West and Molly looked at Hart and the three of them. During this period of time in the family, they still paid a lot of attention to Hart. Although they were not so clear, what happened to Hart and them?

But about Hart and their information, West and Molly both keep in mind!

Is it Ding Yu, West and Molly that Rowling met in the office? They followed Rowling's behind position, also entered Dingyu's office, Dingyu looked at two eyes! Slightly narrowed his eyes!

After seeing it, Ding Yu asked hart to take it away! Only Ding Yu and Rowling are left in the office!

"How is Barron? I hear Charlotte's side is also injured? "

"My father's body has recovered a lot. As for my mother, she needs a lot of recuperation because she is old! Now quite a lot of things are still handled by Uncle Josephat. Before I came here, I had a lot of communication with him! "

Ding Yu nodded, "it's a reasonable choice! Look, before you come here, they are not in your hands! I believe Baron and Josephat are smart people! He will make the most appropriate choice! "

Rowling's face slightly changed, but then nodded!

"They were taken away on that day! I don't know the specific situation, even I just met them before I came here, but Uncle Josephat gave me a considerable warning. I told them about the local conditions and customs here. As for other things, I don't have much time! "

This answer is very interesting! Ding Yu noncommittal smile!

Is there not much time? No energy? Or did you deliberately avoid something?

"What do you think of it?"

In the face of Ding Yu's question, Rowling thought about a little time! "I still don't understand! When Uncle Josephat spoke, the warning was very obvious! He won't hurt me! In this case, he also solemnly warned me, which shows that west and Molly are very dangerous! "

Ding Yu made a continued gesture to let Rowling go on!

"This kind of situation is somewhat surprising, even a little puzzling. Why are west and Molly in danger? If they are in danger, what about Hart? Are they dangerous, too? It doesn't make sense! "

"So? What kind of idea are you? "

"In my personal opinion, I think the only explanation is that someone has made a move. Although it's not so clear and clear what kind of move it is, there is definitely something wrong with it! And it's quite a problem! But even so, I still have some people who don't understand, who should be so bold? "

"What do you mean?"

Hearing Ding Yu say so, Rowling's eyes are a little resentful. Mr. Ding, are you really so good? Let me just say, is it the so-called accusation that I will bear in the end, but it didn't make Rowling hesitate for too long!

"If there is something wrong with West and Molly, who did it and what is the purpose of it? With two kids? This is too much fantasy! It may even destroy these two children. Who is so brave? You know, the family they are facing is not just two people, and the power they are facing is unimaginable! "

"But now I have other doubts!"

Ding Yu glanced at Ding Yu without saying anything. Instead, Rowling looked at Ding Yu. "That day, Mr. Ding directly took Hart and Rogers away. As for piler? I didn't feel any problem, but when I think about it, why did Uncle Josephat solemnly warn me? I feel that there was something wrong with piler, but it was a little too late! "

When she said that, Rowling's face was very strange!

Ding Yu snorted and didn't want to show any meaning of verification to this word!

"Man! Sometimes you can't be too smart! It's very interesting to be confused! "

"Mr. Ding, you have considerable experience, so there is no problem in doing such a thing? But what about me? I don't have much experience, and I don't have rich experience. If I pretend to be stupid intentionally, it's really stupid! "

Ding Yu raised his hand and looked at the time on his watch! "I have work to do!"

There is no reason to deliver tea, very direct, Rowling is biting his teeth!

After coming out from Ding Yu, Rowling went to see Hart and them, and made some exchanges with them. It seems that the situation of West and Molly is not so good! At least from their faces, it's definitely not because of jet lag. It's obvious that both of them have been hit a little!

On purpose? Or unintentionally?Rowling fell into thinking. Was it Mr. Ding's advice? It's not that likely! Mr. Ding is not so boring! So was it Hart's prank by the three of them? It's quite possible, but looking at Hart's situation, it doesn't seem to be like this, and the reaction of West and Molly doesn't seem to be a problem in this aspect!

What is the problem? It makes Rowling a little confused!

Looking at the time, it seems a little inappropriate. Symbolically, she made a phone call and only the Secretary got through. Rowling just hoped that when her parents or uncle Josephat woke up, she could make a phone call. There was nothing else!

"Rogers, where do you live now? Where is Mr. Ding, or a farm? "

"Live on a farm! We live in dormitories, everyone has their own independent room, more often, Ding's children and quite a number of classmates, where we will rest! Even every weekend, there will be a lot of children in the dormitory, but there are not so many children of our age! It's a pity

Among the three children, Hart was too calm, or too dull! Let oneself all don't know should say what is good! He was able to answer himself, but he could even think of what he would say. Compared with piler, piler was a little silent and not sunny!

At least as opposed to Rogers! It's just a feeling. I can't tell what it is!

"It's hard to communicate with them, isn't it?"

Rogers face a little helpless, "is very hard, their English is very good, and our Chinese is very good, Hart can be a little better, I and piler are now pulled down a considerable distance!"

For Rogers to show the chagrin, Rowling has some curiosity, of course, also has a considerable shock!

"But we get along very well with each other. No matter the children of Ding family or those classmates, they don't reject us at all, but it will take quite a long time for us to fully integrate into each other."

Rogers gestured, "I feel so different from each other! This is not a short time to catch up! It's going to take a lot of time and effort! "

The children of the Ding family didn't show exclusion, and even the children here didn't show exclusion. This should be Mr. Ding's meaning, but this should not be the most important. The most important thing is that they can integrate into these children. This is what I didn't expect!

After all, if you want to integrate into a strange environment, you need not only time, but also considerable skills! Of course, this is their own idea as adults, children's ideas may be more direct and simple!

But the question is, can the children of the Ding family be treated as children? Can they also treat Hart as children?

In the afternoon, Rowling spent all her time visiting and inquiring. In the evening, the children of the Ding family came back! Looking at Hart and them, it seems that they are really fighting with the children of the Ding family. It seems that the relationship is really good!

But I also noticed that the eyes of West and Molly seemed a little different! Is it envy? Or something? I can't say it!

When her father called, Rowling quickly found a quiet place for herself. To be exact, it was the personal security who found it for her! I don't have so much time and energy to deal with such things, it's not worth wasting!

"Just got up, I heard you called!"

Because it's not so important, Baron didn't get up immediately. Of course, if it was a special case, Rowling would wake up at that time. That's for sure! After all, it's my daughter, and I still know a lot about it!

"I have come to Mr. Ding! But I didn't say a few words to Mr. Ding. He seems to be a little busy! "

Speaking of this time, Rowling deliberately stopped, and did not know whether her father understood what she said! But in Rowling's opinion, what she said was very obscure, but it was already explicit!

"Oh! Hello to Mr. Ding? " Barron asked!

"Hello! Mr. Ding also greets his father and mother, and uncle Josephat Rowling was very happy because her father heard the meaning of her words! "I had a little communication with Hart and them, mainly looking at their accommodation, but west and Molly seemed a little nervous!"

"Nervous?" Barron was stunned for a moment. "Is it because I'm nervous to see Mr. Ding? Not really! "

"I don't know, but I always feel that their performance seems quite different! I can't tell what the cause is! " Rowling reported quite a lot to her father!

"Do you have any other problems in the process of sending them off?"

All of a sudden, Baron's words became serious!"No, I'm not the only one in the whole process, and there are other people. There won't be such a problem!" In this regard, Rowling has considerable confidence! "What's more, after I met with Mr. Ding, although Ding Yu didn't mention anything, I always felt that he had some other opinions, but he didn't show them!"

"I know! You wait for my call

After Barron hung up with his daughter, he immediately took out his cell phone. After a long time, the phone was connected!

"I'm Terry!"

"Mr. Terry, this is Barron!" Barron showed great respect. "Rowling has arrived at Mr. Ding Yuding!"

Huh? Terry looked at the time. From the time point of view, it's morning here, and Ding Yu's should be late at night! Judging from what she knows, Rowling should have arrived long ago! But now Barron's call is a little too abrupt!

Is something wrong? Terry already has doubts about this aspect in his heart. If there is nothing wrong, Barron will never make this call, because Barron is a very smart person!

"Directly, what's the matter?"

"Mr. Barron, I don't know if it's appropriate, because Rowling found out. She said that Mr. Ding seems to have some other ideas. Besides, there seems to be something wrong between West and Molly! They met Mr. Ding, but after looking at him for a while, he didn't even mention much, so he let them leave! "

Huh? Terry can't help but sit up straight and wave his arm to the nanny behind him!

"You mean

"I don't know!" Barron quickly expressed his attitude, "West and Molly didn't stay with me. They were picked up that day! According to my understanding of Mr. Ding, he is not a proud man! And all the time, he has a great passion and affection for children! But this time, the situation seems a little too special! "

"Give me ten minutes!"

Terri's face is very embarrassed. Although Barron didn't make things too clear and clear, how could he not understand it? Not only understand! Even I understand the hidden meaning!

Not only the two children of West and Molly, but also the former piler may have some problems!

After all, at that time, Ding Yu just took Hart and Rogers away! Piler is a day away!

Other things can be tolerated, but when it comes to children, there are some things I can't bear!

"Old man, are you up yet?"

Leo looked at the phone call, listening to the voice inside the phone, some surprised! Terry, what's wrong with this? Did you take the medicine? Or is there something wrong? It's quite possible that things didn't go well, because there was a lot of trouble with him recently. But did he call so early and ask himself?

"Did you have a nightmare last night?" Leo didn't mean to let me know!

"I ask you, did you do it?" Terry won't be too polite! If it's about cleaning up, Terry won't have much to do with it. Leo will do it! It doesn't matter, but it's about children. I can't tolerate it! The bottom line has been completely broken!

"What do you mean?" Then Leo couldn't help being smart! "You mean there's something wrong with the kids, right? No! Since the kids brought them back, it's always been... "

In the middle of this, Leo didn't go on, but stopped!

"Terry, you didn't do this?"

"Mad, if I did it, why should I ask you?" Terry was very angry about this. "Leo, if you did it, I think we should have a good discussion. If you didn't do it, I think it's necessary to investigate! No matter who's involved? I won't be merciful! "

"I don't deny that I'm quite interested in Ding Yu, but I'm not so down-to-earth as to use children to threaten Ding Yu, or to use these children to detect Ding Yu's secrets. Such things are too fanciful! If we could, we would have controlled Ding Yu's secret for a long time! Why wait until now? "

Terry took a deep breath! "Under such a situation, some people's actions on the children, even on piler's side, have been greatly affected. Otherwise, Ding Yu would never show such an attitude!"

Leo's eyes are about to narrow together, familiar people all know, Leo is now about to leave the anger!

In the absence of their own permission, some people even dare to break the ground on Taisui's head. They had this idea at the beginning, but considering Ding Yu, they finally gave up!

But what? Even someone risked the world's great injustice to play such a hand for himself and Terry!Terry called himself. The thing is that he's not likely to do it! If he did it, even if the investigation can not find any clues, we can find some reasons!

What's more, Terry has no reason to do so! Their relationship with Ding Yu is still good, at least much better than their own side. Under such circumstances, will Terry deliberately destroy the relationship with Ding Yu? Unless your head's broken!

In that case, who is making trouble?

It's not myself, it's not Teri. Can it be Ding Yu? unable! If it's Ding Yu, why should he ask for trouble?

It's not a tripartite person, at least not yourself! Terry and Ding Yu, what kind of people would they be?

Want to know Ding Yu in the selection of children, can contact with this thing? They are all blood forces with considerable relationship! That is to say, some of the people below can't stand their loneliness and temperament! Is that so? If so, then we really need to think about it! They are not so brave!

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