Because now Peter has seen very clearly!

Do you want to do something? If there is no so-called selfishness, if there is no so-called interests, then what about those who live behind their backs? Can they do it? Byebye's own risk? They will never spare themselves!

There is even a considerable possibility to sell yourself the next moment! And it's the one without hesitation!

As long as you're a person who does things? Then Leo will never abandon himself! Of course, I also need to pay attention to one point, that is, no matter what kind of problems, then do not touch Rio's rights!

Even if he takes the initiative to hand it over to his own hands, it is absolutely impossible!

Because this is Leo's forbidden place! No one is allowed to touch, even his son!

Of course, Pete is ready to defend. From the current situation, he can't get Rio's specific medical report! But we need to do some preventive work in this aspect! But what about this? Do you have to do it well? Can't play!

If there is any problem, it will not be as simple as chicken flying eggs beating! But how to do it?

I believe that other people are also paying attention to this matter. If we do it in private, there will be no problem, as long as we are not found out! Absolutely can't get the face up to talk about this problem!

And this kind of thing, oneself heart inside clear good! If you really borrow hands, then it will not be as simple as the handle. It's just that you've buried a big mine for yourself. It's hard to say when it will explode! But it will ring one day!

So this kind of thing still needs to be handled by oneself!

And in Pete's heart, there has been a best partner, no mistake! It's Ding Yu!

It's a good thing to be hostile to Ding Yu, because the position of the two people must be opposite to each other. Only in this way, it's good for both sides! I can hardly see that there are too many disadvantages! But cooperation with Ding Yu is another thing!

From Ding Yu's point of view, with Peter's cooperation, we can get considerable information in advance. From Peter's point of view, with Ding Yu's cooperation, we can grab more benefits! At least I'll stand on my feet!

As for how things will develop in the future, who knows such things? Maybe the hostility will continue! Because in this case, there are still considerable benefits for both sides. Only when the two sides continue to be hostile, can we rest assured!

But how to contact Ding Yu? Let Ding Yu take the initiative to contact themselves, there is no such possibility!

Ding Yu will never take the initiative to mention this thing, he is a very smart person! It's true that the cooperation between them is good, but it's over! Everyone got the desired results, now is a new cooperation!

So we need a good outline!

And after two days, Ding Yu looked at the news, slightly Leng for a while, he is very accidental to see the news, to be exact, such news every day is like the pressure of sea water! I need to judge carefully, but most of the time I just classify and file, and rarely take it out!

After watching for a period of time, Ding Yu didn't care, just like when he was normal!

Peter is watching TV, received the news, his ward is still very advanced, let alone the TV! All the modern facilities are very complete, even the toilet is electric, and even Peter's belt doesn't need his hands. Everything is arranged very well!

Seeing the news suddenly inserted, Pete just glanced at it with his eyes! But the above information is very clear, Peter is to pick up the book in his hand, carefully read! After seeing it, I took a slight breath!

The news on TV is over! It's just an inserted news. It doesn't have much meaning!

But in Pete's heart, he has got the message he wants most!

It has to be said that Ding Yu is really smart enough and powerful enough, even he knows everything in his room! Otherwise, how can you tell yourself what you want to know through a simple message on TV!

There is no human contact, no other contact. Even if someone wants to verify, they don't know what kind of way to verify, let alone why? Did you do something terrible? I don't seem to do anything! Everything is the kind of safe and sound!

But Peter also has quite a sigh in his heart, he just put out a small signal! Ding Yu was able to accept the details at the first time. It's shocking! Now I even have some doubts about how many people in the hospital I live in are arranged by Ding Yu!

Of course, they may not be Ding Yu's people, even they don't know what kind of information they betrayed. They just serve for some purposes! Even if you start from this aspect, you can't find out any problems, because there won't be any results!All smart people will not choose to use money to solve problems, although money can solve most problems!

For example, to buy an insurance for their children, for example, to give their children ivy in the future, and so on! Sometimes money is useless for these things! And it's too easy to be criticized, but it's too simple in other ways! It won't even leave any handle!

If it was you, how would you choose? Pete is very confident that Ding Yu is using such means!

can not find any clues after investigation, nor can he find any thread, but something has happened. Great! I've learned a lot now. Ding Yu is not boasting that he can maneuver to this day!

What about Ding Yu? When he was sure that Pete knew the news, he couldn't help laughing, Pete! I'm really cautious. Did I catch hold of him this time? Not at all!

Because there is no handle! What is the basis of mutual cooperation? Don't let Leo know! That old guy can't joke at will. He needs to be extremely cautious and careful!

Even if I find Leo with the so-called information, whether he can cooperate with me is another matter, but relative to the final result, I am still willing to cooperate with Peter?

Why? Leo is very powerful. I won't deny that!

But he's old! Do not meet their own requirements! If he can live for more than ten years, then he doesn't mind cooperating with him, but if you look at his current situation, you will know that he can't live that long!

Moreover, his infatuation with power is too high! Don't look at him. He's making a lot of noise now! Even this time the action will not be the kind of thunder and heavy rain, but so what? There's something wrong with the root!

Unless Leo has a lot of courage, the problem is that he doesn't have it at all!

If Leo is really bold, then this time is not to take any so-called big action, but to support a person up, fully support his upper position, and then start to repair the roots and trim the branches and leaves! In this case, although there may be considerable pain in the short term, but for future consideration, it is definitely a clear idea!

But what about Leo? You can't give up your rights at all! His current practice can only be said to change the soup without changing the dressing! It's hard for Pete to get in touch with himself, he! Absolutely a very smart and powerful guy!

He has seen the essence of Leo, so he doesn't want to fight for power at this time. What he has to do now is to do things! This is not only for Leo, but also for other forces!

And this will not bring any pressure to Rio, nor will it bring any threat to Rio. Similarly, Pitt's doing this will also create a false impression to other forces. What can I do for Pitt? It's not for myself. Mr. Leo asked me to do something. Shouldn't I? Do I have the right to refuse?

Are you satisfied or dissatisfied? Do you hate? Such a thing should not be placed on my head! After all, I'm just a knife! Whether I am sharp or not is my business, but whose hand I hold it in remains to be discussed!

So Ding Yu is more willing to cooperate with Pete. This guy has considerable ability and is quite flexible! As for whether it will be sold by him? Such a thing? Each other's hearts are quite taboo, Ding Yu worried about Pitt, Pitt is also worried about Ding Yu!

But to a certain extent, we will basically not change the current mode of cooperation! There are so many people who don't trust each other! We lack mutual trust! So what about the cooperation now? More like a tightrope, too subtle! We can offer each other some cooperation, but what will happen in the future? Step by step!

Don't think it's bad. It's just right now! Because if we go further, it is easy to arouse the vigilance of Leo or other forces! The noses of these guys are still very sensitive. We have to guard against them!

Press down on Pete's business, Ding Yu's heart really breathed a sigh! I didn't think that Pete was sent by Leo to test myself! It doesn't make any sense! If Leo has such a way to test himself, he may really despise him!

Of course, Ding Yu despises Pitt even more? Isn't it good to be a person? Do you have to be a dog? And for Leo?

As for what kind of choice Peter will make in the end, it's entirely up to him. He really has nothing to do with other people! But from Ding Yu's point of view, Pitt still hopes to be an individual!

In the evening, Ding Yu went back to his mother to have dinner! When you enter the living room, looking at the people waiting in the living room, you are stunned, but then you nod! Although I don't know, I come to my home. This is the most basic etiquette problem! My eyes don't grow on the top of my head!"Ah! Hello

"Hello! Hello! Mr. Ding The visitor stood up in a hurry, even deliberately carried his hand, wiped it twice behind his clothes, and then shook hands with Ding Yu!

When Zhao Shuying came out and saw her eldest son, she nodded, "Uncle fan!"

"Hello, uncle fan!" Ding Yu nodded again, without any contempt or disdain!

Fan Chen is looking at Ding Yu, quite strange, his knowledge of the Ding family is not particularly much, but it is not particularly little! Quite the situation or understand, but it is precisely because of understanding, will feel that there are some incredible!

Ding Yu is a character at some point. Although it seems a little too much to call him that, from what he knows, he definitely has the power and the capital!

Although it's a meeting of two heads at once, I feel very comfortable not only in my face, but also in my speech and behavior. I don't want to see people above the top, and I don't despise them!

This is really let oneself have so some puzzled!

In such a position, shouldn't we be arrogant and domineering?

How did you come here and feel that everything was beyond your expectation?!

"And the child?"

Ding Yu shook his head, "I don't know! Hart was there before, and now he doesn't know where to go! Wang An, they didn't come back? " For the child's situation, Ding Yu really do not know, "little girl did not come back?"

Zhao Shuying took a look of complaint, obviously there are some dissatisfaction, "just you come back! Your father went to the bank! "

Ah? Ding Yu blinked his eyes, "on the bank?" And then subconsciously I smell, "what's the matter? If you use money, I have it there! Why don't you just take the key and get it? "

"Didn't your aunt buy a house two years ago? The money has come down! Your uncle fan is just over there! "

Zhao Shuying's explanation is a little unclear, and Ding Yu's listening is also a little confused!

For her own little aunt, Ding Yu's contact is not much, not much! But how to say? The relationship is a little bit far away. It's my uncle's child! With the family? To be sure, I have a good relationship with my parents, but I'm on my side? I haven't even called several times!

Just like the relatives of the Wang and Su families! I have a lot of friendship with them. They all look down and don't look up! But to say that the relationship between each other is harmonious, which is a bit deceptive. Of course, it has a considerable relationship with myself. I always keep away from it!

To a certain extent, Ding Yu is not a person who is good at dealing with people. Apart from quite a few people, his circle of activities seems to be really small. Maybe there are some flaws in his character! This question! I'm afraid it can't be changed in a moment. What's more, what's your age?

While talking, Ding Lin came in from the outside with a big bag in his hand! "Lao Fan, have you been waiting for a long time?" Then he handed his coat to his son. "I'll just go and get some money, OK? I almost didn't come back! "

Ding Yu doesn't know what to say about his father's behavior? There is a lot of money in my villa, and if you really use it, just go to the farm to get it! But what about your parents? Thinking of going to the bank to withdraw money? I don't know what happened? Ding Yu has so many helplessness!

But Ding Yu did not want to argue with his parents about this matter, there is no such need! Do parents have their own considerations, and their own ideas must be correct? How is that possible?

After dinner, Ding Yu personally sent him away. After he came back, Ding Yu didn't mention money!

Instead, Zhao Shuying looked at her watch, "why don't the children at home come back? Even if they don't come back? How can the little girl not come back? What on earth do they want? "

"I don't know!" Ding Yu shook his head, "if there is anything, there will be a message. We are so big here, and there is no mess. We must get together, and we don't know what we are doing!"

Ding Lin also nodded, "yes! Boss, I'm going to visit your aunt in two days. Are you going

"Give me a break!"?! I'd better stay at home! " Ding Yu shook his head, "what's more, my relationship with that little aunt is not so familiar, isn't it! I still don't know how it happened

"Didn't you borrow some money from your family in the early years? All the time, there is no place to spend money at home, just drag it! I didn't take it as a matter. I called the money this year, OK? It's said that it's interest. There's no shortage of it at home! "

"Hi! I thought there was an emergency at home! I said, "why don't you take the money from me?""Why did you come here all of a sudden? I've never heard of what happened? " Ding Yu asked a puzzled, "is there anything wrong?"

"Originally, the conditions were very general, but later, her husband also died! At that time, I thought I could pay back the money, but it was delayed all of a sudden! Isn't that the house was demolished last year? " Zhao Shuying explained that!

"I've got it!" Ding Yu generally understood how it happened! "Then I'll just ask! Anyway, you two will see to solve it! If you have anything, just call me! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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