"How is piler?"

As far as Terry knows, piler's situation is similar to that of West and Molly, both of them are quite polluted!

A total of five children, in addition to Ding Yu took Hart and Rogers, the remaining three people all have problems! This is NIMA's. at the thought of this, Terry really wants to curse her!

Even now do not know how to face Ding Yu! It is true that they may never meet each other, but although Ding Yu will not take the initiative to mention such things, but such ridicule? Who can stand it?

He is also shameful!

You should know that such a black history will definitely be ridiculed for a lifetime, even in front of Ding Yu!

After fighting with Ding Yu for so many years, although he has been attacked repeatedly, it seems that there has never been such a thing!

What's more, this time he and Leo both stood up in person. In this case, they were stolen by the family! You can tell what kind of mood Terry is!

"Piler's performance is very good! It's quite different from west, but I don't have too much contact. I'm not so convenient for Hart and the three of them. Mr. Terry, do I need to do something? "

Terry thought for a moment, "no!"

I really can't do it like this. If Rowling does it like this, it's a serious accident, because she stepped on the line!

"Hart, how are they doing overall?"

"Very good!" Rowling was very emotional. "After I saw it, I was shocked and even surprised. They were very adapted here. Mr. Ding was quite open to them and got along well with the children of the Ding family, farm! School, Mr. Ding's home, they are basically free access

"Free access?" Terry hasn't inquired about this all the time!

It can also be said that they deliberately press this aspect of the news!

There is a certain reason for this, because if you want to inquire about this aspect of the news, you will be good at it! It works!

At that time, it is easy to cause the dissatisfaction of Lai Dingyu. Moreover, even if it does not cause the dissatisfaction of Lai Dingyu, it is not easy to observe the changes and differences from time to time! I really hope to have a good look!

"Yes! Anyway, I didn't see that there were too many obstacles! Of course, when they go in and out of Mr. Ding Yuding's office, they will still have a considerable inspection, which no one has any right to! "

"Ding Yu! Hi

Terry sighed, "well done!" It's praise!

Then he hung up the phone and gave Rowling a compliment! As for the barons? I really don't think much of myself! Of course, it has a lot to do with Baron's ability and his ability to judge the situation!

They are very clear, in what position to do what kind of thing! This time the performance is particularly brilliant!

Besides, in the negotiation with Ding Yu, Baron and Josephat have made great contributions! And then you're sick, Leo!

This is more comfortable than anything else! Terry is very clear, Leo is very disdainful of himself, maybe in the ability, his gap with Leo, no problem! I admit that!

But in training the younger generation, I am definitely better than Leo! old fool! Both of us are people whose necks are buried in the earth! Now at this time, there's no need to hold on to something. What's the matter? Can you still take these things to see God? How is that possible?

However, according to the information from Rowling, Ding Yu, the five children, will stay there and may be sent back after a while! Ding Yu will not have too much bias towards these five children!

But the situation of these five children seems quite different!

Especially for West, Ding Yu didn't say it clearly, but Rowling's words have revealed quite a meaning! Obviously, Ding Yu doesn't agree with West so much!

Of course, I don't have much to hide what I should teach you. I can guarantee that! But I can't promise anything else!

It's a pity for Terry that because of some people in the family, West went to the other extreme, and even couldn't pull back! This kind of thing may not have any problems for Terry, but that is because he has rich experience and experience!

So Terry can see it clearly and clearly, but what about West? How old are you! You should hold down your emotions and even your thoughts at this time. The most important thing you need to do now is to stay with Ding Yu to learn!

What West is doing now is putting the cart before the horse!

For such a small child, I want to be able to dig out secrets from Ding Yu's hands. So what are we old guys after so many years of hard work? If Ding Yu is really so easy to deal with, why are we so "servile" now? Can't you think about it?After arranging quite a lot of things, Ding Yu made a phone call to his mother!

"Mom? What's the situation over there? "

Zhao Shuying sighed, "it's OK. How to say? After this event, I'm afraid it will cut off a lot of feelings, who encountered such a thing, I'm afraid there will be some cool in the heart, it's hard to describe! Tell me, it's all a family, just for a little money, making trouble. After outsiders see it, they still don't know how to laugh? "

Other times, Ding Yu will definitely be rational to comfort his mother, but now this time don't be too rational! Just be on your mother's side!

Not willing to be involved in this matter, is not willing, but does not mean that Ding Yu's EQ is really a problem!

"Mom! There is no reason for such a thing! But what does aunt mean? If I can't, I can still find some relationship, or think of some other ways! Warn them, let them be honest, don't clean them up, they! I'm afraid I don't know that Lord Ma has three eyes! "

"Stop it for me!"

Although Zhao Shuying is very happy to hear this, she is still more rational, "I tell you boss, you can't mix this with me. Do you hear me! I solemnly tell you! Don't mess with me

Others don't know what kind of energy their eldest son has, but can they be mothers without knowing? Although the eldest son of his family has always lived in seclusion and never made any publicity, there is a saying that if anyone offends him, he will not be happy! I'm afraid it won't be as easy as that!

When I think about it, I feel a little scared, even shivering!

So I must solemnly warn my eldest son that he is not allowed to fool around! After all, what about this? It's not our own business. Really, if a good or bad thing comes out, does his aunt still want to be a man?

"What's the matter with them? Although it may be quite troublesome to do so, there is no problem with two warnings? I'll let the people from the public relations department have a look! It's useless to say such things orally. We have to show them how to speak and frighten them! "

"Don't tell me that mess! Stop for me. Don't let me clean you up when I go back. Do you hear me

Zhao Shuying is very suspicious. If she really expresses her opinions and ideas in this aspect, her eldest son will never give up. Although he is not willing to get involved in the mess in the family, it does not mean that he does not have such ability, nor does it mean that he is really indifferent!

"Mom?! How about you and my dad over there? "

"We're fine. We'll be back in two days!" Zhao Shuying still thinks it's necessary to talk to her eldest son! Having such a son is really a very proud thing! But sometimes, it's really hot, just like it is now!

"Boss! Everything here has been settled! Don't do anything else! "

Ding Yu hesitated for a moment, and then some dissatisfied said! "All right?" When he said this, people who didn't know thought Ding Yu was so upset? But I'm afraid Ding Yu is the only one who knows what happened!

"Anyway, if there's any dishonesty there, I'll make him look shameless! We don't mean to bully people, but we can't say that other people ride on our necks, can we?! Isn't it? "

Hearing her eldest son say so, Zhao Shuying finally breathed a sigh of relief, but she was also happy!

"Come on! Don't say so many useless! Your aunt also asked me to greet you! This time! She didn't know how to thank her family! There's more! You take care of all the children at home! When we go back, you know what will happen if I see them lose weight! "

Also did not give Ding Yu any discrimination opportunity! Zhao Shuying has hung up on this side!

When Ding Yu put down the phone, he couldn't help but smile. Although he said that he did it like this, it was a bit of deception, but in Ding Yu's opinion, such kind deception didn't have too many problems!

There's nothing wrong with the parents! The problem of the children at home is not so big, they have begun to make considerable preparations! Can't what thing arrived at the moment, want to do preparatory work again, have no relation with ability size!

It's not a bad thing to prepare for a rainy day, and one day, they will go to the society. It's better to learn more now, at least from Ding Yu's point of view!

What about Hart? There are quite a lot of problems, mainly the problem of West, a little bit so big!

I'm thinking about whether to give West a chance? What about this? Can not stand alone on their own point of view to consider the problem! Even to a certain extent, it is related to the growth of the children and Hart!Speaking of this, my parents are really pitiful. I don't know if they will understand?

In the evening, Ding Yu had a meal with the children, and then let the children at home take the lead in the study!

"Daddy, what's up with you?"

Took a look at his daughter, a little too wanton! But it's also because I'm at home, so I'm a little bit 'presumptuous', and I'm quite indulgent!

After a white look, Ding Yu said in a voice, "I think you should have guessed how much, right?"

Wang an takes a look at Ding Chang and Tong Tong, then looks at Ding Yun, and then says, "master, is it because of West? I can't think of anything else

"Tell me what you think. I'm thinking about it. Although Hart and I have experienced quite a lot of tests, those tests are not equal to opportunities! And Molly gave herself a chance

Ding Yu's words are a little too general, but the children at home can still understand!

They all looked at each other. "Daddy, are you holding West in danger? No! In other words, West really has something to praise, although the contact time is not included, but he still has a considerable judgment

"I don't want to be angry with a child like him. Will he become a threat? I'm afraid it will take 30 years at the earliest! This is still possible. If not, it is not worth mentioning at all! "

"Domineering!" Ding Yun deliberately put out his thumb! "Dad, it's hard for you to say that! I love it

Ding Yu's canthus is a little twitching. Is her daughter a little off-line?

"Master, do you want to give West a chance?"

"What's your opinion?"

Several children looked at each other, and even discussed with each other! "Master, we don't care. We just have one more playmate. What about their qualifications? It's a good thing to be an opponent! "

"Come on! I know what you think! Leave West alone outside and let them in? "

Ha, when the four of them left, West was stunned. First, the children of Ding family, then Hart, they and Molly were not called. Did Mr. Ding find anything?

West is a little out of control! But Wang An, they are sitting on one side of the position, Wang An is to go to the position behind West, and then put his hands on West's shoulder, West can not help but play a smart, even a little unable to control their body, want to stand up!

"Keep quiet and calm down at the same time!"

Then he patted West on the shoulder with his left hand. "If you lose your cool, you will be disappointed!"

And Ding Yu in the room looked at them, and he was very direct, "just now I discussed with the children at home, now it's your turn! I need to ask your opinion. Do you want to give West a chance? "

Hart, they were all stunned. No one thought that Ding Yu would mention such a thing!

Everyone looked at each other, and then everyone's eyes were focused on Hart. Of course, Molly was more or less intentional! Hart blinked his eyes. "Mr. Ding, I don't understand!"

Of course, Ding Yu understood the hidden meaning of Hart's words! "You! Young, this idea is really beyond the age of children too much too much! Don't get me wrong. Hart doesn't mean that he doesn't give West a chance. He tends to give West a chance, but he can't understand why I want to do it like this! "

Rogers, they were all relieved, but there was something different in the way they looked at Hart!

It's the same with Molly, this Hart! Smart is really smart, but sometimes how? There seems to be something wrong with my head! Maybe it's too smart?

"Mr. Ding, will West pass this test?"

Ding Yu takes a look at Molly, "are you careful that I drive out for him?" Are children such monsters now? But think about it, it seems to be a very normal thing, after all, I was very optimistic about them at the beginning, there is no problem with their qualifications, and Molly's identity is quite different from Hart's!

"He will stay, but he is wasting his potential and talent in this way now! So I need to ask for your opinions. To be exact, I'm not sure what kind of Road West will take after this event, just like you! Or neutral, or opposite? "

"Mr. Ding, what if you really stand opposite?"

Looking at the talking Molly, Ding Yu smiles, "the opposite is the opposite! It's not a big deal! Everyone has his own choice, and to a certain extent, this choice is not based on the will of others! It doesn't seem that it's a bad thing to strengthen one's belief! "Ding Yu is very open about this! Molly and the four of them looked at each other and nodded to Ding Yu solemnly. It was obvious that they agreed with this!

But from everyone's point of view, West will not be like them! Even standing in a neutral position, there are some unlikely! It can be said that west, to a large extent, will choose to stand in opposition!

I don't know if Mr. Ding is too confident! Let's see! I don't know what the situation will be like when West knows the news!

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