In the morning, Ding Yu got up earlier!

But it is obvious that today's Ding Yu, mental state slightly general! I can't catch up with yesterday!

A little exaggeration, just like two people!

When I came back yesterday, although it was dusty, I was in a good spirit, but today's Ding Yu is a little wilted? I can't tell what it is for? But it's not so obvious!

"Sir?" Looking at Ding Yu's appearance, the same housekeeper who got up very early also exclaimed in a low voice!

What happened at night? How do you feel that your husband is suddenly depressed? Did my husband stay up all night last night? No way! I had read the log report earlier, but my husband didn't go to rest until midnight. Although it seems to be a little late from the time point of view, my husband's rest is very early compared with the normal time!

Under such circumstances, sir should not be like this?

After going out this time, did Ding Yu still have some problems? It's no small matter!

Mr. Wang is the head of the family. We can't have any problems!

"Nothing?" Ding Yu slightly put his hand, "before, the spirit has been so excited, now back at home, the spirit suddenly relaxed down, appear such a situation, is very normal! I thought it would take a few days? "

"No! sir? There's something wrong with your situation! " The housekeeper was very worried!

"No, I have to go to the hospital now!" Although it seems a little early now, it's not bright yet? But it doesn't matter! The hospital has been informed! And Sir is a doctor!

This time, the housekeeper also made an arbitrary decision. He pushed Ding Yu into the car and sent him directly to the hospital!

When the doctor saw Ding Yu coming, he was quite surprised, but he had the heart to say two words to Ding Yu! However, director Ding's spirit seems to be a little bit wrong, what is the reason is not so clear!

When Wang Changlin and Su Yuan know the news, Ding Yu's inspection is almost done!

"Boss, what do you want?" Su Yuan chills his face, "I'll go and have a look!"

As for eating? What's for dinner? Now there is still the heart to eat! What else to eat at this time?

Carrying a bag, Su Yuan left home with the attendant. Wang Changlin's side is really inconvenient! I still feel very strange. When was my eldest son so obedient? Went to the hospital before dawn? What happened?

When Su Yuan came, Ding Yu's relevant inspection was almost done! Now this time basically wait for the result to be good!

But the whole process seems simple and casual, but in fact few people can see the final inspection results! The whole process is very confidential! After all, Ding Yu's identity is extraordinary. It's better to know less than one person!

"How's the inspection going?"

Su Yuan is a little fast, and his breath is not steady! Ding Yu nodded, "anyway, so far, nothing has been checked out!" Then Ding Yu yawned, "I was busy when I got up in the morning. Now I have an account!"

After Su Yuan sat down, he took a close look at his eldest son. He didn't pay much attention when he came here just now, but now after careful observation, he found that his son's face seemed to be a little different. His whole spirit was not comparable with that of yesterday!

"Boss, are you ok?" Holding Ding Yu's hand, Su Yuan suddenly became very worried!

"Hi! I said there's nothing more! " Ding Yu can't bear to explain! "I was a little nervous before, but now I'm back! Mood relaxed down, naturally there will be a little bit of the situation, but this problem only needs a good adjustment, there is no problem! There's no need to be so nervous! "

But even so, Su Yuan was very worried! Even a little flustered!

So the whole morning, Ding Yu did not do anything else, just sat here in the hospital!

Whether it's traditional Chinese medicine or western medicine, check it all! But the final inspection results out, there is no problem! Yes, of course! These things Su Yuan is just a glance! It's impossible to keep files! Even if she is Ding Yu's mother, she can't! This is a matter of principle!

Then Ding Yu and his parents returned to the courtyard together!

Hart and they didn't stay in the courtyard for three mornings, they went out! Ding Yu didn't mean to restrain them too much, but let them take advantage of this busy time to go out for a stroll! Feel more!

Now is the most lively time, the paper finally feel shallow, let them feel it! Can get a considerable understanding! As for whether the two old guys, Terry and Leo, will send quite a number of people over in this process, Ding Yu doesn't mean to take it seriously at all. Just feel free!Back in Siheyuan, Su Yuan was still not at ease, but looking at his eldest son, he seemed very casual!

After waiting for Wang Li and Wang Yang to come, Su Yuan's face is still sad! Wang Yang can be a little better. He came here with Xiaobao, but what about Wang Li? She brought several people here. What does she want to do?

And look at his daughter's choosy appearance, Su Yuan really has some feeling that he doesn't want to fight!

If you row things in your own house, I will bear it! But are you still so disgusted when you paddle things outside? What do you want to do? Your elder brother opened a hole for you. It's true! But you can't go too far!

Su Yuan saw clearly that more than one third of the things were rowed away by his daughter! And even so, his daughter is still very dissatisfied! It's disgusting!

You know, all the things she chooses are good! You're going too far!

Wang Li also seems to see that the situation is a bit wrong. She said hello to several teachers. After choosing some suitable things, she said hello to her elder brother and ran away directly! Like a frightened rabbit! Do not dare to do any stay!

Wang Yang and Xiao Bao didn't choose too many things. They just came to join in the fun!

But the housekeeper didn't let them come here for nothing! The housekeeper is satisfied to be able to leave so many things! If you put it in the past, it's Mr. Wang's hand? Throw it, and everything goes out!

"You! Yes, I'm used to Wang Li, right? It's not very decent

Ding Yu nodded and laughed at Wang Yang and Xiao Bao! Nothing else!

"How many days do you spend in Siheyuan?"?! It's not easy to come back! Although we are still young, the more we do, the more we need to pay attention to it. We should never be able to have problems. Otherwise, when we get old, we will easily have problems! "

"For two days, on the one hand? Drugs and other things also need a considerable amount of time to deploy, it takes a few days, and some things may take two days! "

The superfluous matter, Ding Yu also did not want to mention the meaning! Just say something! There's no need to do everything!

Ding Yu is not such a person!

Although Su Yuan has the heart to let his eldest son stay in the capital, there are some hard words to say! The personality of the eldest son! Too prominent! He should be satisfied to be able to do so now!

It's time for them all to come back in the evening!

But I know how to give gifts very well. I even brought a lot of good things back to Ding Yu!

"Did you have a good time?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ding!" Rogers was very clever to stand up, "we were a little carried away for a moment!"

Ding Yu waved his hand, "let you go out to play, just to play, let you feel the bustle and prosperity of the capital! Ding Yun even published a book to explain the source of Beijing snacks! And the types and so on, very interesting! To understand Chinese culture, eating is the key! Don't eat for the sake of eating, you haven't reached that level yet? "

I don't mean to scold people. I don't mean to scold people!

But it still made Hart and the three of them feel confused!

"How do you feel today? In a few days, I will go back to my hometown! That is to say, the atmosphere of the farm is quite different from that of here. It's prosperous for the first time, but it's definitely not as lively as here! So now that you have such an opportunity, don't waste it! "

Hart three people feel that there are some strange, even some do not know what to do is good? Listen to Mr. Ding! Seems to encourage their behavior, without any criticism or criticism?

But not a trial? Rogers felt a little confused! Pete didn't get there either! All of a sudden, Hart's eyes seemed to turn, "Sir, do we need to start from the simplest place?"

"Smart!" Ding Yu is not stingy of his praise at all. "If you want to understand Chinese culture, this is a proposition composition. The scope is too large! But in the end? Or can summarize some! But what's the best entry point for you? A place on the high road? " Ding Yu couldn't deny laughing, "those are deceitful! Even when it's pretty, it's flashy. Even if it's pretty connotative and practical, you can't understand it! "

Both Rogers and pyler took a deep look at Hart!

There seems to be a big difference between them! Because this is not once or twice!

It can be said that every time Mr. Ding Yuding mentioned a considerable problem, Hart would deal with it at the first time! And it's the right one! This kind of situation makes Rogers and piler a little unacceptable! All the same people, OK? And the original time we are the same excellent!Now Hart's performance is more and more outstanding? What is the question? Is there any reason?

"Mr. Ding, but in that case, are we going to abandon the essentials and pursue the end?" Pete is a little reluctant to say!

"Ha ha!" Ding Yu really couldn't stop his smile at this time, "I can only say that you have a little bit more! I understand your mind, all want to be able to learn, but too eager to succeed! Do you think I can understand and understand even if I transmit quite a lot of things to you now? "

Three people looked at each other, the actual situation seems to be really like this!

After all, it's a process, and it's a very slow process! It's not that Professor Ding Yu or Professor Ding Yu has taught it now! So they can fly? How can it be? It's not realistic at all!

Now Mr. Ding's behavior, take them slowly into the door, this process must be slow! And must have the sentiment! It's for playing, not for eating!

But they want to do this, there are still many difficulties, after all, it involves a lot of culture! History and economics and so on! Even the children of the Ding family didn't fully understand!

The three of them are just new here. They want to be able to make it clear and understand! Is it possible?

If so, Ding Yu is not a human being! It's God! Because Ding Yu is omnipotent!

"Oh, I want to say one more thing! You need to get up early tomorrow! You need to get up at five o'clock! There's no need to get up too early! unwanted! But if it's too late, at six o'clock, I'm almost done with my exercise! I just hope you can feel it. There is no other meaning

When they got up in the morning, Hart and the three of them changed into the clothes they had already prepared! It's made in a hurry! Not to mention that after wearing one by one, the whole person immediately changed dramatically!

After arriving at the place, I found that the people who exercise are not only Mr. Ding, but also have considerable security!

You can't see them at all during the day! But now it's like they're coming out of the ground all of a sudden! People are really too surprised! And certainly not all the security guards will come here! After all, Siheyuan still needs considerable protection! This is the duty of security!

Previously, they said it was too cold here! Needless to say, the hidden people, even if these people show up in front of them, the courtyard will never be as cold as they think!

But when I came back, there didn't seem to be many people on the plane! It's just a few sporadic people! So where are these guys coming from? It's amazing!

What makes them feel even more puzzling is the exercise and competition between them! Is really let them have so some don't understand!

Those security guards can be said to be powerful. At a glance, they know that they have special strength. But Mr. Ding? It's like not having enough to eat! Fist soft soft soft weak appearance! Although it is very harmonious and harmonious, but I don't know why, the feeling is not so attractive!

After the end of the exercise, Ding Yu didn't immediately go to see Hart. Instead, he had some communication with the security guards, said a few words, corrected their posture, or asked about their diet and so on!

And the three children behind Ding Yu are completely confused! The whole person feels a little confused!

After washing again, Ding Yu is ready to eat here! Hart and the three of them looked at each other, but Rogers charged!

"Mr. Ding, I don't understand at all! The whole thing seems to be silly! Why do those people rush for it? "

"If you don't understand, that's right! If you understand it, you'll really become a monster! " Ding Yu sighed, "many of them are the same as you! After so many years, I just came out alone! As for the others? Compared with the past, it has been greatly improved, but it is basically impossible to enter this door! "

"Mr. Ding, I can see that your professors and transmissions are very attentive, but they just can't get into this door by themselves! Is that the reason? " Hart slightly slowed down, "this principle is also applicable to us, we will not be able to enter the door at that time!"

What a strange thing Ding Yu nodded, "this is why we have to give you a certain test! It's not that if you lead you, you will be able to enter this door! If so, why do I have to work so hard for so many years? I just want to find two children! Everything is not so simple

"But Sir, why is our time so short that you have given them so much time?"

It's like making trouble out of nothing! But it is also in line with their children's nature!

Dante feather didn't mean to be cold, but patiently explained it to them!"They can't get into this door, but it doesn't mean they don't improve! Even the vast majority of people here stay because of this! For you, it takes the shortest time to break through this test, because only by passing this test can you enter this door. If you can't enter this door, it doesn't make much sense to stay for a long time! After all, your identity is quite different from theirs! "

Some words, direct explanation is good! Do not need too much hidden, there is no meaning!

This truth is not so profound, and they are very clear and understand! Never look down on them because of their age! If that's true, it's a big deal! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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