
Ding Yu looked at piler's posture and movement and said two words of praise!

"Yes! sir! I've learned some! " Pete stands beside Ding Yu! I didn't seem too nervous when I answered, but my body trembled slightly! It can be seen that the heart is not so calm!

As for Hart and Rogers, their movements are a little stupid, not that they have never played bow! But they all play modern bows, not traditional bows!

"I won't say more about modern bows and arrows! There is a lot of traditional explanation for bow practice between you and me! It can be said that it comes down in one continuous line. Practicing boxing well does not mean that you can practice bow well, but after practicing bow and boxing well, there are not too many problems! "

"Mr. Ding, do you need more practice? Don't you feel anything different? "

Well, Rogers rubbed his head and looked at Rogers! "In modern times, because of the development of hot weapons, cold weapons have declined. But cold weapons have developed for thousands of years, and Chinese culture has given deep meaning and understanding to cold weapons."

"Like a crossbow! Hand into the cluster of arrows! To explain it with modern science is bionics! "

"The whole person is like a bow?"

"The traditional bow is easier to understand! As for the modern bow? Some aspects of understanding need to add more advanced knowledge, mechanics! Materials and so on! There are too many things to learn to explain! Without considerable contact, there is really not much need! Traditional bow is more suitable for you

Hart put down his bow and arrow. "Mr. Ding, it seems that long-term practice won't have much effect?! Do you need any other guidance? "

Rogers and piler are also watching, looking at Ding Yu! Obviously, they also realized this problem!

Ding Yu pointed to the target in front of him, "if you don't say anything, it won't be of much use. At least it won't be too much for you! Let me give you an analogy! What about doing things? We need to have our own thinking and context. Only under the guidance of our own thinking and context can we do a good job! "

"I still don't quite understand!"

"For example, when a repairman, some people directly into the industry! Then go to learn professional knowledge! What about some people? It's to learn professional knowledge first and then go into business. It's two processes before and after, but the effect is totally different! "

With such an explanation, all the three children understood!

Even the three of them have quite a sense! "Sir! I'll say it Rogers scrambled, "if we just learn something about theory, it's too boring, even not too much meaning, but if we first go to practice, find some problems and situations, and then deal with theory, we can achieve the best effect!"

"In this matter, I personally understand it in this way! Let you learn the so-called theory first. It doesn't make sense. There are too many mechanics in it! Science and medicine and so on! This is not a year and a half, or even ten or eight years to be able to succeed! It's impossible! And you won't have too much interest! "

"Sir, are we going to college?"

"College entrance examination is much easier than this! If you keep the current level and get an ivy vine in the future, there is no problem. Even this doesn't need the family behind you to pay anything. Your own conditions are already excellent! For you, it's as simple as eating and drinking water! But want to learn these? It's much more difficult than the so-called college entrance examination! "

"How long shall we practice, sir?"

"How long do you practice?" Ding Yu suddenly a smile, smile of have so some impressively, "the children in the family have been practicing, the only person in the family don't practice much?"? I'm afraid it's just me and Kim! Kim and I won't talk about it! Too far away from you, let's talk about the children at home? They need to break a few bows in a year

"Is practice bad?" Hart asked abruptly!

"No?" Ding Yu shook his head, "at least not completely. Generally speaking, it's because of the body! Big head! power! And so on, all need considerable adjustment, maybe today's bow is very suitable, but tomorrow's time will hinder the strength growth! Then it can't be enough with the original bow! Need to change a more suitable for their own strength! It's the same with food. You're eating more today! Then you need to change the food mix, can't stick to it! "

"Sir, that is to say, there are people who make bows for their families!"

"Of course! The master I took my children out to find for them in person is now a great master! It's a combination of domestic crafts and even inherits some traditional crafts. It's very exquisite. In quite a few cases, it's used to make bows for children at home. No one else has ever seen such a time! "Ah Qi is very famous in the industry now! He is very attentive to children, and Ding Yu will not be stingy. All the children's bows at home are made by him. Although he has many apprentices now, all the children's bows and arrows are made by him, so he doesn't borrow hands at all!

Why? Do you need to say more?

After thinking about it, Ding Yu takes out his mobile phone and finds out ah Qi's phone number?!

"Hello! Ah Qi? "

"Hello, Mr. Ding! I am ah Qi When ah Qi saw the call, he was still painting there, but then he stood up. He was also respectful and scared the apprentice next to him! Master, what's wrong with this?

Should be a big man, otherwise master will not be so respectful!

"Is it convenient? A video? There's something I want you to do for me! "

"You tell me! I'll talk to you in a minute! Just a moment! "

Put down the phone, ah seven is next to the apprentice, um, "you busy, I'll come back later!"

After the video was connected, I saw Ding Yu. Ah Qi was very respectful, "Hello, Mr. Ding! How are you doing

"Not bad! The body is OK! But you are a little rich! I'm in good spirits. I heard that they all have children! Earlier, the housekeeper mentioned it to me! When you came, I was not in China at that time! "

"Mr. Ding, with your care for so many years, my family is happy and my work is smooth. No matter from what aspect, I should go to visit you! But I have never been able to see you, sir. What a pity! "

"If you have time, go out! I have three children here, because they are the first time. It's not so convenient to let them go to you now! So I don't know if you can make a trip! "

"Mr. Ding, come here as fast as I can

For ah Qi, this kind of thing can not be asked!

"Thank you! The situation of the three children is a little special, so I'll let you go to the trouble. If there's nothing wrong, I'll bring my wife and children to have a look together. It's up to you for so many years! "

After ah Qi put down the phone, some blood surged up, "little fish! Dachuan! And old four and a Guang, clean up! No matter what you have to do in two hours Immediately ah Qi's face is also a positive, "I take you to see the world this time! I'm also your teacher! It's all packed up for me! No matter what you think in your heart, you can't make any mistakes this time! Do you understand? "

"Yes, master! We promise not to humiliate you

All of a sudden, the spirit of the four people rose! They have learned a lot from the master, and the things they make are still very good! In this point, the master did not hide too much! At this point, ask yourself, master, there is not too much bias!

You should know that this profession is generally led by the master, and the cultivation depends on the individual!

This industry is relatively simple, but if you want to be profound, you need to hone it slowly! It's like ah Qi making a bow. How many people are in line! What's more, the one that can't get by!

But what about the bow they made? There are some differences, but compared with ordinary workers, it is definitely a kind of high wage! After all, the standard of living has risen over the years, and everyone's love for bows and arrows has reached a new level!

Ah Qi immediately informed his wife, let her quickly clean up, with his daughter together!

Although I didn't go to Siheyuan this time, I have been to siheyuan. I really sigh about the decoration and design. People who can live there are not so simple as being rich or expensive!

Now Mr. Ding sent out an invitation to himself and went directly to his home. This kind of face must be followed, otherwise it would not be as simple as humiliation!

The next day, ah Qi, they came! What's more, it's a bit of a drag on the family! But this speed is really not said!

Ding Yu looks at the little girl in ah Qi's arms and looks very happy. Then she asks for it and even holds it. The little girl is really rude. She waves her fat hand and pats it on Ding Yu's face, which scares everyone!

Ding Yu doesn't care about it, and even plays with the little girl!

"The girl at home was fun when she was a child, but not when she grew up!" Ding Yu doesn't think so. He even gives the little girl a long life lock on her neck, inlaid with jade and gold. It's very valuable! But Ding Yu didn't care at all, so he hung it on the little girl! Obviously, I don't like little girls in general!

Little girl may be too small! I don't know anything, but it's really nice to give her the feeling of holding her own person! Then he gnawed on Ding Yu's face! Biting and gnawing! It's like eating an apple!

Ah Qi doesn't know what to say? My husband may not care, but my daughter! They are your father's nobles. Would you stop? Your father, my heart is good, but I can't stand such a fright!"Lively enough!" Ding Yu wiped his face with a handkerchief, but didn't let the little girl go! "Ah Qi, I have a treasure now!"

"Hi! Mr. Ding, it was a little better at the beginning. How do you like it? Now she is going to make a nervous breakdown! When we sleep, her eyes are bigger than grapes. Anyway, it's your business to coax you. I just don't sleep. What can you do? It's normal to stay up all night till dawn. When you don't sleep, she'll be fine! It's dark and sleepy

Ding Yu raises the little girl high. The little girl is not honest at all. She is alive in front of Ding Yu!

After playing for a while, Ding Yu gave the little girl back to her mother, and the little girl quit! In his mother's arms began to Sahuan! There are so many people who can't laugh or cry about it. It's hard to drag them away!

"Mr. Ding, I make you laugh!"

Ding Yu waved his hand, "this time I call you to come, there are really quite a lot of things. There are three children coming, their identities are a little different! If you do it well this time, it's all foreign children! Should be able to open up the foreign market! What about? Is there enough staff now? "

Ah? Ah Qi really didn't expect such a good thing! I came here this time just to see Mr. Ding. I didn't mean anything else! I thought there was such a pie waiting for me!

And then also gathered up their emotions, very seriously said! "Mr. Ding, I'm not afraid of your jokes! I took several apprentices, some left, some stayed, and now I have four apprentices on hand. They have been doing it for quite a long time, and they are very good at heart! Love to play! I also like research! Originally, I had my own job, but now I'm dedicated to this business! The development is not bad! "

"I didn't dare to hide it. I opened a shop with e-commerce and so on! Give them three shares! There are also three layers for daily expenses! Hydropower network and so on! I can probably account for about 34%, but I am very satisfied! Business is very good! Thanks to your care, I also have a small name

"In business, especially in your field, you should pay attention to real materials and manual skills! There are quite a lot of businesses at home, basically the same truth! Good performance! Don't disgrace our ancestors! This is a good step! If the whole business expands several times, there should not be too many problems! "

"Mr. Ding, I won't say anything else. Look at my performance! If I humiliate you, I'll pick our house sign and set it on fire! I can't embarrass you enough! "

"It's not easy to come here. I've arranged the place for you to stay! I just don't know if you're used to it

"Mr. Ding, we are all rude people, not so fastidious and fastidious! What's more, when we do this job, you also know that wearing a mask sometimes doesn't work! Sometimes, it's not too dusty! "

"I wish you didn't dislike it! The weather here is still a little cold. It's like this in the north. But it's close to the sea. If you have time to come here in summer, you can enjoy it. Now if you want to play, I'm afraid you have to go to the farm paradise? But outdoor activities are not as many as you think! I'll take care of you in the evening! "

"Mr. Ding, I brought some things here. They are local specialties. They are not valuable things! It's for you and your family! I don't know if you like it or not! "

When he said this, ah Qi was very careful! Even a little gall to tremble of looking at Ding Yu's face!

"You Ding Yu snorted, "if I don't accept it, you will feel uneasy in your heart, but if I accept it, everyone will take things. People who don't know how can I be greedy?"

"Sir, I don't care what others say, but I must do it like this. You give me a chance to eat such a bowl of rice now! Without you, I might not have given up such a craft, but I would never have been like this! "

"Come on!" Ding Yu glared, "if there's anything, just say hello to the housekeeper!"

"Ah! Mr. Ding, I'll go back first and measure the children later. It may take a little time! "

Hart was quite interested when he was taken over!

Ah Qi, they are very meticulous and healthy! Weight! Arms out! Finger thickness and so on, have very strict requirements! And this is not finished, but also need Ding Yu to set the scale of strength for these children!

This matter has always been Ding Yu's words! Although ah Qi can be estimated to be quite powerful, Ding Yu has always been the one who guards the gate and never borrows his hands!

Is piler the most powerful, Rogers the second, and Hart? Strength is the smallest, this is a very normal situation! After all, Pete has been trained in this aspect, and Rogers is in good physical condition. As for Hart, he may not have too many brain problems, but physical exercise is better than ordinary children, that's all!"Ah Qi, how long does it take?"

"Sir!" Ah Qi asked his apprentice to count quite a lot of data, "if it's just for adaptation and exercise, I have a suitable one here. Adjust it for about a week, and need a suitable time, about a month less! And their growth rate may be very fast, the next time, maybe in February and March, we need to change the bow! And they grow up too fast at this age. As usual, they need to change bows three to four times a year! Conservative estimate

"It's a big job!"

"Can you do it, give me a happy word!"

"Yes! No problem! " Ah Qi and Ding Yu promised! "If anything goes wrong, it's mine!"

Ding Yu took a look at ah Qi and his disciples, "in order to prevent accidents, you go to apply for your own visa. You may need to go abroad in the future! Make a list of all the expenses

Ding Yu pointed at these children immediately!

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