After Ding Yu met Wang Xiaogang here, he did not take a plane, but took the high-speed rail!

Holding his chin, Ding Yu has leisure to look at the book in his hand! A little quiet! Have been waiting for the people next to sit down! Ding Yu did not take a look at the meaning! Completely unmoved!

It's the people nearby looking at Ding Yu! Heart is also a move! Face value is too resistant to fight! See oneself is also the feeling that move unceasingly! Little heart is almost to the throat! There is that calm! Up and down looked at the body above the dress, slightly convenient! I can see that it's not a big brand, but it gives people the feeling that it's suitable!

There is also reading, the performance of the natural, really let their heart!

The only thing that makes you feel so bad? Maybe it's the pair of glasses on the nose! But it's definitely not the so-called luxury in my impression, because I didn't find any trace!

What about the unique logo? Maybe it's because I'm sitting next to my glasses. I can see the sign of a feather on my glasses legs! There are some ordinary feathers. Take out your mobile phone and check it. It seems that there is no luxury goods that use this as a logo! Maybe it's just what it looks like!

But how to see how comfortable! It's like the wolf is looking at the rabbit!

After turning a page of the book, Ding Yu can feel something. He looks at a girl with big sunglasses and a baseball cap on her head. Out of politeness, Ding Yu nods slightly!

That's all! Ding Yu doesn't have much interest in it! Naturally, there will be no other reaction! I'm just going back to Beijing! No other ideas, so naturally will not show too much care! What's more, does it have anything to do with yourself?

Ding Yu's action really makes the next one feel a bit itchy! Even there are some doubts, next to the man is not? Although he did not take off his glasses and hat, but his style? What about your own movements? He's like a blind man who can't see!

This is really very angry! Even a little annoyed!

When I was angry, I heard a burst of telephone ringing! Ding Yu frowned slightly!

When answering the phone, I apologized to the girl next to me. If it was on my own private plane, I didn't need to care about it, but now I'm on the train! You need to take care of other people's emotions! "Hello! Mother

"Where is it?" Su Yuan's voice is so stiff!

"Back to Beijing today?! I had a look at Xiaogang before, so there was not much need for the plane! So I came back by motor train! " Ding Yu explained in a low voice! It seems very casual and peaceful! There is no previous deal! People really have some doubts!

"Did you inform the housekeeper? Let the housekeeper pick you up! "

"No! I'll just go back by car! " Ding Yu explained, "I don't know what the situation is. I'll talk about it then!"

"Dinner at home in the evening?"

"If there's nothing wrong, I'll be home for dinner then!"

After hanging up the phone, Ding Yu nodded to the people next to him again! But the expression on the face is a little bit indifferent. It makes the girl next to me feel angry!

"Hello?" After a moment's hesitation, the girl thinks she should not be too reserved, because she is a business seat, so the space is a little big, but she still doesn't want to take off her hat! "You look familiar?"

Ding Yu looked up for a while, there was not much feeling in his impression! "Hello! Not much impression! " Then Ding Yu raised a book in his hand, "excuse me!"

Politely refused! Ding Yu is not a person with a brain of rice green worm! Who is this next to me? I'm not so interested! May also be too much knowledge, know too much, slightly so calm!

"You don't know me?" The voice is a little bit sharp, Ding Yu takes a look!

"Sorry?" Ding Yu's insipid, let the next to the almost in situ explosion!

But what does a middle-aged woman in the business seat feel? Hesitated for a moment, then stood up, "Yalin?" When he came to his side, he yelled softly. His eyes were also on Ding Yu's body!

Other don't say, just this temperament, let people have a kind of inexplicable feeling! Ding Yu looks at the file in the middle-aged woman's hand! He stretched out his hand. "Do you know Linlin?"

"Linlin?" Not only the middle-aged women were stunned, but also the girls beside them!

Even when I handed in the documents in my hand, there are some unclear! After Ding Yu looked at it, he returned it again! "When did Gongyi become a producer?"

"Do you know Mr. Gong? He's in the soft berth! "Ding Yu is stunned for a moment, "is he there too?" He said with a smile, "see if he is free? I haven't seen you for years! "

Listen to the tone of speech, whether it is next to the girl, or standing middle-aged women are a Leng! Listen to this, there is no commander, but the tone is a little big! Let the general manager of the palace come here. Don't you really know who the general manager of the palace is? Or is it?

But if you really have identity? Why not sit in the soft seat, but in the so-called business seat? However, middle-aged women do not have too much hesitation! "Mr. Gong is a little busy with his business!"

"Ask if he's free, and I'll see you!" No other hesitation!

The middle-aged woman nodded to the next Yalin, and then left quickly. Of course, she would not go to the soft seat directly! The palace meaning that sits in soft seat is a little puzzled, what circumstance? Is it true that you are not here to enjoy Qingfu?

Do you know Linlin? But also let yourself out in person!

"Who is it?" Gong Yi asked casually!

"Mr. Gong, I can't say it. I feel very reserved and handsome. I can't even see how old I am, but it gives me a personal feeling, let alone a little life! Even if it is a column, there is no problem! The temperament is extraordinary. I'm a person who has seen the world. I really haven't seen this kind of person! "

Huh? Gong Yi Leng for a while, then suddenly stood up! "I'll do it! Wait for me, I'll be right there! " Suddenly, Gong Yi seems to realize who this person is?

I really didn't expect that I would meet this one here?! This is NIMA's! Gong Yi feels that this is not as simple as stimulation! It's just pie in the sky!

Gong Yi almost trots to Ding Yu's carriage and looks at the agent waiting at the door! Slightly nodded his head! "Sister Chen, look at me. What's wrong with me? Give me a tidy up! "

Chen Jie is a little silly, but she gives Gong Yi some arrangement for the first time! "Mr. Gong, it's a bit casual! I'm not prepared! "

"Nothing! It must be clean and tidy! " Gong Yi took a deep breath, "didn't you say anything?"

"No, it's just that Yalin feels so handsome! Some can't pull out their eyes?! At that time, I thought something had happened, so I took a look! At that time, he still had the script in his hand. He saw the name of Mr. Gong! "

Gong Yi nodded, looked at it again, opened the door of the carriage, almost walked forward quickly all the way, and came to Ding Yu's seat! Ding Yu looks at Gong Yi standing there! And the girl standing up, pressed her hand!

"Big or small?"

"Sit down! It's not like standing After waiting for the palace to sit down beside him, Ding Yu glanced at him, "I haven't seen you for several years! How about Linlin? When she talks to me, she always reports good news but not bad! And I haven't been at home for a few years, so I don't have so many opportunities to meet each other! "

"No! Willing to bear hardships, and generous, no other messy things, and carry a lot of back, Yalin is she brought out, but a little bit so crazy! Lin Lin's younger generation! Let me talk about the investment situation. Now many people are quite interested in the movie business! It's all personal investment! Sometimes, I also need to give you some explanation! "

"I heard I found a good boyfriend?"

"Well! I'm not a member of the circle, or even a little ordinary. I've investigated and investigated. There's no problem with my character. As for other things, I'm not good to interfere! After all, this is between them! "

"I know the news. My sister-in-law mentioned it to me. I can't ask too much about it? As long as they have a better life, the rest is not a problem! I hear you're married! Do you have any children? "

"Yes!" Gong Yi is very cautious looking at Ding Yu, "but the child is a little bit naughty!"

Looking at Gong Yi's hesitation, Ding Yu said, "how? What's the matter? "

"I didn't dare to hide from you. I wanted to take part in the summer camp before, but I didn't go in!"

When he said this, Gong Yi even didn't dare to look directly at Ding Yu!

Ding Yu is to lift a finger to point, a face hate its indisputable appearance, "how? I just don't care? Or do you think I'm not trustworthy? " He looked at it with complaint, "Linlin, the girl! Whether it's hard work or hard work, there's a lot of support from you. I know that! "

He sighed, "you! The mind is penetrating, but sometimes it's too much! "

"Hey, young man, I'm afraid to disturb you! We all know that you are busy! These things about me are trivial, nothing? There is not so much need! "

"Go to the housekeeper then! Just say what I said! Children are the future! Is it difficult for us to do everything just for ourselves? It's like bullshit Ding Yu snorted! "Also, when you have time, do more exercise. You look good! And can see it! No mess, but running, swimming! Don't think playing golf is exercise! ""Well! I'll listen to you For this, Gong Yi also patted his chest twice! A look of loyalty!

"Come on! Go to your work?! I'll just go back and have a look! "

Gong Yi didn't stop at all. "If there's anything, please say hello!"

When leaving, Gong Yi deliberately gives sister Chen a color. After two people get out of the car, Gong Yi breathes out, "my God, there's no thin list! How many years have you not seen any more? "

"General manager Gong?" Elder sister Chen looks at the appearance of Gong Yi, her heart is also a little shocked!

"Don't look at me like that? Compared with this young man, he is a star in the sky. What about me? No ants on the ground

"General manager Gong?" Sister Chen took another look at the position of Ding Yu in the box, "if you are an ant, what are we?"

Gong Yi waved his hand. "I didn't expect that Da Shao still remembered this feeling?! Linlin is his niece. Before Linlin's debut, I was confused at that time. I was adored when I was young. In fact, I can't say that. It was mainly for the sake of stimulation at that time, but fortunately, I didn't do anything wrong! "

When speaking, Gong Yi took a deep look at sister Chen!

Chen elder sister a Leng, immediately seem to comprehend what, "I charge Ya Lin a, let her..."

"Elm head!" When he said this, Gong Yi couldn't help laughing, "it's too small! He has always been a man of self-discipline

"No? At least it's a man Sister Chen said some fun!

"I'm a man, too! There's nothing wrong with making a scene, but what's the point? " Gong Yi shakes his head, "if you ask, just say something. What do you have to say? If you don't ask, please don't worry about Yalin! "

Looking at the girl sitting beside him again, Ding Yu took a look at her! Yalin found that when she looked at herself, there was no desire in her eyes, which was very light! Even let oneself have so some self abasement feeling!

"What? Can I help you? "

"I heard you know sister Lin Lin?" Speaking of Xu Linlin, Yalin doesn't seem to be a general worship! "Sister Linlin is my senior sister. She took good care of me after I started my career?"

"He's my niece!" Ding Yu calmly replied, "it's not a good thing to think wildly! It's good to work steadfastly! Don't aim too high! "

Yalin spat out her little tongue! "I've never heard sister Linlin say it before!"

"Life! Opportunity is very important, but it doesn't mean strength! " Maybe it's because of Gong Yi, or maybe it's because of Lin Lin. in addition, this girl makes her feel that she has a good eye. So Ding Yu mentions two sentences: "with considerable power, you can seize the opportunity. When there is no power, even if the opportunity is placed in front of you, it doesn't have much effect!" Ding Yu simply said a few words, then did not pay too much attention, concentrate on looking at his book!

When waiting for the bus to arrive at the station, looking at the housekeeper waiting outside, Ding Yu shook his head!

"Why did you come in person? I'll just go back by subway! "

When dealing with the housekeeper, Ding Yu is still genial. After all, the housekeeper is different from others!

Two people said change smile, but let Yalin and sister Chen two people have so some silly! And Gong Yi is standing not far away, see Ding Yu nodded, this just urged next to Yalin and Chen Jie to leave together!

"Sir?! I thought you'd come back by plane! "

"Just on the spur of the moment! In addition, it's not very convenient to fly now! Too many people are concerned! Of course, they are not paying attention to me, but to the children at home. They are really impatient! But this is for others to see! In fact, it's all one result! "

The housekeeper smiles. They get on the subway very soon. There is a car outside, but it seems that the subway should be faster! As for whether it is comfortable or not, it is not so important for Ding Yu and the housekeeper!

"It's said that the capital is very busy these two days?"

"Hi! It's almost boiling! " The subway is not so crowded, but Ding Yu and the housekeeper are standing, and they don't want to sit down! The voice of two people is so low, the place is not so suitable!

After waiting to get off, Ding Yu sighed, "in this way, there should be quite a few people coming to the door!"

"Not bad?! Anyway, the gate of siheyuan can't get in, but the restaurants in my house are full every day. I even have some doubts. Are they really going to eat? "

Ding Yu also couldn't help laughing, "carrying a pig's head to the temple gate, can't you burn incense temporarily?"

The housekeeper was dumb, "sir?! Everyone seems to have a strong idea in this respect! "

"I still need to go home for dinner in the evening. I don't know what it will be like. My father and mother have been fighting for such a long time, and there is a lot of pressure. If I don't come back, let alone an outsider! Even at home, I'm afraid they are quite dissatisfied! "The housekeeper laughs. I can't answer this! After all, it involves the Wang family and the Su family! Even my husband is not willing to mix in, so I don't have to say anything!

"It's said that Qiuyan is a girl over there!"

"Well! I went to see it twice. Both my husband and wife are here, and neither are the children at home! Now everything is OK! No problem? Sir

"When it comes to Xiaogang, I haven't let him come back. There are quite a lot of things in it. Xiaogang's pressure is very big! It's really inappropriate not to let him come back now! "

"Sir, I don't think they have any complaints, and they are even quite grateful! After all, everyone knows the truth! "

"Truth is truth! Things are things! Can not be separated from the point of view, some things still need to do! After all, it's easy to say but hard to hear! Is that right? "

Two people so leisurely back to the courtyard! Ding Yu washed and rinsed again. After changing his body, he sat in his own position again! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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