Wang Hao simply cleaned up here and left!

Ding Yu didn't send each other off, but Wei Lai took the job!

It's not that I really have nothing to do! Can you make uncle Ding pay so much attention? Can you be an ordinary person? Another point, although the contact time is not particularly long, but to give you the feeling, Wang Hao is a very sincere person!

We packed quite a lot of things for Wang Hao as a gift! Wang Hao was very moved for a while! "It's a good time to come. If you come in other time, the products are not so rich! Now it's time to catch the autumn harvest! Unfortunately, you are too busy here! I haven't been able to treat you well! What a pity

"Thank you Wang Hao took a deep breath, pressing his emotional! "I didn't expect you to be so enthusiastic, because I didn't consider these aspects! It's worth learning

"Don't be so polite, mutual progress! Come on Wei Lai raised his fist and said, "in the future, I will fight to defeat the elder sister! We all support you! If you have anything, please contact us on wechat! "

Because there are a lot of things, so many of them are packed and delivered at the station! If you let Wang Hao take it by himself, I'm afraid he can't get on the train!

After getting on the bus, Wang Hao nodded when he saw someone sitting beside him. It was a greeting! This is the man who came here! So I don't have too many strangers!

But now what I'm thinking about is the feeling of coming here!

Learned a lot! From Mr. Ding! From Wei to them, and from ordinary people! I didn't see it in an all-round way, or even one-sided way, but I need to admit that I have opened my eyes!

Even to their own lives have caused considerable impact!

It is said that Mr. Ding is quite different from Mr. Ding that he realized!

He is not a cold person! But the way of expression is quite different! And the way he teaches? Perhaps in the outside world, too harsh, but in their own understanding, it is not like this!

It's like what you've learned! Not that everyone can learn! Even the equivalent of people learn, can only be a bottle of water less than half a bottle of water, and extremely easy to cause serious consequences!

With a sharp blade! From the heart! No kidding!

Just like yourself! If there are no trained people! Three or five are not close to their own body, seven people can also go around, just the length of time! Even trained people! How about three or five people who have not been able to give themselves?

Under such circumstances, can quite a few people hold their hearts? What will happen if you don't want to?

The people sitting next to Wang Hao didn't have any words. All Wang Hao's affairs were written into a report and submitted. As for what kind of judgment it had, I didn't know so clearly, and I didn't need to know!

As for what I'm doing now, I just need to protect Wang Hao's safety!

At this time, the intelligence department felt a little confused about it! Even has quite does not understand, Ding Yu to Wang Hao is not refuses the manner! But again, the attitude of expression is too obvious!

It's impossible for Wang Hao to be what he imagined! Wang Hao has considerable talent in martial arts, even unique, but in other aspects, there are too many defects! So Ding Yu didn't like it at all!

This is a pity for everyone, but at the same time, there are so many hateful!

Because Ding Yu's requirements are too harsh, of course, can not be said to be Ding Yu's requirements, can only say that Ding Yu's threshold is so high! High let people do not know how to be able to step in the past!

But even so, let's give up! Is also really not reconciled!

After all, the children of the Ding family have left now! How can such a vacuum be wasted?

And all aspects of the face of Ding Yu's ability is never doubted, this guy's vision is really picky, this does not have to say! No matter at home or abroad, we all admit this! What's the problem now? It's how to find the right talent for Ding Yu!

But it's really too difficult! Unless Ding Yu is trained from the beginning, just like Wang Xiaogang! Ding Yun and Ding Chang are the same! Almost from birth, it was led by Ding Yu!

But such a thing is basically impossible! Even the unrealistic things!

If there is such time and free time, Ding Yu's own two children will be finished? Why look for someone from outside! And it's really easy to take children. Even if everyone wants to, Ding Yu doesn't want to!

But it's too difficult to find that kind of gifted child! The children of the Ding family are there. You can make a comparison and know! Some people are outstanding and excellent in quite a few aspects, but it is difficult to do everything!Wang Hao is already the best example! His talent in martial arts can be said to be unique, even Ding Yu himself to the end of the show! But that's the direction! There's no intention of closing up in your own hands at all!

Of course, it means that Ding Yu didn't want to take Wang Hao as an apprentice! Maybe in martial arts, Ding Yu's advice will be more attentive than Wang An and Tong Tong, but what about other aspects? Wang Hao does not have such qualifications, even if it is a guide, it does not have any effect!

Ah! In fact, this is not the most headache. What is the most headache is that Ding Yu has a different attitude towards Wang Hao and the intelligence department. Now he doesn't pay any attention at all!

This matter is actually very abnormal! Why do you say that?

If Ding Yu is satisfied, there will be no problem even if he doesn't get in touch. He will accept Wang Hao at that time! If Ding Yu is not satisfied, he will lose his temper and call to talk about the truth!

But the problem is that Ding Yu didn't do anything. He was not satisfied or dissatisfied. It seems that he didn't know what the intelligence department was doing! How do you want to do it? It's your own business. It has nothing to do with me, and I won't pay any attention to it!

What's more, this is a manifestation of Ding Yu's dissatisfaction to the extreme!

Right things, not people! I don't have any intention to aim at Wang Hao! He is a good seedling! But the question is, what will your intelligence department do this time? It's a little too careless! What's the matter? Bring out all the so-called old people, right?

Can we not understand Ding Yu's temper? If Ding Yu really makes trouble, it will be a good solution in the end!

But the problem is that Ding Yu doesn't do anything now. He doesn't mean to make any noise. He doesn't even mean to ask about it. He really makes a group of people wait. He can't hold back any more!

But if you want to start from Wang Hao, it's not very useful!

It's true that Ding Yu is very good to Wang Hao, but this kind of good is just due to Wang Hao's talent in martial arts. It's very good! Apart from this, Wang Hao has no other place to attract Ding Yu! And this has happened once!

One more time? This will definitely make Ding Yu angry! So forget it?!

But in other ways? How to start? Who should we start with?

After all, this time things, but stepped on Ding Yu's tail root! Ding Yu now does not speak, has expressed the strongest opinion! Even this time the matter is solved! There may also be a considerable gap between each other!

So this matter must be solved!

This is not someone found Wang Yang and Xiaobao two of them, but did not expect them to be able to solve the problem! It's impossible! But walking around, there should be no problem!

To burn incense and worship Buddha, you have to go into this temple first, right?

And Wang Yang and Xiaobao at the beginning, there are some confusion, even quite puzzled!

Did the intelligence department come to you? But the problem is that they have nothing to do with the intelligence department! Although come to this, also be regarded as they a small play to big playmate!

Well water doesn't break into river water! There is no communication between each other? Now all of a sudden came to the door? What is this for?

But after hearing a beginning, Xiaobao is the most direct, head shaking like a rattle! Just about to stand up and leave! And Wang Yang is a toothache like inverted air-conditioning!

Although it's not clear what's involved, it's related to their own big brother. They'd better not mix in!

As for the big brother and the affairs of the intelligence department, they are all from Beijing! They still know something about the past!

"Luoshan, you are a little too careless!"

Looking at Wang Yang didn't stand up, Xiaobao pulled down his face and sang the white face by himself! "We won't talk about the hutongkou in those days! When can I drop the chain for you? Now that we have made such a big hole, shall I let you comment on it? "

Although Wang Yang looks bad, he doesn't mean to scold, "Luo? What's the situation? Do you want to do something like this on yourself? It's no small matter? What if it's something else? I say hello to the housekeeper, and there won't be too much interference at home! Big brother, even if you don't give face, it won't be good? But... "

Luo Shan spread out his hands, "my two brothers! Don't I know it's a pit? " Speaking of this, Luoshan is also very helpless, "I don't want to come here! But what can I do about the above things? If I don't do it, I'll know the consequences! "

This is absolutely not true, but with this, even if there are steps!

"I don't think you're a good one!"Xiaobao is very dissatisfied with this! And you don't want to bear this responsibility, so let's carry the black pot with you, brother, it's not like this! If this kind of thing makes a fuss, I can be sure that I will not be a man after Luoshan!

"Two brothers! I can still not know that! I really have no way! My side is a little better. As far as I know, the elder brother of the Wang family has also been assigned a task. He should be looking for the second sister! There are other aspects, big and small! "

"What? Wang Jianguo?! Third brother Wang Wang Yang and Xiao Bao looked at each other! "Can't it?"

"Why not? Who is Wang Sange's father? Who don't know, although now retired! But out of such a big thing, all aspects of human needs to use out! This is an absolute haemorrhage! Don't you know that it's better to find director Ding directly, but you can't! That's not how things are done! So he's over there? Now I should have met my second sister! No matter whether something has been solved or not, this attitude must be adopted! "

"Hi! Luoshan, I don't understand! What is it? Is it so noisy? "

Xiaobao is so confused. From the current posture, they are not even the so-called stepping stone! This time, the intelligence department absolutely offended big brother! Otherwise it would not be!

But big brother has gone back to his hometown! Besides, is there anything else?

"Forget it?" Luo Shan is also a face of helplessness and exclamation, "between our brothers, I do not hide! This time! Some people are too careful. I think we all know that all the children in director Ding's family have left! "

Hiss! Wang Yang and Xiao Bao look at each other again!

"Luoshan, can we make fun of this! What happened to Xiaogang in our family is not so simple! Wang an! Ding Yun and Ding Chang did not come back! That is, Tong Tong is back! You must know the reason

"Ah! Brother can do this step, it's really speechless. When I talked about it at home, I always gave my thumb to brother. It's impeccable. Anyway, if it's me, I can't do it! "

"Get the hell out of here!" Xiao Bao scolded! But it's more like a joke!

Wang Yang waved his hand, "Luo Zi! It's such a thing! I have an idea! Would you like to hear it? "

"My brother! I can't even sit on my ass now! If you have any idea, say it! I'll find a place tomorrow to offer you a drink! Bring everyone in then! I'll pour tea for my brothers

"Will you spare me?" Wang Yang said with a smile, "in fact, this matter! I think you're looking in the wrong direction! But before I talk about this, I need you to promise me a condition! If you can't do it afterwards, I'm sorry. I may not be able to help you, but I think I can still do it

Luoshan was puzzled and even frowned!

After much consideration, Luo Shan nodded, "third brother! You say, I think there should be no problem! But you asked me to give you any guarantee now, I don't even believe in myself! But I can definitely do my best in this matter! Another point, third brother, what about this? In fact, you don't have to be too embarrassed. I just want to order something! "

Wang Yang looked at Xiaobao with a smile, "how about it? I'll just say it? It must be my brother

"Cut!" Xiao Bao snorted, "the main reason is that things are too busy!"

Seeing Xiaobao's appearance, Wang Yang snorted and then said, "Luozi! In fact, it doesn't work to find anyone at home. Even if I go to find my grandparents, it won't have much effect! Grandfather and grandmother are even talked about! If you don't want to be presumptuous, I don't think you'll give this face! "

"No use at all?" Luo Shan said, biting his back teeth!

"It's almost useless! This kind of thing is the most unworthy to find home! In fact, if you want to solve this problem! I can't even find my sister-in-law, but someone can do it! "

Huh? Is Luo Shan stunned? With the side of Xiaobao also the same Leng!

"Who has so much face in front of big brother? Why don't I know? " Xiaobao asked subconsciously!

"The people in the family can't do it!" Wang Yang complacent smile, "can only say you see a little too narrow! We can't, but what about the children at home? " Wang Yang said with a smile, and did not do too much to hide, "but I also provide a train of thought, there is one more point! You can find other people for this matter, absolutely not Xiaogang! This is the condition I put forward! "

Xiao Bao blinked his eyes and thought about it carefully!

Although the details of the matter is not so clear, but throughout the point of view, Wang Yang's speech is really a way to solve the problem!If the family is involved in this matter, elder brother will never give any good looks! There will even be other things! After all, the relationship between the family and the elder brother is not clear!

Quite a lot of things can be discussed, but there are some things?! Can't get above the surface at all!

After hearing Wang Yang's words, Luoshan lost some time and pondered carefully for a while!

"Two brothers, I have written down the friendship! But it's not easy to do! "

Wang Yang is waving! "Anyway, I've already given it to you! As for how you deal with that is your business! And don't forget what I mentioned earlier. No matter who you are looking for, you can't look for Xiao Gang, otherwise I will definitely turn my face around! There is no reason for that! "

Luo Shan stretched out his thumb and made a gesture to Wang Yang. This idea is very good! There's no such thing as that!

Then point at yourself! Originally, what he did was not so authentic. Now Wang Yang has expressed quite a lot of opinions and ideas. If he still doesn't know anything, he won't mix up in the circle of Beijing in the future!

You help me, I help you!

This time, although I said I didn't break the rules, there are some things I can't say!

And now Wang Yang mentioned quite a few things to himself, if he had any more problems? ha-ha! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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