In the end, West can't hold on for the first time. His face is intertwined with sweat and tears! There's even snot blisters! And Molly is still moving forward, do not know what prompted her!

West looked at Molly, he is willing to stand up, but really can not stand up! Even his arm has not obeyed his command!

Next to the security personnel looking at West's appearance, went to check, if you let him sit like this, it is absolutely beneficial to the body! They don't need to know what you mean, but one thing is for sure, it can't let them have other problems and situations!

When did Molly fall down? It's not clear!

But they didn't get up the next day! catch a cold!

This is also a normal situation! After making the plane for such a long time, after getting off the plane, Ding Yu gave him an education. In addition, at night, the weather in the north is still very cold. Especially at this time, even the good people are struggling! What's more, they are just children!

We can imagine how miserable they are now!

"I feel a little sad!"

Rogers looked at West and Molly lying on the bed, talking like a little adult!

Piler snorted his nose. "It's no big deal. Both the spirit and the body have been hit. The pressure on the spirit and the fatigue on the body are combined. But it's no harm to feel more! It's very hard work! "

Hart didn't mean to say anything! After two eyes, and then eyes began to empty!

Rowling looked at the performance of the three children, heart feeling very interesting, are quite personality! And see now this meaning, personality performance is more and more obvious!

As for the children of the Ding family who didn't come here, it's not that the children of the Ding family did it on purpose, but because they need to go to school! Otherwise, they will come here for what they did last night!

It was Ding Yu who was indifferent. It seemed that two children were sick! It has no effect on him! But it is also quite in line with Ding Yu's personality and style! He has always been!

In the evening, they came to see West and Molly, but their spirits were very depressed, jet lag, mental problems and so on, which made them unable to open their eyes now!

Terry and Leo seem to be indifferent to this. After the children are sent to Ding Yu, they are indifferent. Even if someone reports the situation of West and Molly to them, they don't show any attitude, as if things never happened!

In fact, they are very satisfied with Ding Yu's action. There is a reason why Ding Yu's action is so different from Hart's!

If it's theirs, I'm afraid they're going to call now!

Of course, Ding Yu didn't mean to trouble the two children, and he didn't mean to vent his anger on the two children. This must be made clear! Ding Yu's doing this has nothing to do with other aspects. He is deliberately tempering these two children. If they can hold on, they will get a considerable chance!

If they can't survive, then I'm sorry! It's not that I deliberately give up you. It has nothing to do with this. It's your choice to give up! You can never wake a person who pretends to sleep, can you?

After waiting for West and Molly to wake up completely, Ding Yu found a free time to have a look at them! The two children are sitting on the sickbed neatly!

When they look at Ding Yu, they don't feel that Ding Yu is a great demon, but they don't dare to look into Ding Yu's eyes, because they all have some worries. If they do this, will Ding Yu give them a more cruel memory!

Previous running, now think of it is painful! Do not say unforgettable, but are not willing to remember!

"Have a good rest?"

"Yes! Mr. Ding? " Two people respectfully answer a way!

Ding Yu's face is flat, and he can't see any change. It seems that he is just like this from the first sight. It feels like a robot! The clothes are always flat and upright, and the expression on the face seems never to change! The feeling that gives a person is completely repellent!

"To let you lie on the bed is not to let you recuperate, but to let you adjust your work and rest time and reflect on yourself! I don't care whether you do it or not! I don't need to tell you such a thing! Not everything will be ready, put it in front of you, and feed it to your mouth at the same time! "

Well? Both West and Molly have such silly eyes!These two days in the hospital bed, work and rest time they suck adjustment almost! But reflect on yourself? It seems that I didn't do it at all! Why not? How to do it, just lying on the bed, physical and mental fatigue, let their head on the pillow, in addition to sleep? Who has the spare time to reflect on themselves!

Isn't this intentionally embarrassing?

"And one more thing, West, your will is not strong enough! This is a very big flaw! "

Huh? West Leng for a while, he didn't think Ding Yu would mention it to him!

"Mr. Ding, I will make some corrections."

Ding Yu took a glance, "willpower has considerable defects, which is a very troublesome thing, everyone has their own weak points, everyone knows the same! There is no hexagon warrior, even if there is one, it will not be you or Molly. All you have to do is to make up for your own defects, and don't let your defects drag you down! "

"Molly, you have good willpower, but it's easy to walk on the horns!"

Originally, West was not in such a good mood, but after hearing Ding Yu's words, West really had some happiness in his heart. He was not afraid of his own bad, and he was afraid that there would be worse than himself!

"I'll give you a week. If you don't understand, you can ask about Rogers, and of course you can ask about pyler! I'll give you some advice. If there's nothing special, it's better not to disturb Hart! "

Without any other explanation, Ding Yu left! And this kind of words to west and Molly two people caused considerable influence!

When making contact with Rogers and piler, they can quickly form a group, but Rogers and piler do not make them feel any so-called exclusion, but the contact with HART makes them feel extremely uncomfortable! What does Hart's eyes mean?

Earlier, Mr. Ding also warned them. At that time, they thought that Mr. Ding had special love for Hart, but from now on, it seems that this is not the case!

So while he wasn't paying attention, West poked Rogers next to him, "Rogers, what's the matter with HART? Why does he look at people like this? Isn't it a little too creepy? "

Rogers was stunned for a moment, looked at West, and then looked at piler not far away!

"Hart is just like this. If you contact him for two more days, you will find that he is quite different. But when he is quite different, it's better not to disturb Hart!"

Again, is there anything different about Hart? To give their own feelings, Hart is too eccentric, even quite special! But what's special about it? For a moment, I really can't tell!

Rogers did not give himself an accurate answer here! What about pilar? Will he give himself an answer? In the previous contact, I have said a few words to him, not like Rogers so cheerful, give people the feeling of silence, of course, not like Hart so seeping, but the impression is very general!

As for Molly, a little silent! It's not that they are not gregarious, but because they can barely communicate with Rogers, but when they face Hart and piller, they are basically unable to communicate!

Hart's eyes were not frightening. He didn't give himself any frightening feeling, but the feeling he gave himself was too insipid, and even made people feel like looking in the mirror, which made his heart a little flustered!

And piler? I'm not enthusiastic at all, even a little gloomy. I don't know if there's something wrong with my feeling. Rogers is a little too enthusiastic! Enthusiastic let oneself don't know how to deal with! At least I haven't adapted so well now!

As for the children of the Ding family, it's a little different for Molly! He is quite different from all his peers, but he is quite different from Mr. Ding. Mr. Ding's appearance is not frightening, but for a little white rabbit like himself, it is absolutely the existence of tigers and dragons!

Don't get close to yourself! Even if you look at it, you can feel that there are some mood trembling!

When West and Molly rest, Hart and the three of them get together!

"I feel that West has not been able to adjust his mind!" Rogers was a little upset about it! Didn't you show any emotion without seeing Molly? You are even older than Molly. Why are you so calm!

After all, we haven't been here for a long time, but we've adapted so quickly. Even at the beginning, we realized quite a lot of problems, but why can't West adjust as soon as possible?

And Mr. Ding has given them a considerable warning, although such a warning is a hint, but it's not as if nothing can be seen, right? Even you've let out quite a bit of footwork. What's the matter?

"So what are we going to do now? As if nothing had happened? ""If you can help yourself, it's the best! I'm afraid West has entered a dead end and can't get out of it. That's the most troublesome thing! And now he doesn't mean to wake up at all

Piler turned to look at Hart and said, "Hart, what do you think of this?"

Hart couldn't see any waves in his eyes, as if things had nothing to do with him!

Rogers looked at Hart and knew he had to be tough! Obviously this is a big lock for Hart! Piler is also watching Hart, eager to try!

Three people make a monkey about, it is to dispel the previous slightly nervous little mood!

"Molly can't see too many problems now! At least we can't see that there are too many problems. Maybe she woke up, but maybe it's because the hiding is too good! As for West? Just go with the flow! We have expressed our good intentions before! " Hart made a little summary!

Rogers and piler looked at each other, and Rogers was the first to speak! "Sir, he gave us a week. Hart was the first to react. I don't know if west and Molly can react. I really hope they can all react! It's not in vain

Hart has a different view on this!

"From my personal point of view, whether they can wake up or not, Mr. Ding will not show too much deviation!" Hart is as calm as ever!

"Just like us, no matter whether we end our problems or not, Mr. Ding spared no effort in our cultivation. At least at the present stage, we can't see too many problems and changes. But as time goes on, I believe that this change will become bigger and bigger, and even begin to appear the so-called gap!"

Rogers and piler looked at each other and were surprised that Hart could say such a thing. While they were shocked, they chewed it, as if it was really like this!

Ding Yu for their three personal training, never any distinction, of course, everyone's development direction may be quite different, but in a considerable problem, Ding Yu has no bias!

This is really not easy! It's even amazing!

"So? We can only give the so-called small help. As for other aspects, even if we want to, there is no way to understand them in this way, right? "

"In general, it's like this, but I think so! West basically won't go to Mr. Ding, because he has considerable doubt in his heart, and this doubt will let him contact the children of the Ding family as much as possible instead of Mr. Ding! Of course, this is just my personal opinion and idea! "

After that, Hart's eyes were dull again!

Rogers and piler, who knew Hart, knew very well that Hart's action and expression meant that he had finished speaking! As for what will happen next, it has nothing to do with him, and he doesn't want to care!

Rogers and piler soon found the Ding children! Mainly looking for Wang an!

After all, other people don't care so much about West and Molly! In Mr. Ding Yuding's mind, Wang An's position is by no means ordinary. With Ding Yun and Ding Chang, both of whom are born, Wang An's position is not as high as Wang An's!

If this is placed in Hart's family, such a thing can never happen, don't even think about it! There will never be such a thing, but in the Ding family, such a thing is very insipid!

Together with Ding Yun and Ding Chang, they both have no opinions and ideas on this, which is a bit outrageous!

Wang an heard quite a lot of things, but there is no disgust, the performance is very calm!

"Rogers, I can understand your feelings and thoughts, and I don't think there is any mistake in your way, but at this time, you have done enough! There's no need to do more! Because that's not the main reason you're here! "

For Wang An's comfort, Rogers is also very clear and understand, on the one hand, West does not understand, on the other hand, it is their own blind worry! Ah! How to say is good? Pig teammates really can't take it!

"I'm not willing! I really hope both of them can stay! " Rogers is very sincere, "after all, they can be valued by Mr. Ding, which shows that there is no problem with their qualifications!"

"Shifu has given us quite a chance. This opportunity is given to west and Molly. Of course, they are quite different. Here? I believe Shifu will not be biased, so the problem you are worried about is basically not a problem! As for what will happen in the future, it's not up to you, me or even Shifu to decide! "

This has been said very clearly and clearly!All of them all care about West's own choice. Now we can't see that Molly has too many problems. As for the direction of two people's development, now no one knows and no one can say clearly!

"All right! Although we didn't try our best, we have already given them quite a reminder. I hope they can be a little alert! by the way! May Day holiday is coming

"I know a lot about it!" Wang An said with a smile, "this year we are going to work together with the students. This is our fixed reserved project! It's just that this year's activities may be considerably reduced! "

Rogers blinked his eyes. "You mean if we want to get involved, we have to have a lot of sponsorship? Can I understand that? "

Originally, Rogers thought Wang An was intentional, but Wang an thought for a little time and shook his head slightly!

"No, other things can be discussed, but this thing is absolutely not. You can join in it, and you don't need to pay anything, but your so-called sponsorship has no room for negotiation!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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