Due to Ding Yu's reasons, the children at home have considerable insight, domestic! Overseas, from high-ranking officials to poor people, they all have considerable contact and understanding!

This is the most direct performance, is their life and study, the performance is very appropriate!

But Ding Yu's expectations for them are definitely more than that!

"Dad, what you said is so serious that we are all a little nervous!"

Ding Chang is very able to activate the atmosphere, "little girl's things are not under consideration! This reason is not only because of the family's grandfather and grandmother's request, but also because the little girl has been so bumpy and displaced, plus her age is also placed here! So we need a relatively stable environment, and what about this? You can't provide it. She still needs to find Wang An for quite a few things, so she has to get rid of it. In addition, Xiao Gang! "

Looking at Wang Xiaogang in the video, "Xiaogang's situation is a little bit special. Although I can decide his affairs unilaterally, because he is a little young, I don't plan to do it for the time being! So there are four of you left! Now that we have plans, let's talk about them! "

About the little girl and Wang Xiaogang, Ding Yu made a decision, there is no room for discussion!

"Daddy, it's not limited to China, is it?"

Ding Yu Leng for a moment, some strange looking at his son, "you are bold enough, is it you or Ding Chang?"

"I don't have this plan. I think I'd better be careful!"

Although he said he had made a start, he didn't ask for it, so what's the matter? There's no need to guide him with his anger. Ding Chang really thinks so!

Ding Yu looked at his son and narrowed his eyes slightly! What if he didn't mention it? I really don't have such a plan! Now mentioned, Ding Yu has some other considerations!

After a little silence! Ding Yucai said slowly! "Now that you have mentioned it quite a lot, I'll tell you my plan! What was my original plan? After the end of this half semester, you can go to the United Kingdom and the United States to have a look. After all, you still have a long time to start school. You can also take advantage of this time to study and learn from the other two countries! This is my personal plan? "

"Aunt Shasha didn't mention this to me!"

Ding Yun said frankly! But look at her appearance, as if eager to try!

Ding Yu is smiling, this words inside reveal too much meaning!

"My relationship with the British side? So far, there is still some stiffness! It's not that they are quarreling with each other. It's not just about face! I don't want to talk more about my relationship with Sasha! You know the relationship with the Charlie family, and you have a lot of communication with the royal family! "

Speaking of this, Ding Yu took a look at the children at home! They seem to have realized something!

"Shifu, I'm afraid it's just for this reason that your relationship with some forces can be said to be like water and fire!"

"That's about it!" Ding Yu didn't think so. "I have a good relationship with the royal family, even with the house, and with Charlie! Under such circumstances, certain aspects of the relationship is bound to be very bad, there is no way, can only be a little bit too much performance

Several children looked at each other!

"Daddy, that's it! You sent us there, didn't you push us into the fire pit? "

"Wang An, and Tong Tong, what do you two think?"

"Master, I think they will protect us as if they were in awe of their ancestors! I'm afraid we'll lose a hair! "

This metaphor, Ding Yu shook his head at Tong Tong, "you mouth! A little unforgiving, love hate like hate performance is too obvious! Wang An, what do you say? "

"I don't think what Tong Tong said is euphemistic enough, but there is no problem in the overall meaning. At this time, they will never let us have any problems and situations, and even give us quite preferential treatment, such as the former manor. Of course, they won't face each other, but when they use it on younger martial brothers and younger martial sisters, it's not easy Very good

Ding Yu nodded, "you! Now many of the situations we are facing are in a state of transitional protection. Now that we have made a choice, we have to feel the danger and what it is like! "

"Shifu, the pressure seems to be a little high!"

"If I don't give you a little pressure, you will really have a sunny day. It seems that such comfortable days are too much for you! So now? Give it a try

Ding Yu's arrangement also made several children realize quite a few problems!"All right! Now let's talk about your specific arrangements! "

Wang an took a look at his younger martial brother and younger martial sister. Let's talk about it by ourselves! It's not so appropriate for other people to mention it! If you speak as a senior brother, master should! Barely able to accept!

"Shifu, because of the environment we live in, we choose big cities, especially Tongtong and Dingchang. They are on the other side of the capital, and Dingchang and I are going to Shanghai. That's the general idea!"

Ding Yu snorted, "Tong Tong stays here in the capital! Ding Yun goes to Yangcheng, and Ding Chang, you can't stay in the capital. You can go to Pengcheng, or you can go to the mountain city. You have your own choice! "

As soon as the voice fell, Ding Chang let out a sound. His eyes were so bright that he had two choices. This needs to be well sketched. After all, he can't waste his father's heart!

"One more thing, this matter is not allowed to be disclosed! No one is allowed! If there is a problem, then I will not be as simple as warning and punishment at that time! Do you understand? "

Wang Xiaogang raised his hand in the video, "uncle, do you have to put it so far? And why must it be so scattered? Although they are all super large cities, is this really good? "

"That's a good question, but don't think about it for the time being! Because your age is not suitable, and your life is not so suitable. If I let you out, I can suppress the gossip at home, but your grandfather and grandmother will make me impatient, and even some forces in the family will directly open up to me! "

Wang Xiaogang shows his teeth. Why? I know more or less!

Because I represent the future of the family, quite a lot of things are exposed in the eyes of people, at this stage, it is better to be honest! Otherwise, you may not be in trouble at home, but you will never make yourself too happy!

Is there a contradiction with what you said? But the reality is like this!

Can they bear uncle? Are you kidding? Don't look at their back, but if they really stand in front of uncle, it may be another scene! But they dare not brag in front of uncle, but in front of themselves, in front of their father, and even in front of grandparents, they will never be too silent!

In order to avoid such things, it's better to stop yourself!

"As for your brothers and sisters, they! Why go to those super large cities? They have been studying here for the past two years! If we just look at it from the perspective of learning, even in some super large cities, there will not be any good schools here! "

At this point, Ding Yu has absolute confidence! Because no matter it's the city, or the farm, or even all the people in the city, they have a great enthusiasm for the school!

And the achievements of the past two years also pay attention to let everyone feel some gratification, and this? It's just a preliminary result. If we wait another two years, the result may be more explosive!

"But what? You should take a look at the situation of children in other cities. Only when you have a good understanding can you position yourself. Of course, you have another responsibility. After all, you all have a lot of friends behind you, so you should be a pioneer officer for them! "

"Dad, we were going to give you a surprise, but now it's all right! We are all surprised, but not happy! "

"The choice of two places is good, at least prove that your thinking and vision are not any problem! But the same, need to be more open, a year's time, you can go to learn, you can enrich yourself! This is a very important stage, at least you are still free! "

"Daddy, do you believe what you say?"

Ding Chang is a little bad! Deliberately want to embarrass his father, but obviously, this plan did not play too much role, at least for Ding Yu, the significance is not so big!

"Do you believe it or not? It's open to question, but what are you doing now? How much can you still do what you want to do without too much burden, but when you have a considerable burden and think about doing something again, you will find that it's not easy to move around! "

Ding Yu expressed some of his opinions and ideas! Also is own most true portrayal!

Do you really think Ding Yu can be unscrupulous? How can it be! Don't even think about it! Quite a lot of things, Ding Yu need to do all aspects of consideration! The higher the position, the more things to consider!

This is because Ding Yu kept a low profile as much as possible, otherwise what would it be like? I'm afraid even Ding Yu himself can't make it clear!

"Master, this time in the United States seems to have caused you considerable confusion?"Wang An is very abrupt said! This word seems to have meaning!

"Is it so obvious?" Ding Yu spread out his hands, "but what we discussed tonight seems to be your business? There are some things that are not related to me. Is this a sudden attack? "

"Dad, I'm absolutely convinced of your ability!"

Ding Yun is very dissatisfied with the thumbs up of his own, the father of his own! His ability in this aspect is absolutely unique. At least he wants to change the topic, which is really not something they can resist!

And this reason is too full, full people do not know what to say is good!

"Master, Hart, what are they going to do with it? Their performance is very good, they have very good talent

Ding Yu said, "there should be two more in these two days, but are they two? At the beginning of my life, I just felt a little bit ordinary, so I didn't want to bring them together. It's not a matter of qualification, but a matter of other aspects. Otherwise, I brought them here! But to a certain extent, their qualifications are not the best! "

"I feel that they are extraordinary!" Tong Tong whispered, "especially Hart, he's just not willing to show it! Piler has some intention of hiding himself. He has a good foundation, but he doesn't cover it up so well. As for Rogers, it's very interesting! "

"They are not the best, but they have really good qualifications. As for those with really good qualifications, they are basically under the water now, and they will not show up, even some people will show up all their lives! I want to do this, but I can't, because the situation at home doesn't allow it! "

"Master, it's because the inside information of the family is not deep enough!"

"Yes Ding Yu nodded, "it's a good thing for you to grow up in such an environment, but from a considerable point of view, it's not a good thing. It's too eye-catching! This doesn't mean you can hide if you want to! It's not like that at all

In this regard, Ding Yu has a considerable sigh, Ding Yu does not want the children at home exposed to the spotlight, almost no escape, but what he thinks, with the reality of a considerable gap! The inside information of the home is still too bad! How can we do it by ourselves?

It takes time to accumulate, not too impatient, and even too many mistakes and problems are not allowed in the process! But the good news? There's quite a chance to correct it. After all, the boat is small and it's easy to turn around!

Several children made considerable preparations. After Ding Yu started, we began to discuss the next step!

However, several children have a good idea about Ding Yu. They all have read the task briefing, so they all have their own ideas. However, my father is obviously reluctant to talk about it now, because their problems have not been solved. In this case, don't look at my father and say something!

"Dad, it's easy to say that we are so scattered in Beijing and Yangcheng, but are Shanghai and Shancheng really good?"

Ding Chang has some doubts about this. What about the influence of his family in the capital? No more! At least on the surface, grandfather and grandmother are there. Although the two major forces of the Wang family and the Su family have kept a low profile, they must not be underestimated! Yangcheng is better. Uncle is there! In addition, when dad started his family, he started from there! Power can never be underestimated!

But Shanghai and mountain city? There are some weak forces in the family!

It's not that I'm worried about the bullying of the children at home. It doesn't have much to do with this!

"Ding Yun and Ding Chang, you two can't stay in the capital! The same Wang An is not suitable, but one of you must stay in the capital! Is it because of one's personality that children are most suitable for? The pressure won't be so great! "

Wang Xiaogang knocked his head twice with his hand, and he obviously understood his uncle's arrangement!

Why didn't uncle let Wang An and his brother and sister go back, but let Tong Tong go back!

Some of the four people have to go back. If they don't go back, there will be no way to settle down. But if Wang an or his elder brother and sister go back, if they go back in the future, they will certainly cause considerable problems! Even between each other will make quite a conflict!

This matter even is oneself, or elder brother and elder sister have no way to decide! So from the beginning, my uncle cut off the idea of this aspect, that is, let Tong Tong go back. Tong Tong is not the eldest martial brother, and his character? It's not the weak one. It's just that there is no dispute!

Although the elder brother and elder sister, including the elder martial brother, do not fight, but their position is there. Even if they do not fight, there will be quite a number of people coming out of the platform at that time. At that time, it's really a big trouble!

"Uncle?" Wang Xiaogang in the video yelled!But Ding Yu took a look, "you don't have to talk!" The attitude is extremely severe, it is the kind of merciless!

Ding Chang looked at Wang Xiaogang with a smile, and even made a face intentionally!

"Wang An? To Shanghai?! I have considerable consideration. He is the eldest martial brother. He needs to set an example and even take on a considerable responsibility. He is more calm than Ding Yun and Ding Chang in this respect! "

Looking at his son and daughter, Ding Yu continued to say, "Ding Yun is still quite impetuous and needs to be taken care of at home, but Ding Chang! Sometimes too tired and lazy! So we need a good environment for him to mediate! Otherwise, I can't stand up all the time. It's not feasible! "

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