The weather is getting hotter, but due to the current farm and the environmental management, the performance is very good! So the air is very fresh! Children at home in the exercise, also began to appear short dress!

And Hart, they seem to be very adapted to the environment here! Ding Yu, as always! No change!

Hart, they like the air here very much. It's fresh, especially in the morning. They feel very comfortable. They don't have it at home! Even never felt it! In scientific terms, the oxygen content in the air is very high!

It's no wonder that the children of the Ding family, with such performance, are able to lay a good foundation for them in such an environment!

"Mr. Ding, why does the air here become so good? This is unimaginable in a modern city

Ding Yu wiped it with a towel, and all the children in the family were surrounded by it!

"It's quite normal. It's not a year or two of hard work. It's a few years of hard work, and it's still the struggle of countless people, that's how it is now! Now we all attach great importance to the economic benefits brought by Jinshan green water! It's too huge, so we will try our best to maintain it! "

"Mr. Ding, is this a mutual process?" Hart is quite interested in this!

"Natural! Only in this way is the best way! You can't tell them what kind of economic benefits Jinshan green water will bring! Only after let them experience, they will realize the problem! When they realize these problems, their enthusiasm is beyond imagination

"Long term vision, many people have! But the problem is that in the process of implementation, there are many problems! One of the most important points? In the process? Let many people's interests damaged, even within a short period of time there is no way to make up for it! So we will express quite disgust! Even confrontation! But let them realize the benefits, they will more support! And it's from the bottom of my heart! "

Hart, of course, they understood the meaning of Ding Yu's words!

It's not enough to have a long-term vision, and it's still far from enough. We need to have a considerable layout, even in the whole process, we need to bring considerable benefits, and then slowly accumulate!

"Sir, I've seen a lot of families that use the method of killing the chicken to get the eggs. It seems that it's also very good!"

"That's a bit of a prick! Different national conditions! There are also quite different ways to use! From my personal point of view, my way may be suitable, at least the vast majority of people have obtained considerable benefits! But from the perspective of some people, it's really hateful for me to do so! "


Ding Yu knocked his head with his hand, "I say a simple thing! Fruits and vegetables from the farm! Has always been based on high grade and high quality! Actually, the price is very expensive, but the vegetables used in the canteen are basically produced on the farm! I'll make all the employees eat enough! "

Hart, they all have something they can't understand!

"Sir, even if it's two meals a day, whether the farm can afford to live or not, I'm afraid it's a huge expense! If it's saved, it can bring huge profits to the whole farm! "

"You and I see different directions! I let the staff eat! And it's safe to eat! It's not that I really have a lot of money and can waste it wantonly. It's not like this! But the reason, you go to find it by yourself! It's actually a very simple thing! "

Originally, Ding Yu wanted to say it, but after thinking about it for quite a long time, Ding Yu gave up! Let them find it by themselves! In this way, the effect may be better! It will also make their understanding more clear!

The children at home are not surprised by this! They have already experienced such a problem! And it's the one with deep feeling! I didn't expect that there was such a way in it!

Relatively speaking, these things provided by the farm to employees seem to be very valuable, but after all, they are produced by the farm itself! Can't be compared with the sales! They are not equivalent to each other!

If you really do not let employees have any contamination, every day looking at these things drool! So what kind of problems will appear in this process? Mutual prevarication! It is true that there is a high wage attraction, there is a considerable management and monitoring! But so what? Why can't we just watch?!

So Ding Yu chose to let go! In this way, the enthusiasm of employees can be mobilized to the greatest extent!

Aren't you curious? Isn't feeling a rarity? It doesn't matter? Eat? It's not just full! Let you eat until you vomit, not afraid you eat! I'm afraid you won't eat!

And this is also the cause! Everybody for farm stuff! Not too much curiosity! Then will be more heart! Because the management is in place! We will put more energy and time on the farm! Not on the farm's products! This kind of calculation, the farm may make more money!Do you know that Ding Yu may not pursue interests and capital? How is that possible?

Even Ding Yu's pursuit in this aspect is bigger than anyone else! It's just that Ding Yu's ways and methods are slightly different! What's more, Ding Yu's way of expression has been recognized by everyone!

Time flies for two months! Hart and they have had quite a fight in this process, but west is not as handy as before! Even to a certain extent, they can't suppress Hart!

It's not that West doesn't work hard! It's not that West doesn't work hard! It's not like that at all! Among all the children, he is the one who pays the most attention, but there are four children on this side and Hart on that side!

Two fists are hard to fight with four hands. One hero can help two? What's more, Hart, four of them? Hart is not a thousand hands Avalokitesvara! Now can barely cope with it, it is already a very difficult thing!

But speaking up, these children have basically changed! Now if Terry and Leo see it! I'm afraid it's more than just dumbfounded!

However, although Ding Yu seems to be in a state of depression, the Wang family and the Su family already have some problems!

The meaning of the inside and outside has been very clear and obvious! You Ding Yu said that. It's already this time! This semester is coming to an end! Under such circumstances, how do you deal with it? Should you show your attitude?

Su Yuan called more than once, but Ding Yu was prevaricated! As for excuses? There are plenty! inconvenient! Not ready yet wait!

But Su Yuan is really patient! Not once, not twice, not twice, not three times! I've carried it to the end with you! It depends on whether you can carry it? Su Yuan also saw this very clearly and clearly!

The eldest son must have quite an idea, and even has made plans in this aspect! He doesn't speak now, not that he wants to fish intentionally, but that he has other considerations!

But you mentioned it to the family? So what? Is it difficult to make things noisy at home?

On the contrary, the eldest son doesn't mention anything now, but it makes the family feel so abnormal?! What does the boss want to do? Is there any other reason behind this? Or what other thoughts and opinions does the boss have?

Anyway, the more silent Ding Yu is now, the more interested everyone is in it!

As for what happens when you're interested? Just put pressure on Ding Yu!

What if we can't give Ding Yu? Even want to make a phone call to Ding Yu, there are some unlikely! But we can't disturb you, Ding Yu? Someone can do that, right?! Don't believe you, Ding Yu also dare to hang up Su Yuan's phone!

"In other words, it's not a short time for you to come here! What kind of plans do you have? "

Obviously, at this time, Ding Yu already has the idea of serving tea to see off guests!

"It's not feasible for you to stay here! I have already mentioned the reasons for that a long time ago! You are not the same as the children at home! The education you inherit is quite different from the children at home! Under such circumstances, let you continue to stay, will have a huge impact on you! And your context is now generally clear! "

"Sir?! Are you doing this on purpose? " Rogers showed a rather reluctant, "you have made a decision! We must have followed your personal instructions

"Not so much nonsense! I'll give you a week to clean up and get out of here! "

The children at home are laughing at each other! Hart, they are a little reluctant, mainly because it's so comfortable to stay here! But Mr. Ding said such words, absolutely not to joke, and they also know, Ding Yu do so, absolutely not tired of them! But there are other deep reasons!

A week's time is not long, short is not short, several children are left together, it is someone to send! But it was just delivered to the location of the station! After all, the children at home have other things to do, not so free!

Ding Yu didn't pay much attention to several children's affairs!

As for Su Yuan, I can't help it! Straight to open their own voice began to shout!

"What do you mean, boss?" I'm not too polite. I've been dallying for two months? The boss didn't show up at all! Together with those children at home, are they all tight lipped?

Other people really don't have many good ways? Why? Do you need to say why? Who is Ding Yu? Somewhere else? Maybe we can get some information, but in Ding Yu's hometown, such things still don't need to be done!Don't even need Ding Yu to make a sound, someone will let them know how powerful it is!

Whether you are a dragon or a snake? Come to this site, all need honest!

After all, such a thing is not to say that there is no criminal record! The trace on Ding Yu's body is too obvious! But also involves the Ding family's children, even the Wang family and the Su family, are not willing to talk about? That's why Su Yuan made a phone call at most, but didn't let anyone come over! I really dare not!

Too much fuss, no one has any benefits!

"They've just finished the exam now?! I don't want to add too much burden to them. This matter is under consideration and will take quite a long time! " Compared with the previous, Ding Yu finally let go! This is not easy!

"Then tell me, what's your plan?"

"Don't you have too many plans yet? It depends on the situation

"You fart for me!" Su Yuan is out of anger! "You think I'm an idiot, don't you? What time has it been? You even told me that? What do you want? "

Ding Yu is a little speechless! My mother seldom seems like this! It seems to be very angry! I really thought of this before! But now really is not the time to explain, because they have their own considerations!

"Why are you dumb? Speak

What can you say? You said everything! I really don't know what to say now!

"There's something strange about it! So for the time being, although they are young, they already have quite personality! So we need to think about it when we arrange it! " Ding Yu's tone is still not salty! "Plus there are other children here during this time! So there's a little bit of that! "

"I really don't know whether it's the children at home or the children outside. Why didn't I see you pay so much attention to other children? You've got a couple of jerks here, and you're pretty good! "

"It's complicated, and I can't explain it clearly for a moment!"

Ding Yu is still flat tone, but listen to let a person a little can't stop want to get angry!

"How did I hear they were leaving today?"

Ding Yu is so dumb. Is her mother ready to do it? This is really a headache, "their identity is not simple, it will be a very troublesome thing at that time! Anyway, I will never get involved in this matter! Can let me have no way to refuse the forces and people! Not much! "

Su Yuan was furious, but he could still understand his son's words! Obviously came to the boss there a few children, identity is unusual that kind of! Even if you want to handle it, you will be in trouble!

Although his eldest son's speech may be so ugly, but there is a saying, he really as to fool himself! At least I believe what he said is true!

"So? You just don't want to say it, do you? "

"It's still under consideration!" Ding Yu is really able to piss people off, "there are still considerable defects in their ability, so in the choice, we need to be more careful!"

Before Ding Yu finished, Su Yuan cried out, "I'll let your father talk to you in the evening!"

Then hang up the phone, Ding Yu blinked his eyes, and even stood helplessly on his shoulder, he knew it must be such a result! This is not too strange!

Very early, I have expected this, so now there is not too much strange!

It's not that my parents are wrong. It doesn't have much to do with this! Now I can only bear the pressure from my parents! As for the parents there Why must do so, in Ding Yu's view, there is a bit of intentional ingredients in it!

Too many people find their parents because of this! They may have nothing to do with themselves, but they don't have too many problems to find their parents!

Even Ding Yu has some doubts. Now his mother is sitting beside other people! As for who? I don't have so much interest! Can delay a day is a day!

In the evening, when Wang Changlin came back, looking at his wife sitting in the living room, he took off his jacket!

"What's the matter? Feeling that the mood is not so high? "

"Don't mention it!" Su Yuan snorted, "I feel the threshold of our house is about to be trampled down! One after another! There is no repetition! It's all for the kids at home! How long has it been! Boss! I really resisted it! That mouth is just like being sewn on. I can't pick anything out at all! "

Wang Changlin said with a smile, "it seems that the boss has made quite a decision, and even has made quite a lot of arrangements very early. You don't know about his affairs. He has always been a schemer! It's too late to inquire now! ""Are you so confident?"

"He is my son, how can I not understand, but it's also very good! After all, there are so many problems involved in the follow-up. Now there are quite plans in all aspects. More wolves than meat! I heard Xiao Gang is there? Some people have already made considerable moves! Although it's not so obvious! "

"The boss doesn't care?"

"What was in his mind? I'm afraid only he himself is the most clear! Others don't know what the boss is thinking! But the education of those children is very good! "

"Speaking of this, I've heard that all the five children from abroad have left! Do you know that? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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