Ding Yu didn't mean to get involved in these things at home! There are even some who don't want to get involved!

Because many things at home, it's not clear at all! It's hard to say who's right and who's wrong! So it's better not to mix anything from the beginning! This is Ding Yu's idea!

This time it's still the same! What is the attitude of father and mother? Ding Yu didn't know, but seeing the two of them, he knew that there must be some problems and situations! Anyway, as long as they are happy!

It's amazing. If something really happened, I'll tell you all about it!

When do these children rest at night? Ding Yu is not so clear! Along with whether they can come back, Ding Yu doesn't know, but Hart and they have come to exercise! This is very good!

Compared with other children in the family, Hart and his family are not even beginners!

To a certain extent, it's just a blind gesture, but it's very serious. There's no way to say that!

Waiting for the end of the exercise, Rogers wiped the sweat from his forehead. "Mr. Ding, we came back late last night. Shouldn't you take care of this? There are also your sons and daughters in it

Ding Yu took a look, "from the physiological age, you are still children indeed! But from experience, you are richer than quite a lot of young people! Besides, are you suing? "

Rogers wants to show his teeth, but now he knows that although it's stocking here, sometimes it's more severe than in the family!

For example, everyone needs to keep a considerable amount of time to sleep, and even need to study some ways and methods of sleeping, with certain requirements for sleeping posture! But Rogers really felt some of the differences!

And these? It's never been at home! Of course, there are requirements for sleeping time, but there are requirements for sleeping posture and so on, which I have never heard of, and these so-called details are just one of them!

Rogers and Hart, piler have had considerable exchanges, everyone's sleeping posture seems to be similar, but there are certain differences, subtle mediation, what is the reason, I am not so clear! But obviously can feel, own energy is more abundant, already did not have the lazy bed mood!

This is not in the past! For them, the world has opened a new window for them! This window let them have a more novel understanding!

"Mr. Ding, do you have any confidence in us?"

"It's my business to teach you, but it's your business how you do it!" Ding Yu said blandly, "don't say it's you, even if it's the children at home, I don't have too many demands on this. Even if I ask you, what can I do? The final result? Too much dogma

"But in this way, we can better..."

Ding Yu waved his hand, "what you want to say is more universality, right? But you have to know that you can come here with a certain particularity, which no one can deny! "

All right! A word directly put Rogers to the south wall, yes! They have been quite special since they came here! If there is any universal education, it is not suitable at all!

Even family education may be better than Ding Yu's!

"But Mr. Ding! Don't you worry about what's going to go wrong? "

Looking at Rogers, Ding Yu knew what they must have experienced last night. He gave a snort!

"You can clearly feel that you are quite touched by what happened to your children last night! And this touch? It makes you feel quite uncomfortable! " He didn't let Rogers continue to speak, but Ding Yu was unmoved and said, "they need to pay a considerable price for everything they do, and you are the same!"

Looking at Rogers, Ding Yu puts his eyes on piler!

"What do you say?"

"I feel that they still have some courage. At the beginning, I felt that I had a lot of courage, but I didn't dare to do such things! It's not that we touch the bottom line of morality and ethics, or that we feel that it's too early to touch these things at our age? "

"And Hart? What do you say? "

Hart seemed to wake up! Turn your eyes twice, flash a little light!

"I feel very interesting. I've never touched it before! Now see these people are very curious, and even quite explore the psychological! I'm a little eager to try now, but I'm just pressed in my heart! "

"Not bad!" Ding Yu's words seem cold, but in fact they are praising, "maybe there are still some people who don't admit defeat in your heart. The children in your family are not much older than you, but why do they perform so much better than you? There are many reasons for this, but what you need now is to firm your heels and don't aim too high! ""Mr. Ding, I've been hit a little hard!"

Rogers funny said, to say that there is no depression in the heart, this is pure deception! We are all human beings. Why are you so excellent? Even if you are Mr. Ding's children, even if you study for a long time, you can't even see your back? This is too exaggerated!

"If it's not a big blow, I have some doubts! Even in the following time, the more you see, you will find that you are so small

"In this, I need to say a question! Do you have a pure heart! A hardened heart, indomitable! A hundred quenches can't be destroyed! Now is just the beginning, if you do not insist, then one day, your heart will crack, so now give up, it will be better! To exaggerate, if a piece of soil is cracked, it can be fused, but if a stone is cracked, ha ha! "

What Ding Yu said is very simple, even a little understatement, but for the three children, how can it be! Even the expression they looked at Ding Yu was full of firmness!

But Ding Yu slightly sneered, "as you are now, it's too far away! And it's not enough! With the children at home, it's just on the road! You guys! Get used to it?! Maybe there's a better way for your family, who knows? "

During the meal, the three children were all gnashing their teeth. They didn't know whether they regarded the food as Ding Yu or whether they were really angry! But look at the current situation, it seems that they are all above the volcano!

As for how the children at home stimulated them, Ding Yu didn't intend to ask about it! Ding Yu didn't say that he would be involved in everything. If the children at home really went too far! There must be someone to deliver a considerable message to themselves, since no one is delivering a message to themselves now, then the problem is not so big!

As for Dad and mom? They have already gone out. It seems that they can't come back today! I left by motor train, but I didn't drive! Ding Yu has arranged some service personnel. Now there is no lack of such personnel in the family. They don't know what kind of thoughts they have. They don't care about such things, but they should protect their parents!

To be exact, not to protect, but to facilitate their parents!

At noon, Ding Yu's coffee was just ready, and the phone rang!

"Daddy, if there's nothing to do at noon, I'll treat you to dinner!"

Ding Yu snorted, "is it too perfunctory? It's all this time? You invite me to dinner! "

"Dad, just be polite!" Ding Yuncai didn't mean to give his father face! The end is arrogant!

"I know!" After Ding Yu put down the phone, he drove to his daughter's school. The time is not very long. Although the city has undergone considerable development, the city is so big that it takes less than 20 minutes!

Ding Yu stepped into the restaurant and looked at her daughter who was a little excited. Ding Yu went to say hello to the store owner! Have been very familiar with! The shop owner is also laughing!

Not only the children of Ding family, some students in the school often eat in their own place! Too familiar!

The house is self owned, so you don't need to worry about the rent. As for the price? Although the student's money is very easy to earn, but things must be quality and quantity, at this point, I am particularly careful! Why do people like it here?

Isn't it because what you make is guaranteed? If there are problems at this point, then I really should close the door! It doesn't make any sense to keep it!

"Daddy?" The children at home bring tea and water! Ding Yu is sitting in the position above, carrying tea to try!

The taste is very general, and as far as they know, they don't like it very much. It's obvious that they prepared it for themselves on purpose! It's so interesting! Is it because of last night? I really don't know! So look what they're trying to say?

"Tea, too! What's the matter? Say it? "

"Daddy, the fried mixed food here is very good. Would you like to try it?"

"Your grandmother's cooking is really good. At least in my mind, it's like this. When I was young, I only had a dish for the Spring Festival. I couldn't eat it at ordinary times. Your little aunt often competed with me to eat it! There is Yao Zhu in it! small shrimp! wait! Now I think of it, there are so many afterthoughts! "

Listening to his father's words, Ding Yun laughs! When eating, Ding Yu simply took two bites! It's not so easy to change the habit of noon, but it's much better than before!

When eating, no one wanted to talk. After eating, Ding Yu asked the store to boil a pot of water again! Ding Yu's simple tea making! Several children looked at each other!"Daddy, yesterday, I took Hart and them out to see you!" There is a little trial between the words!

"There's no need to mention it to me?" Ding Yu didn't look up at all and made tea patiently. "When you do this, you must have your own consideration. Whether it's right or wrong, I think you can consider it clearly and clearly! And I still have a good understanding of you. In such a step-by-step way, I obviously have a good intention! "

Get it! I knew that I couldn't hide it from my father!

So after we had a look at each other, Wang an took the lead in speaking!

"Shifu, we have made quite a plan. Generally speaking, this is where the new term will go!"

Ding Yu, who poured the tea, stopped slightly and looked up at Wang An. He didn't expect it to be so fast! I really don't have much preparation! Although it was mentioned a long time ago, today they mentioned it again. Obviously, they have already made considerable plans!

Ding Yu's heart still has a certain feeling! I am a master and a father! I hope to take good care of them, but also hope that they can fly high!

It's quite contradictory, but I'm afraid this kind of contradiction also reflects my present psychological state!

And this is the plan that I have made in advance, although they mentioned it, I have a little trance! But now that it has happened! So I need to face it well!

"Now that we are ready for this! So what? Or do you want to wake me up? "

"Hey, hey!" Ding Yun rarely has such a bad look, "Daddy! We just want you to have a preparation! Save you will be a little sad at that time! So, are we all good kids? Is that right? "

Ding Yu snorted, "I can see that there should be a considerable plan! Since it's up to you, I won't have too many objections on the whole! We may make appropriate adjustments. As for the reasons, I believe you can understand! So I don't want to explain too much! "

"I understand!" A few children are with Ding Yu guarantee said!

Ding Yu smiles, "OK!" Look at the time on the watch, it seems not too early! "Go to school! This meal is on me Wave your hand! Ding Yun blinked his eyes, then ran to the front desk and asked for a lot of drinks. Ding Yu's mouth twitched slightly!

After the children left, Ding Yu did not let the security to check out, but came to the front desk by himself!

"Mr. Ding, I'll take this meal!"

Ding Yu shook his head, "I've heard about small business! Here you are! It's just hard money! However, it doesn't matter how much children earn sometimes, but we must pay attention to safety. They are the future

"Hi! Our grandson is in this school! No one can pit our grandson! Just this asshole! Sometimes too generous! I wonder if there is something wrong with him? "

After two jokes, Ding Yu sweeps the code and leaves. As for the amount of money received, is that the problem? No one will care about it!

Back to the office, Ding Yu is to take out a few children's information, after a look, the heart also generally have a few! They have quite a mind! It's really a headache for me to be a master and father!

However, although the matter is known, Ding Yu doesn't want to publicize it, or even tell others!

It's OK to know this by yourself! At least there is no need to publicize it for the time being. Of course, there will be quite a few people who will know about it at that time, but knowing it at that time and knowing it now are two things, which can't be confused!

In the evening, several children came back. Due to the absence of Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying, they went straight to Ding Yu!

"Daddy! What are you doing with your grandparents? "

Ding Yu took a look, "go to your aunt's milk! It seems that there is something I want people to follow. I didn't ask about it in detail! "

"Daddy, this is your fault!" Ding Yun is not ambiguous at all, and even has the meaning of criticism! When the children at home look at Ding Yun, they all have some tongue smacking. Why? Because this is what Ding Yun can do, others really dare not say so!

"I know!" Ding Yu did not deny his question, "it must be related to family affairs. This is why I didn't want to ask. Honest officials can't break the housework, and no matter who I am, I didn't want to ask! Some things can't be mentioned. If they are mentioned, it's not easy to do, so we can only pretend to be deaf and dumb! "

How much weight does Ding Yu have now? Others know it, and Ding Yu himself knows it!If you really stand up, it will not be as simple as gongs and drums! So Ding Yu has always avoided such things! After the children at home asked, Ding Yu did not hide too much!

"Just like you! Let me give you a simple example. If you have a dispute with other children, you are wrong! Can you imagine the end result? "

Looking around at a few children, "no one will admit that you are wrong, everyone will agree that you are right! Even in the end, you will think you are right! This is the result! "

"Daddy, isn't that a little exaggerating?"

"I've taken you to the fields, weeding and climbing mountains! Cross the river! You have experienced and seen all kinds of things like eating in ordinary people! You have today's achievements, just represent today! It's not the future! "

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