Hou Tianliang is very concerned about Wang Hao, but the direction of attention is quite different!

Hou Tianliang has read quite a lot of information. After reading it, he really found something different! I have been with the director for quite a long time, and I have some understanding of the director's style!

But it is precisely because of some understanding, so I now have some doubts!

From the information we learned, the director seems to be a kind of laissez faire attitude towards Wang Hao, but he has given him quite a choice! Now everything depends on Wang Hao!

And how about this kind of training? It's quite different from training the children of Ding family!

But Wei Lai, these children, performed very well! It makes people feel hot! Although the children of Ding family have already left! But they left a very good heritage! If this kind of inheritance can be maintained for another two years! Then it will be handed down all the time!

Think about it, I feel quite shocked! After all, the children of the Ding family contributed to this! And the impact also began to slowly ferment up! I have had quite a lot of contact with the children of the Ding family. I didn't expect that they could still be like this?

Look at the children of the Ding family, and then look at Wang Hao! There are quite a few problems!

But this matter Hou Tianliang is very clear, is not oneself can mix in! It's already this time! I'd better take it easy!

I thought that the director might call, but up to now, the director has no questions. Can't this explain the problem? It's better not to cause this trouble yourself!

If you call the director at this time! It's not as simple as being disciplined!

"Mr. Ding?" Wang Hao just got up in the morning and was taken to Ding Yu's villa!

Ding Yu is here to exercise his body. After Wang Hao arrived, he stood on one side! Ding Yu has been waiting for the end of the exercise, just look at Wang Hao again!

"Can you read it?" Ding Yu seems to ask casually!

Wang Hao seems to wake up from a dream! "Mr. Ding!" It's a respectful cry! Although the times are changing, quite a lot of things can't be seen if you want to see them. It's not like this at all!

Just like today, Mr. Ding exercises his body. He has quite a way of exerting his strength. Other people may not understand it, but he is very close and can clearly see it! This for themselves, may be a lifelong benefit!

You should know that these things, placed in the hands of many people, are secret!

"I can understand some of them, but I can't understand quite a lot of them!"

To be honest, it can be said that more than 80% or even 90% of the things are not understood!

But can understand the thing, enough to let oneself lifelong benefit!

"I see! Why don't we have dinner together? "

With Wang Hao back to the villa, Ding Yu villa attire, Wang Hao has no voice, Ding Yu seems to see Wang Hao's doubts, "the children's mother attire, here is mainly for the children to study! I also live here. It doesn't matter whether I'm used to it or not! "

"Not so clear!" Wang Hao didn't hide anything about it! Speak out their own understanding!

Ding Yu looked at him, "in fact, I don't know much about it. If it was me, it might be another kind of decoration! My parents may be slightly different! Wash up first, and then get ready to eat! "

Looking at the things on the table, Wang Hao moved his nose and his face changed a lot!

"Mr. Ding?" Wang Hao some suspicion asked!

"There's something quite made for you!" Ding Yu gave Wang Haosheng soup, and Wang Hao took it with both hands. He was very polite, "your heart is not bad! It's not easy not to be influenced by Wei Lai! "

"Mr. Ding, he has been greatly influenced! I feel so ashamed! Because they have brought me a great change, but I have nothing to help them

Ding Yu put some things into Wang Hao's chopsticks!

Listening to Wang Hao's words, he couldn't help laughing, "what are you here for! In other words, how many people behind this matter have nothing to do with you. At that time, I gave you a gold coin. Did anyone tell you about the logo on it? "

"No, it's very important!"

"That's my personal logo! I used to be called feather, and people also call me that, so I use this as my personal mark. Some people will take this as a family LOGO! In fact, it is not! "

"The imprint and mark of the family?" Wang Hao's eyes can't help widening! I think of infinite possibilities!

"What about me? He was a soldier, but later he came out because of other reasons! " Ding Yu is very patient to introduce Wang Hao said! "I have different feelings for the army, but what do I say? It has nothing to do with you! Are you here? There are countless problems and considerations behind the matter, but it has nothing to do with you! ""No! It's not that clear! "

"Your qualifications are really good! What are the qualifications of my two apprentices in this respect? There may be a considerable gap with you! I only mean your qualification in martial arts, but are you ready? "

"Mr. Ding?" Wang Hao is very hesitant! Because I don't know what's behind me!

"Eat first! Come out with me in the morning, let's find a place! "

Looking at Ding Yu's diet, Wang Hao really wants to have a competition. Mr. Ding eats very slowly. At least he feels like this, but he eats very carefully! Almost everything went into his mouth, chewing slowly, but more than 80% of the things on the table went into Mr. Ding's stomach!

See this scene, Wang Hao is really very admiration, other aspects of their own may not understand, but this, they really understand! Because I am also a martial arts practitioner! For food can be said to be particularly particular about!

But the food we have eaten is really good! It's not unreasonable to be poor, literate and martial!

After a short rest, Ding Yu and Wang Hao went to the hot spring. Of course, Ding Yu couldn't drive by himself. Wang Hao, sitting next to Ding Yu, took a look at Ding Yu! "Mr. Ding, I feel a little mysterious!"

"Think too much! Your qualifications are very good! At that time, I had a look! However, there is a slight difference in other aspects, otherwise you may become my "Mr. Ding, we don't understand this very well, we will follow one rule, where do you point, where do we play?"

"Come on! You can stay here if you want! I don't really feel at ease when other people fight! "

Ding Yu has finished speaking! The boss is judging the situation!

And Wang Hao is in the bubble after the bath, came to the bed! Lying on the bed in shorts! Ding Yu starts to beat! The application of technique can not be so fancy! But the feeling is very smooth!

Then it was to give Wang Hao a needle, looking at the blood stains on Wang Hao's body, which really made people feel strange!

Dong Chuang is watching from behind! I can't understand Ding Yu's technique at all, but I think Ding Yu is very powerful!

Why on your own side, not on the farm? This reason I didn't want to ask! At least it has nothing to do with yourself! Just wait on it! Can't anyone else find such an opportunity? Even when you heard the news at this time, your eyes are already blue, right?!

Almost an hour later, Ding Yu wiped his forehead with a towel!

"Take a break, and then rinse! Don't use other things, just take a bath with clean water! Time can't be too long! " Ding Yu is very patient with the advice!

Then he washed it by himself. Not long after he came out, he saw the dressed Wang Hao coming over!

Dong Chuang looks at Wang Hao with a fruit tray and tea! Not to mention, it's very energetic! Young man a dozen eyes, very eye edge!

And Wang Hao is to go to Ding Yu's body position, and then kneel in front of Ding Yu, kowtow thanks!

I know what happened most clearly! Such kindness can only be expressed in this way!

Dong Chuang was a little surprised! But there was no sound, just put down the things in the tray! And hold your breath! I have opened my eyes today!

"I'll take your gift! It's fair

"Mr. Ding, your kindness will always be remembered by the Wang family."

"This is a little too much! I said it earlier! Your qualifications are not bad! But it's a little too partial, but it can't be ignored for other reasons! All right! Get up! "

Dong Chuang looks at Wang Hao standing up! He blinked his eyes. "Mr. Ding?"

"Why don't you come less? I don't know what will happen after a while?! Just tell the truth! It has nothing to do with you! " Ding Yu takes a look!

"Well! Mr. Ding, I will answer truthfully! " After that, he bowed slightly, "Mr. Ding, today is a good day! At least it's a good day for me. I can't see such a young man! And still encountered such a thing! I really can't afford to lose that man. Please forgive me, Mr. Ding! "

Ding Yu waves his hand. He has such a look of disgust! But for Dong Chuang, he is very happy. He has called other people before. After all, it's everyone's business, but now Wang Hao's business can be regarded as his own!

I called the black sheep and asked her to bring the things in the safe!

I've been preparing things for a long time! But don't Dong Chuang know about the Ding family? If you take two chickens in the past, there may be no problem, but if you really take something else in the past, it is likely to be thrown out! And it won't give you any good looks!I really found it today! As for Mr. Ding's warning! ha-ha!

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