Ah Qi said something about it, and the four disciples were about to jump up! Before they came here, they just wanted to see the world, but they never thought that things had changed so much!

Where is this pie from the sky? It's really gold on the sky! And still hit them in the head!

Looking at the expression of the four apprentices, ah Qi coughed, "how many of our apprentices? Over the years, I think you know what kind of person I am! I know exactly who you are! To make me absolutely fair, I can't! After all, I'm not a robot, I can't take care of all aspects, impossible things, your teacher's mother can't, I can only try to be fair! Such a large list, not only need me! You, and all of us in the workshop

"I don't think you can see today's situation! You can't follow me all my life. You need to create your own situation in the future! This is for sure! I will never stop you from making money! But since I stay here, I need to be responsible for you, users and workshops! Similarly, the workshop needs to be responsible for me, and you also need to be responsible for me! "

Ah Qi is really not afraid of others to rob his business! Mr. Ding is a nostalgic person!

For so many years, not only the children in the family, but also other people's bows and arrows were basically started by themselves! If you are alone, you can't do it yourself!

And in modern society, it's not so troublesome to collect a lot of materials, so when we rush to work, we just need to do our own work well! But even so, when collecting some materials, you need to go in person. If you have no way, you can't let others ruin your reputation!

It doesn't matter whether the material is more expensive or cheaper, but it must be worth the money!

"Ah Qi, I had a look just now. The things Mr. Ding gave our girls were a little too expensive! I had a look! The price of that gem is worth your salary for at least two years. This is not the price of gold! It's a little scary! "

Ah Qi pointed to his nose and said, "do you think I'm a wife buyer or a daughter buyer?"

"What do you mean?" Women feel a little confused!

"What is good about you? Do you think Mr. Ding has a crush on you? You are in my eyes, absolute fairy, absolute baby pimple, but in Mr. Ding's eyes, you are just an ordinary woman! I exaggerate a little bit to say, does Mr. renjiading want what kind of one? Don't even need Mr. Ding to wave, people will rush up in groups! As for our daughter, what? Is it the princess? Or the queen? Or are they fairies

"So I don't understand?"

"I live by my craft. Mr. Ding respects me as a craftsman! In addition, I took our girl to Siheyuan before, and Mr. Ding was not in at that time! It's a gift for us. Are you clear? "

"For such a heavy return?" The woman was surprised. "Isn't that too expensive?"

"Hi! You don't know that, do you?! Mr. Ding is not so concerned about these! For Mr. Ding, as long as the value for money is good! Everything else is not so on the heart! The core is that we have this craft, so you don't have to think so much! Clean up and prepare to have dinner with Mr. Ding in the evening? "

Women have long hair and short knowledge! I should take her to see more of the world!

"Do you still have our girl with you?"

"Take it! Mr. Ding likes children very much! Our baby also likes Mr. Ding! Don't worry! Mr. Ding is not as careful as you think

In the evening, Ding Yu entertains ah Qi and his party! The location of the banquet is not so luxurious, and even gives you the feeling of some ordinary, but after entering the interior, you find that the previous time was a little too taken for granted! The luxury here is not revealed by the outside! Low key and meaningful!

"Now that you've come here, let's have a taste of the characteristics here!"

Ding Yu wiped her hand with a towel, and even took the initiative to help the little girl wipe her face and hands. The little girl sat quietly in Ding Yu's arms! No noise at all!

This makes ah Qi and his daughter-in-law are extremely surprised! What kind of virtue is their daughter? Do they know?

Washing her face is like killing her! That's a toss. Today, I'm so proud and honest!

"Over the years, we have paid attention to the care and restoration of the environment and the protection of the ocean, so there are a lot of delicacies and seafood here. Because of the more developed transportation and logistics, the materials are still complete! Let's have a taste together today

Ding Yu finds a small bowl for the little girl and selects some food for her. The little girl can't hold the chopsticks at all and starts directly. Ding Yu doesn't have any aversion. What the little girl eats is called juicy! Have a good time!Is ah Qi looking at his daughter? Heart is very helpless! Daughter! Your performance today is enough, don't make trouble again! Otherwise, I can't stand your father!

But the food is really delicious. I'm not a gourmet, but I can feel it. What I eat is the mellow flavor of the food, not the flavor of the seasonings! Thick! lead a person to endless aftertastes!

As for a few apprentices, they wish they could bury their heads in plates now! It's not that they didn't eat good food in the past, but today's food really opened their eyes!

It's a bit embarrassing, but who can resist?

Although there are quite a lot of drinks, Mr. Ding is a teetotaler, which is not in line with our previous prediction!

After all, all the people on the ground drink wine as water! Previously, everyone has been quite prepared, even the antidote has been put in the pocket, ready for a rainy day, but did not think, people simply do not have this aspect of meaning! When you are thirsty at most, just drink some tea!

However, that appetite definitely opened people's eyes, but from another point of view, we didn't regard everyone as an outsider. If we really regarded everyone as an outsider, it would never be like this!

"It seems that the little girl is full!"

The little guy in Ding Yu's arms is already fighting with two eyelids at this time! This time force to stay in oneself here, is not so suitable! Ding Yu just handed the little girl to her mother!

"Be careful when you go out later. Don't let her catch a cold! The temperature difference between the indoor and outdoor is quite big! Must pay attention! Not like you

"Mr. Ding, I think it's better here, with four distinct seasons! There we are! Hi

"Just feel free! I don't have much time tomorrow! Now that you've been here once, have a good time! "

When ah Qi and they left, Hart's three children also knew how to make and use bows. There was such a reason! This completely broke their understanding! But Ding Yu doesn't have much time to explain this to the children now! The main reason is that the children at home are back!

It's a big deal! And for the family, it is absolutely a big thing!

Looking at their children, Ding Yu slightly wrinkled his brow, face how much seems to have so some dislike!

"Did you go a little too far? Come back in this suit? " Obviously Ding Yu did it on purpose!

"Dad, we don't want to, but the funds are not enough! What can we do? But this time the harvest is very big Speaking of this, Ding Yun can be said to be excited!

But obviously, the effect is not so big! Ding Yu a face of indifference, looked at the audit accounts after! Then he handed it to his daughter! "So? Just put the account in front of me! This seems to be obviously inconsistent with the previous plan! So what's the plan? "

"Daddy? Aren't we discussing this? " Ding Yun looks at his father with a smile on his face! Although it may be futile to know how to do it like this, there is no way to do it. If you are brave enough, you will not be able to have any effect. If you don't say it, it may even cause quite bad results, so forget it?!

"It's not like that. You've used your reserves! This doesn't count! You have other expenses with you. What's the matter? The reserve is for you! It's true. I don't have many opinions and ideas, but what's your operation like? Who can explain it to me? "

The melancholy on Ding Chang's face, there is no way! I know that they can't hide this from my father! Now it's happening! So it's really not necessary to hide from your father!

"The matter was outlined by my elder martial brother and I. the original plan was very good, but in the process, Ding Yun had quite a problem! With Xiaogang also suffered a considerable impact, so there is such a big deficit! "

"I understand! But how do you plan to deal with the follow-up? "

"I've discussed this!" Wang an scratched his head and said, "we will gradually fill in the deficit within six months. At the same time, it will not have a considerable impact on the follow-up plan. That is, we may encounter considerable difficulties in the operation! But we are thinking of other ways! "

"What kind of solutions do you want? It's your own business! I can't manage it, but I need to see the most complete plan. I hope you are well prepared. It's related to your leaving in half a year! The relevant funds and arrangements! "

"Daddy, how can you do that?"

All of a sudden, Ding Yun has some hair, glaring at his father! Two people looked at each other for a long time, the atmosphere in the whole room was dull! Or Ding Yun finally snorted!Although Ding Yun also knows that this matter has nothing to do with his father, he just wants to argue with his father! It really has nothing to do with winning or losing! However, judging from the current situation, it seems that there is basically no chance to win! Because dad didn't mean to save face at all!

"Daddy, I heard that there are some children at home!"

Let's change the subject? Otherwise, it's too rigid!

"Well! I went out earlier! Come back with three kids! Maybe two will come in two days, but those two won't stay. As for Hart, the three of them may need to stay for a period of time. Their qualifications are good, but I can't decide whether they can get started in the end! "

In a word, all the children have some sluggish expression, some can't believe looking at Ding Yu!

"Master?! It's tricky? " Wang an soon gathered up his emotions, looking at Ding Yu, asked in a deep voice!

Ding Chang rubbed his little face and looked at Tong Tong next to him. Both of them were surprised by each other's eyes! After all, Ding Yu's vision, we all use the eyes to see! Absolutely not the general picky, so now brought three children back! That's interesting!

"This time to negotiate, the process is a little fierce!"

Several children's faces suddenly became serious, "master, are you ok?"

"Later, you can go to see the mission briefing, but it's still the old rule. You can watch it, or even discuss it with each other, but this matter can't be made public! If something goes wrong, you need to recite it! "

"Daddy, do you know the children who came here?" Ding Chang is very abrupt asked a!

"You are clever enough!" Ding Yu sighed and shook his head slightly. "I didn't know that before. There were not so many people who knew this matter. There were five people who negotiated with me. Three of them fell down and the other two were saved! As for my side is not too good, strong support back! It's calming down after a period of rest! "

Several children looked at each other, "master, you don't feel any smoke from your body, and you don't feel too much lethality!"

"At that time, someone wanted to give me a challenge! So Jin stood up, but he didn't come back with him. He still had a lot to deal with! That's what it looks like in general! "

"Dad, your explanation is too perfunctory, isn't it?" In this regard, Ding Yun expressed the most serious dissatisfaction!

"Just look at the Task Briefing! For things are not so understanding, ask East and West will affect your judgment! So it's better for you to see the specific task briefing, which will deepen your understanding. Moreover, don't blame me for not reminding you, your mother also went with me! "

Just after hearing Ding Yu's words, several children ran away! Ding Yu looked at their actions and laughed!

If you don't give them a little bit of the so-called power, they don't know the power! But they can come to their own side, I think they should have seen Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying! At this point, Ding Yu has absolute assurance!

It's only about two hours before several children come back! Just a few of them are here, and Ding Yu gives them a brief introduction. As for the rest, it has nothing to do with him!

"Just get to know each other!"

Before leaving, Ding Yu took a look at Wang An, "Wang An, come out with me!"

Wang An was puzzled, but he looked at the children in the room casually, as if he thought of something! So I didn't say anything! His master called himself out. Can't he explain something?

After his father left, Ding Yun came to Hart and the three of them with a step of not knowing each other!

"I'm Ding Yun! Who are you? It doesn't matter! What kind of background, you can do a self introduction later! Here, we don't mean big fists! It's never been a family, you can be king! So I hope you're ready! "

After that, Ding Yun squeezed his fist!

In the face of Ding Yun's almost provocative words, Rogers felt a little intolerable! Very direct to stand up!

Hart blinked, but he didn't know if he didn't hear or didn't care! Piler is very curious looking at Ding Yun! I didn't expect that Ding Yun would behave like this!

Ding Chang looks at Tong Tong, glances at Rogers and piler, and then puts his attention on Hart. This child gives them a very different feeling!

"Tong Tong, what do you mean by father? Call out the elder martial brother?! Is it intentional? "

Tong Tong is a little disgusted, looking at Ding Chang, "so? You don't think it's right for me to be the first one, so you still want to push me out to be a broken party. Is that really good? "For Tong Tong's complaint, Ding Chang is totally unaware of the appearance!

"If the elder martial brother is here, he will not be able to make trouble, but my father has taken him away! Isn't that obvious? If I stand up with Ding Yun, it's too obvious! But you are different! Do you think so? "

"My bracelet is short of accessories! I think old wax is very good, do you think

"Is it too dark?" Ding Chang looks like a sore meat! But looking at the situation on the scene, I bit my teeth, "I said Tong Tong, I just blacked a set of stamps for you! How mean! All right! I promise you! But let's talk about it first! I've seen your bracelet, so I can only find it for you according to the size of your bracelet! "


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