West looked out of the four people, the face can not see too much change! But my heart is about to boil!

Even at the time of seeing Ding Yu, the two legs have appeared obvious shaking!

Not afraid at all, not worried at all? How can it be!

You know, the person sitting in front of you is Ding Yu! The information in the data is too detailed!

"Sit down!" Ding Yu pointed to a front position! Even took the initiative to place a bottle of water in front of West!

What a wonderful feeling! Now West wants to enter the tiger's mouth like a rabbit! Trembling!

"Mr. Ding?" Voice has a little trembling, now this time to face Ding Yu! West has a kind of unspeakable fear, even fear. At the beginning, he didn't think Ding Yu was a big deal, but now when he really faced Ding Yu, West felt that he couldn't control himself at all!

Ding Yu takes a look at West, as if it doesn't matter!

"Don't be so nervous, and I won't eat you!" Speaking voice slightly soft, but let West can't help looking at Ding Yu, found that Ding Yu doesn't seem to have any anger, also don't have any anger! "But now you look like you don't want to say anything. What do you suggest? Don't mention anything. Just listen to me and consider my opinion. What do you think? "

"Yes! Mr. Ding West's answer is very reluctant!

"Well!" Ding Yu nodded, "after you come, you obviously feel that you have quite a problem! This may be too much to say! Specifically, your mind is not completely on learning, there are some other ideas! Don't deny anything. Piler had this idea, and Molly had this idea? "

Ah? West could not help but open his mouth, want to say something, but finally swallowed it!

Because I don't know what else I need to say!

"They both found their own way, but what about you? I don't know what the reason is. I haven't found my way all the time. It's a very difficult thing. So I thought about it and asked the children and hart for their opinions and ideas! But the final decision of this matter is still in your hands, so you need to make the decision yourself! "

"Mr. Ding? Can I decide? " West still felt that he should be a bit tough, die on the die! It's no big deal. I will never bow in front of Ding Yu!

For West's toughness, Ding Yu said, "it's very brave, but it doesn't have any effect!" He scratched his eyebrow with his hand. "Now that you have made a decision to drive you away, I won't do such a thing. Similarly, the children and Hart won't do such a thing!"

"I don't need pity?"

"Whatever you want?" Ding Yu is still an understatement! "You will continue to stay here. I think what you should choose now is to stand on the opposite side. There is no problem, and people will not target you. After all, this is your own choice, and this is a good situation!"

"Mr. Ding, am I alone? I'm not

West felt like he was about to explode! Ding Yu has made the matter very clear and clear! But the problem is that they can carry the children of the Ding family, not even Hart himself?! Isn't this bullying?

"No way! If you make your own choice, you have to bear it! "

Ding Yu waved his hand casually. "The children at home are always lazy. Suddenly, throwing a catfish into them should achieve good results. As for you? How far will this grindstone go? It's really hard to say. Don't let the knife grind you away! "

"I won't let them succeed!" West felt that he was not in a hurry now. He was very self-contained! Even if you can feel it, West even wants to shout at Ding Yu!

"From my personal point of view, you are not only less educated than the children in your family and Hart, but even more!" Ding Yu glanced at west again, "after all, you are still a little too weak! Maybe Rogers and piler won't be your opponents, but it's not too much problem for you to compete with each other. Hart just doesn't have any interest in you. As for Molly? You are too far away from her now! "

Then Ding Yu pointed to his head, "a hint of friendship, keep quite calm, you are still a little too impulsive now! After that, it's too obvious! I can see these, not surprisingly, with the children at home can not see it! That's a bad cover up! "

"I don't feel it!"

"That's because people don't really treat you as an opponent, but the next situation is different! You're on the opposite side! So at a certain time, everyone will be hostile to you! Here I need to say that you can use your brain a little bit! Don't go to the top"What if they do it?" West almost cried out in his own voice, even stood up, but then sat down again, "I see! They will never do anything to me

"Control yourself!" Ding Yu seems to be quite dissatisfied, "I don't want the children who stay here to be too impulsive! This is a requirement for you, and also a verification for you to improve yourself! There is no need to struggle with the so-called win or lose! It's like I'm not tangled. Are you right or wrong! A truth

"Don't you think I'm wrong, Mr. Ding?"

West is very surprised, he did not expect Ding Yu would say such words!

For West's "mentally retarded", Ding Yu couldn't help laughing, "I don't know how to evaluate you! Say you're retarded? It seems to be a bit too critical, and even quite inappropriate, but you should not say this to the children and Hart at home! They will look down on you

"I don't need them to look down on me?"

"That's why you have a narrow road! You care too much about the so-called right and wrong! I don't know how the power behind you is transmitted to you. Of course, there is a considerable part of the reason. It's because you think so! In fact, nothing, so to speak! If I mention a word now, the forces behind you will take the initiative to kill you! "

"It's impossible!"

"So you're a little stupid. You may care about the so-called right and wrong! But the actual situation? Who is right?! Who is wrong! From my point of view, I can say that you are wrong and I am right, but from your point of view, you are right and I am wrong! If you bring in the forces behind you, I say you are wrong, then the forces behind you will also say you are wrong! It doesn't even need any deliberation! "

"Mr. Ding, isn't that a bully? And it's the blatant one! "

"So don't jump too hard when you have no influence! You can't carry a finger Ding Yu didn't care about it. "I didn't expect that there would be people like you, but when I think about it later, it's very logical to have children like you. No one is a set program. Everyone has a different life!"

"Mr. Ding, are you not afraid that I will bite back?"

"The vision is good, but it doesn't mean anything! I don't know if you understand the real meaning of this idiom, but what you are doing now seems to be very consistent with it

"I can understand you. I'm just a little ant now!"

"It's good to understand!" Ding Yu nodded, "I'm a little tired talking to you! I just said that! You can be selected, which means that there is no problem with your qualification! I will never deny that! But the brain will not turn, at least not yet learned! This is too much trouble! I hope I'm not wasting my saliva now! "

"Mr. Ding, I don't understand some of them!" West looked defeated. "Why me? Can't you find a rival for your children? Why me? "

"There is a strange light in your eyes! It's not clear what is the reason. Although it can be investigated clearly, it doesn't matter! At least your heart has identified some things, why should I force others? What's more, to me, you are just a child! "

"I'm not young anymore?" West is a little angry!

"That's just what you think! In my opinion, you are a child! Not yet grown up, but to a certain extent, has been affected by the children, to tell you the so-called truth, there is no use! While you won't listen, I waste time and energy, so I'd better be direct and frank! "

"Mr. Ding, you may regret it!"

"So after you made the decision, did you regret it? I still said that, your so-called right and wrong, there is no meaning! I don't know how your family taught you! But I still need to say it now! What a failure! Even some of them are too taken for granted! To a certain extent, it's also a disaster to yourself! "

"Mr. Ding, it has nothing to do with them!" West squeezed his hands!

"You don't have enough consciousness. At the same time, some of you underestimate me too much! I don't want to do anything to them. How can I get angry with them just because of you? I'm not so vulgar yet

West can't help but hit a smart, "Mr. Ding, do you mean to say?"

"Good! I don't think much of it! Even some don't like it! It doesn't matter! You are here. Then I'll teach you something! You are willing to learn! If you don't want to learn, it's all your own business! But I believe that in such an environment, you will force yourself to learn! "

"No one will give up such an opportunity. I'm not giving it up!""Is such a debate really meaningful?" Ding Yu asked! "No! All of them are back to the origin again! You still can't break your threshold, you always think you are right, but you need to pay attention to a point, I didn't deny it! How you are willing to do that is really your own business, but in order to avoid you being knocked down in the mud, so I still need to remind you! Take it easy

If it's something else, West will really argue with Ding Yu!

But this matter, West absolutely does not need to argue! Because there is no meaning, there is even a considerable possibility of self humiliation, and even to be sure, there is no problem!

He may be very stubborn, but does not mean that he is a fool! With Hart, they can't make it by themselves. As for the children of the Ding family, they are still looking forward to you! Open fire with them. Are you in the water?

"I won't give up!"

I don't know if this is the last stubbornness of West!

"But Mr. Ding, can't you let them go?"

Ding Yu certainly knows who West is talking about! "It doesn't make any sense to mention this to me! Seriously speaking, this is to do things without brain, thinking can be opportunistic, but this kind of stealing chicken is to die! I can't think of anything else besides giving the head away! "

"Can't Mr. Ding be saved?"

"If I do it, I can think about it, but you have asked the wrong person for this matter!" Speaking of this, Ding Yu sighed, "originally you had a chance, but you wasted it! Molly has given the power behind her a chance, so now it's up to you! If you do well, you may have a chance! But who knows? "

"Mr. Ding, I will try my best!" West is biting her teeth!

"Tell me it doesn't have any effect. You should be very clear about this. Don't let yourself be affected by emotions. Now keep calm! Keep calm, at least know what to do! At least you can give yourself such an opportunity. If you lose your mind, you should know the consequences! I know something about your family! It's not going to be as good as it's supposed to be! "

"That is to say, there is still quite a possibility, isn't there?" West's eyes are quite bright!

Ding Yu didn't expect that West had such a side, which was beyond his expectation. He attached so much importance to his family! But think about it carefully, it's not so surprising!

"But you may need to hurry up!" Ding Yuyi pointed out, "if you are always in a state of procrastination, then you will not show any value. Since you have no value, then there is no need for the forces behind you to stay! Even after you go back, will there be you in the world? It's hard to say! "

"Mr. Ding, how long do I have?"

West has never felt that time is so urgent!

"It won't be more than three months, maybe two more! Our summer vacation will start in July! Now it's May Day! So you can count the time yourself! But here, I need to point out that if you work hard, you may save two more people. At least you already have considerable capital, but don't think that your capital is really great. Your so-called capital is not worth mentioning! "

"I can be punished!"

"All right! It's up to you! As long as you are happy Ding Yu calmly smile, "since this is the case, then we even have a formal talk! You choose to stand in the opposite position, all you need to bear alone

"Sir, I also want to ask Molly, what's her situation?"

"She's a neutral, at least for now! I don't have any opinions and Thoughts on this, just like you are standing in the opposite angle! This is your own choice, I will not do any interference! As for what kind of road you will take, it's also your own problem! "

"Yes! Mr. Ding, although I still have some doubts, at least I am sober now! "

"Being sober doesn't mean anything. If you can, try to be calm!"

When West came out, Rogers was slightly worried. Looking at West, West stood up his shoulder and said, "it's no big deal! I'll show you how good I am! "

Rogers felt as if there was a new hater besides Hart all of a sudden! Hart's mouth is just a bit poisonous, but the West in front of him really makes him have an indescribable "disgust"!

Hart took a look and didn't want to talk more, while Wang an stood up and went to the position in front of West!Looking at West for a while! Then nod to west!

"Some people can't understand, but they still respect the path you choose. However, this road will be very tortuous, even with considerable hardships! We're not going to let the water out! "

"I'll wait, if you are defeated by me! It's really interesting! "

"It's not a good thing to be too proud!" Wang an smiles, "do you want to go back together?"

"Yes! I'm confident now that I'll show you how good I am! "

"Then we'll see!"

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