The news of Ding Yu's coming back soon passed on, because Ding Yu's coming back is not so secret!

He came back by train! And did not hide themselves, with him together with the palace meaning and others are also investigated very clearly! It's not difficult at all! But Ding Yu's action is so strange!

It's not that Ding Yu will come back all of a sudden, and the way Ding Yu comes back is a little puzzling? On purpose?

If you really don't want to attract attention, you can make a plane, or let the courtyard arrange it, rather than come back by motor train! It seems a little too deliberate!

Then recently we have quite a few words to say to Ding Yu! But the door of siheyuan is not so easy to get in! And Ding Yu is not always good tempered!

Everyone put a lot of pressure on the Wang family and the Su family, but it didn't work at all!

It's not that the Wangs and the suss have turned everyone away! There are two problems! How about one? To a certain extent, these children are all children of the Ding family. They are closely related to the Wang family and the Su family, so the Wang family and the Su family are not worried at all. What's more? Ding Yu has a firm attitude towards this!

I don't care what other people think, or what kind of attitude they have! For me, there is no meaning, nor any value! How I do it is my own business!

In other words, you don't have to worry about it! To put it bluntly, it's so simple!

But even so, people are still flocking to this. Why? Do you need to explain the reasons? The children of the Ding family have begun to emerge one after another! Now this time do not play a good relationship and hand in? It's hard not to be true. Everyone else has become Jackie Chan! And then think about making friends? The day lily is cold!

There are not many days for the beginning of school! Even to give everyone the feeling, Ding's children should have been arranged properly! But where are they all arranged? Everyone is very anxious! The forces behind the Wang family and Su family are also very anxious!

These children of the Ding family will definitely return to the capital! But who will come back?

There is a lot of discussion about this matter, and there is another thing behind it that can't be ignored!

What happened to Wang Xiaogang this time? At least so far, Wang Xiaogang is still no movement! This makes people feel that there are so many worries, especially the Wang family and the Su family! After all, Wang Xiaogang is the guarantee of the future!

If Ding Yun and Ding Chang any of them go to Beijing! So Wang Xiaogang lost the initiative, this for some people of the Wang family and the Su family, simply can not accept!

But the problem is that Ding Yu harbors evil intentions? Or does he really have another arrangement? Now there is no final conclusion, but it's really not easy to come out, because everyone has some worries about whether it will be self defeating!

When Ding Yu came to his parents' home, Wang Yang was there and Lin Qiuyan was there! I don't know if it was intentional!

Nodding is to say hello, not too much enthusiasm, but Ding Yu has always been so, but there are not too many good strange!


"Just a few days?" Wang Yang took a look at his elder brother, and then looked at his wife! There are so many people looking for themselves these days. Together with Qiuyan, they are also seriously affected. Originally, there were quite a lot of problems in the emotional aspect of pregnancy, but now they are slightly anxious!

"I took a look at Xiao Gang before I came back. I don't know if he is free these days! I think we should be able to catch up. If possible, it would be better to let him come back two days later. Don't let him bear too much pressure! "

Wang Yang was stunned! Then he blinked his eyes!

"They don't come back? Brother, is this too much? "

When Lin Qiuyan heard this, her heart seemed to have a considerable judgment! This period of time, there are always people whispering in their ears, saying how is their son? How's your uncle? I believe in uncle! But I can't stand it. People come to me every day, and I can't even refuse!

Three people become tigers, even if it's not true, it's hard to avoid moving in my heart!

"Tong Tong will come back to the capital. When Xiao Gang comes back in two days, it can be regarded as calming everyone's mood. As for the other children? The little girl stayed at home. She was a little young. Although it's not a bumpy situation now, don't go out! In this case, we are very relieved! "

"But big brother?" Wang Yang's expression is a little anxious!

But Ding Yu didn't pay any attention, "not so much, but I asked the children's opinions on this matter, and they made their own choice! As for where they are going? I'll know in two days! "

When Su Yuan came out of the room, he took a look at his eldest son, which was similar to what he and his husband had expected. But so far, he still didn't know where the children were going. It's a pity!This is the boss! It's very decisive when doing things! It's also very long-term!

For the family, for the children, and even for the outside world, what the boss has done is a very good account, but there are also quite uncomfortable places. He never mentioned where other children would go back? A little more! From the beginning to the end, I didn't mean to ventilate with my family!

It's a unilateral decision. To a certain extent, when I come back this time, I just want to tell my family that it's quite a decision! I don't understand the thoughts of my family at all! Let yourself say something?

Too much personality! Anyway, I'm a mother, and my heart is sour!

"Back?" Ding Yu stood up, although he finally sat down, but from the etiquette and attitude, there is not much to be picky about! Wang Yang is with his wife looked at one eye!

For both of them, in addition to Xiaogang, other things are really not so concerned!

Now that we have reached a conclusion about Xiao Gang, uncle has made quite a lot of arrangements. Even before I came here, I went to see Xiao Gang. This is enough to explain all the problems! At the same time, they let their hearts down!

"Well! I went home to change clothes earlier! Wash up

Su Yuan looked at his son, slightly nodded his head, some things now really don't need to mention too much! The boss has already told us about Xiao Gang and Tong Tong. Under such circumstances, don't go too far!

It's true that the family is under a lot of pressure, but the performance may be a little bit serious. In fact, there are not many problems and conditions! And the boss is back now! Quite a lot of pressure also came to the boss's side. He didn't say anything, and there won't be too many mentions and inquiries at home!

"How many more days this time?"

While talking, Su Yuan takes care of her little daughter-in-law! But the eyes are looking at their own boss!

"Not so clear!" Ding Yu's answer is very vague! "I don't know what's going to happen yet?"

Su Yuan and his family were obviously stunned for a while. Obviously, they didn't expect such an answer. It seems that Ding Yu should have other things, otherwise he wouldn't say so!

After waiting for Wang Changlin to come back, the family began to eat. Of course, Lin Qiuyan is the exception. After all, her physical condition is so special, and after eating, she left early!

And leave with Wang Yang!

There is no meaning for them to stay, and they are just not sure about Xiao Gang!

At the time of leaving, Wang Yang looked at his eldest brother and gave him a smile!

"Big brother! You don't mind! "

Ding Yu snorted. He really didn't mean to be angry. It's not worth being angry for such a thing. What's more, when parents have some ideas and opinions, it's not a big deal, and even normal. At least in Ding Yu's opinion, it's so!

"Don't be too impulsive! Especially about Xiao Gang! " When talking, also deliberately patted his brother's arm! There are so many encouraging meanings!

"Brother, I'm so impulsive Wang Yang is quite embarrassed!

"Xiao Gang doesn't have too many problems, but he carries a lot of pressure and expectations. Now these are just a few superficial things! It's not a big deal, but what will happen in the future? Hard to say?! So you father? You need to take it easy, understand? "

Wang Yang Leng for a while, and then solemnly nodded at his brother! "I know!"

After Ding Yu came back, he went to his father's study! My parents seem to have been ready for a long time!

When I saw Ding Yu, I also gave a sign! "For the sake of the children?"

"Generally speaking, there are quite a lot of arrangements. When Tong Tong comes back to the capital, Xiao Gang stays where he is. After two years, let's see the situation. What's my personal tendency? He'd better not come back! Back then too abrupt, as for the little girl, or stay at home, too young! It's not so suitable! "

Wang Changlin and Su Yuan looked at each other!

"What about the other children? They're not coming back?! Is that really good? "

"There are a lot of inappropriate things when they come back. In the past few days, they are dealing with this aspect by themselves. I also want to see what kind of performance they will have. Maybe there will be quite a surprise. Of course, there may also be other situations!"

After hearing this, Wang Changlin didn't move! Like in a daze, but also like thinking!

But Su Yuan thought for a while, "are you so relieved about the children at home? Are you not afraid of other things? They are not as old as they think! You must pay attention to this point! ""It's not a bad thing to make a fuss. I'm afraid they won't make a fuss?"

This word sounds a bit like a person, but Wang Changlin was stunned for a moment!

"Well, I'm afraid they won't make trouble!"

Su Yuan feels a little confused. What does the father and son mean? Now this time suddenly say such words, is to feel at home too to stop? But at home is already very calm?

For a moment, Su Yuan thought a little more!

Wang Changlin took a look at his wife. He didn't pay much attention to it. Instead, he looked at his eldest son. "It's not likely that Wang An will make a fuss. As for Ding Chang? He doesn't seem to be a noisy character, so only Ding Yun! I've got quite a feeling now! "

Ding Yu also looked at his father and nodded his head slightly!

"I'm not afraid that she's noisy. I'm afraid that she won't be noisy. It's hard to say! Wang An's temperament is relatively stable. Even if it makes him agitated, he will not agitate. As for Ding Chang? It's hard to say, so we need to deliberately arrange a place for him! "

Wang Changlin sighed a little, "this arrangement is also good! I have a heart! It's hard for you to have such an arrangement! They should not have too many opinions and ideas! "

Su Yuan blinked his eyes twice. What's the situation? What kind of riddle are they playing? After listening for half a day, how can I feel that I didn't understand anything? Or is he too stupid?

After his eldest son left, Su Yuan looked at his husband with rather resentful eyes!

"What does boss mean? Why didn't I understand a word? "

Wang Changlin said with a smile, "it's meaningless! That is very clear! Ding Yun's temperament! Sometimes careless, and even some bold, so need considerable care, this has been doomed to her fate! There's no place else? "

Very important point! Su Yuan was slightly absent-minded, and then said in a tentative tone, "the boss has more power in the country, and the farm is a big one, but listen to the meaning, Ding Yun should not stay in the farm's sphere of influence! She won't come to Beijing? Then the place is where the boss started! On the other side of the city forest? "

"That's how it should be on the whole!" Wang Changlin said, "the boss's relationship over there is extraordinary. I heard that Chenglin mentioned some of them! But what he knows is above the surface, as for what kind of relationship in private, it is not known! To put Ding Yun there should also be out of many considerations! "

"What about Wang An and Ding Chang? Where are the two of them going? "

"Wang An, I have a guess. He should go to Shanghai. Since he doesn't come to the capital, he can only go to Shanghai. Our eldest brother doesn't attach great importance to this great apprentice. Of course, Wang An is very competitive. As for Ding Chang? It's really hard to say about this monkey cub! "

"Why don't Ding Chang go to Shanghai, but let Wang an go?"?! What does the boss think? "

Su Yuan seems very dissatisfied with this! Even a little angry!

"Ding Chang's identity is appropriate, but due to other reasons, he is extremely inappropriate now. It is obvious that the eldest brother's way of training children at home is quite different! As for whether it's good or bad, it's too early to mention it now! After all, what we see is nothing more than appearances! "

The explanation is very reasonable, but for Su Yuan, there is no significance!

"In this way, except Ding Chang, all the other children have quite a lot of arrangements, but is this a little hard to understand! Since the boss has released all the children! At least to achieve a certain balance, just like Xiaogang? He seems to have got nothing, but in fact? He gets the most

In a word, Wang Changlin lost his mind directly! Even fell into a considerable thinking! "What you said is very reasonable. Now I have a guess. Where did Ding Chang go back! But is it really good to do it like this? Is the boss a little bit bold? "

Obviously, at this time, Wang Changlin seems to have some worries!

Even to Wang Changlin personal feeling, a little bit can't grasp his eldest son is how to think!

Although I guess some of the truth of the matter, I still don't grasp the context of the subject, or the eldest son just gives me what I want to see, as for what I don't want to see! I didn't see it at all!

It's the personality of the eldest son. He has always been like this. We all know what we want to know, but if we don't want others to know, then even if we put all the truth in front of you, you can't see it!

"What's your opinion?"

"No comment?" Wang Changlin shook his head. "What's more, there's no opinion, and it doesn't have any effect. The boss left Xiaogang and sent all the children out of the house, that is, let the children go back to Beijing! He has given an account to his family, even to the forces behind his family. What else do you want? ""But?" Su Yuan frowned! "How do I feel more like a warning?"

"It was a warning! Let some people not have any thoughts! Count with one stone! Obviously, the boss has considered all aspects! Especially at home! If there are any other ideas at this time? What is the personality of the boss? I believe we all know something about it! "

Su Yuan sighed a little! "Some people in my family have other thoughts, and I don't know how they have such thoughts?"

"People? It's all such a situation! The eldest brother has a lot of consideration and has an account of the family. As for the external affairs, does it have anything to do with the family? Does it have anything to do with the boss? Since it doesn't matter? What's the point? "

"That's true!" Su Yuan couldn't help laughing, "but speaking of it, if the boss came back for this thing, isn't it a bit too much fuss?! There should be something else in it! "

"Who knows? Don't you know his temperament? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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