"Let's have a rest at night!"?! Adjust your jet lag as fast as you can? After all, you are not here for a moment! So we have to use the fastest speed to adjust! "

After that, Ding Yu looked at the housekeeper and said, "where are the kids at home?"

The housekeeper shook his head. "I came back before, but then I left! I'm afraid it's hard to come back at this time with so many classmates! "

Ding Yu nodded, "just meet later! In the evening, I go to my parents' place for dinner. Tomorrow, I may visit my elders and others! Bring back something! It's not very useful to keep it at home! "

For Ding Yu, the things sent by Joseph fat are not so significant! And things in their own hands, how they want to deal with, that is their own thing!

After the housekeeper left, Rogers sat on Ding Yu's side and said, "Sir, it seems quite different here! How can we say that there is a place to inherit history? It's not that it's decadent, but that it's too serious and heavy? Has the quite historical precipitation feeling! But it doesn't give people the feeling of depression! "

"You horse! It's very interesting! here? It's a good place to have peace in the middle of trouble! It's just a little pity! It's quite a pity! " Ding Yu patted the armrest of the chair slightly. "Time passed a little longer. I almost forgot what it was like when I made the decision."

In this regard, Ding Yu has a considerable sigh, at the beginning of the time! I want to set up the courtyard as the center, but for various reasons, superficially and secretly! No success!

Now think of it, it's a pity! Any regrets? Think about it, it seems that there is no such feeling!

To be sure, at the beginning of my life, there was still a considerable gap in power! If we talk about this issue again at this time, of course, there will be considerable resistance! But the problem is not too big!

But I don't have such a mind now! And back and forth toss, who knows what other problems and conditions will appear? At least under the current situation, they will not have any changes!

"Sir, the environment here is very good, but it gives me a personal feeling. It's a little lonely!"

Ding Yu couldn't help laughing, while Rogers patted his head. He just patted the horse. If Hart can't speak, then don't say a word! The previous performance was very good!

Now suddenly come out such a sentence? Are you dissatisfied with Mr. Ding? Or do you have any other ideas?

Piler pretended to bow his head and scratched his eyebrows with his fingers. For a moment, he didn't know what to say! Because there's no way to come back, OK? This Hart? It is said that he is very favored by Mr. Ding, and even the first one selected by Mr. Ding. Maybe his IQ is OK, but this EQ? To be discussed!

Ding Yu didn't show any reproach!

"It's true! I come back to live here for a period of time. The housekeeper takes care of me! Clean inside and out! Sometimes my wife will come to live for two days, and when the children come here, they will also live for a few days! The environment is good! But it's too eye-catching! "

"When I came here, I seemed to see a lot of people focusing their eyes on me!"

Piler blinked his eyes. Obviously, it's not because of his keen eyes. No matter how powerful he is, what can he do? After all, it's just a young child! At this point, don't be too conceited!

"I'm not used to it?"

This time, the three children are coincidentally nodded, it is obvious that they have not adapted! For them, such a test is a bit too abrupt, so that they do not have any preparation, or they have considerable preparation, but this preparation is obviously inconsistent with the actual situation!

"Just face it calmly! In the future, you will face more such situations, even bigger scenes! Your original environment? There may be some insipid, there may be a lot of crisis, of course, there may be quite a bit of forbearance! But is it due to the current situation? You need to think about how to face it in the future? "

"Sir, do we all need to be exposed to the spotlight in the future? It will be very uncomfortable! "

"Everyone will pay much attention to you. It's a test for you, but it's the same! Your home will certainly have considerable protection for this, which is certain! Of course, it's up to you! You will not stay here long. I will teach you something, but it will take time! "

Hart suddenly raised his hand. After getting Ding Yu's consent, he said!

"Sir, may I ask why we can't stay here for a long time?"There was not much expression and change on Ding Yu's face, but Rogers and piler couldn't help beating in their hearts, even a little uncontrollable! This matter is really too big for their relationship!

And then they dare not ask! I'm afraid Hart is the only one who has a problem with his head?

"I thought you could slow down? However, this problem will not be hidden for too long! It's no big deal to say it! " Ding Yu is very calm!

"Your education and inheritance are different! This is the truth! The important thing is that you have not been able to lay a good foundation. Now if you stay here, you need to take a way, that is, completely destroy your foundation, and then start to lay the foundation again! It's not as simple as taking risks or not taking risks! "

"Is that clear?" Ding Yu asked!

The three children nodded at the same time, which was too straightforward! Also very easy to understand!

"But you are quite different from ordinary children. To some extent, you are also gifted teenagers! For life! Knowledge! Including the spirit and so on, all have their own different understanding and perception. Under such circumstances, directly destroy your original foundation, can you lay a good foundation again? You may be indifferent, but I dare not! "

Ding Yu shook his head slightly! There are a little more problems involved in this! Who knows what kind of problems will come out from behind! If anything really happened? It's not that Ding Yu will be involved?

The main reason is that those guys will come up one after another, they! Give me some sunshine! I really need to be on guard! At least we can't give them a chance to push their nose on the face!

To some extent, these guys are really shameless! This is really not Ding Yu's intention to bury who!

They may or may not understand! But now Ding Yu won't mention it to them! When will these things be mentioned? It depends! If the time is right, maybe we can mention it tomorrow!

"But, sir, when we go back, there won't be such a problem?"

"It depends on your qualifications? Maybe there is such an opportunity, maybe there is no such opportunity, no one can say! But at least for you, it is safe and feasible! Even if there are any real problems, it will not affect your future development! It's like this on the whole! If you can break through? "

Speaking of this, Ding Yu pauses a little! Gaze at the three children!

"Although it's a bit of a coincidence to select the three of you this time, I really hope that some of you can come out, which is not a bad thing. I'm afraid that if you can't come out at that time, it's really a pity!"

About these things, their three children should be able to understand, but will they understand? Is this one? It's not that important, but the people behind them must be able to understand!

Do you really think the people behind them will act as if they don't know anything and nothing happened? Impossible!

Even after these children go back, everything that happened needs to be investigated in every detail!

Of course, Ding Yu didn't care much about it! Because of these? It's all skin! Substantive things are not really investigated. If they can all investigate substantive things, they have already been investigated?

Need to wait until now? How is that possible?

How long have they been peeping at the children at home? It's not that they really want to give the children at home? There is no such problem, but they also hope their children have a bright future!

No, how can we have a better future! Need to have tolerance is big, need to contain, need to integrate! Need to absorb! This is the key!

But everyone's way is different! Ding Yu's way is a little bit special! Anyway, so far, they really haven't found anything useful! As for the future?

In Ding Yu's understanding, even if they investigated quite a lot of things, they didn't see what role they would play! Because when they realize something, they should be closer at that time!

Anyway, I will never stop! Stagnate!

The time of communication is long or short!

In the evening, they didn't follow Ding Yu to visit Wang Changlin and Su Yuan. It's too inappropriate! Now this time rashly to visit, although they are children, but their identity is extraordinary! Even before Ding Yu asked for their opinions, they had already said no!

For this, Ding Yu slightly shook his head! If it's other children, I'm afraid they won't be so simple at this time! But Hart, they not only restrained their desires, but also made some apologies!Sure enough, they come from high families, although they are not the so-called heirs! But these things have penetrated into their bones and blood, and can't be changed in a moment!

But when getting on the bus, looking at the things prepared by the housekeeper, Ding Yu looked up and down at the housekeeper! It's not too much problem to prepare fruits or drinks, but is it really good to prepare these things?

"Sir! I think it's better to take it with me! "

Ding Yu thought for a moment and nodded his head slightly! The Forbidden City and the National Museum? It's true that there is no shortage of this thing, and there is no shortage of this thing in Siheyuan, so it's OK to fill in the culture for your parents!

Su Yuan was surprised when he saw his son coming with something! There are even some unknowns, so!

What's going on? The eldest son came here with something, and looking at this style, it should not be an ordinary thing!

Wang Li blinked her eyes. She is in this business. You can see from the packaging that the things inside must be unusual! "Ouch! The sun is coming out from the West today? "

"When they came back, they gave quite a lot of gifts. The housekeeper said that if they stayed in the courtyard, maybe Wang Li would be in trouble! It's valuable to anyone. If it's not valuable, it's nothing to me! " If Ding Yu is not interested in cleaning up tomorrow, he will be very interested in it! But there is a saying that the housekeeper is not happy

Looking at the open box, Su Yuan slightly narrowed his eyes, the things inside looked very good! Su Yuan also has considerable appreciation ability! I can see that these things are valuable! "Boss, what's the situation?"

Looking at the expression on his mother's face, Ding Yu said, "they sent it here! This time I talked about it very well in the past. I gave some cigars and drinks, and they gave me some things. It was a gift for money. I didn't come back during the Chinese New Year! So it's a gift for you and my dad! "

"Big brother?" Wang Li honestly stood on one side of the position! But the expression on the face is not so honest!

Instead, Su Yuan slapped his daughter on the back, a little stronger! Almost let Wang Li stagger! This matter Su Yuan really very clear! My daughter! What can I say for myself?

She really is not less disaster Siheyuan! It's even a disaster, fame!

When the housekeeper mentioned Wang Li, he had a headache!

Because of Wang Li, the gate of siheyuan is not very open! Sometimes when I go to Siheyuan, I have some difficulties in getting in and out! It doesn't mean that the housekeeper really gives up. In some places, the daughter is too much! Along with their own also involved!

"In any case, there is no shortage of this stuff in the elder brother's house?" But in the middle of the conversation, she swallowed it back, because she had noticed that the expression on her mother's face was a little fierce. If she continued to speak?

Maybe the next moment, the broom will pat on his body!

After Ding Yu sat down, he said with a smile, "Mom! Anyway, there is a little emptiness in dad's study! You don't have a few pieces of jewelry to press the bottom of the box. It's not very useful to leave these things in the siheyuan. It's not very meaningful to send them to the Forbidden City and GuBo! You'd better keep it! "

"Ma! Why don't you take it for me? "

"Get out of my way! Why are you everywhere? " Su Yuan is very discontented to stare one eye! "Wait till your father comes back! You are really generous It seems to complain, but it doesn't sound like such a thing, even some pride and pride?

"What about Wang Yang?" Ding Yu, who sat down, couldn't help asking! "Why didn't you see him?"

"Qiuyan's body is a little heavy, and his father-in-law's body is not so good during this period, so he runs inside and outside! I should be back soon! I've called him before! "

"Is there anything wrong?" Ding Yu asked casually!

"Nothing big! Your father and I went to see it the day before yesterday! I had a small operation. There was a tumor on my back! It's sliced! It's benign! It's just that the position is special, so it takes a little time! In two days, you should be able to leave the hospital! "

Looking at Wang Li who is going to sit down, Su Yuan stares again! Wang Li snorted, but still cleverly went to wash the fruit! But the mouth still underestimated that there is no human rights! The voice is a little loud, obviously on purpose!

This words let Su Yuan's eyebrows almost stand up again!

"Is everything going well?" Without her daughter's interference, Su Yuan can finally ask! "I wanted to ask your father before, but he didn't say what happened? This mouth keeps up with the lockIt is obvious that Su Yuan said so, is deliberately expressing his dissatisfaction!

How can a husband know but not himself? Is it difficult to shout at your own voice when you still go out? Can't you tell the whole noisy world about it?

I just want to know if my son is safe?! That's it! As for other things! I really dare not have any interest! But the husband didn't even say that. Now the son is back? Can't you say more?

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