When I wake up in the morning, it's already very bright!

Wang Hao activity of his body, no imagination of the pain, looking at the bedside things placed! Wang Hao was stunned. There was a smiling face on the note! It's Wei Lai's message!

It's a pity that I didn't go to the show last night! I hope I can watch the game together when I have time! At the same time, let him refuel! Wang Hao feels warm in his heart!

But yesterday, I was really cleaned up! Associated with what happened, there are some of them did not want to understand! I was educated! But the whole process is completely nonsense! What's the purpose of coming here with me? I'm about to forget! Because I was thoroughly educated at that time!

Even in the end, I didn't have any rules. I couldn't calm down at all. I just wanted to rush forward!

Security for Wang Hao and not too much to stop, with a universal card in the canteen to eat breakfast! Wang Hao is going to see Ding Yu! But there are so many pities, because Ding Yu is not free now! Bored Wang Hao thought, or to the home made a phone call in the past! Said about their own situation!

After hanging up the phone at home, Wang Hao finally found time to call Hou Tianliang!

"My God! You called at last

Yesterday, Hou Tianliang was waiting for this call! But quite the situation, I also know, Wang Hao was cleaned up very miserably! People who follow Wang Hao! There is no way to enter the martial arts hall!

If you really went to the martial arts museum, it would be too much for Ding Yu! I didn't refuse Wang Hao, but I made it very clear! What's the matter? You're really going to scratch your nose on your face and slippers on the Kang, aren't you?

It's really a habit! So people who follow Wang Hao really dare not do it like this! But Wang Hao was sent back, he still saw it! There is no bruise, but that sad look, you can not see it?

Hou Tianliang has reported quite a lot of information before! Anyway, I have already said what I should say! As for what should not be said! I don't seem to have any relationship with myself! That's not what you should intervene in, is it?

"Uncle Hou! I had some problems yesterday! I've been taught a lesson Wang Hao has nothing to be embarrassed about! It's just the truth! "I didn't wake up until the morning. I wanted to see Mr. Ding, but there seems to be something wrong with Mr. Ding. I didn't see him!"

"So, have you met Mr. Ding? I guess I didn't give you too much good looks, did I? "

"Good! I met Mr. Ding, even had dinner in the canteen, and had a conversation with those friends for some time! It's more miserable in the wudaoguan! It has nothing to do with Mr. Ding, mainly because I lost my mind at that time! "

Hou Tianliang is analyzing carefully! Some things can only be judged through analysis, let Wang Hao analyze for himself, this has some too much bullshit! Do you look down on children too much? Or do you look down on yourself too much?

"It seems that the director still has quite an impression on you!"

"But I feel it! Mr. Ding doesn't seem to care! I can't say exactly! It seems that it doesn't matter! I wanted to see something, but I didn't see anything

"Good performance, there is still considerable hope!" Hou Tianliang still has a certain say in this, "when I followed the director, I saw some! But I can't tell the specific situation. After all, the way we go is quite different, but I can be sure that the director is very powerful! "

"Well! I know! "

Hou Tianliang didn't mention anything else! Because it's useless to mention it!

After putting down the phone, Hou Tianliang didn't call Ding Yu! Now this time, even if it's a phone call, it doesn't have any effect! It doesn't work! Now I have some insight into the director's ideas!

Some people! Just too much care! Now at this time, Wang Hao is exposed! Even if you want to persuade the director, you should not take such a way!

It's a matter for the director to value Wang Hao, but it's another matter to use Wang Hao to force Wang Hao! This thing is not beautiful at all! There will even be so-called counter effects! So I try not to get involved! I don't know who will have some bad luck in the end! I even dare not imagine!

Ding Yu finished his business and met Wang Hao in the canteen at noon! He seems to be following Wei in the morning!

In Ding Yu's opinion, his aptitude is good. Of course, it refers to his aptitude for practicing martial arts, but in other aspects? There are some weak points. If we just talk about social experience, Wei Lai sold him! He may also count the money for Wei Lai!

I didn't let Wei come to deliberately take him, there's no such need, now this time? I just want to test how long his pure mind can last!After dinner, Ding Yu has leisure time, so let Wang Hao follow him!

"Do you envy Wei?" Ding Yu's question is very abrupt!

Wang Hao looked at Ding Yu walking in front of him, "a little envious, but I feel ok too! There are quite different ways to go, but I think he can stand loneliness very much! If I can't stand loneliness, I won't have such achievement today! I found that everyone is very hard! It's not like a normal kid! "

Oh? Ding Yu laughed, "can you see this? How do you know that they are hardworking? "

"I asked! They get up early in the morning! I have classmates, too! I'm in high school, too! Quite a lot of students in the holiday, there is no way to keep their own! Can't stand loneliness! You don't even need to be tempted in other ways! They become very active themselves

"And then?"

"Then I heard that they could stand it! Money! Reputation and so on! It's like Zhou Xing, being a professional! Some of my classmates have this vision! Even want to be the so-called anchor! Can become famous once! wait! They are already high school students! Even can't resist such temptation! And Zhou Xing is a junior high school student, the conditions at home should be said to be very general! This is really admirable! "

"Do you know the industry in your family?"

"Yes! I'm not so interested, but I know something about it! "

"Well!" Ding Yu didn't ask too much, there was no such need, he knew more than he knew! "When Wei comes tomorrow, they will work in the field. You can follow them."

Why do you want to come with Wei? Wang Hao doesn't know. He helped his grandfather plant trees and raise flowers. He did it himself, but he didn't do it in the field! Even I am at a loss. What am I going to do?

At least I can't understand what Mr. Ding means now!

In the evening, I went to watch the game with Wei Lai and his friends! My God! There is a stadium outside the stadium, and there is also a stadium inside the stadium. Those outside the stadium belong to the youth group, while those inside the stadium belong to the youth group! It's almost full! Don't see too much free time! The voice of cheering can be said to be one after another!

For a moment, Wang Hao felt some blood surging up! So exciting, so exciting!

I don't know why I followed the shouting! Anyway, just shout at your own voice!

Has been waiting to return to the bedroom, Wang Hao suddenly wake up, he was affected! And this kind of influence is even unconscious! Associated with their own do not know why will be affected! This seems to have some terrible!

"Grandfather, are you resting?" I called my grandfather Wang Youfu! After all, I have been living with my grandfather. Relatively speaking, after encountering quite a lot of things, I still habitually ask for help from my grandfather!

"What? It's only two days, so I can't hold on! "

Wang Youfu laughs. In fact, he has been inquired about some things about Ding Yu. However, the information he inquired about is very limited. Even most of the limited information is about medicine!

I am an old man! Do you know some of them?

I'm not afraid of those arrogant and domineering, and I'm not afraid of the so-called open fire. What I'm afraid of is these potential underwater, absolute giants, absolute giants! Even the unimaginable one!

"It's not that I can't hold on, but that I feel so suspicious! The situation here is totally beyond my personal imagination, and Mr. Ding did not give me a separate guidance, but let me stay with some classmates! Don't deny that they are really shocking! It's two grades worse than me, but in a considerable way, I feel inferior to myself! "

"Tell me!"

Wang Youfu didn't make a rash judgment. He even listened attentively to what his grandson said. He didn't make any judgment. He didn't make a rash decision about some things, even if he experienced them personally!

After hearing the great grandson's story, Wang Youfu took a deep breath! How much to see their own some of the situation, but the heart is not that there is no fear!

This way is a bit too much test for his grandson! If the eldest grandson failed to stabilize his mind, what would it be like? It's really hard to say!

I can't deny that my great grandson is very good at martial arts practice, and he has laid a lot of foundation for him, but what can I say? Excellent in some aspects will naturally create problems and situations in others!

So how to deal with it now? It seems that it's quite inappropriate for me to tell my grandson in person! But if you don't say anything, you have other worries! Can grandson really bear it?

Some people have made quite a guarantee for themselves, even in black and white, but for old people like Wang Youfu! Sometimes there is really no problem in black and white? How is that possible?"Xiao Hao! Some things belong to your chance, seize it! But what about chance? Can not be forced, forced not such things have happened too much too much! I've seen so much of this old guy! Even feel quite regret and pity

"Grandfather?! I feel a little confused! " Wang Hao is a little pitiful!

"This is your chance! See if you can catch it! I still said that if you clench your fist, you may not be able to grasp anything, but it doesn't mean you can release your hand! If you let go of your hand, you may have a chance to fly directly! "

"I don't understand! But I'll pay attention! "

Grandfather did not give himself too much help, but relatively speaking, he seems to understand something!

The next day, Wang Hao followed Wei laitong to work in the field, which was really beyond Wang Hao's expectation. He was also a high school student, right? You said that Wei Lai and their performance is very good, you can understand! But why can't the first grade children catch up with them? What is the reason for this?

To a certain extent, I'm higher than them, right?! At least in the past, I went to see it like this! I am a high school student! And what about them? It's just junior high school students!

But look at their appearance, they don't reject work at all, and although they are not experts, they are very organized! It may be so slow, but it's a good job! Even if they are flattering, they can't catch up!

It has nothing to do with whether you are depressed or not. I really can't figure it out!

At noon, everyone is still in high spirits!

"Wei Lai, why are you so happy?"

"Aren't you happy?" Wei Lai blinked his eyes, "in fact, this is the happiest time, unrestrained! No other considerations! Just finish your work! There's even a fair amount of compensation, our pocket money... "

"And the reward?"

"Of course there is a reward! This is not doing public welfare! How can there be no reward? And the pay is quite expensive! We usually get quite a lot of pocket money from this! The farm will provide considerable work for students of all sizes! In primary school, it may be less, more for the sake of knowledge! Junior high school a little bit more, high school, because of schoolwork and other reasons, may be a month also three days two days of time! Too few! "

"There were times like this in high school?"

"Just relax! There is no compulsion, just let them go! It's like we're all the same! Very free, but we do not earn the highest salary, the highest should be those senior brothers and sisters who come back from university! There is absolutely no problem in earning your own tuition! "

All day long, Wang Hao felt a little tired, but he didn't feel any hardship! At least my spirit is so excited, just like Wei Lai said! It's really a very happy thing!

In the face of inspection, I am also a little nervous, afraid that the review will have considerable problems!

The final result is very good, everyone is very happy! As for rewards? Maybe a cup of milk tea, maybe a cold drink, etc! But to Wang Hao's feelings, not the same different! Have you been influenced by the whole situation?

"Wei Lai, I don't quite understand. What's the purpose of your doing this? I can feel it, not just to earn pocket money, at least for me, it should be like this! "

"The main purpose is to train younger students and younger students. We are not initiators but successors. I hope younger students and younger students can inherit them. Of course, there are many things in them, but I'm afraid it's hard to mention them to you for a while!"

It's not Wei Lai who dislikes Wang Hao. It has nothing to do with this! Because Wang Hao's performance in some aspects is really unsatisfactory! This is an undeniable fact!

"Heritage? Is this also a kind of inheritance? "

"I don't know much about the martial arts museum, but I've had a lot of contact with the elder sister. I've also seen the elder sister's exercise! I feel a little exaggerated! To say that what they have trained gives me a personal feeling, it's better to do Sanda? But every time I was cleaned up, it was a crash

Wang Hao nodded, "I can do it on the whole!" When he said this, Wang Hao was very serious!

There is no boast of this! Wei Lai laughed, but he didn't mean any irony! "I believe you can do it! Feel you are very powerful, at least in this aspect is very excellent! But I can only do what I can! As for what I can't do! I think I still need to find uncle Ding! "

Some things can be solved by themselves, but some things can't be solved by themselves!

If all things can be solved by themselves! I'm already in the sky now!After two days, Wang Hao followed Wei and they went up the mountain and down the river! It's true that some people envy them, but they are not so excited, because this is not what they think!

But it's not as depressing as I imagined, and it seems that there is always a sense of isolation between them! What about the feeling? It's not that the relationship between each other is not good! We can only say that there are some differences in the direction of each other!

One more thing! It's not that I'm too realistic!

He and Wei came to them together and got too many things from them, but what he brought to them was very limited, which made him have some shame!

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