"So Ding Yu did it on purpose! But there is no way for us to get Ding Yu! "

Terry snorted, "it's not that we can take Ding Yu? Now the question is, how do we deal with Ding Yu's putting Hart back? If you don't deal with it well, it's easy to have problems, and it's still a big problem. Now you're playing cards with us! "

When he said that, Terry gave a cold smile again, "but this is quite in line with Ding Yu's character! He is always ready to repay. We gave him a lot of pressure on the previous negotiations, but now he gives us a warning. It seems that it doesn't matter, but it's really a headache! "

Because anyway? Hart, they're all children, and they're all children! Some things are not explained clearly at all! I don't understand!

But they can't be destroyed by humanitarianism! Not even able to give them how!

After all, the influence and relationship behind these children are very complicated. It's not easy for Ding Yu to take a fancy to them! He even took the initiative to train himself. If there was no problem with Ding Yu, when they got home, there were problems and situations. At that time, Teri and Leo really didn't have to sit on the seats!

Die early and live early! Maybe you can have a better face!

So far, though Leo and Terry haven't come up with a plan, why did they come! But quite a lot of things have been basically determined! That's Hart. When they come back, they must be protected!

We can let them play the role of catfish, but we must pay attention to the propriety! Otherwise, things are easy to happen, and it's still a kind of big thing!

What's more, it's the elite trained at home! If you can, let them not contact Hart too frequently, and keep a considerable distance from each other! This is the best! At least from the current situation, is the most appropriate!

Are you afraid? Hart, they're growing up so fast! At that time, it was really not an ordinary trouble!

Under such circumstances, what kind of choice should the family make?

Get rid of these kids?! It's not good for the development of the family, because the forces behind them will feel particularly disappointed! Because we're not heirs? Just because our blood is poor, so we are abandoned, right?!

But if we want to attract them to the family, there is another problem that needs to be paid attention to! Even can't evade! That is, they have considerable contact with Ding Yu! To a certain extent, he was influenced by Ding Yu!

This problem can never be ignored! And how to solve this problem?

So now they are going to be hot potatoes to a certain extent! It's not right to hold it in your hand. It's extremely wrong not to hold it in your hand! How did it get to this point?

What's more, Ding Yu is still pressing step by step. I'll tell you! How do I deal with it at that time? Even if I stare at your face, I will hit you in the face. Do you dare to resist? Why don't you try?

The day before the end of the holiday, all the children came back!

Hart, they seem to be a little excited! What's the trouble? Ding Yu did not ask, but look at their appearance, it seems very uncomfortable! I don't know if it's because of West!

And West here don't want to let, two eyes stare up, see this posture, between each other seemingly want to fight!

However, when they went to visit Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying, they didn't show anything, and even had a good time with each other! When I eat, I feel like a starving ghost! It was good, but Hart took a bite! The children who are very gentle can't control themselves!

Wang an knocked his head with his hand. After he went out, they were a little noisy. The confrontation between them was very serious. Fortunately, the children at home were more united, and they were stifled!

If you are there, then there are not too many problems, but when you or your younger martial brother and younger martial sister are not there, the anger between them is really not so big!

Do you want to say something? There are quite a lot of problems with each other, four or six open! West's problem is a little bigger!

Considering his identity and position, it's very normal! There's nothing strange!

As for Ding Yu, after seeing them! Did not show any dissatisfaction! Not even as a matter of time! Seems very indifferent! "Not bad! The specific reason I just ask! I simply say two words, here, you are free to confrontation, to fool, to control the so-called discretion is! But after going out, you have to think it over! You are a whole! Am I clear? "

West's eyes couldn't help but brighten, "Mr. Ding, we have contradictions, but after we go out, we can generally keep the same! Even if it is difficult to reach an agreement, it will be reached in a considerable way! "At a very young age, I know that it's a lot smarter to say half and hide half! It's not like that!

Even in this discourse, there is quite a trial to find out where the bottom line is!

Previously, I felt that this guy was just a Wufu. He didn't have too many heads! But now, through a certain amount of confrontation, he has realized quite a lot of problems and conditions, and the speed of introspection is a little fast!

For myself, West's performance really surprised me a lot!

And the better his performance, the greater the role and effect it will play! That's for sure!

"You! Be careful that cleverness is mistaken for cleverness Ding Yu snorted! "You stay first! The others will come in later! "

When there was only one person left to come to west, Ding Yu said, "it's very hard, isn't it?"?! But this is the way you choose! At least from the current situation, it has achieved considerable results, so you can judge for yourself? How do you feel? "

"Mr. Ding, I don't have any questions!" West said it with all his heart!

"In front of me, you don't have to be so tough!" Ding Yu snorted, "from the current situation, the effect is good, at least you save a lot of people! Do you want me to tell you something about it? I still know something! Of course, someone passed it on purpose! "

West was silent for a moment! Then he nodded to Ding Yu!

"What did the people or forces behind you instill in you? Or threaten you with something! For me personally, I never want to know! What do you want to do when you come here? I'm not interested! You can learn a lot, that is your ability, is your talent! If you can't learn, it has nothing to do with me! Because what you learn, on the whole, is the same! "

"Mr. Ding! Can I understand it as a deliberate reservation? "

"Bullshit?" Ding Yu laughed and scolded! "Some things don't belong to you, even the children in the family can't, not that I don't teach them! But can't learn, just like giving a toddler a heavy machine gun! You can't even control it well. What do you think other people will think of you when you hold a machine gun? "

"I'm afraid you'll kill me!" West murmured to himself! Such a question is not too simple!

"I'm afraid it's light to kill you!" Ding Yu said jokingly, "it's quite possible to frustrate you. Even before that, he will squeeze everything out of you! Exaggerate a little bit to say, inside the stone all give you to squeeze out oil! To this end, they can put countless means, only you can't think of, nothing can't do! It doesn't matter whether it's evil or not. It has nothing to do with this! "

"Didn't you think about it? But if you think about it, it seems quite possible! "

"It's not quite possible, but it will be!" Ding Yu has seen so much! All of them have some exclamations! "Say it? Some of the people behind you have been severely punished, even worse than death! I don't know if you know the news! "

"Mr. Ding, is this a deliberate hint to me?" West is quite alert?!

Ding Yu almost couldn't stop laughing, "West, do you think you are very important? So why don't I look after them? Because Hart doesn't have any resistance emotion now, you have so-called resistance emotion, so I should treat you differently? And then let you do the mole? Is that so? "

"I don't know!" West scratched his head, and suddenly he seemed a little stupid! Can say such words unexpectedly!

"To some extent, it's your choice where you stand in the future, but is it the most possible? You can't make that choice! "

"Why?! Why? " West's expression changed a little bit!

Ding Yu pointed at himself with his finger, "I can make quite a choice! Because I have the power, I have the confidence, but what about you? What kind of influence do you have? What kind of confidence do you have? Can you decide where your family will go? Can you unite all the forces? At least at this time of the day, I can't see it! Under such circumstances, you seem to have made quite a choice, but in fact, what? You have no choice at all

"But there's still a chance, isn't there?" West looks at Ding Yu with eager eyes!

"I don't know!"?! It's hard to say Ding Yu shook his head, "it's hard to make this decision! Because there is too much uncertainty! Who knows? Maybe you'll go a different way, but if you do, I think it's a very happy thing. "

"Happy? Mr. Ding? "

"Why not! At least I led you to this road. For you, it's also a work of my sculpture. I also have a great sense of achievement. Although this work is not my original intention, so what? "What does Mr. Ding think? Really is some elusive, even do not know what should be said is good!

"Speaking of it, you should have seen my data. I believe there should be a description of my character in the data. I am an arrogant and domineering person! Right? "

West hesitated for a moment, but still couldn't say it! It seems that such a thing is not their own can be involved! I mentioned these in front of Ding Yu? There's no water in my head!

Even if Mr. Ding doesn't care, but curse his mother face to face? Not everyone has a good temper!

"Since you come here, the information about you will be concerned by all forces! Large and small forces, countless forces, they should strive to control all your information and information! It's no exaggeration to say that what color pants you wear today is not as important as you think! Even when you go to the large size, how long, how wide and how thick the toilet paper you use will be recorded to analyze your personality! "

The corners of West's mouth twitch. Isn't such a thing too straightforward or even disgusting!

But west didn't mean to deny it! Because in my opinion, such things are too normal! Even they will not feel too much exaggeration, there are considerable places, have not shown!

"Mr. Ding, I don't know if I should be honored, but I understand you! Don't show too obvious, you need to add a little protective color to yourself when it's quite necessary! "

"It's a good understanding, at least it can make you live longer!" Ding Yu nodded to west, "it's impossible for you to resist Hart's counterattack. That's Wang An's hand! But I'm afraid you will not only suffer from the pain on your body! "

There's a twitch in the corner of West's mouth! Because think of quite a thing, I feel a little bit not very good!

"Mr. Ding, I heard that when Molly and I came here, it was Rogers and piller who proposed to cheer us up?"

"I know about this. They went to the children in the family, because they couldn't support the whole thing. Piller has great sympathy for you and Molly, because he is also one of the parties! Can understand your pain! So Rogers was very impulsive at that time! "

"What? Is Rogers a bit tough? "

"I can understand. After all, I'm on the opposite side of him!" West laughs, but it's a little weird!

"Do as you like! The children in the family can't do it. They all have a certain sense of propriety. As for Hart's words, no matter what they are for? It's inevitable to fight with you! You conquered them by force, but it can't last long! It's like this time back, you can't hold it down! "

"I'm not afraid?"

"Come on! You don't have to sing! I can't give you a single overtime! But the family has prepared the wound medicine for you. There will never be any problem with this, so you know? "

West twisted his mouth and looked at Ding Yu in tears and laughter, "Mr. Ding, I'm alone?! There are four of them. Isn't this a bit unfair?! They play rogue

"It has nothing to do with me, so you don't have to be pathetic here! Those are your own business! I can at most guarantee that when you have a problem, there will be no other situation, and you will even be able to stand up! That's it! okay! If there's nothing wrong, you can go! Let them in by the way

Hart, after they came in, there was no anger! Slightly honest! Not enough, as long as people with a clear eye can see it, it's just pretending to be, and it's almost out of anger!

"What's the matter? I hear you're going to have a good fight with West? "

"Mr. Ding, we don't want to, but west has gone too far?" Rogers is always in the front. It seems that he is the one who has no brain?! But is it true? From the original selection, he is definitely not a brainless person!

But everyone's role is different, so now Rogers's performance is quite different!

"It's your business how you do it. I won't interfere, but I need you to remember something!"

"I understand. You can't have a black hand, and you can't have a dead hand! Everyone is the same Rogers immediately assured Ding Yu, "but Sir? Can such a thing be unexpected? "

"It's no use evading responsibility. You should all know that!"

"Sir, do you think we are doing the right thing?"

"It has nothing to do with right or wrong! As for your behavior? Courage is commendable, but stupid enough! "

A stick down, we all have some ignorant force, and even some silly eyes! Ding Yu's judgment makes us feel a little unacceptable, but we don't know how to deal with it! This is a very confusing thing!Hart blinked his eyes. "Mr. Ding, do you mean? We have been misled unconsciously? "

The words just finished, the other children have been unable to sit!

Ding Yu nodded, "it's OK, I can react, and the speed of reaction is so fast, it's OK!" However, Ding Yu still looked at them with disgusting eyes, "the way west used is very old-fashioned, even some are not worth mentioning, but absolutely easy to use! This kind of provocation may be unconscious, even he didn't feel it, but it can't be denied that you have fallen into the pit now! "

Hey! Ding Yu sneered, "it's all in the mud now! No matter which one of you has been covered with mud, you can't escape. It's so interesting! I think it's time to give West a big hand now! "

Hart, their faces are not so simple as blackening! It's just hard work!

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