"Daddy, that is to say, when we first started, there was no problem with the direction. Is that right?"

"The pattern is a little general!"

Ding Yu glanced at it, but then laughed again. "In fact, I'm very surprised and even quite satisfied that you can do this, but what I'm thinking about is different from what you're thinking about! As an old saying goes, my white rice for so many years is not free! You eat a little less salt! "

A few children had so many small depression, this is good! All alive!

"Daddy, we're going to make some arrangements? But because of... "

"Don't think about it!" Ding Yu gave his daughter a white eye, "you have made quite a mistake, since you have made a mistake! Then you need to take responsibility! " In such a problem, Ding Yu didn't want to make any sense!

Ding Yun's mouth can hang thermos! But it didn't work! Ding Yu's attitude to this is very clear!

Absolutely not because of the children's coquetry, will change their principles!

"Dad, don't you really want to discuss with the family?" Ding Yun's big eyes turned twice, looking at his father with slightly provocative and cunning eyes!

Ding Yu took a deep breath, "this matter is not negotiable, I certainly will not inform, I think you can not inform, there is a problem, then I can only do other aspects of the adjustment, when the time will have what kind of consequences, there is a sentence how to say, say without anticipation oh?"

Several children can be said to be trampled by Ding Yu in turn, but fortunately they are used to it! So there is no mental breakdown, but when they want to rest, they seem to wake up suddenly!

"Cheated?" Ding Chang in bear's pajamas suddenly said with chagrin!

Huh? The other three were stunned for a moment, then Ding Yun pinched the ball of wool on his hat, and the big ears fell together! It's fun! "It seems to be true that Dad deliberately avoided the previous negotiation, at least we were led astray!"

The child in the dinosaur pajamas shakes her tail. As for the little girl, she grabs the dinosaur's tail. She has no interest in such things. Instead, she thinks the pajamas are fun!

Wang an took a breath, "now this time or hurry to rest!"

When they wake up in the morning, the children are no different from the usual. They exercise together, and the same is true with Hart. Their movements are still not so standard. Ding Yu patiently corrects them. At this point, Ding Yu really has no partiality. I'm afraid no one can find any fault!

"Sir, I want to ask, Wang An, have they all reached a certain standard?"

"No, they still need a lot of tempering! If they slack off, then all previous achievements may be wasted, this is a very normal thing! They are only one step ahead of you, so now you see, there is a considerable gap! They're starting to get started, and you? There is still a considerable gap! "

"Sir, what a big gap!" Rogers was tired to say!

Ding Yu snorted with a smile, "today, Rowling will come, and will bring two little friends here. You are responsible for welcoming them! But I need to make it clear that you are welcome, not to show your prestige! Especially you Rogers, you should be careful for me, otherwise I don't mind giving you a little bit of it! "

"Sir?" Rogers scratched his head. "Why does it feel like I'm being targeted?"

Ding Yu snorted! "Hart, I don't worry, because he doesn't care about anything like this, and pilar? He knows what is called forbearance, only you this guy, how how to whir, don't know still think you are grasshopper, know to jump! Are you clear? "

When talking, hold Rogers' head and ravage him! Rogers was furious, but there was no way!

Hart didn't have much reaction, but when piler saw the appearance of Rogers, he was really a little envious, at least let himself do it, he couldn't do it! Rogers is true, but what about himself? Self evaluation is a little hypocritical!

When cleaning up, Ding Yu kicked Rogers to keep him away from himself! Then he put his hand on piler's head!

"How's it going? Is it a little envious? " He didn't let Pete talk. Ding Yu said to himself, "you! My mind is a little bit heavy. I know what causes it. You also know what kind of reason it is! I don't want to mention such a thing, for you, the pressure is a little big! But you don't have to put so much pressure on yourself, it will delay you! "

"I'm sorry, sir!"

Peter's apology! Ding Yu didn't agree. "Among the three of you, Hart's mind is the purest, and Rogers had quite a mind at the beginning, but what about him? To be able to use the fastest speed to adjust themselves, but now there is no mind, only you! The mind is too heavy, this will affect your development! "This time pete didn't speak again! I actually know!

After the three of them came to Ding Yu, they just talked about each other's progress instead of other aspects!

The progress of Hart and Rogers is absolutely the rapid one! But compared with them, their progress is obviously quite poor. It's not that Mr. Ding treats himself differently! The education received by each other is absolutely the same!

Just like Mr. Ding said! I bear a lot of psychological pressure!

This kind of pressure led to myself, even now, still can't be too pure, the most direct performance is that the harder I work, the more I can't break free! Similarly, their own progress is also so slow!

To be exact, I don't know how to deal with this problem now! Even now I am afraid to contact Mr. Ding, because every time I contact Mr. Ding, I feel as if I have some shame, even shame!

"Sorry, it's the most useless!" Ding Yu didn't mean to blame piller, "your situation is quite different from Hart and Rogers! Rowling, they'll be here in the afternoon. You'll be here in the morning! "

Having said that, Ding Yu patted his head again! "Straighten your chest! Good walk, things right or wrong is not your judgment! Don't always think about adding drama to yourself! This is the most useless thing

When Ding Yu left, Rogers gave Hart a look, but it was obvious that the blind man's lighting was in vain, and it didn't have any effect! Hart didn't give Rogers any response!

Rogers didn't look disappointed because Hart's reaction was normal to him! Then he touched piler, "you guy, are you on purpose? Just to attract Mr. Ding's attention? "

"You can try it, too?" Piler pressed the anger in his heart. To be exact, Rogers's words were a little too direct! Let oneself don't know how to deal with!

You're not an idiot, you can't talk, so don't talk, OK? Can't you be like Hart?

Ha is not very good at speaking when he is special, so he always spares words like gold! Try not to express too many opinions and ideas! But at this point, Rogers's performance is too disgusting!

"I've tried so many times!" Rogers a pair of indifferent appearance, really let piler can't help but pinch his fist, and even looked around, if you can, he really want to have a try!

"Do you want to go it alone?"

Rogers jumped back and looked up and down at pyler. "Is he so grumpy? Forget it! " Then he hooked Hart's neck. He learned from Ding Chang. Hart would like it, but he would never be angry!

"Do you feel that pilar's mood is very irritable, which is not a good thing?"

After dinner, Hart and the three of them are free! Soon Peter went to find Ding Yu! Rogers was very curious, but when he looked at Hart, he found that Hart didn't have any expression. There was no waves in his eyes!

This made Rogers a little crazy. He really felt that Hart had mental problems, and it was quite a big problem! But although piler agreed with it, he never showed it!

As for Mr. Ding? If I mention this problem, what will happen? It's hard to say!

At least Rogers was very scared in his heart. Although he felt that Mr. Ding was a very warm person, it was better not to provoke him at a certain time. With the children of Ding family, it was also a taboo!

Her relationship with Ding Yun is quite good. She once solemnly warned herself that there is no problem in doing quite a lot of things, but there needs to be a bottom line. Once the so-called bottom line is broken, Mr. Ding will definitely let himself know what is better to die than to live. When the children of the Ding family talk about this, their expressions are extremely frightened!

To make the children of the Ding family feel quite terrible, Mr. Ding Yu Ding's means can be imagined. It's better not to try. It's really not as simple as whether there is danger or not!

I know that there are quite a lot of problems, and I have to fight my way up. This is definitely water in my head! I don't want to be such a person! So forget it!

Piler came to Ding Yu's office, but before entering the office, he still went through quite strict inspection. At this point, even Ding Yu's children have no exception, and even Ding Yu has no exception. This is just a routine operation! Nothing will be unacceptable when you get used to it!

"Mr. Ding!" Piler comes to Ding Yu's office. The furnishings and scenes in fan Xian's office are quite different from his imagination! There is no special luxury in the office, and there are not many decorations in it! At most, there are so many files! But there is more than one door in the room, which is surprising!It's not going to be an escape route? If the channel is so simple, it's ridiculous!

Ding Yu pointed to the position next to him. When Ding Yu finished processing the document, he pressed the button on the desktop. Soon someone came out of the door next to him and took away the document. In the whole process, he didn't see Ding Yu or want to see piler!

Piler knew at last! What's the use of the next door! The door you enter is the main door, but the next door should be used by the staff. They will not go through the main door when they handle quite a lot of documents, which is too late!

Ding Yu brings Pete a glass of water! Then I sat next to him! The distance between the two is a little close! Obviously Ding Yu is! Is to be able to better draw closer the relationship between each other!

"Your recent situation is seriously wrong! It's even affecting your state! "

"Mr. Ding, I'm quite distressed, even I don't know how to deal with some things!"

Ding Yu smile, "the so-called do not know how to deal with, the reason is actually very simple! Before that, you've been hinted at in some ways, that's what happened! "

Looking at piler, Ding Yu waved his hand, "you! It's too small! It's just a child! What do you think is the point of carrying these things? "

"Mr. Ding, I don't know!" Piler lowered his head, even the voice of the voice, are powerless!

"In fact, you are very clear about what happened. I have to say that you are quite different from Hart and Rogers on this issue. Hart is pure, but Rogers? You can say that he is lucky. Of course, you can also say that he is bigger than dim sum, but do you really know them? "

Piler suddenly raised his head to look at Ding Yu, Ding Yu is watching piler, OK, there is help!

"And Hart? He has a very good heart! This will be quite discovered after you have made contact with him, but what about Rogers? I'm afraid you've just seen the surface. Do you know how he got here? "

Piler hesitated and nodded!

"Now that you know it, you should be aware that he has made remarkable changes before and after his arrival!"

"I feel that what happened to him is quite untrue!"

"Rogers is lucky! This does not mean that you want to admit or deny things, from another point of view, he knows what he wants! He also knows what he should avoid and what position he should put himself in! But on this issue? You've never found your place

"Mr. Ding, I don't want to!"

"I'm not very old and have many ideas, but to be exact, you are now! I went into the dead end! " Speaking of this, Ding Yu shook his head. "I really doubt what kind of warning you received before you came here. I even doubt what kind of fury Pitt and Baron will have when they know the news!"

"How could it be?" Piler's face was full of disbelief!

Ding Yu snorted, "right or wrong, I don't want to evaluate anything, but since you are here, you need to understand that you need to stand on your own feet, and then go to mention other things. If you can't even stand on your own feet, what else do you want to do? Dream

It's a little poisonous, even a little harsh!

"Mr. Ding, I want to do it, but there are so many worries. I know it's wrong to do it like this!"

"Right or not, that is your own problem, how I look at it is my personal problem! Even the person behind you how to deal with, that is his business! " Ding Yu said impolitely, "under such circumstances, I think you'd better not be too self righteous! Who do you think you are? "

Piler was stunned again, because he never thought Ding Yu would say such words!

"I don't deny that you have considerable talent, but who doesn't? Is it Hart? Or did Rogers not? In other words, you think that the children in your family have no talent. Compared with ordinary people, your talent is OK, but compared with genius, you! Ha ha Ding Yu laughed sarcastically, "you are too far away! It's not worth mentioning at all

"What's more, a genius who hasn't grown up is just a fool to some extent. He can't even distinguish the primary from the secondary?"

At this time, piler seemed to understand, "Mr. Ding, Hart and Rogers understand this truth?"

Ding Yu snorted, "to be sure, Hart and Rogers are not polluted. After they are selected, I will take them away! At that time, your luck was not good. I couldn't take you directly unless I risked my life to stay, but the price was too high! "

In this regard, Ding Yu did not do too much to hide!"Judging from the actual situation, it was right to take Hart and Rogers away at that time. Hart didn't have too many problems. If Rogers had been there at that time, his situation would have been more serious than you. From the fact that he passed the test, we can see that he didn't have enough temperament, or even a gap with you?"

"Because he understood! So he doesn't care! " Piler's eyes are almost squinting! "That is to say, someone did it on purpose! Can I understand it that way? "

"The question? It's absolutely irresponsible to give you the answer now! "

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