"How do you feel?"

"Mr. Ding, I've learned a lot!" Wang Hao is a little excited! "I've always heard that it's a crime not to pay homage to an expert! Today, I saw the master

"It's a little stiff!" Ding Yu put down the tea bowl and said, "it's not as exaggerated as I imagined. I've seen your performance in the past two days! You are not suitable for the inheritance at home. I need to explain this to you in advance! "

"I understand, sir!" Wang Hao immediately explained that! I'm afraid Ding Yu will misunderstand!

Ding Yu is waving! "How do you understand it? It's your own problem, but I have to make it clear to you! You and Wei Lai have been together for a few days, and you must have seen some things. These things are basic at most for the family, and there are even quite a few things they didn't involve! It's not that you don't teach! But if you teach, there will be problems! "

"Just the opposite!" Wang Hao nodded forcefully, "quite a lot of things will form a situation of being broad but not refined!"

"But what about you? My talent in martial arts is really good! In the future, it may even become a generation of everyone, after all, in modern times! Such people are not as many as you think! Learn what you should learn. As for other aspects, it's OK to understand! of course! This is just my personal opinion! "

Ding Yu didn't correct the problem. Instead, he gave Wang Hao a good explanation!

"Mr. Ding, may I take the liberty to ask? Can't you think about this clearly? "

Ding Yu has some helplessness, "it's not that we don't understand this truth! Quite a lot of people understand this truth, but they are not reconciled! This is the problem! If I explain it alone, I can't explain it clearly, and it's even easy to cause quite a misunderstanding. So many times, I don't want to explain too much! "

"I can understand you! When I was practicing martial arts, I also wanted to learn everything. At that time, I would be invincible! But later I found that it was impossible! And every Kung Fu, every move, every type of development to now, there will be a considerable crack! The problem is how to use it flexibly

Ding Yu drew his thumb. This is Wang Hao's strength! Maybe he won't show anything else, because his mind is basically used in martial arts! But that's why! That's why it's worth exaggerating!

"It's very powerful. You're not fully enlightened now! Wait for you another ten years! It's time to wake up! The whole person will immediately become different! However, it also depends on whether you can persist in this road! I really hope for this. After all, there are not so many talents like you! "

"Mr. Ding, please stop! If I go on, I think I'm going to find a crack to get in! "

"Ha ha!" Ding Yu couldn't help laughing, "I told you before! You don't need to worry too much about the things behind you, and other things have nothing to do with you! At that time, it's good to make quite a few things clear! Does it have something to do with your efforts and your heart? It doesn't matter! "

Yeah! Wang Hao did not speak, heavily nodded his head!

Not long ago, Dong Chuang and his wife came together! Dong Chuang personally carried things!

Don't dare to give it to Ding Yu, but there is no problem to give it to Wang Hao!

"Mr. Ding, today is a happy day! I'm lucky to meet you! I don't have the ability to add something to weigh! "

"What a mind you have! No one else! " Ding Yu did not refuse! Give Wang Hao a nod!

Wang Hao stretched out his hands to take the tray! Slightly bow! "Thank you, uncle and aunt!" A little bit simple! But this friendship is written down!

"Go to have a rest and calm down your excitement! And then go back! "

After Wang Hao left, Ding Yu touched Dong Chuang with his hand, "come on! You're a lucky guy! Wang Hao, a child, will make great achievements in the future! "

"That's true! It's still Mr. Todd, your good fortune

"Really, don't do something wrong!" Hearing what Ding Yu said, what Dong Chuang couldn't help but be smart.

"Mr. Ding, I just use snacks anyway. What's the result? We don't force it, do we? If there is no expectation, there will be no disappointment! "

"I can talk! Did you tell them? " Ding Yu is still very flat tone!

"It's all said! They are all impatient! But after hearing your news from Mr. Ding, everyone said they would come here to support me! And I need them to support me? " Dong Chuang said in a loud voice! Even his wife pinched him in the back, did not care!

"To do something, we should first do public affairs and then private affairs, or private affairs and then public affairs. There is quite a saying! There are some things I need to say in advance! Although it is not the first time of cooperation, but every time I cooperate, I need to repeat it! Let's make concerted efforts to do it well! It's not that they're fighting with each other! What about business? Sometimes earn more, sometimes earn less! It doesn't matter! Earn more, can't let the people who follow us suffer! We eat meat, can't let them drink soup, always need to gnaw two bones is, earn less! Think of it as making a profit! ""Mr. Ding!" Dong Chuang was serious after hearing this! "You've seen us all these years! At ordinary times, when playing handsome, there are! But absolutely no bullying! And now I'm old! Just do business safely! Business is done! It doesn't matter how much you earn! Let's fight together

Ding Yu couldn't help shaking his head and smiling, "where's brother Zhao? What has he been doing recently? Why didn't you see him show up? "

"Hi! Don't mention it! It's a shame to say it! If the business above, or other inconvenient place, everyone together to help! Even if it's brother Zhao's personal affairs, there is no problem, but this matter! None of us fit! One of his uncles! Have a drink! I don't know who I am! "

Ding Yu couldn't help laughing, "is it so powerful?"

"It's not how powerful it is!" Dong Chuang said this, but also to the spirit! "At that time, our elder brothers were drinking tea and chatting! Doesn't old Du have a granddaughter? Let's sit together and listen to this! At that time, brother Zhao was very angry. We also followed him to have a look! "

"Forget the scene! Brother Zhao and sister-in-law are moving together! Kick that brother-in-law into the river in the countryside! " Dong Chuang couldn't help shaking his head, "at least we'll stop him, otherwise it's hard to guarantee that something will happen! After this is not fished out, it is sent to the hospital! I didn't come out for two days, and I was sent to squat for half a month! Brother Zhao said it! When he comes out! Let him go back to the hospital again! "

"I'll go. What's the matter? Why is it so noisy? "

"It's just drinking too much! There is nothing too big! Drink too much, brag! You won't let me and I won't let you! Anyway, my brother-in-law works well! No one is used to it! Then the noise went outside and knocked down other people's children! I don't think other people's children are in the way

"It's time to educate!"

"Who said no? But brother Zhao is also a little ruthless! But according to a brother is really afraid! At that time, he began to pretend to be dead! I listen to the hospital! Now I'm on the bed. Anyway, when I heard the names of brother Zhao and sister-in-law, my legs began to tremble! Can't stand up! Even if I go in now! I can't even mention brother Zhao's name! "

"Education should be done, but pay attention to propriety!"

Such a thing, Ding Yu will not have too much judgment! inappropriate! If Zhao Hongyang is in front of him, Ding Yu may say a few more words, but now he is still separated from Dong Chuang, which is a bit out of time!

After sitting for a while, Ding Yu and Wang Hao left together! But it didn't take long for them to leave. Someone came to Dong Chuang's door! There is no force to say that! Just a few questions!

What did Dong Chuang not deliberately do? Look at the costumes of the visitor. There are some scruples in my heart! And Mr. Ding also had quite an account before!

To be able to investigate quite a lot of things in this area, it's obvious that something is not right!

When you have time, you still need to report to Mr. Ding!

Ding Yu took Wang Hao back to the farm and came to the wudaoguan!

There are not many people here in wudaoguan! Ding Yu deliberately changed his clothes! It looks very natural and unrestrained!

"What I have learned is more miscellaneous! They are mainly Taoists, but because they were born in the army, they pay attention to one move to kill the enemy. There are quite a few places where they are led astray! If you can enter the army in the future! I think it will also be affected by this aspect! In other words, you already have quite a shadow on you! "

"Can you see that, Mr. Ding?"

Wang Hao is a little puzzled. He is also a martial arts practitioner. Naturally, he has seen and even has considerable experience. But he can ensure that no one knows about these things! After all, there were only two people at that time, I and my grandfather, and my grandfather was to exercise himself, so he was very quiet!

Ding Yu nodded, "your martial arts has not reached a certain level, so you don't feel so deeply about this aspect! How did you feel when you were fighting security here before? "

"It's hard to breathe! Even the whole person's spirit has been affected! It's completely driven by the rhythm

"They all came down from the battlefield! There are so many stains on the body, it's hard to eliminate them! If you are on the battlefield, you are a little rabbit! I even dislike your meat, it's a bit of firewood

"Sir, are they all so good?"

"They've had quite a lot of experience, and you've only seen it, but it's totally different from the real experience! For example, the brain may understand! But when you do it yourself, your hands and feet will be extremely uncoordinated! This is the difference! Of course, if you train one or two, you may be out of control in the future

Wang Hao made his cheek, "I'm a little afraid!"

"This is your choice in the future! It's not good for anyone to make this decision now! At least I will not make this decision for you! And to let you come here today is to let you see! So? What do you want to see? ""Sir, do you know twelve shapes?"

"I understand a little bit! Start with the three body stake, and then the five element fist! After the five element boxing is the twelve shape! Twelve shapes are fundamental, from which many things can be derived, but the general context is like this! But I probably know what you want to see! "

"What's more, Mr. Ding?" After that, knock down! And still follow the ancient law of that kind! Is not the so-called forehead knock on the ground, is kneeling! It's not like that!

"Since you want to see it, have a look! Let me show you the different ways! "

The first time, Ding Yu's action is very slow, very slow, just like water grinding Kung Fu! But the whole is very harmonious! Completely integrated into the nature and environment! The breeze from the door, reflected on Ding Yu's body, gives people the feeling that Ding Yu is like an immortal flying in the wind!

Wang Hao even dare not blink, because he is afraid of missing the most wonderful picture! Even now I don't know how to describe it. Everything in front of me is so beautiful! Even in my dream, there is no such wonderful picture!

After the victory, Ding Yu did not look at Wang Hao! But standing there!

After a while, Wang Hao woke up. Ding Yu coughed and didn't look directly at Wang Hao! But the whole person's momentum suddenly changed dramatically!

If we say that it was just a light day! Now there is a kind of dark cloud surge! All of a sudden the whole pressure is low!

Even let people have some breathless! Wang Hao didn't even know how to breathe!

If it was a God or a fairy just now? So now it's magic! And it's the kind of fierce!

Just now, it was still immortal, but now? If the devil came into the world, it's not too much! Action or the original action, but I don't know why, the hand so strange? So far, there is no atmosphere, on the contrary, it makes people feel ghostly! Even some subconscious fear!

After gathering up his momentum, he looked at Wang Hao who was still unable to react! Ding Yu sat down!

And Wang Hao is after a good period of time, just touched his forehead sweat! Even his body, has been almost wet! If we look at each other face to face, what kind of situation will it be? Can we still lift the stick in our hands?

"Mr. Ding? I wonder if anyone else can stand in front of you? "

"Why not?" Ding Yu laughed, "I have come to today, encountered more, encountered a lot of opponents! Some of them are in business. What about some? It's not an exaggeration to say that it's the battlefield, life and death! Quite a lot of things are sensed on the battlefield! If it's raising, the former one, if it's life and death, is the latter one! "

It's very light, but in Wang Hao's heart, it's powerful!

"Mr. Ding, I mean me, can I do it in the future? My grandfather often said that there are so many people in the world. I have a deep feeling, but today I have a great feeling! "

"Today you've opened your eyes. It's hard to have any feelings when you don't touch something! But after more contact, I start again. At the beginning, I may feel a little strange. This is an inevitable situation. The question is whether you can go another way! I'm quite optimistic about that. You have the talent in this field! "

"Mr. Ding, is this chance?"

"I can't say that!" Ding Yu couldn't help shaking his head, "you want chance! First of all, you need to have a certain foundation. The foundation means that you have a certain talent. What's the use of giving someone who can't do anything a dragon butcher's knife or a heaven reliant sword? There will even be a great disaster left! But if you have a lot of Kung Fu, it's not the same with dragon slayer and heaven reliant sword! And even to a higher level! "

Wang Hao nodded, Ding Yu has put the truth is very clear and understand!

"The so-called chance is still due to the fact that we have a good foundation. If there is nothing, even if we have a chance, we can't grasp it. In the end, it can only be nothing!"

"I'm glad you can think about it like that!" Ding Yu nodded, "continue to precipitate yourself! My environment here is not suitable for your growth, forced to leave you here, can only produce the situation of orange north and south! For you, too much waste! It also delays your personal development! "

"Yes! Mr. Ding, I understand! "

"If there are any problems or conditions, I only refer to the problems of martial arts! At least now I can still give you some answers, or even give you a platform when it's appropriate. As for other aspects, I'm sorry, I can't help you! "

"Mr. Ding, may I?" When he said this, Wang Hao was even a little nervous!After all, this kind of thing can be met but not sought, not everyone can!

If everyone is like this, then Ding Yu will not have to do other things in the future! The threshold inside the home will be broken!

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