When you get off the plane, look at the housekeeper waiting below! Ding Yu's face showed a little smile!

I'm back at last! When I saw the housekeeper, I really felt quite cordial!

Nodding, I said hello! We don't need too much words! "Bring back the three children and go through the formalities for them! Then take them back to Siheyuan first, and I'll find the third uncle! "

"Yes, sir!"

There was no hesitation, no hesitation!

But with the tacit understanding between Ding Yu, is really no say!

The three children are a little strange to the capital. Although they have read a lot of information about this aspect and inquired about it themselves, they actually found that it was more prosperous than they imagined!

And Ding Yu this time is the car to leave, looking at the people sitting beside him, Ding Yu looked at some! Then I moved my eyes!

"Hello, Dean!"

Ding Yu nodded his head and pointed to his own head, "third uncle is still busy?"

"Well!" Secretary's answer is very cautious, for the director Ding, what he knows is also very detailed! People who can walk up to this position! Mind is quite smart! Naturally know the origin of director Ding!

In the past, I didn't have much contact, but this doesn't hinder my understanding of director Ding! According to the rumor, the director Ding is very strict with his words! It's even a bit hard to get along with! However, rumors belong to rumors. From the actual situation, after contacting director Ding, you will find that most rumors are just rumors!

But even so, I will only keep in touch with director Ding, not with director Ding! No one knows what will happen! Especially where you are now, if you really contact too much, it will cause a very bad impact on the outside world!

Perhaps director Ding will not care, and even everyone dare not speak too much about director Ding, but what about himself?

Ding Yu obviously noticed something, but standing in Ding Yu's position? Will not show too much, will not show too cold, of course, will not show too much enthusiasm! I have given him quite a hint, I want to see the third uncle, explain the situation!

So I won't say anything extra! If there is any contact in the future, we'll talk about it then!

Ding Yu waited in the room for a little time before he saw the third uncle! Seeing that his third uncle came in, Ding Yu stood up in a hurry and would never sit there! This is not in line with Ding Yu's character!

But the third uncle seems to be a little busy, he just heard the footsteps, slightly hasty!

Looking at Ding Yu, the middle-aged man was relieved. He stretched out his fist and smashed it on his chest!

Followed by the Secretary, eyelid is a jump! Director Ding! It's true that saint is tireless! How can idle people get such treatment? To know that this is not just as simple as your nephew!

"I've come back! I don't know how to worry at home! Your father! Come here again and again

"No time! I dare not After Ding Yu sat down again, he couldn't see that he was too nervous. He was very ordinary, but his attitude was very good. Was it just on his face? I can't see that there are too many facial changes!

"It seems that the situation is not so serious? I believe that when you were there, you were also tied up! Under such circumstances, even if you want to toss, I'm afraid there's not much space! "

Take the tea from his third uncle, Ding Yu takes it with both hands! "It's just the exchange of interests! It's not a big deal, but before that, we still need to compete with each other. I let Jin come out! It's also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him. Fortunately, it scares them! "

You don't need to show your merit. The third uncle may know something, but the third uncle and others will never know too much about the relevant situation! Believe Terry and Leo, they will not allow too much information to be revealed!

"I've heard quite a lot of news, but the blockade is very tight!"

"There are heavyweights over there! They almost never show up in newspapers and news! I played with them across the air, but under the circumstances at that time, they would not face each other! Because there is such a situation, it will not be able to control at that time! We all try our best to avoid such a situation! "

Although Ding Yu said understatement, but from the situation revealed in his words, the situation at that time was absolutely very dangerous!

"I heard something about Kim and received some news, but then the news was blocked! Then I can't get any more information, which is rare in the past! At that time, everyone was very worried about this, for fear of you! It's too late for us to reach out to any problem or situation! "Looking back at Ding Yu, his eyes were full of complaint and reproach!

"Uncle, you can't blame me!" Ding Yu said with some grievances, "when I go to someone else's site, and this time it's still because of such things. If it's normal, I can smash the plate, but this time I smash the plate because of such things, it's hard to say what kind of result it will make! And that's not my intention! "

"You have a sense of propriety!" Slightly hummed a, also not discontented, although said that now Ding Yu complete came back! But this time he was too adventurous! Let's all follow the terrified!

"I can't take it for granted that nothing has happened, so I asked Jin to deal with it. From the results, the effect is very good! Jin Yuanman completed the task! Such a thing is an appetizer. It's gone and gone! No one will pay special attention to it! "

"Is the negotiation going well?"

"Good! There are two kinds of people, one is Pete, the other is Barron and Josephat. They are very powerful

"Oh?" Looking at Ding Yu, the middle-aged man was surprised! "It's not common for them to think of it that way!"

"Pete is an old fox. Originally, he wanted to integrate all hands and forces, and then he started on me. Although I caught him off guard, I even let him lie on the bed now! But it's just that he's following the trend! Got a considerable interest, we two people have no communication, but each other is very clear what each other needs! So in the game above, pit with the people! That's about it! "

"What about Baron and Josephat?"

"They exchanged interests with each other, and they supported me to a certain extent. To be exact, the forces behind them made quite a choice, and then I brought back three children! It's not their elite seed, but it's also very extraordinary! "

Other things are OK. Ding Yu knows that he brought his three children back, but what kind of potential do these children have if they can be valued by Ding Yu? I even want to have a look in person!

I know Ding Yu's vision too well! It's not that the eyes are above the top, and they are arrogant! Not much to do with this!

"I'm sure of your vision, but is the condition really so good? You can't help it? "

"What's the purpose of bringing it back? On the one hand, it's to make them feel at ease. On the other hand, it's to give them certain guidance. They won't stay with me for too long. I've given them a certain test and passed a considerable test in the future. So take it with you! If they can't get through, I've tried my best! "

"It's a dangerous trip, since I'm back! Be safe

"It's OK. There are not many things for the time being, but this year is a bit fragmented. When I come back, I'll visit chairman Li of Samsung. His situation is not so good! It's only a year and a half! "

"I've heard some news, but I really don't understand the specific situation, but you! That's enough! I believe that they should be very moved by this, and at the same time, they have a little bit of vibration? "

"As for being moved or shocked? This problem is only their own most clear! Who knows? But I don't have any way. In fact, chairman Li's presence will help me a lot. I talked with Li Zairong, but he woke up. Although he was in a hurry, it was a good thing after all! "

This is quite interesting to middle-aged people! "I've heard that your relationship with him is more general! It seems that there are so many changes in it, not just the business of the consortium! "

When speaking, he also looked at Ding Yu with funny eyes!

Ding Yu is hey smile for a while, "third uncle, family affairs, you are so interested?"? However, Fujin has little to do with this matter. I pulled her out very early. Apart from inheriting some of the family's industries, Fujin basically has little to do with the Samsung empire! I'm not afraid of your jokes. This time I passed, chairman Li made a deliberate attempt for fear that I would turn back! "

"You! Sitting in such a position, can you be careless? Who knows if what you said is true or false? There is no father and son in the so-called business field! They think more about such things! It's more complicated, not to mention the situation of their family! It's more wonderful than the opera singer

"It's a year and a half anyway, and then it's like that! I went to see it deliberately this time! He didn't refuse! I think there are some who can't refuse. Now the prince has succeeded to the throne! The rest depends on Li Zairong's personal performance! I'm not interested in them! You may need some support for me in the past! So far! I just have a good relationship with Chairman Li! "

The words are very clear, Ding Yu and chairman Li have a considerable friendship, we share weal and woe, but also experienced wind and rain together! As for Li Zairong? It's not that Ding Yu is just careful. He doesn't have much contact with each other. Now he wants to be able to share weal and woe with you, and you need to be grateful if he doesn't trouble you!"You! I don't know what to say to you? " He looked at Ding Yu again and said, "I won't ask you to eat at home in the evening! You should still be waiting at home! I don't want to be hit by your mother! "

"Third uncle, I'll go back first! I'm afraid it will take me two days to give you the specific report! " Ding Yu's face finally appeared a little smile, "this time back and forth is very hasty, but did not prepare any gifts for you! But Baron and Josephat's family have something ready! "

"Don't do this to me. Be careful with you!"

Ding Yu blinked his eyes, then opened, but it was not empty handed to leave! Instead, he took away his third uncle's tea can! Willing or not, anyway, Ding Yu has been in his hand, I believe his third uncle will not be too stingy!

The middle-aged man shakes his head and smiles. He knows what Ding Yu's purpose is. He is too cautious and careful! This time although let him out, but everyone's body also bear a considerable relationship, after all, Ding Yu's body carries a lot of things!

If Ding Yu really has any problems and conditions, it will be hard to imagine at that time! After all, the power of the consortium controlled by him is a little huge. It's hard to say whether it will fall apart at that time!

And some of the children at home are too small! Some can't take the responsibility! Even if these children are given another ten years, it is uncertain whether they can shoulder the responsibility!

So this time I really took too much risk! It can be said that all the people at home are extremely concerned!

Fortunately, this bastard is back! And it's all beard and all eyes coming back! Ah! No! Middle aged people seem to suddenly think of something, should let him to check some! As far as I know, it seems that the situation of the opponents is not as good as they think!

Don't ask yourself how you know the news. After all, if the whole nation wants to know something, it can still do it. Although the knowledge is not so comprehensive, it still knows something!

They're all like that! What about Ding Yu? Even if he is young, what kind of pressure does he bear? Think of such things, I'm afraid you will feel some numbness on your scalp! Just Ding Yu! Sometimes I don't like noise very much! Even quite the time is very low-key! This is his character!

Don't be cheated by the rumors of the outside world! In fact, he is very easy to talk! Just treat it with heart!

As for why there are so many rumors from the outside world! This kind of thing is still very clear in my heart! To this oneself expresses very disdain! Why is that? No, it's because you're looking at Ding Yu so much! These people! Black eyes see the white silver? How can it accommodate other things?

However, this kind of thing can not be carried out too quickly. Even Ding Yu is very cautious and careful in dealing with these problems. He has no absolute assurance. When did he make a move? If he didn't move, he would be thunderous! Don't give any chance, at this point, I appreciate it very much!

Of course, sometimes it's a little too fierce! I know this problem, but I can't say it's Ding Yu's problem?! Right? After all, some are too young!

To be sure, it seems to be a bit like a refusal! But what about the others? Can they make such a great contribution to Ding Yu? What if they can do the same? Of course, I also prefer Youjia!

After coming out from the third uncle's side, Ding Yu took the tea pot in his hand and didn't mean to give it to others! Is to take care of themselves in their hands above, on the car is to call their father in the past! Father's work is a little busy, so there are not many greetings!

Ding Yu asked if he had time in the evening. If he had time, he would go home for dinner in the evening! It's so simple! But when Wang Changlin heard the news, he gave a long breath!

As long as the son comes back! Other things are not so important! You can accept it!

Even if he doesn't go home for dinner at night, it doesn't matter!

Then Ding Yu called his mother! Let me know! Su Yuan is very happy, son out of this thing is aware of! But what is involved in the matter, I know is not so clear!

I have inquired with my husband, but his face is very embarrassed! I'm not good enough to ask too much! Because the husband is very serious warning himself! Although I don't know much, I can still find some problems from my husband's words! I'm also worried these days!

Now my son called me, of course, I am very happy!

Then Ding Yu called Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying! Although I had already made a phone call when I was in Taixi, I still need a few days to go back when I return to the capital. I need to explain it!When Ding Yu came back, the three harts were visiting the courtyard! The housekeeper made a good introduction!

I'm very interested in siheyuan! I've heard of it before, but how to say it? What we know is only skin! It's about architecture! Culture! Humanities and so on!

It's like the development of Chinese history! There is a lot of tolerance, from which we can see a lot of Chinese culture!

Of course, another reason why the three children are interested in this is that this is Ding Yu's residence. From what they know, Ding Yu can stay here for a long time, not other places! There must be quite a reason!

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