Wang Xiaogang is very helpless to his father and mother played a grimace, before leaving also went to see his sister! A little reluctant to part!

It's wonderful and special!

Wang Yang and Lin Qiuyan look at their son, there are so many crying and laughing, but the mood is really good!

After everyone left, Lin Qiuyan simply moved her body and shook her head at her husband. She just lay for a little long time, so she felt a little uncomfortable. There was no other problem!

After all, prenatal and postpartum, all things have been taken care of, this time also picky what, it seems not too decent!

To be sure, I don't have too much fatigue and depression. I feel very normal, but the people at home are a little too worried! I'm not a child, this is not the first time, and I have rich experience!

"To see big brother?" Lin Qiuyan seems very open-minded! There is no dissatisfaction!

"Big brother came in the morning! There were too many people at that time! And the temperament of big brother you also know, never like lively people! There are not too many problems for other people to put it for two days, but not for big brother! No matter what elder brother thinks, I'll go there, not to mention Xiao Gang's coming back! "

Other problems are not problems! What's important is Xiaogang's problem. That's the key!

Really can not tolerate Wang Yang any ambiguity! After all, Xiaogang is the future of the family, and from the perspective of the children arranged by the elder brother, Xiaogang's position in the elder brother's mind is still very important. If Ding Yun and Ding Changzhen come back! Even if one comes back, Xiaogang will be very embarrassed!

This is something that can be affirmed. There is no need for facts or to prove anything!

At that time, how to let Xiaogang be alone, and then how to arrange it at home? There are so many problems that I dare not imagine, but what about big brother? With Wang An, the great apprentice, there is no arrangement to come back!

Just a little special identity of the children to arrange to come back! What about Tong Tong? Obviously, it will not be won over by other parties, and even quite a lot of forces will not stand behind Tong Tong! Because Tong Tong is special enough!

Will the intelligence department let other forces stand on Tong Tong's side? Are you not afraid of being influenced? You know, Tong Tong is their flesh and blood! Absolutely sharp heart! Even if other people show any interest in Tong Tong, it's a kind of provocation for the intelligence department! It will never be allowed!

Under such circumstances, even if a considerable number of forces have other ideas, they don't have much effect? What's the matter? Wang an! Ding Yun and Ding Chang did not return to Beijing at all. Under such circumstances, it would be unnecessary to look for them, get close to them, or even stand behind them!

Of course, there must be many other things and tests behind this!

But no matter what, big brother, to a certain extent, sacrificed the children at home and paved a way for Xiaogang to come out! Under such circumstances, how can Wang Yang do nothing?!

"What does big brother say?" Obviously, Lin Qiuyan is quite interested in it!

"Don't mention it! Big brother didn't even say a word to me! Is it disgusting to me? "

Although it is a complaint, but can feel out, Wang Yang is not really angry!

Ah? Hearing what her husband said, Lin Qiuyan was also a little alarmed, "is something wrong? But big brother didn't seem to see any situation when he came here today. He has always been like this! No one knows what's on his mind? "

Seeing his wife's appearance, Wang Yang knew that she just wanted to be crooked!

"Don't be so nervous. I'm full of disgust, but I'm very good to Xiao Gang. I almost give everything I ask for! I can see that my father is so envious! People who don't know think it's brother's son? "

"Bah! What are you talking about? " Lin Qiuyan is very discontented to stare one eye!

Wang Yang is to pretend to touch the role of his slap, "big brother is very dissatisfied with my obedience! But I can't help it! The family is pushing me? What can I do? But big brother seems to see that I did it on purpose! So deliberately give me cold shoulder, but fortunately our family Xiaogang is to give me back a lot of face

"You! I don't know what to say? But this time, thanks to big brother! He made great concessions. Even if I want to come, are there some impossibilities? It's not worse than our family, even better! Even if it's back! There is nothing to say

In this regard, Lin Qiuyan also has some worries, "I'm really worried, if our family Xiaogang can't hold up this courage, what will it be like in the future?"

In this regard, Wang Yang seems to have infinite confidence! "Hey, what you said is so demoralizing! What kind of children our family Xiaogang is, we as parents are the most clear, from the actual situation, the two of us can not provide much, together with the family can provide resources to Xiaogang is not so much as imagined! You! Don't be fascinated by the appearance? ""No way?! Isn't Xiao Gang the hope of the future at home? "

For her husband suddenly said this word, Lin Qiuyan feel some can't understand!

"Xiaogang is the hope for the future at home. It's true, but Xiaogang is still a child after all." Wang Yang replied solemnly! "He just shows considerable potential, but who doesn't have potential, let alone the children in the family, even the children in other families!"

Lin Qiuyan had never thought about this aspect before, so she was nervous all of a sudden!

"Husband, will this affect Xiaogang in our family?"

"Big brother is the one who pays the most in this! Big brother has spent quite a lot of resources on Xiao Gang. Don't because big brother's resources are endless and impossible! Big brother has the final say to allocate resources, not everything is the brother's final say. It's never been like this

"This is also the reason why big brother drags Xiaogang out. If Xiaogang stays at home, all the resources can't fall on Xiaogang. But big brother drags Xiaogang out. Even if he drags all the resources on Xiaogang, the family and even the forces behind him are helpless ! They can't find any reason. After all, big brother is not a family member? "

"I feel a little confused when I listen!"

"Big brother never interferes in the affairs of the family, and even doesn't deal with the forces in the family. You should know about this?"

Listening to her husband's words, Lin Qiuyan thought carefully. It seems that the situation is really like what Wang Yang said! You should know that even if you are yourself, you are also hindered by other reasons. You have many contacts with the big and small forces in your family!

But when did I hear that the elder brother had a so-called contact with the forces in the family? It was the forces in the family or behind that wanted to have a good relationship with the elder brother, but the problem was that they couldn't even enter the temple! Big brother is the one who completely ignores them! Great is to nod your head when you meet. It's a greeting!

As for the others? Don't think about it! There is no possibility at all, even the father-in-law and mother-in-law are quite helpless about it! Big brother is a unique existence in the family!

"Big brother doesn't care about things at home! So the family is not good for big brother, there are any measures! Big brother is the existence of an independent family, even in the family sometimes need to rely on big brother! No wonder the family is very interested in Xiaogang, but in addition to slightly anxious, there is no other action! "

"That's the situation! Home can not afford to offend big brother, such things have not happened once or twice! If Xiaogang is raised in our family, even if we fight, even our father and mother stand up, the effect is definitely not so big, but it's not the same in big brother! And you see it! Whether it's Wang an! Ding Yun and Ding Chang seem to be more free! "

"In this way, our Xiaogang is also lucky to have big brother! If there is no big brother, there are really some unimaginable! What kind of situation will it be like now! "

"Big brother is still the same, no change. As for Xiao Gang? It has been taken away by father and mother! They have greater expectations for Xiao Gang! But then they will also pay great attention! So there's no need for us to worry about it. Let's have a look at our daughter now. It's better! "

Wang Xiaogang followed his grandfather and grandmother to get on the bus and sat in the middle of the car. But most of the time, he was held in his arms by Su Yuan. Some words in the car were really inconvenient!

"When are you going back tomorrow?" Su Yuan is very doting!

"Well!" Wang Xiaogang nodded, "school will start the day after tomorrow. No matter how much you can learn in the school, it can play a considerable role. What's more, I'm still a member of the class and need to bring a more positive impact!"

Listen to grandson's words, Wang Changlin can't help nodding, which is a good thing!

Have a fairly overall view! And for things have a very clear judgment, lack of two days of course, for Wang Xiaogang has no influence, after all, he has no knowledge of any problems, this is still very clear!

But even so, Wang Xiaogang did not mean to be arrogant! This is very good! Young age is not arrogant, this thanks to the boss of his education, at this point, the home really does not have too much heart!

"Entering a new grade, will you be very tired?"

Wang Xiaogang was silent for a little time. "There is no problem in the school, but there is a considerable adjustment in the study plan. My uncle has made a lot of arrangements, and his scalp feels numb. Fortunately, he can communicate with his brother and sister, and with Hart. They are very powerful!""Not at home, Hart. They're really good!"

"Well!" Wang Xiaogang nodded heavily, "especially Hart and West, they feel as if they are hanging! There is also their family education. I have also seen some of them. They are quite different from their families. Although they are similar in general, there are obvious differences! "

Wang Changlin and Su Yuan looked at each other! Are they really not so familiar with these things? Is the main reason? The children at home are too far away from them. They usually have a lot of connections, but it's true that they have connections. It doesn't mean that they know everything clearly and comprehensively!

When they got home, Wang Changlin and Su Yuan asked some questions, but they didn't mention too much!

The grandson of Xiaogang is not old, but he is well educated! Mind is also very smart, like his uncle! There's quite a way in the stomach! It's not good to mention too much and let children have other ideas!

Wang Xiaogang wandered here for a day, but even when he was about to go to bed, he read for nearly half an hour, and then turned off the light to have a rest! Su Yuan, who knows the situation, also sighs a little!

"I've seen other people's children! Look at our children, very proud, after all, children do not have too much self-discipline and self-control, but such things in our children's body, even without any show! And it's not the rigid one! "

"So? What do you want to say? "

"Just like the boss! I really don't know how to educate the boss. I doubt it! I didn't see how the boss actually urged the children at home. Anyway, as far as I know, it's basically one day without a day, and sometimes it's very mischievous, but the effect is so good? After everybody looked, is the unusual eye heat

"Not much use!" Wang Changlin snorted, "you know, people who are interested in this are not only at home, but also quite influential. They are interested in the way of the boss, but few of them can do it! What's more, people who can do it? To a certain extent, it also lacks the resources of the boss! "

Resources? It's not just about money. There are many things involved! Even if it is to let Wang Changlin personally to deal with this matter, not to really be able to catch up with Ding Yu!

The reasons for this are very complicated. It's just like the Wang family and the Su family didn't have much resources at that time. Wang Changlin was in a position where he couldn't get up or down. To be exact, the family lacked a leg to walk!

Later, because Ding Yu came back! Fill the whole family with huge resources! But even so, two legs want to balance, is not so easy thing, even now, can only say barely maintain it!

At that time, the family lacked considerable resources, so there was no way to cultivate Wang Yang and Wang Li wholeheartedly. Wang Li was still infected with some because of her grandfather, but at that time, the Wang family was exhausted! So Wang Yang is like half a bucket of water!

At most, I didn't learn to be bad!

Later he and Xiaobao two people because of Ding Yu's reason, reluctantly make up some! But also due to other reasons, so want to continue to move forward, is basically impossible! But fortunately, I have a good son! It's a pity to know Wang Changlin and Su Yuan!

"Ah! You said all the children in the family had left! "

Wang Changlin was stunned for a moment, and just started his own wife, he thought of what his wife wanted to say? So also fell into silence! "It's really hard to say! Who knows what the boss of our family thinks, but he can't guess it! "

"I think it's a very good time. In the past, the boss had children's burden! But now all the children are out! The boss is free all of a sudden! It's hard to say that he didn't mean it himself! "

Wang Changlin shook his head slightly, "it's not easy for us to talk to the boss about this! Really, if I mentioned this to the boss, who knows if he will turn over? What's more, no one knows if the boss has any other arrangements? "

"Ask?" Su Yuan asked tentatively!

"Such a thing is not good! Who do you want to ask? Looking for Wang Li and Wang Yang doesn't have any effect?! They are not stupid, such things do not dare to have any question, and just when Xiaogang also said! Wang Yang takes him to siheyuan. The boss doesn't like him very much! "

"Wang Yang, he can't bear the pressure! So the boss doesn't want to see him. It's inevitable, but Wang Yang is also smart. Since someone asked him to go, go! As for what kind of result, it has nothing to do with Wang Yang. The boss is dissatisfied with his tact, but what about not giving Wang Yang? What's more, Wang Xiaogang was also present at that time! Anyway? It's a good thing that we've saved a lot of face! ""So say it! No matter Wang Yang or Wang Li, they all know quite a lot about it. It's impossible for them to inquire! Is it difficult for us to take the stage in person? Let's forget such a thing! "

"And the old man and the old lady?"

"Will you spare your father-in-law and mother-in-law?" Wang Changlin said a little jokingly, but then he was stunned, "it's useless. If it's our mother, we can still have a chance, but our father doesn't have a chance at all! What's more, if it's because of such things, neither our father nor our mother will show up! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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