In the evening, Ding Yu didn't mean to have dinner with everyone. His work was a little busy!

Rowling thought, but Ding Yu didn't say anything. In Rowling's opinion, this may be a manifestation of Ding Yu's anger, even Ding Yu's intention! After all, in his own understanding, although Ding Yu is very atmospheric, but quite often there are still some careful eyes!

Is there a contradiction? How normal? Is Ding Yu not a contradictory person?

Ding Yu's contradiction is obvious to all, and even Mr. Terry and Mr. Leo have considerable comments on it!

Can let them two say such words, from this we can see general!

But when Rowling hesitated, Terry called in person!

"Rowling, how's pilar?"

"Hello, Mr. Terry!" Rowling swallowed a mouthful of saliva. After all, this Mr. Terry is a big shot for himself and the whole family! And still can't be enough rebellious existence!

"I got along well with the children in the afternoon. Hart was as calm as ever and didn't care and interested in quite a lot of things. As for the performance of Rogers and pyler, it was a bit shocking. Rogers is very cheerful now, while pyler seems to be in a good mood although he is a little depressed."

Huh? Terry really didn't expect such an evaluation. Hart's situation is understandable. After all, Hart is the most favored by Ding Yu! At that time, we all saw the scene with our own eyes. Ding Yu looked at it differently!

But what happened to Rogers and pyler? Are you sure Rowling has no problem with her presentation?

"Rogers is very different from before. As far as I know, he is very cheerful now. Even quite often, he plays with Mr. Ding and has a very good relationship with the children of the Ding family. Quite often, he is responsible for contacting the children of the Ding family!"

"Rowling, did I hear you right?"

"Sir, what I said is true! What happened to Rogers? I'm not so clear. After all, I've just been in touch with pilar for an afternoon? The whole person is slightly dull, but in my personal opinion, it seems that there are some grievances! But I'm in a good mood! "

Terry thought about it for quite a long time before he said it again!

"Are you sure piler doesn't have any problems?"

"Mr. Terry, I don't dare to make any guarantee about this, but to give me a personal feeling, piler's mood is really good! But it's definitely not because of meeting me, or because of meeting West and Molly. From my personal point of view, he is more likely to be recognized by Mr. Ding! "

"Recognized by Ding Yu? Is there such a thing

Terry has got quite a report now. Although the detailed situation is still in the process of investigation, for himself, those minor things are not so important. He only needs to know the corresponding results!

However, piler's situation really made him have some unexpected!

Because in their own understanding, piler is absolutely polluted! But now piler is in such a situation. What happened? Is it really pyler's problem? Or about the waves?

"In my personal opinion, if piler can hide my eyes, I think I have nothing to say, but he lives with Hart and Rogers. Similarly, the children of the Ding family are all around, and Mr. Ding is also around. If, I mean if, if he can hide everyone! I think he is absolutely talented! "

Terry was a little silly, but then he laughed!

"He may have deceived some people, but he can't deceive Ding Yu absolutely. After all, Ding Yu had already expressed his dissatisfaction before!"

"Mr. Terry, I don't know what Mr. Ding actually means, but judging from the current situation, Mr. Ding seems not to have too many opinions and ideas on pyler. His dissatisfaction should be directed against West and Molly, but they just arrived! Mr. Ding is not so mean

"I know that! It doesn't have much to do with you. You don't have to pay too much attention to it! "

The related matter, oneself and Leo two people already knew! Even some of the details are almost investigated! Some people! That mind is really too strange! You know you and Leo are not in the coffin yet! Now some people are getting ready!

If you really have such ability, we will not say anything?

But the problem is that you don't have the ability to compete for power! You have a knack for intrigue, but if you stand up seriously, you can't do anything! If Ding Yu is so easy to deal with and the things in his hands can be taken out so easily, why don't he and Leo have any achievements in so many years?Too much to take for granted, even let Ding Yu disgust!

The typical stealing chicken can't eat rice, mutton can't be eaten, and even make a mess!

Now this time must give Ding Yu certain explanation is! After all, Ding Yu didn't mention much about piler, but now west and Molly are out. What's the matter? Don't you think Ding Yu is a bully?

When Ding Yu came back, it was already so late! But Rowling did not want to rest, but has been waiting for Ding Yu! So Rowling didn't even have dinner!

Didn't invite Rowling home for dinner! I came to the canteen together!

"Mr. Ding, I need to take the lead in apologizing to you!"

Ding Yu takes a look! Not sad not happy appearance, pointed to the chopsticks on the table! Don't talk when you eat! I'm hungry now, I don't have so much time to grind my teeth!

Rowling looked at the expression on Ding Yu's face and found that there was no change of expression on Ding Yu's face! Very insipid! What a wonderful feeling! Ding Yu seems to have some indifference!

It's hard to get too many answers from Ding Yu's facial expression!

At dinner, Ding Yu, as always, did not change anything. It was obvious that Rowling was quite thoughtful and absent-minded! During the whole process, I didn't mean to take a few bites!

"Who do you prefer, West and Molly?"

Ding Yu wiped the corner of his mouth with a napkin, as if he asked casually!

Ah? Ah! Rowling immediately reacted, quickly grabbed the napkin, also wiped the corner of his mouth, but more to cover up his trance! I really didn't expect that Ding Yu would suddenly say such words!

Too abrupt! Let oneself have no any preparation!

"Mr. Ding, I came with their two children. I think they are very good!"

"What you say is not an answer!" Ding Yu snorted coldly, then got up and went out. Instead of going home, he went to the dormitory of the farm? All the children in the family are here, and West and Molly are there, of course!

But they are not so involved! But not so anxious!

Looking at the skipping Rogers, Ding Yu's direct is a foot, directly to swing to the side of the position, and even stare!

Rogers didn't do it at all. As for West and Molly, they could not help but back their bodies. Is it so scary? Up is a kick, did not feel that Rogers did something wrong? Why is Mr. Ding so cruel?

But Rogers didn't do it at all. "Get out of here!"

"Come on!" Rogers even deliberately said a word, and then and Ding Chang two people hook up to leave! Ding Chang has so many dislikes. Rogers is so shameless!

When there's only West and Molly left in the room! Ding Yu gazed at them, then waved to Rowling, let Rowling out! Don't get in the way now!

Ding Yu sits on the chair and looks at West and Molly standing in front of him!

"Although I don't know your specific situation, I can see some problems from your eyes! Compared with Hart, your qualifications are worse, and even you are affected by other aspects. Although I have the ability to say absolutely, what is the impact of denying you? It doesn't matter to me, but you will be greatly affected! "

"So I'll give you a chance. There's a square outside the farm. Why don't you run in circles?"

"Mr. Ding, do you have a request?" West looked at Ding Yu with sharp eyes, even a little ambition! At such a young age, it can be seen that he has been greatly influenced!

"No request!" Ding Yu's eyes are a little blind to west! "But here, I need to ask, why do you think you will stay? How much do you expect to stay? "

"If you don't understand, I'll give you a little explanation! Whether you can stay or not, to a certain extent, seems to depend on me, but in fact, it all depends on you! Only you can decide whether you will stay or not! "

Speaking of this, Ding Yu's face suddenly changed, "in fact, even if you don't stay, after you go back, the treatment will also change dramatically. After all, you have shown considerable qualifications. As long as the people in your family are not blind, they will vigorously cultivate you!"

"Mr. Ding, would it be better than here?"

"I think you've made a lot of mistakes. You're not going to stay here, not only the two of you, but also Hart. It's just that you've come to get used to it for a few months. Later, you're basically trained by the family!"Both of them are so confused, obviously they didn't think of it!

"Mr. Ding, can we get ready?"

Take a look at Molly, but that's it! "Yes! Just feel free! I don't ask for anything at this point. If there is no problem, then go out! "

Rowling looked at the two children, some do not know, so, do not know why Mr. Ding would be so to ask, such things have nothing to do with themselves, they just need to maintain considerable attention!

As for Hart, they look at West and Molly going to the square through the window, and then turn to Ding Chang!

"Give me some advice! I feel a little confused! "

Ding Chang scratched his head and looked out! "Elder martial brother, what do you think?"

The children at home are still aware of Hart's situation, and Ding Yu doesn't want to hide it from them! This is the Convention. Don't think they are too young to keep everything from them. It's extremely inappropriate! It's not appropriate! Of course, good or bad? This problem is another matter!

However, Ding Yu's way has always been based on guidance and will not tell them how to do it! Respect their choice!

"You want to help?"

Wang an did not answer this question, but asked another question!

Hart blinked his eyes. It seems that he didn't have much reaction, but his action has already explained everything, and piler next to him has already clenched his fist. He hopes that west and Molly can understand Mr. Ding's hard work!

But I have such an experience, and I know how powerful it is. My experience is very short, but what about the two of them? Can you handle those temptations? Can you carry it? I really don't know, or I don't want to know!

"From my personal point of view, it's OK to cheer them on. How about helping them? Now this time there is not much need! It's a good thing to have this idea, but it's not good if it's not helpful! "

"Worried about Mr. Ding?" Piler asked subconsciously!

Hart turned to his body, while Ding Chang patted his head! Two people's action is too obvious!

Wang an scratched his head, and piler was a little concerned now! He! As a party?! The feeling is so strong, plus his background, so now? There are so many people who can't help themselves! But also can understand!

Piler looked at everyone's reaction, but also realized that he said the wrong thing!

"I didn't mean to!" Piler blushed and apologized!

"Can understand!" Wang an comforted him and said, "for the master, it doesn't matter whether they stay or not! Staying will not consume too much resources, and there will be no other influence. At least no one will use this thing to say things! "

"I still hope they can stay. After all, they can learn a lot here. At least, they can sort out their own ideas and find a certain vein. If they go back! It seems to be quite instructive, but it gives me a personal feeling. To some extent, it's almost like filling a duck! "

"I don't know! Because we don't know that much about it! "

Wang an spread out his hands, no investigation, no right to speak! If you don't understand it, you can't evaluate it indiscriminately. Even what Hart and his colleagues have experienced is not the most complete elite education!

"It's not enough for us to have a look at the past together and cheer them on! But I think it's good for us to keep calm! After all, this kind of thing only they know clearly! Can be enough to play a considerable role! If they don't realize it, it won't have any effect! "

Hart looked out of the window. "All right! Let's solve our problems for the time being! "

It took almost an hour for us to go to the square again. West and Molly in the square are running, but now it's more like walking. At the beginning, we can still run, but with the change of time, let alone running! Even if it is to go, there are some strong support!

When they see Wang An, West and Molly are both in a strong spirit! But now they don't even have the spirit to talk! After all, they are still so young, and before they came, although they thought of many possibilities, they didn't expect that Ding Yu would give them such a hand!

Rogers gave them a sign to cheer up, and then put down two pots of warm water. They were all packed in thermos cups, one red and one blue. It was a distinction! Now this is the only time to achieve these, as for the other? You can't catch it!

Almost two hours, two people really can't hold on!

Now, even if it's walking, it's all strong! But no one called to stop! Two people are walking step by step, and there are quite a number of security personnel nearby, but no one wants to come up!Rowling is far away, too! It's certain that Mr. Ding has been paying attention, but now he doesn't want to show up! Is the rest up to west and Molly? Who knows when they'll hold on?

But Hart and their arrival, let oneself have so some did not think of!

You know, even the children of the Ding family came here together. Obviously, if it wasn't for Hart's sake, the children of the Ding family would never come here. It might be a trivial action, but the things contained in it still shocked me!

But what does Mr. Ding want to see? will? Spirit? Or insist? It's almost two hours! For adults, walking for two hours is not too much problem, but for children, two hours is a bit too much!

But Ding Yu didn't stop there, and he couldn't drink it rashly!

If there is such a situation, he is not so simple as to pretend to be a fool, he is a real fool! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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