Leo sitting by the bed is thinking about Peter's words!

"Do you think it's appropriate to put you on the opposite side of Ding Yu?"

Hearing what Leo said, Pete suddenly laughed, but it was a bitter smile! Laughter is a little helpless!

"Sir, I have nothing to say when I am placed in such a position, but let me become Ding Yu's opponent and ask myself, some of my strength is not enough! I've collected quite a lot of information. If I'm placed in a position, the only way I can choose is to be steady, no matter what problems and situations arise! "

"Steady and steady?" Leo sighed. "That's a good idea, but it's hard to make it!"

Why should say so, the reason inside this is too simple! It's the best thing to be steady! At the same time, it is also the most appropriate way!

But the problem is that I don't have so much time, and what's the power behind it? Will not accept such conditions!

To a certain extent, they are quite short-sighted, for the long-term interests of some invisible, but the immediate interests of the demand is very urgent! That's why!

Pete's vision is not a problem, but now it is not so appropriate!

If it is possible to confront Ding Yu head-on, then there is no problem. Ding Yu's inside information is not enough. Even procrastination can drag Ding Yu to death, but the problem is that it takes too long! Not many people have such patience!

To be sure, such a thing can't be seen in the open, but if it is seen in the dark, there is no huge manpower! Material and financial resources to support the words, it does not play any role in Ding Yu!

Pete didn't deal with Leo. Deal with Ding Yu? I will never follow this mess! Even if it's another stove, I won't face to face with Ding Yu, but I'm not really afraid of being beaten by Ding Yu! It's not about this!

Mainly with Ding Yu on the words, a bit too much of a loss! Relative to what you get and what you lose, it's a bit out of proportion! So who is willing to step on this pit, who will go! I'm sure I won't!

Not even in the presence of Mr. Leo! As for how to refuse, there are many ways! Now let's see what Mr. Leo means! Anyway, it seems that Mr. Leo didn't come because of this!

"What do you think of this time?"

What else can I think? Look with your eyes! But Pete didn't want to say it directly. Instead, he thought about it for a while. "Mr. Leo, I've heard quite a lot of news. Everyone has his own consideration!"

Leo couldn't help laughing and nodded Pete with his hand, "you think clearly enough, don't be confused! Yes! Everyone has his own consideration! " Is Peter wrong? No, not even quite right!

Everyone has their own considerations and plans, but what about them? Basically did not consider for the whole! After all, the purpose of uniting around us is very simple! Is to be able to fight for more interests for themselves!

If you can't fight for more benefits for yourself, why unite around you?

In view of Ding Yu's question, at the beginning, everyone was very dedicated! Why? Because everyone wants to bite from Ding Yu's body! Because Ding Yu represents considerable interests!

But once or twice, or even several times later, everyone's mood has already dissipated! Now this time is still to take out considerable financial resources! It's not that they want to deal with Ding Yu, but it shows their attitude!

There is no problem in dealing with Ding Yu, and there is no problem in taking out some financial resources, but in terms of manpower! We really can't afford it, don't we have a lot of chicks? Let's go with them?! Does it work? They can't waste taxpayers' money, can they?

Things to this point, we are still eyeing Ding Yu, but there is no courage and confidence to charge ahead!

Support is OK! Show a considerable attitude, there is no problem! But don't let us rush forward! I can't rush at all! The loss is a little bit so big that no one can afford it!

One or two people like this, Rio can still accept, but many people have begun to show their emotions in this aspect! I have to think about it! There are so many problems!

After thinking about it for a while, Leo looked at Pete again, "about Ding Yu, you don't need to be involved! It's hard to get out if you get involved, and it's easy to become a shield! "

Why did Leo say that if he imposed this task on Pete, he had no way to refuse, and he would block all the roads! This can be done by yourself! But there is really no such need!

Pete's not going to be happy! I don't want to! With emotion on this post, there will certainly be other aspects of the situation, not to mention the waste of his talent out of thin air!

Can entangle with Ding Yu for such a long time, even has not fallen into the disadvantage, so throw him into the pit, how? Do you really think there are many talented people here? Right?Only Leo's heart is the most clear, his side of the talent pool is what kind of failure! Let them fight for their rights, then they are absolutely outstanding, but if let them go to Pitt's position, they simply can't! This is definitely not to be cultivated. It really needs a lot of talent!

"Mr. Leo, I'm a half loser now!" Pete looks confused!

"I didn't ask you to stand up now, but you may need someone to take over later. Your ability is good, so pay more attention! I'll arrange a suitable place for you then! "

"Yes! Mr. Leo Pete didn't show how happy or excited he was! There's no need! I just need to do things honestly! "But there are some things! After all, we still need to face it

Pete slightly lost his mind, and then looked at Leo!

"Mr. Leo, the test is too great! I had a lot of confidence, but you suddenly said that. Now I can only say that I will try my best! " It's the truth, not the lie! Because I think this is my most sincere words!

Obviously, Mr. Leo wants to be quite prepared for the future. He still needs to focus on Ding Yu, and even gives him considerable rights and interests. But the question is, do you dare to deal with such things?

How is that possible? I'm not a fool!

"You! It's very smart, even tactful. It's a good thing. At least in the present position, you need to do so. But such emotions need to change with time! "

Pete did not immediately speak, but looked at Leo!

After watching it for a long time, I was puzzled and asked, "Mr. Leo, I don't quite understand. Why did you leave this matter to me? No matter from the perspective of personal ability or background, I am not the best choice! As far as I know, many people are ahead of me

"Do you have a hand?" Leo asked coldly and helplessly!

After a cold hum, Leo continued, "if you can't catch up with your tail according to the background, but if you can't catch up with your ability from the perspective of ability, your ability hasn't been fully revealed, but it's already excellent!"

Judging from Leo's heart, Pete has considerable ambition, which is not a strange thing! Even in their own eyes, too normal, but he is such a person, will have considerable ambition, just like himself! Don't you have any so-called ambition? There are also!

He is such a person! So it's very clear that the more ambitious people are, the more difficult they are to control. Pete seems to be more slick at this point! Just like Baron and Josephat! Both of them are equally ambitious, but just like Pete! Strength is not enough, can only try to hide themselves!

Even sometimes, still need to pretend to be reserved!

But even so, their ability is too prominent, from time to time will show, even if they try to hide, the effect? It's not as obvious as you think, at least quite a discerning person can see it!

Of course, this kind of discerning people is definitely not so many in the imagination!

And Leo believes that Terry must be doing such a thing at this time!

As for Ding Yu? Or make friends with Ding Yu? This is something to be discussed! Or he may take the middle route! To know this time, the supporters behind Ding Yu are like Bruno! Dongfang Jing and even the people in Boston are basically quiet!

Why? Can't they give Ding Yu any support? It's not like this! Ding Yu has a lot to rely on! Also has the considerable influence, but actually does not have the necessity to expose own capital? Why do you do your best?

What's more, I didn't completely expose all the cards on my side. I can only say that we played a small victory or defeat with each other! It doesn't matter. Ding Yu won! I lost! If from the perspective of winning and losing, the reality is like this! If from the perspective of interests, there are considerable losses, that's all!

"Mr. Leo!" Pete heavily nodded his head, seemingly made a considerable decision! "What can I do?"

"You don't need to do anything in the first stage, just keep calm!"

Leo looked at Pete with a straight face, "I said that just now! You don't need to participate in such things as cleaning. If you participate, it will have many disadvantages to your identity in the future! So just keep quiet now! What's more, your environment is very good! And your condition also needs quite a long time to recuperate! "

"Yes! I see, sir

After Leo left, Pete thought about it for a long time, and then picked up the books again!As for Peter's mind is how to think, I'm afraid only Peter himself is the most clear! Mr. Leo suddenly came to find himself at this time. It seemed that he had drawn a big pie for himself, but to a certain extent, he was warning himself, even deliberately paralyzing himself!

Why is that? It's not surprising that such an old man should be prepared for everything! There's not much to be curious about! Now the so-called what to stabilize themselves, this inside the reason is very clear!

Now Leo starts to clean up. It's a very good opportunity, but in my opinion, it's definitely not a very good opportunity. There is also the action itself. In order to strengthen the internal ability, some people will be promoted!

Moving the bottom, there are not many problems, but moving the middle, or even the top, there are some big problems! They are not lambs to be slaughtered! Whose hand doesn't have any influence yet?

You are in a high position, but you are also our support. Are you fighting us now? Not even a decent chance to leave, not even the so-called interests of compensation? Why should we be like glutinous rice balls and let you knead them?

Now I've become a hot potato! Leo wants to hold himself, but what about the other side? Not reconciled! So Leo came in person! He gave himself a so-called big pie. Of course, on the other hand, he gave himself a serious warning. If there was any problem, it would not be as simple as Leo coming here in person!

In fact, Pete has quite a choice in this matter. Those guys have been cleaned! There are not too many problems! Mainly because they occupy a considerable position, but did not create too much value, and even a great waste!

What's the use of such a person staying in the position? So it's better to solve it directly. In this way, everyone will feel at ease! There will even be more free places!

From Pete's point of view, I agree with Leo's practice, as long as I don't mix in with it! They won't stand in line, they don't need it at all! So after Leo stretched out the so-called olive branch, he didn't hesitate too much!

As for Ding Yu? This matter really is not oneself can decide!

There are too many traps in Leo's words? What's the matter? Want to deal with Ding Yu now? Does that mean Pete wants to be on top? If it's not for the upper position, what other reasons?

So at that time, Pete said no! Even if Leo back and forth of the test, Pete also did not reveal this aspect of the meaning! This problem must be explained clearly! Leo can test himself repeatedly, but he can't give the so-called handle to Leo's hand!

I don't know how to handle myself in the future? If the old guy doesn't go down, he is not only the superior, but also the bare commander. At this point, it gives Pete a personal feeling that Leo is too different from Ding Yu!

The biggest problem is that we hold on to the power in our hands!

I don't deny that you are very powerful and capable, but look at the current situation, why is it like this? After so many years, are these branches and leaves really rotten? Or is it rotten from the root?

But has anyone mentioned it all the time? Why didn't anyone mention it? What's the reason for competing with Ding Yu for such a long time? No, or because there is no way to solve the internal contradictions? So pass on contradictions, want to pick up new contradictions with Ding Yu!

Put in the past, this hand can be said to be invincible, but the problem is Ding Yu this person? It's totally different from other people and forces. The direct one is the kind of hard hatred. If you dare to do it, why don't I dare? Who cares?

It can be said that we have never encountered such an opponent! It's always us doing things to others, and even if they want to fight back, they need to be careful, for fear of what kind of trouble will come out!

But Ding Yu is good! If you dare to do it, I will dare to fight at your door, or even start to toss in your back garden. At the beginning, there were still some people who didn't believe that Ding Yu had the courage to grow?

But with the change of time, we found that! The situation is totally different from what we are concerned about! Ding Yu's courage is really hairy!

He doesn't care about so many things! Now that we've done it! Then we must have a good time! How can you be happy if you don't enjoy yourself, right? We must be strong toss!

After so many years, Ding Yu's side is more and more turbulent, but what about his own side? The more tossing, the weaker!

How many times of internal cleaning has this been done! Although the cleaning this time may be a little bit different! The reason and the reason are not the same! But did it really work?

Just want to solve the problem by cleaning! First of all, solve your own problems?!

If we do not solve our own problems, solving more people will not have any effect! This is Peter's most intuitive point of view and ideas! It's just that Pete won't say that!Lairio has never made up his mind in this aspect. Why should he worry about it? Thankless!

Even Pete could tell that Leo had been cleaned up! Can these new guys really become? How is that possible? Think about it, I feel it's impossible!

So I still squint honestly! When it's time to do something! It's no harm to seek benefits when it's time to seek benefits for yourself! What will it look like in the future? ha-ha!

After being hostile to Ding Yu for a while, I finally found some tips for them! Sometimes you can't be too tough! But it must not be too weak! It's right to show weakness to the enemy! But?

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