Of course, Wang Changlin can hear the meaning of his eldest son! Pondered for a while!

I know the situation of the merchants, and I can't say that they lack foresight, but they are too eager! But what about this? I really don't want to mention it too much! Although Shangnan is his son-in-law!

After all, businesses have their own power, but also have their own considerations!

And the way of the eldest son is right! Even very stable! Even if the merchant knows it, he will express his gratitude! Because this has endless benefits to Shangnan!

Not everyone can make his eldest son come forward!

If you think about it carefully, it seems that the marriage between Shangnan and Wang Li was facilitated by the boss!

"I know! Don't call me at work in the future

"I see!" The corners of Ding Yu's mouth twitch slightly. This father of his own! What is good for you to say? But it doesn't matter. There are not so many opportunities to teach yourself a lesson!

It didn't take long to put down the phone. Ding Yu took a look at Wang Li and nodded to her!

"Don't ask or care about Shangnan!"

"What's the situation over there, daddy?" Wang Li didn't care! Others are afraid of big brother, but for Wang Li, there is no such problem at all!

Ding yubai glanced, "this is a test for Shangnan. I have already said that the business's practice is wrong, what about father's practice? It's a bit steady, but if this thing is mixed at home, it will make the merchants have other ideas! So what about the opportunities in Shangnan? If you can see through this situation, there is no problem. If you can't see through it, you will give an account to the merchants! So you can't make trouble in it! "

Blinked his eyes, Wang Li elusive for a while, then nodded at Ding Yu!

This kind of benefit, oneself still can see! After all, I'm not a fool!

"Brother, I want to give you trouble!"

"Just know!" Ding Yu looks at Xiao Gang and touches his head! "If there's nothing wrong, I'll go back first! Tell your father and I won't disturb you! "

"Uncle! I'll see you off! "

There's nothing else. Ding Yu doesn't like to be on such occasions, and he's already congratulated! There's no other point in staying here! Wang Xiaogang knows his uncle very well! So the initiative mentioned to send a send Dingyu!

Ding Yu snorted, two people together took the elevator downstairs! Looking at Xiaobao coming and going! Ding Yu snorted! Seems to have a lot of dissatisfaction, Xiaobao looked at Dingyu, also subconsciously shrunk his head! But I also feel that what I have done seems to be a little too deliberate!

So he smiles at Ding Yu, but he doesn't get any response from Ding Yu!

Looking at Xiaobao's appearance, the people next to him held back! After waiting for Ding Yu's figure to disappear, he covered his stomach and laughed, "I said, master Bao, you have today too?! It's worth it today

"Roll it for me!" Xiao Bao scolded bitterly, "why don't you leave some virtue?"

"It's not about a meal! Mr. Bao, you have to shut my mouth today! As you know, I always have some big mouths! It's hard to say what I'll say if I don't need something to stop it! "

"NIMA!" Xiaobao scolded again. Of course, he knew that he was joking on purpose!

As for why elder brother looks at himself with that kind of eyes, can he not understand the problem? Wang Yang is already the second child! But what about yourself? There is no hen laying eggs yet! Such a thing is easy to say but hard to hear!

It seems that I really need to grasp! Otherwise, the big brother will have a hard time! Ah! You've been hiding from big brother? But did not think that the final result should be like this! Who do you want to reason with?

Looking back at Wang Xiaogang, Xiaobao caught him!

"Xiao Gang, did your uncle say anything?"

Wang Xiaogang looked at Xiaobao and said with a smile, "Uncle Bao, although he didn't say it clearly just now, the meaning is very obvious! My father has both children! But what about you? Still alone! But uncle didn't mean to be forced! But there are some things you need to prepare for! "

"Stinky boy?" Xiaobao slapped, of course, not very heavy, even very slow! "Yes! When will you go back? I'm afraid your father is very happy these two days! I'm afraid I really don't care about you! I have something for you

"Uncle Bao, are you not afraid that uncle will kill you?"

Wang Xiaogang looks at Xiaobao suspiciously! A little scared!

"It's not something of value? But I don't think big brother can? " When he said this, Xiaobao also had some less confident looks! It's OK for other people in the family to show great respect for themselves! But for this big brother, it's really not fear that can solve the problem!"I don't know!"?! But I still think there is something to be discussed about such a matter? "

Wang Xiaogang definitely nodded! Other things can be discussed, but such things are really hard to say! Especially at this time, everyone's eyes are staring at the children at home! At that time, if there are any problems, I'm afraid Ding Yu doesn't need to do anything. The people at home will make Xiaobao unable to get away with it!

Why is Wang Xiaogang so determined? Because Uncle Xiaobao and dad have been making a lot of money these years. I still know this very well, and I don't want to hide it from you!

To a certain extent, Xiao Gang knows very well what he doesn't know at home, but no matter he or his children, he doesn't have any intention to disclose! It has nothing to do with how much money dad and uncle Xiaobao make! What's more, I don't have any money?

On the contrary, all the children in the family have their own industries! Along with the investment behind my uncle, I have gained a lot! Anyway, they never worry about money!

The reason why I remind uncle Xiaobao is that he is generous every time! But there are not too many problems in other times, but at this time? The problems in it are a little abrupt! It's better not to be an outsider! This is the main reason I said!

Ding Yu returned home! But didn't see the housekeeper?! Ding Yu shakes his head. What does the housekeeper do? Ding Yu knows more or less! I didn't agree, but I didn't mean to oppose it either!

The housekeeper is worried about the children at home! So I made some preparations! And I didn't mean to oppose it! The reason is very simple! Even if it is their own obstruction, can it really play any role? It's basically impossible, so it's better to open and close one eye!

In this case, there will be no other situation. Ding Yu has a good idea about it!

It was not until the evening that Wang Yang came here in a dusty way! I didn't come here alone. I came here with Xiao Gang!

"Have you had dinner?" Ding Yu sat on the chair and didn't mean to get up, but there was a dog lying on the bottom of his feet. Now he didn't bite Ding Yu, but when he looked at Wang Yang and Wang Xiaogang, he wanted to show his teeth!

Wang Yang has some silly eyes, especially Wang Xiaogang!

Everyone in the family knows that Ding Yu and Da Xiong are not dealing with each other! So in their impression, there seems to be not much affection between Ding Yu and the dog! But today I saw a strange scene!

"Yes! Eat with the family Wang Yang sat down and looked at the dog at Ding Yu's feet. He was also very interested, "brother, what's the situation? When did you like having dogs? Haven't seen it before? "

Ding Yu said, "I raised it when I was a child. Later, I gave it to my parents. I never wanted to come back! At that time, because I wanted to go out, it was not convenient to take Xiao lazy with me. In addition, Xiao lazy had a very good relationship with my parents. As for later, I didn't have any chance, but this little guy was a little interesting! "

Hearing what Ding Yu said, Wang Yang remembered it! "If you don't tell me, I'll forget!"?! Is that dog still there

"Where are you? It's just a little old! It's very nourishing for those who don't live

Maybe it was something that he heard or felt. The dog at Ding Yu's feet bit Ding Yu's vamp again and pulled it back hard! Wang Xiaogang is very curious to see more than two eyes!

Little guy is very brave! Even with their own big brother contest!

"Uncle, I feel like a bear!"

"Well! It's the cub of the bear Ding Yu said, "I don't deal with big bear all the time. He doesn't like me all the time! But this time it went with Ding Chang! The weather over there is not so suitable for Ding Yun! "

Wang Yang wants to laugh a little. He can't live with a dog! I don't know how to make trouble! I've heard it vaguely. After all, my son likes it, too? There's nothing wrong! I just stay away from it!

"Is Qiuyan in the hospital? You're coming here? "

"It needs to be quiet over there. There are a little too many people at night! I'll invite you to have a meal together and go back later! Let's get rid of the wine, otherwise it's not good for the children

Ding Yu nodded, and soon Wang Yang and Wang Xiaogang and their father and son went to wash! When I came back again, I didn't have too much wine on my body! It seems that the whole person also has some new feeling!

"Brother, don't be so insipid, OK?" Looking at his eldest brother's lazy appearance, Wang Yang muttered, "people who don't know think something's wrong?"

But this talk did not get any response! Ding Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and put his hands together! The reclining chair was wobbling, and the previous dog was lying at Ding Yu's feet again!"Uncle?! I'll be back tomorrow! Do you have any explanation? "

"No?" Ding Yu didn't look at Wang Xiaogang, but he explained patiently! "You can handle the school affairs by yourself! There's no big problem. As for home, you don't need to worry about it! But I think it will be more popular, at least more popular than before! "

"Uncle, but is such enthusiasm really good?"

"There's nothing good or bad. As I have said, the so-called insight is the sophistication of the world! Now is the time for you to feel it. You just look at it, but don't touch it deeply. Just reflect on yourself from time to time! "

Wang Yang looked at his son, some helpless heart, big brother on their own indifferent, the reason is very simple! He brought Xiaogang together, let big brother have some not too happy, or his behavior is a little too deliberate! As for anger, it's not? But what can you do? People in the family forced themselves to come here!

It seems that if you don't come here, there will be some heinous things!

I don't have the confidence and influence of big brother. In the face of the demands of the forces at home and behind, I can only listen to their opinions and ideas to a certain extent!

Big brother is dissatisfied with himself, and it is precisely because of this that his ears are really soft!

But Wang Yang really didn't feel any irritated? Why? Because the relationship between my son and my elder brother is very good. My elder brother doesn't pay any attention to himself, but he really doesn't say anything about Wang Xiaogang!

Another point is that Wang Xiaogang was able to achieve today's achievements thanks to his elder brother's protection. If he was taught on his own side, what would it be like? Of course, he would fight. But how far can he fight? There are even some such problems I dare not imagine!

Fortunately, big brother didn't let Xiaogang leave now! If Xiao Gang really left! Back in the capital? Will encounter what kind of situation, to the field will encounter what kind of situation, think about it, it is really scalp numbness!

"If there's nothing wrong, I'll go back first! Don't let Qiuyan and the children wait! "

For Wang Yang at this time, Ding Yu really doesn't like to see him. He starts to drive out people directly!

"Big brother! We'll go back first! "

On the way back, Wang Yang touched his son's head, "are you a little disappointed?"?! I can't compare with your uncle! Whether it's ability or pattern! "

"No! I think it's very good. At least my father and mother support me unconditionally! " Wang Xiaogang didn't have the heart to complain at all. "Few parents can achieve this level. I think you and your mother are great!"

"You Wang Yang sighed, "your uncle taught you very well! I want to teach you, too! But I can't catch it! I really don't have such ability! "

"Daddy, I'm too vain! Uncle often said, because of the different people, so the world is particularly wonderful, and uncle said, you and uncle Xiaobao are also very talented, just a little bit biased! It's not in line with the mainstream values, so it's not valued by others! But now the mentality is very good! Let me learn more

"Don't put a hat on me!" Although a little modest, but the heart is still very beautiful! After all, it was my son who said it!

When I came to the hospital, my father also came! Seeing Wang Yang and Wang Xiaogang coming back, they nodded and said hello! "Look at the children at night, and Qiuyan also needs to take care of them! Do you hear me

"Dad! You and my mother can rest assured! It's nothing

Although that's what he said, Su Yuan took a look at it with complaint. All day long, Su Yuan stayed in the hospital and took good care of it. Although there were nannies and attendants on this point, Su Yuan still did some things in person!

This makes Lin Qiuyan very grateful. After all, she knows her mother-in-law's identity!

However, Lin Qiuyan also knows that to some extent, she is the daughter-in-law of her family. Another reason is her son!

First of all, my mother-in-law has more than one daughter-in-law, but for my elder brother's daughter-in-law, my mother-in-law always seems to have some isolation. Of course, I always keep this matter in my heart, and I have never mentioned it to any outsider, or even my husband!

After all, there is a big brother in it?

As for the second reason? Son's performance and achievements make the family impeccable!

For her son, Lin Qiuyan is really satisfied, and even has endless pride! But Lin Qiuyan is also clear, if you really give your son at home, I'm afraid it won't have today's achievements!

Here I have to say that this is definitely the credit of big brother!Now the only thing that makes me feel so sad is, what does big brother say? Too cold! It even makes people feel a little inhuman! For everyone at home, whether it is attitude, or relationship, are slightly indifferent!

Even if they were a person, there were some who did not dare to get close to them. Even if they were close to them, they were trembling!

But although the elder brother is such a situation, but I am very grateful to the elder brother, at the same time, I also want to admire him. Unfortunately, I can't say a few words of thanks today!

Big brother came to say hello. After giving the gift, there was no contact!

However, it is also in line with the character of big brother. There is one person in the family. Besides her husband and Wang Li, it seems that there are not so many people who can contact with big brother!

"You! Now I have a daughter! Pay attention to it. I'll bring the soup tomorrow morning, and I'll tell the medical staff in the evening. Do you know? "

Then Su Yuan also pulled Xiao Gang to his side! The meaning is obvious!

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