"What's the matter? Did you eat a little too much? "

"I didn't expect to see such people besides Wang An and elder sister?" Wei Lai was not depressed! I don't have this talent, so I don't need to complain!

I just have a little interest! After all, such people are not very common!

"Is there anyone like me?" Wang Hao's eyes show a trace of vision!

Like like-minded people in this area, it is definitely not as many as imagined!

"I don't know who will be better than you or elder sister!" Wei Lai drummed his face, a little envious said, "but I've never seen the big sister really move her hand! What a pity! But I'm also a voice trainer. My father is a policeman, so I've been training deliberately. But I'm not the opponent of elder sister at all. That's to deal with ordinary people, but I still need to be careful! "

"I want to see it!"

When he said this, Wang Hao was very careful!

Because from Wei Lai's words, it is obvious that they respect the elder sister in their mouth very much!

Wei Lai stood helplessly on his shoulder, "it's a pity! Elder sister, they are not at home now! Didn't uncle Ding tell you this? "

"It's my first day here! Mr. Ding asked me to eat first! "

"Then don't be too nervous! Now that I'm here, I'll show you around when I have time. Although we are small here, the environment is very good, especially these days, there are competitions in the evening! It's full! And it's still in the gym! "

"Do you need a ticket?" Wang Hao seems to be very interested in the appearance, "I now have time to buy tickets?"

A word to ask the children around are laughing! Wei Lai is also shooting Wang Hao! "There's a charge for the Games in the stadium! Only very few, generally large-scale sports events! If it's normal, there are some pitiful people who charge less. Sometimes we will come to play a few games, but for us, it's OK to rent a room! If you use a large stadium, it's too wasteful! "

"Can it still be like this?" Wang Hao with considerable doubt!

Quite a lot of things before you see it, you really don't believe it, even if you see it with your own eyes sometimes! It's also doubting whether what you see is the real situation!

After dinner, Wang Hao looks at Ding Yu, but Ding Yu just asks him to go to wudaoshe after 3 pm! As for now? If you feel bored, you can go to the dormitory on the other side of the farm to have a rest, or you can follow Wei!

Looking at Ding Yu floating away, Wang Hao felt that the whole person was at a loss!

"Let's go! I'll check it first. It's not easy! I can't believe I can stay in the dormitory of the farm at this time! "

"Can't the dormitories on the farm be occupied?" Wang Hao is a little curious! After all, age is there!

"No, I can't reach it! We can also apply, but obviously we don't have so much free time now, because we don't have too much free time in this season! There are so many people coming here to travel

While walking, Wei came to introduce Wang Hao and said!

"Now most of the dormitories are provided to families who come to visit! Children first! In fact, many people like B & B more! Now this time period! We don't even have time to go to relatives in the countryside! Even we don't like to open B & B! There is no way! If you have that time and free time, you might as well go to the farm and find some work to do! "

Came to the dormitory of the farm, under the leadership of Wei Lai, Wang Hao followed to a console! When Wang Hao enters his name and ID number, it shows a fairly good message.

Together came to the service desk! Wei Lai even wanted to say hello to the staff at the service desk! Obviously, I'm not familiar with it! The little sister of the service desk looks at Wang Hao, taps on the computer, and quickly reads quite a lot of information!

Give the door card, at the same time, welcome Wang Hao to stay, if you have any need and discomfort, you can put forward! Dormitory here will try to correct!

"Is everything so good here?" Wang Hao, take the card! A little suspicious!

"All right! Usually, we don't receive outsiders here, but sometimes it's not convenient for us to go home, so we will stay here! And when the farm workers are inconvenient, they also stay here! "

"What I'm talking about is that everything is so high-tech? It's a bit exaggerated! "

"The hotels in the city are better! It's just that some of them are expensive! Now it's already overcrowded! There is no way! No one can lose his reputation! The requirements in the city are very strict. No one dares to try the law by example! "

"Is there no exception?"

"Yes! Now squatting inside, singing the tears of iron windows Wei Lai pointed to himself, "my father is a policeman. I told you just now! Every semester, will give us a considerable lecture! No kidding! Speaking of it? You'd better pay attention to one thing, that is to remind you, don't be on the blacklist! It's too much troubleIn this regard, Wei Lai is also worried!

"And the blacklist?" Wang Hao felt that his previous cognition had been destroyed!

"Of course there is a blacklist! There are detailed records on it, a bit exaggerated! But we usually don't touch it! However, we still need to pay attention to littering, destroying official business and so on! Anyway, as long as a little bit of attention, there are not too many problems! Still very reasonable! "

"What will happen if they appear on the blacklist? Do you go to jail? "

"How could it be?"?! We are not a relevant department! " Wei waved his hand, "if you're on the blacklist, many departments will put it on record! For future development, there are many inconveniences, such as looking for a job! For example, home ownership and so on, basically don't think about it! Especially here! "

When he came to the dormitory and looked at the layout inside, Wang Hao felt that there was a very obvious difference between the so-called Hotel and the rest here, and even there was no problem in life!

"How's it going? Isn't that good? "

"I feel very warm, and the layout is very good!"

"If there is nothing to do, you can have a rest or join the volunteer with us. It's very interesting!"

Wang Hao did not withstand the temptation to join the volunteers with Wei Lai Tong, mainly to inform the appropriate situation, along with consulting considerable information and so on! Work is not so busy, but quite a lot of time, are controlled by the computer! Looking at children younger than himself, they can be so proficient. Wang Hao feels dumb!

"Do you usually do the same? The computer uses so skillfully! Can I use my mobile phone? "

"Don't you have a computer course?" Wei Lai asked, and then felt that there was a considerable question in his speech, "sorry, I asked some thoughtless! We all have mobile phones. We need to get in touch with each other, but it's just a tool! At the same time, we need to use a computer, which is more convenient and simpler! "

"If it's playing games, it might be useful!"

"How many levels are you in the league? Have you arrived at the master? And glory? Did you go to the king? "

"Not much time! It's not good at all

"So do we! If the League opens together, we don't have any problems! Even if the glory opens the black together, we can't say it's arrogant! But it is also a considerable achievement, but we are not so like this! The most hateful is Zhou Xing! That bastard is already king! It's said that many teams are contacting him! "


Wang Hao was stunned! After all, I know more about it. Although I'm not interested, it doesn't mean I don't know!

"Where are you going? It's better to work on the farm?! What's more, how old are you now! Such an age narrows the road! What a pity In this regard, Wei Lai is very disapproval! "What's more, we play games just to play, not to be so-called professional players. At least we don't have any interest in this aspect now! What's more, even if Zhou Xing is doing better now, it doesn't mean he will become a professional player in the future! "

For a while! Wang Hao thought a little bit so much!

"Do you know the martial arts museum?" Wang Hao asked carefully!

"I know!" Wei Lai showed a little envy, "that place? We have been there before, but Uncle Ding said that we can study hard! It's OK to learn something called Johnson & Johnson! But too profound is not necessary! We're not in that business! No qualifications

Looking at Wang Hao, Wei Lai drew his thumb at him, "come on! In the future, we will fight for the big sister! This is what we all expect! "

"Big sister is not all of you..." How to say that?

"We respect the elder sister and want to fight her. It's two times!" Wei Lai said with great heart and sincerity, "I believe elder sister also hopes that we can do these things without burden! It's a pity

When he said this, Wei Lai felt a little lonely. After all, they had already left!

Although it was only a few hours, the feeling given to Wang Hao was totally different! Walking on the path to wudaoguan, Wang Hao rearranged his emotions. The farm gave him too much shock and shock, but these would not affect him too much! There is no change in my mind!

Ding Yu, sitting in the martial arts hall, looks at Wang Hao coming in! Eyes slightly narrowed for a while!

The little guy is very good! Now this time has not been emotional infection! Or he has recovered, this is to let himself have some did not expect, the performance is pure!

"Mr. Ding?"

Ding Yu nodded, "how do you feel?" Did not give Wang Hao any pressure, also did not mention other what matter!But even Ding Yu's performance is very casual! Wang Hao did not completely relax!

The name of people, the shadow of trees, this is not a joke!

"The feeling is very strange, even let me have a feeling of living in a dream!"

Yeah! Ding Yu didn't react too much! "Since you said it! I'm here to see you! So what do you want to see? "

"Mr. Ding, do I have a chance to ask you some advice?"

Ding Yu couldn't help laughing, "this may have a fatal impact on you, or even a devastating blow. Are you sure you want to do this? Are you really not thinking about it? There are things you can try, but what about some things? Can't try, because there is no chance to regret

For Ding Yu's words, Wang HAOSI measured for a period of time, his eyes were a little confused, and he didn't know how long it took, Wang Hao finally recovered! Looking at Ding Yu clearly!

Then bow to Ding Yu! "Mr. Ding! When you hear that, you will die in the evening! "

"Too sad! Since you have such a mind, then let you see one or two of them! Save you no so-called goal! Too ambitious is not so good! "

Ding Yu winked at the security guard beside him, "just educate him! Let him know what is called heaven and earth! In the future, he is ambitious, and he has no goal

"Sir, would you bully people too much?"

Security activities about his body, with pity at Wang Hao's eyes!

"His performance is not violent at all. It's obvious that he didn't expend too much energy!" Ding Yu said with disapproval, "pay attention, don't be too bloody! Don't hurt his root, just be more casual! "

Having said that, Ding Yu is carrying up the tea bowl beside him, and seems to have no interest in the contest!

Wang Hao on the platform made considerable preparations, but the security guard did not look at Wang Hao with scornful eyes, but took a deep breath, and then narrowed his eyes!

As for why you have to narrow your eyes, this is a habit formed on the battlefield! I'm afraid there won't be any change for a moment! As for on the battlefield, even if there is special eye protection, you also need to narrow your eyes as much as possible, which is easy to be observed by others. Moreover, you can protect yourself as much as possible!

Wang Hao, who was standing opposite the security guard, was still fine, but suddenly felt that the air was thick, and even the whole person's breathing was not controlled! What's the situation?

Especially when the opposite person looks at himself, he feels like a fierce beast looking at a mouse! They even have some hands and feet that can't control themselves, and even their soul will be frozen in a moment, even if they want to shout, they can't!

Because all of a sudden everything is out of control! My whole person seems to be in a trance all of a sudden!

I don't know how long it took for Wang Hao to feel that he suddenly didn't have such a feeling, and he didn't know what prompted him to attack the opposite security directly!

It's a good move, but it's a pity! I lost my soul before! Security is a slap thing, Wang Hao has fallen down! Ding Yu looks at Wang Hao lying there, there are some funny things in his heart!

After a while, Wang Hao shook his head and didn't understand why he fell down! I don't even know why I came here! Even if you rush here! But they just slap themselves to solve it!

Moved his neck, even gave himself a check, not too many problems! Wang Hao hesitated to stand up again!

Ding Yu doesn't think so! And the end result? That is, Wang Hao was repeatedly ravaged, fell down, stood up, stood up and then fell down again! Fortunately, there is no dead hand, otherwise it is not so simple to fall down now!

Has been to see the last, Wang Hao lying there!

Ding Yu nodded to the security guard, "give him some conditioning at night!"

Then drift away, Wang Hao looked at Ding Yu, there are so many grievances, why would it be like this? I feel that I don't talk about martial arts with people who do it myself. To be exact, it's totally different from my imagination!

In my own impression, at least give yourself some advice! But what happened? Give yourself a fat beating! And it's a terrible one!

I cleaned myself up in the martial arts hall. What kind of ointment is it? Wang Hao is really not so clear! I smelled a strange fragrance, what's more, after the ointment was wiped on my body, someone started it in person and patted me! Let the ointment work as fast as possible!

But in the evening to see the game, really not! Even if they want to, but also really can not stand up!

Even connect the phone, do not have too much spirit! Now this time or honestly lie down! That would be better!And Hou Tianliang there are so many difficult to sit? Why? The security called him, but he didn't answer! Then there was no news! Also did not have any movement, this lets Hou Tianliang's feeling be very bad!

Sir, I didn't mean to call! This is not normal!

According to my imagination, my husband will call to inquire! Or blame! But my husband didn't mean to call at all! This is very strange!

After thinking about it for a while, Hou Tianliang didn't hesitate too much. Let's get in touch with it?! What else? Now call the director directly! be inopportune or inappropriate! After all, I work in the system! Quite a thing to do or need to have a considerable context!

To a certain extent, do things really have anything to do with themselves? Doesn't it look like it really does? But there's no way? There is no way to refuse some things! Even in advance can't talk to your husband!

What's the director thinking now? How much I know!

But Sir, I know! But on your own side? It's really not good, there are too many responses and actions! There is no way! After all, I can't help myself now!

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