For three days in a row, Ding Yu made considerable adjustments to their three children! Not to mention, the effect is absolutely immediate!

Hart felt that their spirits were back in a flash! I can't say what the reason is, but they feel very good! Is this Mr. Ding's secret?

Come to such a strange environment, but also in Mr. Ding Yuding here, their psychology has a considerable burden, coupled with other aspects of pressure, really have some energy shortage feeling!

But after such a conditioning, we feel the whole just like a fully charged Tin Drum man!

The body is full of infinite power! Even think can wantonly vent!

For this point, the three children have their own different understanding! But Mr. Ding concealed it! It seems that it really conceals quite a lot of things! But to say that there is no concealment, everything is displayed in front of them! You can observe at will! This is very surprising!

Mr. Ding let them participate in the whole process! But the problem is nothing to understand!

"This is just the news, sir!"

Security for the first time put a considerable amount of information in front of Ding Yu, Ding Yu opened a look, slightly a little surprised! The movement is a little bit big! What's the matter with Terry and Leo?

Now this time? Even looking at the information on the list, quite a lot of them are legitimate, and they are directly destroyed! That kind of ruthlessness! Is it because of their own problems? Or other reasons!

"Sun Yingnan or hort?"

"It's from Mr. Sun. Director Hote is busy with other things now, but he has a lot of notes!"

Ding Yu nodded his head and looked at it again. These two old guys! It's all about doing it for yourself! To a certain extent, it's a warning to myself! Do you want to do something yourself? Give them the same response?

After considering for some time, Ding Yu nodded at the security guard!

"I know! Let's do this for a while! "

Now if you have any action, you are just passively accepting. Although you know the actions of Terry and Leo, from your own observation, the relationship between this matter and Terry will never be particularly big! To some extent, Leo is the real key! If he hadn't nodded, Terry wouldn't have mentioned it!

Leo, this old man! It's not so cruel and heartless!

Through this negotiation, and then start to clear up some internal problems! And excuses are the best and most appropriate!

There are quite a lot of problems in this negotiation! On the surface, it seems that it's link's problem, but in reality? There are quite a number of internal problems!

To be exact, there is an internal infection. Although it may not be rotten now, it will definitely affect the overall health!

It's like Pete was in control! But it's because someone delayed him and made him trip! That's why Pete fell short! Otherwise, the negotiation will definitely not be the result now!

Now that there is a problem, it needs to be solved! There are excuses to solve the problem! Even there is considerable support, if you do not think of the support, Rio wants to do this thing, is also a very difficult thing!

Both the internal and external departments are quite ready, so what are we waiting for? Are you waiting for Chinese new year?

So Ding Yu has seen quite a result now!

Now the problem in front of Ding Yu is that Leo, the old man, has already started! What about Ding Yu? Do you want to respond appropriately? To a certain extent, this is also a kind of plot!

If Ding Yu has any so-called action, it will certainly cause some small turbulence in the whole consortium. When you harvest the fruits, you, the master of the family, will start to take off the grind and kill the donkey, which will leave a very bad reputation!

But if Ding Yu didn't do anything! Good thing! Leo is really worried that Ding Yu will make trouble for himself. If Ding Yu makes trouble, it's really easy to cause other problems!

But Ding Yu will make a mess, for which Leo has considerable judgment! After all, I'm just dealing with internal problems! If Ding Yu even wants to get involved in my internal problems, what do you want to do?

You know, in this negotiation, we admit defeat to you Ding Yu! You Ding Yu made a decision, we are quite cooperative, but if you Ding Yu really want to advance, then I'm sorry! We are not easy to bully!

It's full of calculation!

If Ding Yu really wants to do it now, in addition to doing it inside the consortium and farm, it's really hard for Ding Yu to do it in other aspects! But it's too inappropriate to start inside!So now Ding Yu? It can only be watched helplessly, there is no other way!

At least in Leo's understanding, that's what happened!

You Ding Yu won our hand in the negotiation, but the same negotiation is mutually acknowledged. We will use your hand to solve internal problems! What's the matter? What can you do about Ding Yu? If you don't agree, you Ding Yu will do it again, just like the last time! Give me a so-called surprise?

Things on paper will never show up. These things are all analyzed by Ding Yu! Of course, Leo deliberately showed it to Ding Yu. If Ding Yu can't even see it, then don't be an opponent! You are not qualified!

Sun Yingnan didn't get Ding Yu's response! Mr. natural knowledge has kept quite silent. There are only two reasons for silence. One? Don't know how to deal with it? So I'm quite silent. Let's observe the situation! As for the other one? Do not need to do other aspects of attention, do their own things on it!

If it is the first one, then even if there is no response, it will definitely give sun Yingnan some advice, but nothing! Obviously, sir, the message has been passed on! In this case, then I know how to deal with the situation!

As for whether Leo will receive the news and when he will receive it, Ding Yu doesn't take it for granted, and sun Yingnan won't take it for granted! I just don't have any reaction. What can you do?

Leo saw sun Yingnan's reaction and knew Ding Yu's idea! In Leo's opinion, Ding Yu didn't react. This is a good thing, but to some extent, it's not a good thing! If you start cleaning now, it will definitely cause internal instability! Under such circumstances, if there is the impact of external forces, it will certainly be quite a situation!

But what about Ding Yu? He didn't even move. Can he really do it? Is it too calm?

I've prepared quite a backhand! But if Ding Yu doesn't do anything, it's really a bit tricky!

Because through this negotiation, we have maintained a very delicate balance! What does this balance mean? It means that if there is a problem between each other in the future, we can only solve the problem within the scope allowed by the rules!

Although this will limit Ding Yu, on the other hand, it also limits them!

The function of force is mutual. Don't forget that!

Who dares to break the balance easily in the future? Terry will never take the initiative to break the balance! Ding Yu doesn't mean to fight now, so will he take the initiative to break the balance in the future? Certainly not!

So the person who can break the balance! Only myself!

But if you do it yourself, can you bring them in? The possibility is absolutely not so big!

What about Ding Yu? With the help of this so-called delicate balance, you can develop with your head closed. You should know that this guy's power and inside information are terrible! Let him continue to develop with a dull head. What kind of giant will be developed at that time? When I think about it, I feel that it's hard to sit and stand!

And as far as I know, Ding Yu's direction is not even as single as the farm! Although they know the information is not so comprehensive, but through considerable information, or can know some!

So now Leo also seems to have some worries! How to deal with the following problems?

And there's one more thing to pay attention to! That's the question of age!

How old are you now? And how old is Ding Yu? His successor and successor are even much bigger than Ding Yu! If Ding Yu is hard to drag, he simply can not endure Ding Yu!

Looking at their successors and successors, will they be Ding Yu's opponents? But at that time, if Ding Yu still didn't move, what would he do? The more he thought about it, the more annoyed Leo felt!

It's extremely inappropriate to start with Ding Yu, because there is a fragile balance, but if you don't do it, you can only watch Ding Yu's power expand a little bit! So how to do it?

Looking at everything in front of him, Leo really felt a little dull. He was a big move, but what about Ding Yu? It seems that I don't care. I'm willing to toss and toss as long as I'm happy! This is Ding Yu's attitude!

For Leo, Ding Yu's reaction didn't surprise him, but it also made him get enough gas!

However, I also know some information from other channels. Hart and the three of them got very good guidance from Ding Yu. It seems that there are some sheep herding, but they are well integrated, but they also ensure their independence!

From this point of view, Ding Yu is worthy of a generation, and there is no way to deny it!

Even some of the following people have a considerable inference. Ding Yu used some means and ways for Hart's three children. As for what kind of means and ways it is, it's not clear, and it's not so comprehensive, but one thing is for sure! Ding Yu is absolutely attentive!This NIMA is a bit too joking! Even Leo doesn't know how to deal with it!

Ding Yu didn't have any response and reaction here, and after they passed, they got very good training!

So now it's Leo's turn to make that choice? Do you want to abolish Hart and the three of them? If their three children are abandoned, there will be considerable reasons to destroy this weak balance!

But this thing? Leo's heart is really very hesitant, even a little uneasy, why? Do you need to explain the reasons? If the three children have problems and situations, how many forces will become their enemies?

After all, we all know that Ding Yu's ability, especially in the training of these children, is unique!

Even in the future, they will not undertake the family's property, but it is OK to give the family an absolute guarantee! What do families need to inherit? Isn't it still this?

When he thought of this, Leo felt that Ding Yu had made a so-called cut at the beginning. Had he already thought about it? In other words, he already had this plan, but at that time everyone didn't see it!

When I think of this, Leo is a chill again! You should know that Ding Yu deliberately revealed all this! Is to put in front of their own, is to let themselves see! What about what you don't see?

Although Leo seems to be calm, the fire has been burning slowly. Although Leo and Terry are in charge, it is absolutely impossible to clean up some of the internal staff in a short time!

After all, there are too many interests involved in this, even an unimaginable game. Although Leo and Terry have great power, so what? They are supported by numerous interest groups. This time, what they did was to cut the flesh on the interest groups. It's not that simple!

So for a while, Leo was tired both physically and mentally! There are so many things to deal with! But also need to take into account some of the reactions of the outside world! It's true that Ding Yu doesn't have any action, but can he be a little defensive and don't need it?

Think about it, Leo is to pick up his mobile phone, but wait for a little time, Leo is to put down the mobile phone!

Yelled his personal security, and then went out!

Came to the hospital side, security gently knocked on the door twice, and then pushed the door to go in! Half lying and half sitting there, Pete had some silly eyes, especially when he saw Leo, he couldn't help blinking his eyes twice!

Obviously, it's a little unbelievable to see Leo at this time!

"Mr. Leo?" Voice some doubt, has a little puzzled!

"Don't get up!" Rio's voice was a little tired, which was normal, so he found a suitable place to sit down, while the security guard stood at the door! The whole person is like a shadow!

"Reading a book?"

"Yes! Sir Pete put down the book in his hand. "I wake up these two days. I'm in a good mood. I took some notes and read books at the same time. I'll relax!" I didn't do any messy things, and even if I did such things, it's no big deal, as long as it doesn't violate the principle of the problem!

"Have you heard?"

Pete took a look, then nodded his head indifferently, "someone sent me a message, let me be careful!"

The words were very skillful, revealing his own feelings, but there was no intention of offending Leo!

Leo nodded, "you! At the beginning, I asked you to deal with Ding Yu's affairs. There were no mistakes, but there were some problems in the process, and I need to take considerable responsibility! "

Damn it?! This makes Pete almost get up, but such a joke is not! Is there anything wrong with Mr. Leo? This remark can never come out of his own side. Otherwise, what will other people say in the future? I live well, but I don't want to cause such trouble!

"Sir, the problem still lies with me. It's my poor control that leads to quite a lot of problems! Ding Yu! If you don't agree, you really don't agree. Why should he? But in fact, we still need to feel a little admiration. At least after he has been away, few people have the courage to do so! "

Play down the responsibility, don't deny Ding Yu's powerful, if Ding Yu is not powerful, why can't you take Ding Yu down? There are even so many problems, but is it the responsibility? Can't bear on Leo's head, since Leo can't bear this responsibility now, it can only be carried by himself!

It doesn't matter. It's not a big deal to carry on one's back. Anyway, we all know how it happened? And his heart is more clear, what kind of situation is behind this!"Do you think Ding Yu will do it? Or do you think this is attractive to Ding Yu? "

Pete thought about it, then shook his head, "Mr. Leo, I'm not Ding Yu, so I can only simulate it. If I stand in the perspective of Ding Yu, I won't do anything! But if I really stand in that position, I'm afraid I can't control my own! Because the temptation is too great

"Yes! The temptation is too great

What is the so-called temptation? There will certainly be considerable interests in the internal business. After seeing this part of interests, everyone will be excited! What the heart represents, I really can't be more clear!

So Peter said such words, I really don't think Peter is wrong! Even to give their own feelings, Pete is still very calm! Worthy of being a powerful role, I can earn a short time with Ding Yu!

"Pete, from your point of view, what do you think Ding Yu is like?"

"Very powerful! Even there are some elusive, quite often the performance is very casual! Generally speaking, this is the situation! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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