Hart, although they are not in a bad mood, they are more or less affected!

They are normal people! Ding Yu has given them quite a lot of analysis! This makes them feel extremely chagrined! Who could have thought of such a situation?

"Mr. Ding?! We can only fight with West in mud and water?! You can't go ashore? "

"Now they have fallen into this pit! It's not a problem you can't figure out! For West, it doesn't matter, it's all in the pit anyway! It doesn't matter how miserable it is. Just throw some mud on your body! At least the goal has been achieved! "

Ding Yu said without salt or salt!

"Wang An has been pressing on this matter, and the children in the family have no intention of participating. Do you think they really don't know anything? Can't you see anything? " Ding Yu snorted, "maybe you all have considerable intelligence! But there is a certain deviation in the ability, because they have considerable experience and experience, and you! Lack of this, so quite often, it's like a monkey! "

Hart, they all have some shame! No matter who has suffered such a thing, I'm afraid there will be some embarrassment!

And they also feel vaguely now, before, Wang an seems to have given them this aspect of tips! It's the same with other people. It may sound like a joke at that time! But now! The hint is already very obvious!

But we didn't take it as a matter! From this, we can see how different the children of the Ding family are from them? Even at the beginning, they realized the problem!

No one will take the initiative to uncover such things! Really if the initiative to reveal! The west side will be very uncomfortable, and for Hart, they will be even more uncomfortable!

But they remember the lesson! Even in the heart are also quite a small temper! This time will not let West too much better! We must let him know the power of it!

"It's been such a long time! If you four are united, West is really hard to resist, so I need to give West a certain period of protection. You can discuss on your own, and think how long is more appropriate! There is no way, West is a person after all

Piler looks at Ding Yu! Then he drooped his little face and said!

"Mr. Ding! It is advisable to chase down the poor bandits

Ding Yu snorted with a smile, "good at learning! I should even give you a lot of praise! There's no problem with where you put it! I'm sure West will persevere! But not now! West can't be beaten down too much by you. He needs a lot of time to study! Instead of fighting with you! That's a bit of putting the cart before the horse! "

Give them a considerable explanation and popularization! You are here to learn, not to fight! Not to fight for a so-called win or lose! In that case, it can be anywhere!

"On the whole, I understand!" Hart nodded. "We'll recognize the mistake this time! Mr. Ding, we didn't do a good job! This is our problem! "

"Some bias?" Ding Yu shook his head, "this time I have quite a hint to the children at home, they also understand some of the links, so that you are deeply involved! This can let you have a deeper understanding, in the future, don't be too impulsive! Everyone is the same

Hart touched his head! This time things for themselves, but also a lesson! All along, I boast that I am very smart and can understand quite a lot of things! But in front of things, I really did not see clearly! I didn't understand! Obviously, being smart doesn't solve all the problems!

"Let me remind you! Let you learn something! The so-called grand banquet? It's full of intrigues! Is such a thing useful or not? Personally, I can't help but know! But there is not much need to show, there is not! It's basically OK! "

"Sir?! Why should we have them instead of using them? " Molly finally spoke! Seems to have a considerable interest in this!

"Many reasons! You can't use it, but you can't understand it! If you don't understand, it's easy to step into the trap! But if you use it, it's easy to get infected! Even quite often, I feel that this way is easy to use, easy to embark on the road of opportunism, and I will find out at that time! It's not worth the loss! "

"Can't you send and receive freely, sir?"

"How many people have you ever seen who can send and receive freely?" Ding Yu shook his head, "what about this problem? How should it be mentioned? After using too many methods, you will feel that this way is too convenient! Or if you go into the stock market, you will find it's too easy to make money! You can even maneuver! Anyway, I have people! There's power, too! All links can be opened up! As for the industry in my hands at that time, I can't attract too much interest! "A few children are quite experienced, after all, they are living in such an environment!

For the understanding of the stock market, is absolutely more profound!

"Isn't the stock market good, sir?"

"That's another question?! If extended, it's a little too big! Moreover, this problem has deviated from the one we discussed earlier. I just made a metaphor! When you think the money in the stock market is getting better, and it's so relaxed, will you come back to the industry? Basically, there are not many possibilities. What's the balance? There are not many people who can control it. At the beginning, they all want to maneuver, but in the end? They are all slaves to it

"Sir?! If you can control yourself? "

"I don't mean I'm not contaminated at all. I've even done quite a lot! It's the same with your family! To sum up, we are all the beneficiaries of interests. How to balance them? Keep calm! If you can, don't get contaminated at a certain time! Because you can't do it! Or put a hundred million in front of you. When you let go, you should let go. There will be no nostalgia. You can't do it, at least not yet! "

"I can't seem to do it!" Molly said with a smile!

"At least you can't do it at your age! For example, I now suddenly tell you a way to completely crush West, at least for a year or two, he can't turn over! You will think in your heart, should I refuse? What if I told you that you could beat West for ten years? If I told you that you could beat West all your life, would you refuse at that time? "

Several children looked at each other, although they said they had quite different understanding of Ding Yu's position! But taught Ding Yu, or let himself feel the strength of Ding Yu! For different children, there are different ways!

If it's someone else, how will you treat yourself? West didn't even know how to imagine!

Maybe there won't be too much expression on the surface, or even warm and cold, but in the dark? It's definitely left out in the cold! But Mr. Ding Yuding didn't do that. As always, not only to himself, but also to Hart. It seems that the children of the Ding family are in the same situation!

It's said that Mr. Ding Yuding is very powerful. At the beginning, West really didn't feel like this! After all, I don't have this insight, but now seeing is believing! I really feel it!

But all along, Mr. Ding's face has been so cold, whether it's himself and Hart, or the children of the Ding family, it seems that Mr. Ding doesn't show any difference. It's really hard for people to understand!

Treat yourself and Hart coldly. It's common sense that they are outsiders, isn't it?

But it's the same with your kids? There must be quite a problem in one's own character!

But the cold outside and the hot inside, West here, did not feel any so-called special treatment! Hart, although they stand in the opposite position with themselves, their relationship is fair! And the children of the Ding family? Did not show any contempt! Of course, there are more reasons? Or there is a big gap between them!

"And the four of you? What about? Out of breath? "

"Mr. Ding? At the beginning, I was a little out of breath, but later I felt very depressed! This is not the result we want at all! " Rogers stares at West with dissatisfaction on his face!

"Because he didn't really beat West, it was a bit embarrassing for him at most! From the form of expression, you win! But from the actual situation, West is the real winner

"Mr. Ding, is this a whipping?"

"Not quite! I just feel very interesting! It may be hard to see such a scene in the future! This scene must be recorded! If you are successful in the future! It's a very good material, isn't it? "

For Ding Yu's bad taste, we all feel that there are some root itching!

Even now is not so angry! Ding Yu is just a few words, but let each other's tension dissipate immediately! I'm afraid everyone didn't think of this!

But we will never give up easily! This field will come back one day! It just won't be like this again!

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