"How is Li Dong?"

Ding Yu doesn't have too many manners. It's a bit too much?! "If it's convenient, I'd like to visit Mr. Li."

Li Zairong looked at Ding Yu and then began to smile bitterly. He did not expect that Ding Yu would be so direct! There seems to be some mistakes in my estimation!

"Mr. Ding, if you are here, I think my father will be very happy!"

Ding Yu nodded, "Taixi is a little tired! It won't pass! I don't think Dong Li will be too surprised! But if it's convenient, arrange for them and let the three of them go to see you! "

What do you mean? See the world? Although a little puzzled, Li Zairong didn't care so much about such trifles. He nodded to Ding Yu and then made an invitation to clean up. As for the follow-up, the assistant will do it well!

"Mr. Ding!" With Ding Yu in the same car, Li Zairong is still a little uncertain. What does Ding Yu mean by coming here!

Without Taixi, it's obvious that this should be a kind of official business! If it's really a private matter, then we should take Taixi with us. This is the rule!

But the rules? Can it really help Ding Yu? Hard to say!

Besides, Ding Yu asked himself to take care of foreign children, which made him quite curious. What is the origin of these three children? Unexpectedly let Ding Yu so heart? Even in person with their mouth, such things are really too rare!

If it's for business, what business is there now? Need to find your own father? If it was a private matter, Ding Yu went to visit alone, and his wife didn't take it with him, unless it was extremely private!

But Ding Yu and his father have any private affairs? Li Zairong really has some problems!

"Mr. Li!" Ding Yu nodded and responded! "I said congratulations earlier."

Li Zairong was slightly stunned, and then said to Ding Yu sincerely! "Mr. Ding, at the beginning, my father was in front of me. I feel very good about myself! Even there are some good, but now my father's physical inconvenience, I sit in such a position, really like walking on thin ice, extraordinary

When Ding Yu called himself Mr. Li, he should have admitted his own identity. Of course, Li Zairong also meant to be tentative! Who knows what Ding Yu is fighting? What medicine is sold in gourd?

It's not that I'm really narrow-minded and can't help it. Since I'm in such a position, I have to be suspicious! I believe Ding Yu and himself in this point, there will be no difference!

Ding Yu sighed, looked at Li Zairong, then moved his eyes!

"Mr. Li, have you ever regretted it?"

This question is very skillful! But there is not much doubt about the meaning!

Li Zairong thought for a long time, even took a deep look, and then looked at Ding Yu! "I don't regret it now, and I won't regret it in the future! I should be in this position. This is not only a kind of inheritance, but also a kind of responsibility! " Li Zairong's words are very firm!

"I wish you a bright future. It's a bit hypocritical! What do you say? "

Ha ha! Li Zairong didn't mean anything! "Mr. Ding, I have heard so many praises! At the beginning, I was very happy! I think I am the one, and that position should belong to me! But over time! Now I'm not as simple as hearing cocoons! Even under the heart has the quite weariness

"There is no way, you inherit the whole empire! No matter how hard the neck is at this time! Also won't find the so-called uneasiness for oneself at this time! There are people who make mistakes! But there are very few stupid people! "

Ding Yu is still that Ding Yu! I still don't have too much politeness when I talk to myself! But Li Zairong suddenly found out! I don't have too much disgust when I talk to Ding Yu now! Even feel very interesting!

I don't know if it's because of the change of position, which leads to the change of mentality!

"Too many flatterers! It's even hard to tell who's good and who's bad! dragons and fishes jumbled together! It's intertwined with each other! " Li Rong is really fed up with this!

"No way! You sit in this position, to a certain extent, it's really very painful! Li Dong is too excellent, too excellent! What a capable man can't do! As his successor, I believe it will be very painful! At least in quite a few things, I'm very helpless! "

Ding Yu looks at Li Zai Rong! "If you do well, they say you have a good life! First class technology of reincarnation! If you don't do well, some people will say you are tiger father and dog son! I can't do such a simple thing well! Anyway! They are on the left and they are on the right

It's obvious that Ding Yu's sense organs are not so good for some people!

"Mr. Ding, I think you did it on purpose!"No matter how it is said, it will cause quite a stir! Although I don't deny that what Ding Yu said is the truth!

But this word Ding Yu mentioned not too many problems, but if he mentioned it! It will give quite a few people too much control! Who knows when Ding Yu will fall down, such things must have a considerable defense is!

"On purpose!" Ding Yu did not deny it, and even deliberately laughed! "If you are in this position, you have to bear it and deal with it! It's normal! "

Then Ding Yu watched Li Zairong for a long time! Then slowly said!

"This time, it's also a coincidence, so I have a lot of time to come and have a look at Li Dong! We are old friends for many years! There have been joys and regrets! But anyway? We still have a lot of friendship with each other

Although Ding Yu's words were not so straightforward, it was like a bolt from the blue to Li Zairong's ears! At this time, he looked at Ding Yu in a different way!

In this instant, Li Zairong even had some doubts! Is Ding Yu peeping at something on purpose?

If not for this reason? So how could Ding Yu know so much about it?! Is there any connection behind the rich? That's why Ding Yu has quite a lot of information! So Ding Yu came here this time just to make trouble!

But the next moment, Li Zairong had some bitter smiles!

I suddenly have some absence! Even some of them can't help themselves! Because father is too important for the whole Samsung empire! The one that can't be added!

But if Ding Yu really wanted to make trouble, he would never come here alone at this time! But with rich true, or other forces together! Cause great pressure on yourself, even make it hard for you to take care of yourself!

But he didn't do it before. That was the best time and opportunity! It may have a considerable impact on the reputation, but it is more likely to cause considerable turbulence to the Samsung empire!

At that time, Ding Yu did not move. Now, will Ding Yu choose something more difficult?

So now Li Zairong knows more or less what the purpose of Ding Yu's visit is! The hint he gave himself was too obvious! It's ridiculous that I thought so much!

After all, the news of his father's admission, although the family had a considerable blockade! But so what? This kind of thing has too many people's attention! I don't even need to read newspapers to collect information, because I don't need to know anything at all!

"Mr. Ding, what's there? Congratulations!" When he said this, Li Zairong no longer needed to feel out! Even a little bit of truth! Although there is contradiction between himself and Ding Yu, there is no need to deny it!

"Since I'm in this position, I need to say congratulations. I don't deny that this position is a little hot! It's really hard for ordinary people to understand what it's like to sit on it. What you see and think of is too illusory and ethereal! Is it popular? Sometimes it's like this. It must be the same with Li Dong! Since ancient times! I'm afraid the hottest thing is this chair! "

Li Rong was laughing bitterly! The most difficult thing since ancient times is this chair! "

Although the whole empire is invisible and uncrowned, quite a lot of things can't be discarded if you want to!

Now that I am sitting in this position, I must be responsible for the whole empire! There are not so many personal and old grudges! If Li Zairong is such a person! Then he can't sit in such a position at all!

At that time, why did Li Zairong treat Ding Yu like that? To a certain extent, Ding Yu was on Li Fuzhen's side, and the influence was too huge! Big people have so many worries and fears!

If Ding Yu really hands, even his father, also need to have considerable consideration! Will you give up on yourself? Is that a problem? Originally, Li Zairong was not so clear! But now I have understood it! Father will never give up on himself! Impossible!

Ding Yu seems to have never paid attention to this empire! It's impossible to say that the Li family has no foreign aid!

Even if you want to move foreign aid, you don't need to say a word, but my father hasn't moved all the time, and there's no movement with Ding Yu. Why? Li Zairong has thoroughly considered and understood now!

Father left this friendship for himself! If there is any difficulty in the future, then I find Ding Yu, and Ding Yu must help. If Ding Yu doesn't help, then he will lose his reputation and glory!

For Ding Yu and people of his own status, is there anything more important than fame and glory? Money? For himself and Ding Yu, there is no meaning at all, just a pile of waste paper and figures!Since ancient times, heaven has no flesh and blood! Why does father want to sharpen himself? Originally, I thought my father wanted to pave the way for Fu Zhen, but now I'm really in the upper position, and I understand! In the future, I will treat my son like this! Even more ruthless than father to himself!

If the child can't inherit this position, he will be forced to go up. In this cannibal country, in the end, he will be harmed, even the whole empire! What can I do if I don't temper him? I am the father of the child! We must do this, because if we spoil him too much, we will harm others and ourselves!

But then Li Zairong looked at Ding Yu because of his own understanding! Ding Yu's treatment of children seems to be a little too indulgent, and even quite tolerant. Why on earth? I really don't understand!

Is Ding Yu's child good? Ask yourself, it's much better than your own children. Although there is a considerable contradiction between you and Ding Yu because of the previous reasons, it has nothing to do with the children. Every time the children of Ding family come here, they will come to visit! No matter from the etiquette, or attitude, are impeccable!

I have some opinions and ideas about Ding Yu, but I have a good feeling for Ding's children!

It's really strange to say, and I haven't heard that Ding Yu has too much ambition. Why do the children of the Ding family cultivate so well? What's the reason? I'm really interested in it now!

"Mr. Ding, I suddenly found that I seem to be a little abrupt!"

Ding Yu looks back! "You said Hart had three of them?"

Now that Li Zairong has shown his mind, he needs to release his goodwill! Each other, you come and I go, have been quite a trial, now we should say something more practical!

"Have you heard about the bear?"

Li Zairong's face changed, but he nodded, "I heard! The situation was very serious. I called at that time! But the situation is too special to walk around! "

"This is what I want to talk about in the past! It's hard, but it's OK! The identities of the three of them! Hi! It's a bit unusual, but it's pretty good! "

Just a little leak! Don't mention too much! Li Zairong, on the other hand, was shocked. If he was himself, would he dare to do so? It seems that I really dare not! This is not as simple as going deep into the tiger's den!

"It's hard to imagine, but it's fascinating!"

"The three of them have very good qualifications! You can touch it! "

Who to contact? It is definitely not necessary for Li Zairong to contact these children. There is no need for him to contact these children! But it's still possible for the children at home to get in touch! Li Zairong knows very well how high Ding Yu's vision is! How can ordinary people get into Ding Yu's speech?

As for our own children? Li Zairong really has this meaning. No matter for his father or Fu Zhen, he believes that he has this face! But Li Zairong? After all, there are other considerations, because Ding Yu's way is quite different from his own!

"I haven't heard much about it before! That sounds strange

"It's all hidden at home!" Ding Yu sighed a little, "hundreds of years, even longer inheritance, this has not brought out the seedlings and seeds! If you take them all out, I'm afraid they are not as simple as cross dressing! "

The expression on Li Rong's face was astonished! "Isn't that the best?"

"It's very excellent. To some extent, it can be said that it's a genius. Even in a certain aspect, the children in the family feel inferior to themselves! It's true that the way we teach is very different, but we have to admit that they have their own unique features. It's no harm to have more contact with them! "

"I see!" Li Zairong nodded to Ding Yu, thinking that when he waited for a while, he must instruct his assistant! Good arrangement! What's more, the relationship between Ding Yu and himself has been eased by this conversation! This is also a good thing!

Where to sing what song! When I was in that position, I couldn't be too close to Ding Yu. Now I think my father is quite determined! What about yourself? Some luck!

When he came to the hospital, Ding Yu took a look at the surrounding environment. Although this is a hospital, to a certain extent, it is more like a private garden! Think about it, it's not so surprising! The whole Samsung empire is not controlled by the electronics industry. It can be said that any industry in this country is tainted by the Samsung empire!

There is a saying how to say, three things in life! Death! Tax and Samsung empire!

So it's not a big deal that the hospital has such an environment here!

"What? In a bad mood? "

Li Zairong, who is standing beside Ding Yu, has a lot of calculations. He did not expect that Ding Yu would say such words. This is not an insurmountable problem! But it is really not too much preparation!I took a look at my son, and then I took a look at Ding Yu! Chairman Li shook his head slightly!

"It looks like a good conversation!"

After Ding Yu sat down, he was very calm, "very good! It's going to take quite a long time and a lot of tests to become or even surpass Mr. Li, but there won't be too many problems to hold on to this position! "

When Chairman Li heard this comment, a little smile finally appeared on his face! A little proud, a little sigh! My son can have such sentiment, and finally live up to his expectations!

There is also Ding Yu. Over the years, in order to cultivate his own son, he has considerable support for Ding Yu, but also has considerable use! It's easy to do such a thing, but it won't be pleasant to say!

What's more, I also made use of my daughter!

There are some things that he and Ding Yu don't know about, but he didn't think that Ding Yu didn't take it as a matter. This kind of mind is not as good as self pity, although he is very old! But the fact is that it is, no need to say more!

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