is a little brilliance in his eyes. In addition, he is blind when he gives himself the feeling!

"I have practiced martial arts! I've been quite familiar with it, but I can't understand some classics. Even now, I still can't understand some of them! " Pete did not do too much to cover up, such a thing is not necessary!

Ding Yu nodded! "Come on! Rogers, you leg! There should be no problem after practice! But now want to dish up, is basically impossible! It's a way of practicing. You will definitely use it in the future, so there's no need to play tricks now! "

"Why, sir?" Rogers was a little upset about it!

"At this point! Can see your character, a little indomitable! It's a good thing, at least worthy of praise! I want to test everything! As for Hart? He is more intelligent! Because he has made a considerable judgment on his own situation, so he doesn't need to try at all! It's no use trying! It's enough to be disgraced by yourself! "

Ding Yu stares! But Rogers didn't think so, and he was very proud of it! Because in my opinion, this way is not harsh, and there is no reprimand. I don't exclude Mr. Wang at all! Even has the quite joyful!

I can't tell what the reason is. When I am with my husband, I feel very happy and comfortable! As far as I know, it's definitely not psychological suggestion, but other means. But what is it? I really don't know now! But the effect is very good!

I don't see that even Hart has changed a lot. The depression in his eyes has begun to dissipate!

But his performance is quite different from Rogers, Rogers is too active, and Hart is too indifferent!"There is still quite a long time left. I'm going to see chairman Li, the chairman of the Empire! By the way, I'll take my wife home to have a rest. If you are interested, you can go to the Empire and have a look. If you are not interested, you can stroll around at will! "

Rogers looked at Ding Yu, "Sir, is your topic changing too fast? I talked about piler before, but when I turned around, I mentioned the chairman of the Empire, but I heard that his situation was not so good! "

"Oh? And that kind of concern? " Ding Yu looks at it unexpectedly!

"Sir, I don't have any way! It's not what I want? But there is still talk about this aspect at home. Even if I don't want to know, it's impossible! "

After that, it seems that the whole person is a little more cunning! It's a bit of a chatterbox!

But another problem can be highlighted from this! The education of these children is extraordinary!

"If my girl stands here now, I promise she will beat you into a pig?"

"Why?" Rogers stares at himself. Why?

"Because you talk a little bit more nonsense!" Ding Yu didn't give Rogers any face at all! Hart took a look at Rogers. Although there was not much expression on his face, he nodded approvingly, which should be so! As for piler, he took a look at Ding Yu! I didn't expect this! What a surprise!

But to the feelings of piler, Mr. Ding's temperament is very good! Seemingly scolding? Is it true? There's a smell of supervision!

"Did you worship your teacher?" Ding Yu asked abruptly!

Piler was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "no! He doesn't agree! "

"You can solve this problem by yourself! I don't want to get involved. As for whether you will be under my door in the future, this is something to be discussed! I will teach you! Point out a certain direction, but the way to go, I do not have this aspect of the mind! Quite a thing, I told them both last night! Wait for a moment, you have a good exchange

"Sir, I will mention it all! There will never be any omission! "

Let them have a rest! Ding Yu went back to Taixi's room, looked at her sleeping, looked at her for a period of time, tucked in the blanket for her, let her have some insight! Really forced too much, also seems to have quite inappropriate!

As for sending her back? This is really not a temporary idea! After all, it's too old! The festival is over!

Also let Taixi back and forth toss, it is not necessary! Ding Yu doesn't care about such complicated etiquette at all! There are rules is a thing, but too deliberately, it is really not necessary! This is Ding Yu's most true view!

When Taixi wakes up, he looks at Ding Yu, who is reading there!

But Ding Yu is methodically put down the hands of the book, and then ready to warm water to the end of the past!

There's no shelf at all! The feeling is too comfortable and warm!

"Sleep a little longer! I know you are tired, so I don't bother you! If you don't wake up again, I think I should wake you up! In less than an hour, the plane should land! "

"I've been sleeping so long?" Taixi takes the water cup and drinks it! The expression on the face is a little embarrassed!

"OK!" Ding Yu doesn't think so! "Take you home first! Then you don't have to toss back and forth! "

Ah? Taixi exclaimed, although this experience is just a few days, but he can feel the mountain has been unable to support, and he? It's just on the surface! As for the reality! I'm a little overwhelmed! Don't look at your status in China!

But the actual situation, I now finally have a considerable insight! Broaden your horizons!

"Speaking of it, everything on my side is OK, there are not too many problems! I'm a little tired at most! What's the situation over there? " Taixi is a little anxious. He seems to be under a lot of pressure. The main reason is that the communication is too intensive. If you really say it, there are not too many things!

But what's the matter with the father of the child? It seems that he is very insipid. He can't even hear any wind and rain! But the more it is, the more it shows! His side is absolutely dangerous, but he is not willing to express it!

What's more, he brought three children back this time! This situation is very inexplicable! Even very unusual, but I know how critical the child's father's eyes are!

What was not valued in the past? How lucky this time? I don't believe it!

"Now, everything is going smoothly!" Ding Yu snorted, "it's a deal at last! As for the rest? There is no need to continue to come out! There are quite a lot of things at home! Leave those bastards at home. I don't know what kind of things they will make! I'm a little worried! "The more relaxed her husband said, the more turbulent she felt!

"So you really took a big risk this time!"

"It seems dangerous! It's just the replacement of some interests! There are not too many questions! " Ding Yu is very confident smile, "this time to see Li Dong, his situation in the past two years some unusual, this time ah! I'm afraid it's the last time we meet! Goodbye, it's really possible that heaven and man will be separated forever! "

Ah?! Taixi's heart was shocked, "is the situation so serious? I've heard some news, but I don't know so much about the specific situation! "

Here, Li Dong is the emperor's general existence! Its identity and influence are extraordinary!

But the husband said so, certainly has the quite decision! Of course, it's OK to listen to this, but I can't say it! Even the obscurity of this aspect can't be revealed!

"If I go to visit Mr. Li at this time, will there be any other trouble?"

In this regard, Tai Xi expressed considerable concern!

"Fu Zhen has shown a considerable attitude since he was a long time ago, just inheriting what should be inherited! This time, I didn't mean to talk about this aspect. There's no need. I don't have much interest in Samsung. I've said that a long time ago! Comparatively speaking, Li Dong and I? It's not a long time to meet each other, but we still admire each other. He has a lot to praise

"If that's the case, is it a little too inconvenient for me in the past?"

"It depends! Who knows what kind of idea that Council of directors Li is! He is now! I'm afraid I have quite a lot of thoughts! " Ding Yu shook his head slightly, "but Hart, the three of them, can go to Samsung to have a look, as a long insight! It's not a big deal! "

The plane stops at the airport. There are not many people picking up from below! Ding Yu's return is very sudden, there are not many people know the news! After that, Kim disappeared for a long time! It's completely gone! Can't find any trace! You know, it's not rare to stare at Ding Yu!

Under such circumstances, still can not find the figure of gold! Have to say! Gold's ability is reflected incisively and vividly at this moment!

Ding Yu didn't get off the plane immediately, but stopped for quite a long time!

The speed of Li Zai Rong's coming is quite fast! Now at this time, let him personally meet the guests, absolutely not as many as imagined! Of course, he heard some news, but the channel of news was a little narrow! The news is not so true!

And Ding Yu suddenly came, this really let himself not have any preparation! His heart is also a little noisy, don't know Ding Yu here purpose? For yourself? Or for my father!

From his point of view, now I will only consider the problem like this! If it's for my father's sake, what's the purpose? Is it for the rich? If we start now, it seems too late. Although Ding Yu's power is huge, it doesn't mean that his family is really afraid of him! It can only be said that there will be considerable trouble!

After all, the whole empire is now basically in its own hands!

What if I came here for myself? What's the purpose? Do you want to make friends with yourself? Ding Yu just came back. What happened there? The news he got was not so comprehensive! Is it difficult for Ding Yu to support him?

But soon Li Zairong began to hum and laugh. Instead of ridiculing Ding Yu, he felt that he was taking things for granted! Do you have a relationship with Ding Yu? To be exact, it's more general! Is there a big reason? It's because of Fu Zhen! Do you need to talk more about the relationship between him and Fu Zhen?

What's more, are you interested in Ding Yu? Not too much contact, at the beginning of the time he walked with rich really together, his heart really have so some worry! Even has the quite fear, oneself is worried very much, Ding Yu is for the entire Samsung! After all, his influence is not small! And father's attitude is also quite ambiguous!

But from the development of things, Ding Yu seems to have no interest in Samsung! If you are really interested, what should be prepared should have been ready for so many years! It's time to start, and it should have started long ago!

Even if I really don't know anything, the control of the whole empire is already in my hands. Is there any problem? I can control it clearly!

There is also the father to himself over the entire empire, Ding Yu did not mean any trouble, with rich really also did not have too much interest in this! Not to mention, the whole process is exceptionally smooth!

As for those obstructions from the outside world, there are not too many problems for myself! I don't even mean to take it too seriously! Even if they bark, what can they do? It won't change anything!

So overall, Ding Yu is coming here this time? What's the purpose?!"Mr. Ding?" When facing Ding Yu, Li Zairong was not as cautious as before! Of course, not too much publicity? Why show off these in front of Ding Yu?

Ding Yu took the lead in stretching out his hand, and two people held it tightly!

"Congratulations Now that he has been in this position, there is no need to say anything annoying. Even from the perspective of rich truth, there is no need to be too rigid!

When he heard Ding Yu say this, Li Zairong was really absent-minded. He really didn't expect that Ding Yu would say such a thing, and even let himself have some unresponsive!

"I'm sorry! In a hurry, there is not much preparation! "

"Madame! Hello Looking at Taixi coming, Li Zairong shook his hand gently and showed great respect! After all, this is Ding Yu's real wife!


Looking at the three children standing behind, Li Zairong was puzzled, but he didn't want to ask why! Ding Yu said, he may have said, but Ding Yu did not say now! I don't have to be on the pole!

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