When they took a bath, Hart thought it was really fun for them to be together! Even quite interesting!

Don't worry too much! There is no other burden! Everyone has a towel, but Wang An's figure is really good! Good even let people have some envy!

Rogers can also see a lot of muscles, but Wang An's figure? I can see that there are quite a lot of abdominal muscles, but there are not too many pectoralis major muscles! But how to look at how well proportioned, and even Rogers want to directly start feeling!

And Rogers also noticed that these children do not seem so majestic, but careful observation will find that there is no fat existence! This is amazing!

After all, they have quite a lot of classmates and friends, and even a lot of children can't control their mouth! So it will also create physical problems! But here, I haven't found anything!

It's understandable that one or two people are like this, but almost all of them are like this, so they can feel the problem!

In fact, what makes them most curious is Ding Yu's figure. He has a white bath towel wrapped around his waist. He can see a lot of muscles in his upper body. His streamline is very good. He is symmetrical, but there is no burst!

When taking a bath, everyone fights with each other, even a little crazy. Hart and they also participate in it, just playing! No one took it as a matter of time. After they came out, there was a massage master beating it for them. Not to mention that it was uncomfortable, but the atmosphere was really good?!

Even there are a few children, wearing a small coat, playing on the sand, crying from time to time!

From Hart's point of view, if it is their own family, there will be no such scenes, but here, there are some feelings of being used to it! Everyone is very open! Not that there are no rules, but that there is no sense of seriousness! Naturally, there will be no sense of restraint!

After playing, Ding Yu had a lot of communication with many children. The process of communication was not Ding Yu talking alone. Almost all the children participated in it, and they couldn't escape with HART!

Ding Yu is very careful to give the children a lesson, about some of the differences between domestic and foreign!

It's true that Ding Yu explained this aspect to you in the original time, but now the best example is put in front of you! So the atmosphere is a little warm!

Once they came down, Hart felt a little bit shocked! Why do these peers perform well? Than the best in their family, is not much of that kind!

Of course, it may be that they are not rich enough, so their performance in some aspects is slightly poor, but their curiosity and learning heart really make Hart and the three of them feel very ashamed!

What would it be like to put these children in their families?

Think about it, Hart, the three of them even have some shivering feeling! It is too terrible!

"Sir?" Hart, the three of them are behind Wang an!

"School will start tomorrow! If you don't have anything to do, go and have a look together! Learn about the situation of the school, give you a week at most! Take a look at the differences between each other and look for the strengths and weaknesses! Let's see if there's something to make up for! "

Ding Yu has asked people to say hello to the school. Of course, the school is willing to cooperate! Even they have heard quite a lot of news. They didn't expect Ding Yu to get three foreign students. Although they are not students of the same age, they are all extraordinary in the hearsay!

This is a good thing. It's not difficult for the school to find some foreign students! But it is not a simple thing to find excellent students, even students with considerable background!

Ding Yu can do, does not mean that the school can do the same! Two times, OK?

Hart's three children don't have too much tension. The family's inheritance is excellent and outstanding in this aspect. However, in terms of their spirit, they don't have too much excitement and even a little depression, because they haven't been able to adjust completely!

To be exact, the Ding family's children put a little pressure on them! They are also unyielding character! Naturally, I want to compete with the children of the Ding family. It doesn't matter if I lose or win. The important thing is that I can't let go of this breath! This is what the three children want to express!

In three days, Hart went to find Ding Yu first!

Ding Yu put down his brush and wiped his hand with a hot towel! "What? Can't hold on? "

"No!" Hart's eyes are still as usual, not too much change, is still very bright, "suddenly found that this to do, there is no meaning! The previous time was a little too emotional! To be exact, it was affected by the family! Wang An, they have brought us too much influence! "Ding Yu couldn't help laughing and touched Hart's head! If the others did, Hart might be furious! I don't like this kind of behavior, but when Ding Yu does it, Hart feels comfortable from the inside out!

It's not that Hart has a bunch of dogs. That's not the case!

"In a week, you wake up in less than three days. You are so savvy! No one else! "

For Hart, Ding Yu is really good-looking and has considerable savvy. In some aspects, he is quite similar to Ding Chang, and of course, he coincides with Tong Tong. But when these things are mixed together, they are really pleasing!

"What do you think of Rogers and pyler?"

"Not bad! They all have their own pride, but Rogers has a big heart. Pieler, maybe he has a little more obsession! "

"It's a wonderful analysis! I heard that you have already started to communicate with the school children? "

"Still no, it's too bad! Basically, I can say some simple words, but I can't write them out. I don't believe I can speak simple conversations in a month. Because of the environment, there are not many problems, but it's still quite difficult for me to start writing, or to communicate and understand deeply! "

Hart's answers were all straight!

"I heard that your mobile phone is very good! It's all ready to pay! This is quite a progress! "

"Mr. Ding, it's very simple. Even I find that no matter how old or young they are, they can skillfully apply mobile payment here! Up to 70 or 80 years old, down to a few years old children! I have some doubts. Why can't our country use it like this? There are too many problems in it! "

Ding Yu shook his head, "so do you want to use the reward on this? It's not worth it

Hart was stunned. "Mr. Ding, Will Rogers and pyler be punished if they don't wake up for a week? After all, we are together! "

Ding Yu laughs at Hart's concept of replacement! There are so many wanton smile! It's obvious that Ding Yu doesn't care so much about it. Maybe Hart really thinks so. Maybe he has other ideas. It doesn't matter!

"That's what you think! It's a little different from your education! At least as far as I know, there are some differences! So now under such circumstances, you make such a choice, but let me have some hesitation! But it's OK! Two of them! The awakening time may be a little slow, but I believe it can be done in a week! But to remind you, don't give them shit

"Mr. Ding, it's disgusting!"

"Is it?" Ding Yu looked at Hart with a bad smile, "so? You can spare them this time?! Although they are relatively stupid, there are not many problems in their nature! It can only be said that the degree is a little bit biased! It's the same with you. It's just a child. There's no deep hatred. There's no need for it. Don't you think so? "

"All right!" Hart nodded. It's obvious that he definitely had this idea in his head. Now Mr. Ding has pointed it out. It's hard to say what would happen if he continued to do so!

What's more, Hart didn't have too much dark thoughts. He just wanted to teach Rogers and pyler a lesson, let them have a long memory, and save other problems when they come!

But the question Mr. Ding mentioned is quite right! If you really tell them the situation, it seems that it's really like feeding a mouthful of excrement in their mouth. It's definitely more than disgusting! So forget it!

In a week's time, Rogers and piler did not expect to wake up!

They come here to study and open their eyes, not to be competitive! What's more, we have to compare with the children of the Ding family at this time. What should we compare? What can be compared!

If we say that the children of the Ding family are compared by them! So what's the point of their coming here?

Why didn't you realize at the beginning what kind of problems and situations were there?

But they go to find Ding Yu. Ding Yu really doesn't have much time here, not only for the consortium, but also for other things, such as those seeds, such as his secretary and so on! Ding Yu is really busy here!

As for Wang An, they didn't want to contact Hart too much! It's not that they don't like to see each other. Similarly, Wang An and Wang An have quite a lot of things. It's not that they are really idle people! How can it be!

The previous funds have taken a risk! The next plan needs to be adjusted! At the same time, we also need to make considerable arrangements for the journey after half a year! What's more, the students' future and plans, etc., are all pressed on them. How can they have free time!In this short period of time, Ding Yu has always been a kind of cold spectator to Hart and their three children! Although they all have considerable potential, but overall, Hart's potential is the highest, Rogers's luck is really good, as for piler? Because he has a considerable foundation, but the same, his heart a little bit hard!

When the three of them stand in front of them, Ding Yu looks at them attentively. After nearly a week's devastation, Hart's performance is the best, and he recovers as soon as possible! Now the performance is very indifferent, even can use simple Chinese to dialogue, although it is still kowtow! But there has been a very good show!

At this point, Rogers and piler are still unable to catch up even if they are flattering! Of course, it can be said that it's a matter of ability, but it can't be said that it's a matter of attitude!

"It's been a week! I believe you all have a very clear understanding of this week. After the end of this week, do you have any considerable gains? "

Looking at the three children who wanted to speak, Ding Yu waved his hand, "you don't need to mention it. Just be clear in your heart! Because these gains are your own! Maybe it's better to keep it! It's worth the aftertaste

Hart, the three of them looked at each other! A week's time is long or short! But since they came here, they feel that their harvest is greater than before!

There's not much restraint in staying here! There will not be any severe criticism and reprimand, more often with many students to communicate with each other, this thing is the most let them have some headache and irritability!

It's not that we don't communicate with each other, but there has always been a considerable gap in this communication! At this point, Ding Yu strictly forbids other people to mix in! To a certain extent, it forces the children on this side of the farm to be more familiar with English, but it also forces hart to understand Chinese better!

If you don't do that, there will be no way to communicate with each other! What is the result of not communicating with each other? It must be excluded by everyone! No one wants to have such a result, so we all have some ruthlessness in our hearts!

For Ding Yu, it is the existence of profiteering! Even I didn't care much, I just threw them into the pond! If you want to survive, you need to toss and enrich yourself! Otherwise it will be eliminated!

Even more efforts than ever before!

"Mr. Ding, are we just holding on?"

Ding Yu snorted. As for Rogers, Ding Yu gave a strange look! "There's nothing wrong with holding it, isn't it the same with you? Don't think too much of the beautiful! It's impossible! But speaking of it, the drugs at home have been almost deployed! I know about your health, too! "

"Sir, is it like in the movie that we can soak it in a VAT?"

Ding Yu bared his teeth, "are you going to be a pickle? Still soaking up? Shall I pickle it for you? "

For Rogers off-line, Ding Yu really do not know what to say is good! It's not that he just went into the wrong area, but because he didn't understand it!

"The way you say it? Not to say no! Yes, but in modern society, it's rarely used, and it's too wasteful, at least for me. Moreover, it's not easy to control, and it's easy to have other problems! "

Rogers spat his fist. "So? Which of you will come first? Let's set an example! Other people can observe closely, and so can other children in the family! This is the convention! There's nothing you can't see! "

Looking at Rogers' high hands, Ding Yu nodded, Hart was at the end of the line! At this time, pilar didn't want to hide his meaning! In the evening, he came to the room and looked at Ding Yun and the little girl. Rogers, who came up first, seemed a little ashamed! After all, I am a boy!

Looking at Rogers, Ding Yu shook his head! Wang an stopped him and handed him a pair of shorts! I don't know what's wrong with Rogers! Or a little too little knowledge!

But really speaking, at the beginning, Wang an didn't seem to get there well!

When dealing with it, Ding Yu is particularly cautious and careful. Although Wang An can explain it quite well, Wang An's foundation is still a bit inadequate. At least in the explanation of some words, it can't compare with Ding Yun and Ding Chang!

So quite an explanation still needs Ding Yun and Ding Chang to do! And Hart and pyler are incarnating into 100000 at this time. Why? Because there are too many incomprehensible and incredible things in it!

Ding Yu knocked on Rogers for quite a long time, and Ding Yu didn't seem to have a good time, but Rogers was still a little nervous at the beginning, but in the end, he fell asleep, which was a little unbearable!Especially Hart and pyler, their eyes are red!

"Let him rest for half an hour, then wash up and calm down! Recuperate one hour to two hours, and then go to bed! " Ding Yu immediately went to wash!

Hart touched Ding Chang with his arm! "How can I get the paste out of my head?"

"Nonsense! We are not so clear and clear, if you can see clearly! You are not a man, but a god

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