Molly blinked her big eyes, but she didn't expect Ding Yu to say so!

Shouldn't we look at it differently? Or targeted? Is it because I am not worth mentioning?

Or is Mr. Ding deliberately fooling himself? The possibility is not so great! After all, Ding Yu is such a big character that he doesn't want to make such a joke with himself. I'm quite sure about that!

"Mr. Ding, may I ask why?"

Ding Yu holds his chin and looks thoughtful!

"I don't know if you know the problem? I don't know if the people in your family have mentioned this aspect to you! I think it's necessary to mention it to you! When you come to me, I will teach you quite a lot. As for whether you can adapt yourself? Or find your own way. It's not up to me! "

"If you feel fit, then go on. If you don't feel fit, then you have other choices! On this issue, I will never have any coercion, because even coercion will not have any effect, will it

In the face of Ding Yu's rhetorical question, Molly lost some time!

The answer is totally different from what I expected! Even completely contrary to some of their own considerations!

"Sir, that is to say, we are just the first step to come in, and learning here is just the beginning of walking! As for whether we will succeed in our studies, it is not up to you, but up to us

Ding Yu nodded, "this talk is very bold, but let me have some exclamations! It's up to you whether you learn or how you learn. I won't interfere with you. Even what kind of road you will take in the future has nothing to do with me! It's very cruel to force others to do something

"But, sir, there are too many unexplainable things in it!"

Molly talks with Ding Yu in an argumentative tone, which seems to scratch Ding Yu's itch!

"The so-called explanation doesn't work. There is a considerable problem. I can understand what you say, but can you understand what I say? To a certain extent, I can't understand it, or even understand the meaning of it! "

Nonsense, if I can understand, then I won't come here!

But Molly would never dare to say that! After all, it's Ding Yu in front of him!

And Ding Yu didn't seem to perceive Molly's malice! It's unnecessary for me!

"The fact that you and West can come here shows that you both have very good qualifications and considerable potential. It's like you go to school! What teachers teach students is very basic. Every child is listening, but what they hear is different from what they understand! To a certain extent, it also determines the future direction of everyone is quite different! "

I can understand that! Molly even agrees!

"Mr. Ding, can I understand that west and I are not right or wrong?"

Ding Yu nodded, "interesting! You're in the same position as Hart and them now! At this point, West is still stubborn! It's not a good thing to define right and wrong too early! Nothing is absolutely right and nothing is absolutely wrong. Of course, not everything is chaos! "

"There are different perspectives, so there are quite different ways of looking at problems!"

A bang, Ding Yu hit a finger ring!

"Good! You are not able to stand at a considerable height now, so try to consider the considerable problems from different angles as far as possible! There is no need to separate all things right and wrong! But this way for you, can accept, can accept, but does not mean that all children can accept the same

"I see!" Molly nodded heavily, "from the perspective of the family, Mr. Ding is not a perfect person, or even a villain to a large extent, but I can't look at the problem from such a height and perspective! After all, I am just myself now! But Mr. Ding, are you not afraid that I will stand opposite to you in the future? "

"What do you think I have to do with Pete, Baron and Josephat?"

"Hard to explain!" Molly seems to understand something, but it seems to understand nothing! "It's hard to describe the relationship! At least what I know now is not clear! "

"Yes! It's hard to make clear the relationship and orientation between them! "

"These things have been enough for you to digest for quite a long time!" Ding Yu raised his hand, "tell Rowling, I'll invite her to dinner tomorrow!"

Molly knows that Mr. Ding Yuding is telling Ms. Rowling that he has passed the test by himself! It's so simple! Not as harsh as you think! As for West? Of course he won't leave, but what about him? It's not as good as you think! What a pity!For Molly's arrival, Rowling did not show any accident, but the expression on her face was not joy, nor indifference, but indifference! Of course, the heart or send a breath!

I think it's a good thing to watch Molly. Whether Molly can pass or not is another thing!

"Ms. Rowling, Mr. Ding asked me to inform you that you will be invited to dinner tomorrow!"

Rowling looked at Molly and nodded, "Congratulations!" Then Rowling opened her hand. "If you don't mind, sit down for a while?"

This is the benefit of Ding Yu's approval. Before she came here, Rowling didn't talk to Molly very much. Although there are many reasons, now Rowling has invited Molly on her own initiative. It's true that there are identity differences between them, but so what?

Rowling's attitude has explained everything very well!

Molly hesitated and did not sit down directly. Looking at Molly's expression, Rowling brought a glass of water and put it in front of Molly. Molly waited for Rowling to sit down before she sat down carefully!

"Mr. Ding! Is a very powerful person, at the same time an extraordinary person! I had the honor to study with him for a few days and benefited a lot. It's your chance that you can be valued by him and even take the initiative to take this step! " Rowling has considerable admiration for this, "cherish it well! And just call me Rowling! Lady, that's not the right name! "

I'm not married yet! And I am still relatively young, at least in Rowling's own point of view is like this!

Molly smiles apologetically! "Sister Rowling, have you studied with Mr. Ding?"

"Yes! I have also studied here, but the process is a bit bleak, although the aftertaste is endless, but at that time it was very embarrassed! Do you know why? "

"I can guess some!" Molly didn't make too many banquets!

Rowling nodded. "You're doing well, even better than Hart. I don't know if it's because of your age! I don't know how Mr. Ding chose you and West! At least as far as I'm concerned, there were many children who performed better than you at the beginning! "

"I don't know! Even after I talked with Mr. Ding, at most I understood what Mr. Ding said, but I didn't understand what Mr. Ding said. It seems that there is nothing! But it seems to be all inclusive! "

"I didn't know about Hart and their situation, but from the current situation, Hart and they should have adapted. I believe West and Hart will also adapt! However, to adapt to this should not be the most important, need to broaden their mind and vision! Don't position yourself now! "

"Yes! Sister Rowling

"I don't want to affect your judgment, because your current teacher, for the moment, is Mr. Ding. If I say anything else, it will affect you! So bless you in advance

This is absolutely true! There is no other doping!

"One more thing, I'll give you a hint. It's not a warning. What you see about the children of the Ding family is not the most real! At this point, it's not that Mr. Ding deliberately hid something, but to a certain extent, they inherited Mr. Ding's tradition

"Tradition?" What is that? How do you feel a little confused?

"Perhaps in your impression, Mr. Ding is a very proud man! At the same time, it's callous and unrelenting. At least in a considerable amount of information, it's described in this way! But those who write materials add too much personal emotion to it! Those who read those contents are easily misled! "

It's very direct! West is the best example!

Of course, Molly can understand it. She was quite suspicious in the past. If it wasn't for Mr. Ding's lack of this meaning, maybe she would be similar to West now! I'm really lucky!

"In fact, Mr. Ding is not a person who cares about his appearance. Don't look at his expression at a certain time. To a certain extent, it's just for everyone to see! Along with the children of the Ding family, they are more or less infected with the tradition of Mr. Ding. What we see is the most real! This must be kept in mind! At the same time, reflect on yourself all the time. After all, you will definitely encounter it in the future! You'll have a great feeling then! "

"Well!" Molly nodded! Obviously I'm listening!

Rowling didn't mean to sow discord. She just told Molly what she should say! I hope she can walk more safely in the future!

"Sister Rowling, what are you going to do with West?"

"You are smart enough. Tomorrow Mr. Ding invites me to dinner, which means to deliver tea to others. I don't need to stay here. These days, I have learned a lot from outside. In addition to the things I didn't digest, I need quite a long time to build my foundation. This determines what kind of development and progress I will have in the future."Molly's mouth twitched a little. It's what it is now! Even development and progress!

Are adults monsters? In my opinion, Rowling has been so unattainable! okay? Such people have not given up their efforts, how? Don't you give us kids a chance?

"Sister Rowling, are you leaving so soon?"

"Too perfunctory!" Rowling pointed to Molly, "if you can, you'd better not show too much in front of Mr. Ding. Of course, he won't have any dislike, and even give you some advice. But to a certain extent, this is a heresy, not a serious thing! You can know, you can understand, but at this time, you don't have so much free time to pay attention to these! "

"Yes! Sister Rowling, I'm wrong! " Molly is very obedient when she can correct her mistakes!

"Don't say anything superfluous! Because I've said enough, and it's going to affect your judgment! "

The next day, Ding Yu and Rowling ate breakfast together! As for Hart, they are not with Ding Yu!

"Mr. Ding, is it a little too rich?"

"Do you mean the children?" How can Ding Yu not hear the hidden meaning? So that's smile! "There are five children coming, but there are a lot of them!"

"The family has made considerable preparations. Here's the specific catalogue!" Putting down the documents in her hand, Rowling stood up on her shoulder. "I'm just talking. What do they mean? It's their business! Obviously, they are quite worried about Mr. Ding! "

Ding Yu snorted scornfully, and Rowling certainly knew what Ding Yu meant!

In Rowling's opinion, such a coquettish operation is stupid and makes people want to vomit! Such pig teammates, really should be slaughtered earlier, rather than stay in the world, too much waste of food!

Who is Ding Yu! If he really has other ideas, one of these children is one, no one can escape Ding Yu's means, but Ding Yu has no such meaning at all!

Even very disgusted! Although there is such an alternative existence as West, will Mr. Ding not be able to solve such a problem? Too much underestimate Mr. Ding! But Mr. Ding didn't want to!

Now I don't want to use Mr. Ding's resources. What's the matter, because this can satisfy Mr. Ding?

To a certain extent, the idea is too self, even too stupid. You know, if Mr. Ding really doesn't want to, you won't have any chance even if the golden mountain and silver sea is placed in front of Mr. Ding!

But what should be said, Rowling will still say, this is her own task! At this point, they will never have any escape, because escape does not have any effect!

I didn't mean to raise Ding Yu's temper. There's no need for that!

"Rest assured or not, since they have such opinions and ideas, I will not refuse them!"

Rowling shook her head. "Mr. Ding, I know that their behavior is stupid, even arrogant! But

"Idioms are very good! There has been considerable progress! "

Such things no longer need to do what the so-called mentioned! What's the meaning of it? I understand, Rowling also understand, since all understand! Then don't argue any more!

"I understand! Mr. Ding, I'll leave at noon! "

"Bon Voyage!"

Before Rowling left, she went to see West and had a good exchange with him. As for what they had exchanged, Ding Yu didn't have any interest!

But before getting on the plane, Rowling called Terry!

"Hello, Mr. Terry!" Rowling's attitude and tone of voice, appear to be abnormal respect!

"Well!" Terry hasn't asked any questions these days, because he believes Rowling is sensible and doesn't call now! Send video over, it is obvious that things have not yet made a final decision, at least Ding Yu has not made this decision!

So there's no need to be too eager, now Rowling's initiative to call, it shows quite a problem!

"Mr. Terry, West and Molly are both staying. Molly's performance is very good. She has a good communication with Mr. Ding, while West's performance is slightly paranoid, but the two children are staying!"

"What else?"

"Last night, after Molly met Ding Yu, I had a brief communication with her. This is what Mr. Ding meant. He asked Molly to take the initiative to find me! I had breakfast with Ding Yu this morning, and then I talked with West! But nothing else was mentioned! Mr. Ding has no hint of this! "

Quite a lot of things need to be explained clearly, can't have any concealment!Of course, if he didn't say it, Mr. Terry might know it through other channels. No matter last night or this morning, he didn't go to see West and Molly alone!

However, the nature of things has completely changed when I mention it with others!

What's the purpose of coming here? This point, Rowling is very clear and understand!


But can it be blamed on Ding Yu? Don't have any relationship with Ding Yu, OK? It's just that there's someone behind it who's selfish! And West? The road is narrow!

Unless we take some tough measures and ways now, it is possible to turn the situation around to a certain extent!

But it's not feasible to do so. After all, West is already on Ding Yu's side! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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