"Brother, I heard that some people are very excited these two days! You need to be careful

After seeing the child, Wang Li took advantage of everyone's confusion. She gave Ding Yu a turn with her elbow, and then said this in a low voice. Obviously, she didn't want to attract other people's attention!

After all, such a thing is not a glorious thing, can not let others know, or do not let others know!

But Ding Yu is obviously not interested in such things! Just slightly nodded his head, it is obvious that there are other ideas for quite a lot of things!

"Big brother, you've let all the children out, isn't it a bit exaggerated?"

Seeing that her elder brother didn't have much reaction, Wang Li changed the topic!

"What's the matter? Do you have an idea? " Ding Yu seems to have some interest in Wang Li's sudden mention of this matter, so it's also a hum! "Or did someone find under your door? Is this relationship broad enough? "

Wang Li snorted, but obviously on purpose!

"There's no way. Who can make the children at home so excellent? Nobody dares to reach out to Wang Xiaogang. Who doesn't know what's going on? " Having said that, I also took a look at my elder brother!

Yes! The place where Wang Xiaogang is, no one dares to use his hands and feet, even if he does it, it doesn't have any effect! How could the school not know about Wang Xiaogang? Although the number of people who know it is relatively small, it is absolutely heavyweight!

Can be in a school! Just look familiar! If the relationship is a little better, we can play together at ordinary times! As for thinking about the so-called relationship, it's not as easy as you think!

The dragon does not live with the snake. It's reasonable! Now with Wang Xiaogang play together is a lot of small partners, but really can play together is not so many people! Because there are so many evils in Wang Xiaogang's performance, it's not easy to keep up with Wang Xiaogang's pace! Even give the feeling of a little unlikely!

Just like Li Xiang, why can he be so self disciplined? Is it really hard for people to understand?

Is it because of the power of capital? Or did he see the money, that's why he did it?

If you really say that, it seems that there are too many biases, and even people feel that there are so many wrongs! Is this the result? Some children can't bear it at all! They gave up on their own initiative! With Wang Xiaogang together, there is no problem, but the real friends, this is too difficult!

With the parents of these children, this is also a complex mind! Wang Xiaogang is definitely not a hard to reach person! Even give people the feeling, he is very mature, sometimes will take the initiative to help students and friends!

But the problem is the kids he's with? I can't bear the pressure! Because the parents of these students see everything in their eyes, and the children at home are self disciplined, but the problem is that they can't do it at all!

Because this way for children, too heavy, is a kind of masochistic, together with these parents have seen, feel that there are some not too much!

One day, two days, one month, two months is still like this, whose children are not iron!

However, it is also because of this reason that we have a very special feeling about the children of the Ding family. If such a child is not successful, who is successful, and the family situation is extraordinary, we have never relaxed our own requirements!

Not that they don't play! Don't relax! It's really not like that!

Play basketball! Swimming! And so on the project, play is shot, but these children are very clear, these are used to relax themselves! It's not their main direction to exercise themselves in the future! So there's no need to be like an elephant!

It's hard to distinguish between the primary and secondary, rare or so old, how can people not feel? How can people forget to return?

"Whose child?"

"Don't ask whose child is elder brother! However, there must be no other situation, and it's not a cut in. It's a coincidence that children enter the school, regardless of the environment! The school spirit and other aspects are quite good. They all want to communicate with Tong Tong. You won't object, elder brother? "

Ding Yu blinked his eyes, "what's the situation of Tong Tong? I basically won't intervene in this matter! But Wang Li, let me remind you that there are other identities behind Tong Tong. Pay attention to them yourself

The identity of a child? Wang Li Leng for a moment, then also remember what? Take a look at my big brother!

"Brother? Isn't that a little bad? A little out of line? What's more, how old is Tong? It's a bit too much for the intelligence department to get involved at this time! "

Looking at Wang Li has understood quite a situation, Ding Yu is also relaxed, as for the people around, it is not so much!"Let Tong Tong come back? Even the children at home to be released, there are many considerations! It's not as simple as you think! It's no big deal to play with Tong Tong, just like Xiao Gang! Can keep up with the rhythm, whatever they like! If they can't keep up with the rhythm, they will leave by themselves

In this regard, Wang Li's mouth is also a little twitch? Why do you say that? Keep up with the rhythm of children? It's really not a simple thing!

Xiao Gang's situation at home is very clear to her aunt. She has two sons and has discussed with her husband about it! Looking at his nephew's situation, Wang Li will naturally consider for her son!

At the beginning, I talked with my elder brother about this aspect, but later it was not settled. Why? Because after I have seen it, I really feel that I can't bear it! Too harsh for children!

But after the children of the Ding family came out, Wang Li felt that she couldn't just let her children go! Although going to the summer camp and winter camp, let the children at home have a considerable change, but not enough, far from enough!

When the children of the Ding family didn't come out, we didn't feel the sense of crisis, but now that the children of the Ding family have been released, everyone's sense of crisis comes up all of a sudden! And it is not so easy to be eliminated!

After all, other people's children grow up with the speed visible to the naked eye, and then they will become towering trees? What about our children? Even the so-called saplings are not, the wind blows down?! Can this work?

It doesn't mean that they have to do something about it? This kind of thing is not realistic, but the parents do not want their children to become excellent people? It's a joke! It's like they join summer camp and winter camp! Why?

"Brother, is Tong Tong here in the capital? It's better. At least Tong doesn't look like Wang an! Or Ding Yun and Ding Chang are the same! " When talking, Wang Li took a look at Wang Xiaogang not far away, "but even so, people who want to hit children are flocking to pay attention. Under such circumstances, what will happen to other children? I can't imagine it

"So?" Ding Yu asked without care!

Wang Li gave a white eye, "so now they are like little white rabbits! All around are big gray wolves. In this case, will there be any other problems? After all, I always feel that this kind of behavior is too risky! Even making fun of the kids in the house

Ding Yu shook his head, some things? Now the explanation is really not so convenient!

"Yes! What about the two of them? "

"Don't mention it!" Of course, Wang Li understood what her elder brother meant. "I went to Shangnan for two days! Shangnan can't stand it. I brought it back! Are about to become a little ancestor! Shangnan is miserable! I can't laugh or cry! "

"How is his job?" Ding Yu has a good idea of the children's affairs. Even if the two little guys make trouble again, what can they do? They haven't reached that level yet. It's normal for them to spend a few days in Shangnan during the holiday! It's reasonable, isn't it?

"There's nothing wrong with work! The performance is very good! But listening to Shangnan, he still thinks it's better to be calm. There's no need to go so fast! "

Oh? This is to let Ding Yu slightly Leng for a while, pondered for quite a long time! Obviously thinking about something! "What does Dad mean, or is it their home?"

"Merchants hope that Shangnan can go faster! But it's true that Daddy means that Shangnan has a very good future, but there's no need to go out so early, or even slow down. Daddy has talked with Shangnan about this

Ding Yu glanced again, "what's your opinion? What's Shangnan's opinion? "

"I don't have any idea. I'm worried about my two children! What about Shangnan? I don't think it's good to walk too fast. It's easy to float! "

"So there are some differences in the opinions of the merchants?"

Looking at Wang Li, Ding Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, "I always pay little attention to this aspect of the matter, with the things at home, I have always been reluctant to get involved! It seems that you mentioned a little more today! "

"There are so many and too many! But now there are few people who can talk about it! It's amazing. I will not go to the siheyuan in the future. Is this the head office? "

Wang Li also knows what Ding Yu means! So I begged for mercy directly!

"Insincere?" Ding Yu snorted, and did not continue to say!

Before Ding Yu came out of the hospital, Shangnan called! "Big brother?" Shangnan in the phone is quite emotional! His wife is really speechless, marry a wife to marry virtuous, his wife sometimes careless, but the ability above absolutely no problem!And my own home? From the outside, it's self-management, but actually, what's the matter? I'm afraid Shangnan's heart is most clear. Is Wang Li responsible for everything in the house? At this point, I really have a considerable debt!

As for big brother Ding Yu? Does Shangnan really have a feeling that it's hard to grasp? Why? It's hard to tell what's on my mind? He is not interested in quite a few things!

For example, your position may not be of great help, but there is no problem in helping a little! But big brother has never had such an idea, with their own contact, are not so much!

Of course, not only himself, but also Cao Zhen, or Wang Yang and Xiao Bao, the connection between big brother is not as much as you think! Is really a very strange person!

But regardless of the reasons for his personality, Shangnan really admired his eldest brother. At least he could not achieve his level and situation! Such a thing is definitely not that simple!

Is it so easy to control a consortium in a movie or on TV? How can it be? As far as I know, big brother has a lot of friction with foreign consortia, and even has always been in dire straits!

What kind of pressure is it? I feel shivering when I think about it!

"Wang Li told me something about you. I want to listen to your personal opinion. It doesn't have any other color!"

Ding Yu's words reveal a little coldness!

Shangnan didn't expect his elder brother to be so direct, but it's not a bad thing! Big brother has always been like this! I have heard too many rumors about this aspect!

"The opinions of other aspects are very mixed, and the starting point may not have any problems, but the ways are quite different. When I first came down, I wanted to gild, but with the change of time! I still hope you can do something! It's not about patting your ass and leaving! "

Ding Yu has so some silence, as if this is not so concerned! Just listening to Shangnan!

"Now it's quite a result! I think it should be more consolidated! "

"I probably know!" Although Shangnan said not so much! But Ding Yu has generally known what Shangnan thought! "Let me tell you my personal opinions and opinions! I don't think there is anything wrong with the idea of the business side, because you have made considerable achievements, and even this achievement is very gratifying! Even if it is further consolidated, it is just icing on the cake! It doesn't make much sense! "

"As for my father's idea? There's no big problem! After all, you are a businessman. It's not good for Wang family or Su family to interfere. After all, Wang Li is a businessman now! Dad doesn't want to hold you down. It doesn't have much to do with this. I think Dad has something else to point to? "

"Another point?" Shangnan can't help but be stunned? I don't quite understand!

"Think for yourself! Just give me a call when you want to understand! "

Then Ding Yu has hung up! There is no reaction time for Shangnan! As for Shangnan, can you understand this problem? I don't have much to do with myself! If you want to understand, it's better. If you don't understand, it shows that Dad's hand is reasonable and has a reason!

To a certain extent, I have given Shangnan the biggest hint! But it's the same with Dad! So attentive to his son-in-law? Ding Yu can see through the situation!

Shangnan is doing well! Even very excellent! But the foundation is not stable? In other words, he has not been able to control the following construction and architecture completely! But the superficial achievements cover up these problems to a great extent!

But my father will never say anything! Even deliberately to set a small trap! Dad is still too old, this way is good, but how to say? A little too steady!

Ding Yu didn't mean to stab his father on his back, to remind Shangnan. If he can wake up, it's better. If he can't, there won't be other problems! After all, my father's consideration is a little too much. Shangnan is the son-in-law of the Wang family, but he is still a businessman! But on your own side? There are not so many concerns!

But this thing still needs to say hello to my father!

So Ding Yu made a phone call to his father. It took quite a long time for him to get through! And Ding Yu can be sure that his father has finished his work, otherwise he will never answer his own phone! In some ways, his father inherited his grandfather in principle!

I can't say whether it's good or bad! Anyway, Ding Yu is not in this system! I don't want to make any comment on it! Quite often, I will not make a phone call in such a period of time, but it is more inappropriate for Wang Li to make this call!"What? Can I help you? "

Wang Changlin is also very clear that if his eldest son has nothing to do, he will not take the initiative to call him. Moreover, he should also be clear that he is busy comparing the price with his work now! There's something wrong with the time!

"Nothing big?! Wang Li talked to me in the hospital! "

Wang Changlin did not have too many accidents, just stopped for a little time! "I don't know what you're interested in! And all along, you don't seem to care so much about things at home! "

"Not so much interest! Wang Li didn't come here because of this. She mentioned it by chance. It's mainly because of the children at home. Now children are being watched by too many people! Wang Li also has some problems, but she can't handle them properly, so she comes here to ask me what I think! I have no idea! I gave you two tips! If you can understand it, it's better. If you can't understand it, be honest! Generally speaking, this is the situation! "

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