Ding Yu stayed in the capital for nearly a week before he left!

But even so, the children at home did not come back, it seems that they are really flying themselves! Ding Yu has considerable doubts about this. Should he educate them and let them know the power of it?

After they came back, they didn't even have a phone! A little exaggeration!

But this kind of thing, Ding Yu is also in the heart to think about it! And even if it is put into practice, it also needs to be quiet, otherwise the old people at home will never spare themselves!

They are very powerful, Ding Yu has a considerable understanding! No kidding!

"Oh, don't say it's the same

Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying expressed their warm welcome when they saw Hart and their three children! There are even quite a lot of red envelopes and gifts! In the past, there were foreign guests at home, but these children are really rare!

For the enthusiasm of their parents, Hart and the three of them feel a little uncomfortable, even a little nervous!

Because in their impression, there are really few such experiences! After all, they belong to the environment, the so-called family is too cold-blooded and heartless! Even if it is quite warm, but that kind of warm and immediate this kind of enthusiasm, is also completely different! So now they don't even know how to place their hands and feet!

"Old man, look how you scared the three children!"

Ding Yu is feeling a little funny, mother side is absolutely intentional! But for myself, mother is such a person! Pure! Sincere!

"Ma! Three of them! That is to come to study for a period of time. If it is longer, it will take three or five months. If it is shorter, it will take two months! I live on this side of the farm! "

"Hi Zhao Shuying looked at her son with complaint, "they are so small children, whether they are guests is another matter, you let them live on the farm, isn't it too cruel? "That's ridiculous?"

"It's because they came to study that they were allowed to live on the farm! Otherwise, the direct up! But mom, I just came back! Are you ready to eat? I'm away from home during this period of time. I don't think much about other things? Just think about what you've made! "

After all, for Ding Yu, quite a lot of things are not worth mentioning! That is the mother's craft, which you can't buy at any cost! Of course, Ding Yu said so, also has some intentional meaning!

Hart and his three children, however, looked at each other in private. They all looked at each other!

In their impression, Mr. Ding is supreme, and through every conversation, they have a considerable feeling!

But now Mr. Ding gives them the same feeling as a child who wants sugar from his mother! This contrast even makes them feel embarrassed, or is it because they are too sensible and mature?

As for the gifts they brought back, Wang Changlin and Su Yuan were quite interested, and even played with each other for quite a long time! But looking at the two people's play, the three children are focusing on Ding Yu's body!

There is no problem with Ding Yu's clothes, but what about his clothes? In addition to watches, it seems that there are really not many things. At most, the bracelet can be regarded as decoration!

But the bracelet is too simple to see any gems. It's just a simple wooden Bracelet!

I don't know if I really don't like it? Or there are other reasons!

Anyway, from the opposite point of view, Mr. Ding's watch can be taken out to have a look. As for the others? Not at all!

But on the two old people's bodies, especially on the old lady's bodies, there are some fist sized jade plates, watery, and they can't pull out their own eyes!

People who don't know may think which one is plastic, but discerning people will know it as soon as they see it. It's absolutely good and of extraordinary value, but it's so hung on the body that it's very casual! May be the manifestation of identity?

Not so high-profile, but absolutely luxurious!

After dinner, Ding Yu asked people to send his three children to stay on the farm. As for the usual time, just follow him! Anyway, he didn't have anything else in the past two days. After he came back, Ding Yu was in a better mood. However, due to the fact that he had spent too much energy before, Ding Yu was a little lazy now!

I'm afraid this can't be relieved in a day or two!

And Teri and Leo also got a lot of news, even they met for this!

The two people who met seemed to take a long breath. This time Ding Yu suddenly came and caught them by surprise! It's a negotiation! It seems that there are also some heavy losses!Ding Yu comes and goes with the wind. It's natural and unrestrained. It's really a breath in everyone's heart! Ding Yu is alone, this NIMA is too fierce! Let people do not know how to deal with it!

And Pitt, who is hostile to Ding Yu! What about Baron and Josephat? They are all lying on the hospital bed now! half-dead!

Barron and Josephat can be better. Although they are lying on the hospital bed, they don't have too many problems. But what about Pete? How many days has it been! Just wake up! You know, it's extraordinary for three people to get help! Under such circumstances, how about not giving Ding Yu? Even the three of them fell!

Everyone's heart to Ding Yu's taboo, is to mention a layer!

Because Ding Yu's performance is too easy! I can't stand it at all. There are so many thoughts in everyone's mind! And now? Everyone's mind is finally put down, Ding Yu does not seem to be a god!

Even if you want to find out the information about the three children, you still need to protect them? They stay at Ding Yu's side, and they don't do it!

About the situation of the three children, the two old guys didn't even deliberately inquire about it. What did they do? Even if it's stealing, it's not at this time. The two old guys know more about this aspect than anyone else, but is it useful to know more about it? It can only be said that it has been improved a little!

Quite the core is still in the hands of Ding Yu! This is not to force Ding Yu to take it out!

It's useless to take it out. What Ding Yu has said is very clear and clear! Here you are! It's of no use at all! Still need Ding Yu to get started! After all, Terry and Leo have a lot of people, but what's the effect? It didn't work at all!

However, this matter can be put back. Now the most reason for them to feel relieved is that after Ding Yu went back, the situation didn't seem so good. Originally, everything was pretended here!

Think about it, before we still have some too cautious and careful!

If Ding Yu's weakness was seen at that time, he would be able to gnaw a piece of meat off Ding Yu's body. Unfortunately, everyone didn't think about it at that time!

Everyone was attracted by Ding Yu's extra disk Recruitment! At that time, Peter had already fallen down! With Baron and Josephat, it seems that the situation is not so wonderful! We all have some other ideas!

At that time, they all thought that Peter might have a problem, while Barron and Josephat both pretended to be so deliberately!

Pete may have some problems, although this point is ruled out! But Baron and Josephat's moves seem too old-fashioned. At least at that time, we judged that Baron and Josephat had already got quite a lot of things. It was a very good choice for them to leave the table!

It seems that the situation is not like this!

Barron and Josephat may have the meaning of going back in a hurry. After all, they were at the top of the storm at that time! But on the other hand? Their situation is not so good! So push the boat!

But the problem is that we don't understand so much, at least we are slow to understand quite a lot of news! Ding Yu really gave me a chance to think about it!

What's more, things have been quite solved now. It's not so easy to find such an opportunity once and for all! So after Terry and Leo met, they both felt some pity!

"Ding Yu! I don't think it's because of luck

"He's very smart and flexible. He's very good at playing under our eyes." Leo didn't have much anger. It's all happened! To pursue these, there is no significance! There is no value!

"What? Have you changed your mind? " Teri snorted. Because Ding Yu left, it seems that there is no friendship between the two people. Now, the conversation is not so easy to deal with!

"It's all over! It is also a piece of heart disease. Now Ding Yu is waiting for the three children to go back! But he didn't stay in the capital for a long time, so he went home directly! So now talking about other things, it seems that there is not much need! We need to think about the next question! "

The success or failure of this time has passed! Don't miss anything too much, there is no such need! What we need to consider now is how to deal with it, or even how to deal with other situations in the future? This is what they need to think!

But Terry saw it! Leo doesn't mean that now, it's a bit strange! You know, Leo and his faction have always been the vanguard in dealing with Ding Yu, and they have spared no effort to do so!What's wrong with this one now? All of a sudden, it stopped! Or even some of them? What's going on here? A little bit let oneself a little bit don't understand, at least oneself to the present position, haven't got any news in this aspect! So I doubt it very much!

Leo didn't pay much attention, "Ding Yu's arrival this time seems to be a draw between each other, and even the benefits he grabs are not the biggest piece, but his plate has been stabilized! This is enough for Ding Yu! But on my side, there is a considerable loss! "

They all set their eyes on Ding Yu. What about you old guy? To a certain extent, it's almost the same pair of pants as Ding Yu! Ding Yu had some discretion when he started, but you old man, when you started, you didn't have any respect! That's called a ruthless!

Although this is a common thing, you can't do it like this! And it's the unscrupulous one! The union is not over yet! If it really makes you turn over! You can't chase us?

"Yes? What else? I really don't know! "

Terry shirked the responsibility without hesitation. It's nice to hear that. Who pulled us in at the beginning, or even let us act as cannon fodder? You forget such things! I didn't forget!

We need losers to compensate for our losses, but now Ding Yu is not a loser, so we need to explain who to cut the flesh from? Don't put the responsibility on others, there are too many improper words!


Two people's hearts almost speak with one voice!

But on the surface, since this matter has been said, there is no need to entangle! Things have been very clear and clear! Everyone's standard of distribution of interests is also very clear. On this issue, Leo really can't have any evasion and admit defeat!

If even such a thing, play those rogue tricks, then wait for the consequences of Rio, absolutely not too good!

We all do things within the scope of constraints! It is true that the two old guys can jump out of this circle, but being able to jump out does not mean that you can really be reckless! Willful such things, but after opening a hole, there is no way to close it in the future!

In such a matter, although Leo has a great dissatisfaction, he will not make this decision at will! Even he needs to set an example, not that he can't do it, but that he really doesn't have such a need!

"So? Leo, you didn't come here today just for Ding Yu's sake, did you? "

Terry's face is also a sudden change, because to give their own feelings! Leo seems to be quite ready! This old bastard! Unexpectedly gave oneself a touch not to guard against! Let oneself also really don't have too much preparation!

"Terry, I think we need to do some other preparatory work through this time!"

Terry was slightly stunned. He could feel that Leo had other ideas, since he had already spoken! Don't refuse yourself! Don't look at your mouth full of oil this time! But from the specific situation to analyze, or with the help of Ding Yu, so will have a considerable harvest!

If we really let each other alone, we won't be beaten by Leo, but it won't be too good! That's for sure! For this point, Terry still has a clear understanding!

Don't just win this time! I feel like I can go to heaven! This kind of dream still awakes earlier?! If you are really floating, then you can really go to heaven!

What does the so-called heaven mean? Do you need to say more? Go straight to God!

So even though Leo seems to be negotiating something with himself now, is that true? It's just telling yourself! This time things lost is lost! Win is win! It doesn't matter! I don't care so much!

But similarly, I didn't set up any obstacles for you, and even admitted that I was defeated in gambling. Now I'm making a proposal. Do you refuse? Or do you agree? Give me an answer!

Terry looked at Leo with a twitch in the corner of his mouth. He was not afraid of the power on his side, but he was still worried!

If Leo really takes the direction of contradiction to his side, he doesn't have foreign aid like Ding Yu! At that time, the pressure is really so big!

"Leo? I can't make this decision alone. At least I'm not so clear now. What happened and what do you think? "

Under such circumstances, Terry thinks he should be more stable!

Rio is very satisfied with the nod, Terry's reaction did not exceed their expectations! I know him for many years, too smooth! Is it a weakness? I don't need to think too clearly. I just need to know that he won't have too many other actions! This is what I expect!"This time, we can still see that there are some carrion on us!"

Terry's eyes inside the pupil can't help but enlarge up, he really didn't expect, Leo would think of such a thing!

After thinking about it for a while, Terry looks at Leo again!

"Leo, do you really think about it? If you make such an arrangement at this time, you won't be afraid of causing quite a shock? "

"Is the child disobedient? What if you don't beat it? " Leo didn't have a lot of explanation, and his eyes were extremely fierce! "If you do something wrong, there's no problem, but if you don't have the right ability and aim high, that's the problem! Those who come up don't know the overall situation! "

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