Ding Yu and chairman Li are joking, while Li Zairong is outside the door. He really listens!

It's not intentional. He knows his father's purpose very well! Some things if they are present, there are really a lot of inconveniences, now such words very good!

"It's hard to meet such like-minded people in life! I've been lucky all my life! "

Chairman Li looked at Ding Yu and said with great care!

"I'm flattered to hear that! I'm still young and promising. I don't want to see Yama so early. Why don't you say hello in advance?! Give me a better place then! "

"You think so well!"

Other people dare not talk to Chairman Li like this, that is Ding Yu! Not to mention, it really dissipates a lot of depression in my heart. Under such circumstances, how can I not be bored at all? Impossible!

"It's said that you are brave enough to go in person this time! Are you not afraid to stay there? "

Ding Yu narrowed his eyes. He must know such things. Don't doubt the information and intelligence collection ability of these big consortia. It's absolutely beyond imagination!

"How are you! The longer things drag on, the more unfavorable it is for me. I've been holding it for nearly half a year! No matter what the so-called right or wrong about the bear! If we move now, we still have quite a chance. If we are a little later, it is hard to predict what will happen. So we should take the initiative! "

What Ding Yu said seems very relaxed!

"I heard you brought three children here! It seems a little out of character to you

"How can it be possible without paying anything? Just want to take advantage of it? "

While speaking, Li Zairong came in from the outside, but Ding Yu didn't mean to stop. "When he came, he mentioned two sentences, which seemed to be a tripartite confrontation. However, everyone stood in their own perspective and didn't want to give way to each other. In the end, he could only replace each other and open up a considerable situation!"

"But anyway? It's all slightly dangerous! "

"If we don't open this cage, the waiting problems will gradually increase. The capital is not so strong, but they can delay it. But the question is, can we delay it? Can't afford it? If so, it's better to take the initiative to solve the problem! " Ding Yu did not express much indignation about this!

It's just to face things and deal with them! It doesn't matter whether you are angry or not. If you are angry or angry because of such things, don't sit in such a position. You can be angry to death!

"That's to say, but if you value it, it means that the child must be extraordinary!"

When speaking, he took a look at his son and found that he was indifferent. He understood that he would not have any demands on this matter. Is Ding Yu's way good? I think it's good! If you say you're talking now, Ding Yu will refute face if he doesn't see it!

But his son did not have any reaction, it has already explained quite a problem! Naturally, I won't make any mistakes in this matter! There are also some that are not worth it!

However, what he sighs more is Ding Yu's decision. What he knows is not so much! But in the end, I still know something. Under such circumstances, Ding Yu must have given up quite a lot!

You should know that what Ding Yu faced at that time was by no means an ordinary interest. Even if there was a considerable delay, then Ding Yu's return at that time was absolutely huge. However, Ding Yu was still not greedy. If he gave up, he would give up!

And went directly! It's really hard to say whether it's life or death! After all, that place is the home of others, so you go straight! Although it may replace considerable interests, but behind the game, I think now, all feel that there are some shudders!

But Ding Yu came back with such a big stab! I brought three kids back, but anyway? They came back well! It's hard to imagine! It's even unpredictable!

What kind of means did Ding Yu use? Will reach such a point, his heart really like a cat to scratch the same!

But this kind of thing, Ding Yu will not have too many mentions, will not have any mentions along with Ding Yu's opponent there!

There are too many problems involved in this! No matter who will have a guess, but it is a thing to have a guess. If it's really verified, it's another thing. Who will be free to make fun of such things!

At that time, it will be more than just recognizing the anger!

"Some emotion, but more admiration!"

"How do you feel a little scared when I hear that?" Ding Yu suddenly said, Li Zairong has some silly eyes! Ding Yu was really too bold, but then Li Zai Rong woke up! Yes! Others dare not mention such words in front of their father, they also dare not, but does not mean that Ding Yu also dare not!"I'm in a good mood today! What about? Eat with me, but the food in the hospital may be very simple! "

Ding Yu didn't feel how sudden, but pointed to himself, "what he said is a little wrong! I'm a doctor! Can't you even forget that! "

"Hi! If you don't say it, I'll really forget it! " Chairman Li suddenly laughed, "you are going home!" Then he looked at his son! There is no need to say more about the implication!

It's not too easy to eat in the hospital! After Ding Yurong and Li Yurong went there, they didn't feel like they were in a good mood!

It's not that I'm too harsh on my father. There's never been such a thing!

Although the father has handed over the power! But does not mean that they can be unscrupulous! If that happens, then you don't have to be your successor! There will be countless people to stand up and put themselves down!

I understand why my father is like this, that is, the physical reason, so the mood is very general!

It's the same for everyone! In such an environment as the hospital, it's hard to say that it's just sitting here waiting to die! Whose mind is so big that it can be as calm as the sea? What about yourself? I can't do it myself!

Lunch is three people, and no one else to join, others want to join also not to come in!

After dinner, Ding Yu watched for a long time before he left! Then he stretched out his hand and shook hands with Chairman Li. The time of shaking hands was a little longer! And they're both hands!

When he left, Ding Yu was very determined. Li Zairong noticed that his father's eyes were not dim. On the contrary, he was very calm! "Go and see Mr. Ding off!"

After getting his father's consent, Li Zairong quickly caught up with Ding Yu!

Only at this time did Ding Yu speak! "A generation of heroes! Ah A little sigh, as for other things, Ding Yu will not mention, he is not his son, mentioned too much, but is intended to let people misunderstand!

"Mr. Ding, I know you are a medical master!"

Ding Yu shook his head. "If it's a small problem, it doesn't matter. Even if it's a big problem, it can be discussed. But I want to discuss such a thing with God! But the question is, God, will he talk to me? "

It's not Ding Yu's deliberate evasion that has nothing to do with this, but there is something that can't be done! Just like it is now! Ding Yu is a man, not a god! There are quite a few things that Ding Yu can't do!

"Mr. Ding, you are the master!"

"I'm a doctor, and I'm sure you know a lot about the disease. If it's a strange disease, or something strange, you can always find a way, but what about the disease? It's impossible to solve the problem at the present level of science and technology! "

After a pause, Ding Yu continued to say, "some problems can be solved, but some problems can't be solved at all! It's the same for everyone

"Still hope to delay a considerable amount of time!"

Ding Yu hesitated for a moment, "you alone can't do this thing, plus rich really can't! There need to be others, but this kind of thing is to delay a little time at most! Quite often, it is used to account for future affairs! If you give it to Fu Zhen alone, it won't work either! "

It's not a matter of being at ease, but such things must be done carefully! I don't want to bear any reputation, and now I tell Li Zairong plainly that it is impossible to save lives in that situation, but there should be no problem after I give you a few words!

Li Zairong pondered that modern medicine and science and technology can achieve some things, but the question of how much can be achieved really remains to be discussed!

"Mr. Ding, I will tell my father about this matter and handle it properly!"

"You can't save your life. You and I know that! After all, his condition! Ah! " Ding Yu sighed, "do your best! This is what we can do, but from the current situation, it should not be a big problem to maintain a year and a half! But that's it! "

He didn't ask Li Zairong to send him off too much, so Ding Yu left! But no one came to ask Ding Yu for information! One is because of Ding Yu's identity, we can't get in touch with him. It's very good to have a good contact with Taixi! What's more, the situation of the Li family is basically well understood in China!

In such a large empire, the change of the leading position can not be underestimated. Fortunately, chairman Li is still alive, so his influence will be reduced to the minimum! That is to say, we can still escort Li Zairong for quite a while!Ding Yu returned to Taixi's residence, slightly tired, and even had a rest for a while! This is absolutely rare in ordinary times, even impossible!

Don't think Ding Yu is really hard hit, but there is no way, Ding Yu can't show any fatigue in front of other people, must resist! Jin can fall down, sun Yingnan can fall down, and so can Tai Xi. But Ding Yu can't fall down. He even needs to pretend that he has nothing to do!

Because once Ding Yu has any flaws, Teri and Leo may tear up the previous agreement, and then rush up like a hungry wolf! In other people's land, Ding Yu must be more careful! Caution, caution, caution!

In the evening, the three children called, but there was no need to come back! Don't forget when you leave!

Now this time they can indulge a little bit! It doesn't matter! As for whether Ding Yu did it on purpose, no one knows. At least Ding Yu didn't show his intention in this aspect!

For Hart and the three of them, there is really no worry and fear in this aspect, such things for them, have been completely used to! Too much experience! It has nothing to do with age!

After Ding Yu wakes up, he has a potluck with the Jin family!

The next day, Ding Yu left here, did not do any stay!

As for the three children, of course, with their own on the plane! Sitting in his seat, Ding Yu had a free time to discuss and talk with the three children! It's not that Ding Yu has nothing else to do!

"I visited it yesterday. I believe you've had such an experience, but as far as I know, it's the first time I've come to the Samsung empire! If you don't mind, share your opinions! "

"Sir? Do you want to be honest? " Rogers looked at Ding Yu's expression. After Ding Yu nodded, Rogers said in a voice, "I don't know why, give me a personal feeling? They seem a little too humble! Personally, I don't like that kind of environment and way! "

Ding Yu nodded, "I don't like their way, but I don't deny that they have made considerable achievements in this way! They don't even deny me in such a humane way! But this is not my problem. I'm just looking at it. There are successes to learn from and failures to think about! "

Does it matter whether it's right or wrong? It doesn't matter at all!

Can the whole consortium be better in another way? I can think of it, but chairman Li can't? Or did Li Zairong not think of it? Or did the managers and staff of the consortium not think of it? How is that possible?

They naturally want to get, and even think more far! At least more than those monks who are half way monks think, more appropriate! But Ding Yu how fierce, he is an outsider, for economic and cultural aspects of understanding! They are all very one-sided!

Under such circumstances, can Ding Yu come up with a proper solution? Can even solve all the problems? This kind of joke or not? Will laugh off everyone's big teeth!

Did anyone tell them that before? Ding Yu doesn't know and doesn't want to know, but since he has come to his side, he needs to explain this problem to them!

"Sir! It's not that we haven't been to other companies and consortia, or even visited other countries, but most of the time, what we know is the operation mode and context! " In this regard, piler put forward his own opinion! At least from the timing point of view, very good, did not appear to have how abrupt!

"From the actual situation, in fact, every country, even every company and consortium has its own way of operation and context. To a certain extent, they are almost the same. However, due to the differences in culture and other aspects, some places will give people a sense of surprise, but in fact, they are almost the same!"

"Do you feel that I'm talking big?" Ding Yu then looked at Hart, "Hart, come on!"

"It's not so clear. I've visited these areas, but the things I saw are too complicated to be condensed to your level, sir?"

Rogers and piler both looked at Hart. The horse didn't make a big noise, but it felt just right. They didn't even know how to refute it! I didn't expect that Hart would have such a skill when he was silent!

"Interesting! Although you are still just looking at it, you need to think about it! Not just to see! Not much value! "

"Sir? Is that a bit too much? " Rogers pointed to his head, obviously, not dissatisfied, but a little confused and puzzled!

"I didn't have this feeling because you didn't have enough teaching and guidance. You won't be around for long! I'm just sending you some habits! Or some of my personal understanding, I hope you can keep up with me! If you can't keep up with the train of thought, it's too troublesome to teach! "The three children are very clear about this. If they want to enter this door, they don't mean how powerful the family is, nor how excellent their personal qualifications are. Those roles are all one-sided! It's not decisive!

Now it's in the warm-up stage. If you can't even pass this stage, then don't think about such things as teacher worship! It's impossible!

Relatively speaking, Ding Yu also has such capital and influence! It's really not overbearing!

PS: New Year! I hope you will have a new year! have a style of one 's own!

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