As for their parents, they took the little girl out to play very early!

Why don't you visit Wang An and Tong Tong, Ding Yun and Ding Chang now? There are quite a few reasons! Now this time is absolutely inappropriate! It is also extremely inappropriate! After all, children have quite a lot to do!

The more holidays they have, the busier they are! There's hardly much free time!

On the contrary, when they are on the other side of the school, they have few free time!

After having breakfast, Ding Yu strolls to the square! Although it's still early, there are many people on this side of the square! Some come to watch the game, some just for fun! After all, the square is a landmark building! For some people has a very special meaning!

There are many people on the square. Ding Yu doesn't pay much attention to it! Strolling to the front of a volunteer's tent!

"Cinna?" Ding Yu yelled, "there seems to be a lot of people today?"

"Uncle Ding!" Wearing a horsetail, Xinna called out kindly, and even handed over mineral water, which was declined by Ding Yu! "A lot of people came to help today! Everyone is voluntary! Some students have something to do, there is no way to come over, some because of family and other reasons, to participate in the labor! After all, volunteers are not mandatory! "

Ding Yu ha ha's smile! "Your father picked me up when I came back earlier? You didn't go to work today? "

"Mainly because this is the first time! At least it's our first big event! So I need to come and have a look, otherwise I would have been working long ago! A lot of pocket money! I had a fancy to a hand-made one before, and it's a little short! "

"You can do it!" Ding Yu jokingly said, "Wei Lai, where did the little fat man go?"

"He needs to deal with all the affairs, from the morning until now, there is no moment to stop, mainly the junior students have quite not adapted to this! I need to lead the team myself

It's a little murmuring. I think it's a little emotional, but it's actually intentional!

When talking, I pointed to a group of children behind me! "Uncle Ding, do you have any rewards?"

In this regard, Ding Yu was a little sad, "when did you become so philistine? How about I invite you in the evening? "

"Or noon?" Xinna didn't have any fear of Ding Yu, and even haggled. This behavior made a group of children behind her gape! I have great respect for Cinna! It's just like a god! How dare you talk to Mr. Ding like this! It's too awesome! I don't even know how to describe their reverence!

"You can do it!"

Ding Yu waved his hand, "I'll invite you at noon. It's over there in the canteen! I'll say hello to them

See Xinna greet all the children, thanks Ding Yu together! After Ding Yu left, all the children got together. Everyone was a little excited! It's not that I met Ding Yu, but that I can talk to Ding Yu equally, especially Xinna. She talks to Mr. Ding so much!

Don't see don't know, is really a look scared!

"Work first! If you have any doubts, let's talk about it at noon! "

After two rounds, Ding Yu immediately went to the farm office! "Sir, there are so many people here today! What's more, as far as the news is concerned, many people of other identities have come? "

"Come, come! In fact, there is no other secret here! Just because I'm here! So the situation is slightly different! Now the children have left! It doesn't matter. Just let the farm pay a little attention to it! "

"Yes! Sir

Mr. Wang has made his meaning very clear! As long as it's not hostile, then it doesn't matter. If someone wants to deliberately make trouble, or make trouble out of something else, then it's determined not to let go, and there won't be any pity! This doesn't even need any instructions!

After dealing with quite a lot of official business, Ding Yu was thinking about it. For a moment, he was a little absent-minded!

As for what Ding Yu thinks, it's very simple. It's the arrangement of official business!

At that time, due to many other reasons! In addition, the children need protection, so I brought the focus back, and now the children have left! And the hometown of this place for themselves, or a little bit so small, quite things too much trouble! So I need to do considerable consideration!

This thing is not too temporary to provoke, because it will be very troublesome!

After all, there will be a lot of involvement!

More important? Or where do you want to put the center of gravity? This is the key! Ding Yu has a headache for this, because once the center of gravity is determined, he will need to sit down for a long time. This is not a joke! I really need to think about it!Has been waiting for the office door to come here when the sound, Ding Yu suddenly wake up!

After a look at the visitor, the security guard quickly walked to Ding Yu's side, "Sir, something interesting has happened. Do you want to have a look! We feel very interested! "

"A young man came to ask for advice!"

Ding Yu blinked his eyes, and at the same time his head was thinking about something. It seemed that suddenly a little impression appeared in his head!

After all, not everyone will take the initiative to come to ask for advice? Are you kidding? To be able to know here, and even shows a considerable purpose, such people are definitely not so many in imagination, few!

"I can make you all show considerable interest! It seems that this child is very unusual! However, these are used to cultivate children who are interested in the farm. The so-called Wudao society is just a cover! It's really a knock on the door

The so-called Wudao club is created by the security guards on this side of the farm when they are free. They usually discuss with each other and teach children some ways to exercise in their spare time! There are few people who can get down to business! Basically, it's all about physical fitness! But now someone has knocked on the door, which is really interesting!

"As far as I know, it's impossible for you to disclose the information, but what about us? There are only a few people who know about it, but now there are still people coming. It's really fun! "

"Sir?" Security tentatively asked!

"So you have a suspect? I don't think he came alone? "

"We haven't started the investigation yet, but we have considerable doubts! I believe it won't take long to know! "

The reason why I dare to speak like this is because I have a strong foundation!

"Go and have a look!" After leaving the room, Ding Yu walked slowly instead of walking quickly! At least to outsiders feeling is like this, but I don't know why, behind the security is almost all the way trot, this just barely keep up with the pace of Ding Yu!

Wudaoshe is in a small corner of the farm! There are lots of trees around! If you don't know something about it, you don't even know that there is a Wudao society hidden here! It's so secretive!

Along the path into the wudaoshe, Ding Yu did not immediately go in, but stood not far away to see the situation inside!

The child inside is carrying a long stick! I'm asking a security guard for advice, but there are many children sitting around here! Some people are thinking, some people are shouting! Everyone's performance is different!

Failure is not something they can't accept! It must be that they don't learn well, or they lack the talent in this field and so on! However, the purpose of their coming here, to a certain extent, is to have this hobby. Moreover, they can build up their health. They really don't have anything else to think about!

Ding Yu looks at the child standing in the middle of the field. He is quite tall. Although he is a little far away, Ding Yu can still see his face vaguely! With their own impression has a considerable overlap!

After watching it for a few minutes, Ding Yu nodded!

And the back of the security had left for some time, now has stood in the position behind Ding Yu!

"Find out!"?! Is it Hou Tianliang? "

The security guard was stunned! "How do you know, sir?" Then I knew that I had said something wrong! "I'm sorry, sir. I had some doubts before! After all, the system at home is still very safe. There are very few people who can know the situation and even leak it out! "

"I didn't expect that Hou Tianliang is still nosy! We need a good lesson! "

"Sir?" In the middle of this, the security guard suddenly realized that he could not follow the words of his husband. He could say that as a little joke! It's no big deal! But if you take this, how will things develop? Who knows?

After all, Hou Tianliang still occupies a considerable position in Mr. Wang's mind! If you don't know what's good for you, hehe! Mr. Wang will never let himself too much better, this is certain!

Ding Yu didn't answer this, just looking at the young man in the middle of the field! After a hum, he said with some dissatisfaction, "give Hou Tianliang a face and see how he said, you call Hou Tianliang and let the child come here?"

Having said that, Ding Yu turns around and leaves, but the security guard is relieved. He almost does something wrong with a good heart! Obviously, Mr. Wang has a good sense of this young man. It's not clear whether there will be Hou Tianliang's reason. But in my opinion, if there is no Hou Tianliang, there will be no follow-up. This is certain!

Wang Hao looked at the security guard who came, and felt that the security guard's eyes were so different!

"Know hou Tianliang?" Security is not good! But it's not aimed at Wang Hao on purpose!"Register the information! If you don't know hou Tianliang, then you can't come here. I need to call Hou Tianliang, but I don't know if he will answer! "

Wang Hao's mouth a little twitch! It's mainly because I'm not very old and I don't have much experience in this field!

Think about it! Wang Hao reached into his pocket and took out a pendant! Looking at the things on the pendant, the corners of the security guard's mouth twitch! Staring at Wang Hao for a while! "Boy, did you mean it?"

"No one explained it to me, and I don't know what it means!"

"I'm going to make a phone call. You've written all the information clearly!"

Give it to Wang Hao! Then the security guard took out the phone, which was similar to what he expected. Hou Tianliang didn't mean to answer the phone at all! After all, it involves quite a lot of things!

If it's Ding Yu, there's no problem! Hou Tianliang also dare not have any questions!

But if the security is concerned, I can apologize afterwards, but I can't answer this call now! Sometimes it's really hard to say now! Anyway, now as long as there is not too much impact on it!

The security guard showed his teeth about it! Take Wang Hao's information and hum after a period of time!

"Need audit! But after you check, you can go to see your husband! "

The so-called inspection is a very normal thing. Anyone who comes needs it!

And Wang Hao feels that everything is so confused! At least I don't know, so!

When he saw Ding Yu all the time, looking at Ding Yu's face, Wang Hao immediately stood up straight! Even slightly nervous! "Hello, Mr. Ding! I'm wang hao

"Hou Tianliang told you that?" Ding Yu pointed to the sofa in front of him, but Wang Hao didn't know whether he should sit down or stand. To give his own feeling, he needed to stand. But Ding Yu casually pointed out that he wanted to sit down subconsciously!

"This bastard has got me a good job!"

Pointing to the pendant on Wang Hao's chest, "how do you want to hang it up?"

"It's inlaid by my grandfather. It's usually worshipped. But this time, uncle Hou asked me to take it with me. I can't get into this door!" Wang Hao didn't sit down in the end! But answered Ding Yu's words!

"A little nervous! So Hou Tianliang told me about me? "

"Your name! Let me have a try. What on earth? I don't know! " Because of some tension, Wang Hao couldn't help touching his pants! But the body is still standing there straight!

"How about Kung Fu?" Ding Yu stood up and circled Wang Hao twice. He even put his hand on Wang Hao's body. When he put his hand on Wang Hao's body, Wang Hao almost jumped up! But this strength just got up, and then it was resolved! I'm like a rootless tree! I can't use any strength at all!

"I like it! My grandfather told me to stop being impatient. There are so many people in the world, even in modern society, but there are still many inheritances! "

Ding Yu smiles! "So what's your purpose here? Your grandfather came with you? "

"No! The others came with me, but after they came here, they disappeared! "

Oh? Ding Yu smiles, "this is intentional!" This method is a little too much! Especially now! Try it in this way! It's true that I didn't take myself as a matter!

"You haven't said what you're here for? Want to see? " When he said that, Ding Yu shook his head, "now in the martial arts hall, you should also have some feelings. What do you think?"

"Those children are not bad! The basic skills are very good, but they seem to have learned some basic skills! I can't see the foundation! As for the coaches, I don't think I can see through them. I haven't played with them, but compared with the coaches at home! It's very different! "

Yeah! Ding Yu nodded, "now that they have come! Then have lunch together at noon! Let's talk about it in the afternoon! "

Wave, let Wang Hao leave!

At noon, I took Wang Hao to the canteen of the farm! Wang Hao should be the first time to encounter such a situation, so many people! A little exaggeration! The canteen is more modern than imagined! Food can even be described as a variety of things! Is the working environment so good now?

When Ding Yu came, Wei Lai and them were very happy, but they were more curious about who was the big boy behind him? At least I didn't have any impression before!

"Uncle Ding?"

"I say you are really United at this time!" Ding Yu smiles and points with his hand! "What's the matter? Today's volunteer activity is very hard? Do you have any spirit in the afternoon? "

"There will be a two-hour break at noon, mainly because the younger students and younger students have not had any contact before, so we need to let them slow down!" When Wei came to talk, he peeped at Wang Hao! "Uncle Ding, who is this?""Come to me! But you don't have to think about it! Let you one hand, two feet, you are not the opponent

"Uncle Ding!" Wei Lai was so surprised that he took a good look at it! When Ding Yu goes to have dinner, he drags Wang Hao to one side! "Brother! I'm Wei Lai! "

Not only Wei Lai, but also many people have expressed considerable interest in Wang Hao. Wang Hao is the first time to contact so many strangers! Although he also has classmates, and even a lot of students, but with the present is not able to compare!

Fortunately, Wei Lai still takes good care of Wang Hao! Let's have dinner together! Also made a considerable introduction!

Looking at Wang Hao's plate, Wei Lai bit his teeth! "Brother, can you eat so much? Be serious. We can eat as much as we like here! Anyway, this meal is round for uncle Ding, but there is a saying that it must not be wasted enough! "

"Nothing!" Wang Hao is very good to Wei Lai's senses. "I can eat more when I'm normal!"

"I'll go!"

When they really eat, they also see Wang Hao's appetite, but they don't feel like hell. After all, they also eat with Ding Yu, and they usually eat with Ding's children!

I just didn't expect that the new little friend was the same as the children of the Ding family! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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